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Nintendo DS Orders Hit 2 million In Japan


OSAKA (Nikkei)--Domestic orders for the Nintendo DS, a portable video game system to be released by Nintendo Co. (7974.TO) on Dec. 2, have reached 2 million, double the firm's initial plan, The Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported in its Friday morning edition.

The major manufacturer of home-use game machines and software began accepting orders for the DS at volume electronics retailers and convenience stores on Nov. 3.

To deal with the larger-than-expected demand, Nintendo plans to boost output quickly by outsourcing production to three sites in China, up from the current two. Although shipments by the end of the year will likely total slightly more than 1 million, the firm expects to fill the remaining orders at the start of next year.

Nintendo has revised up its worldwide sales projection for the DS for fiscal 2004 to 4 million units from 3.5 million.

With the DS, whose new features include two screens and touch input, the company aims to "expand the market by attracting customers who are not so familiar with" portable game machines, according to President Satoru Iwata.

Orders for the DS are substantially higher than those for Nintendo's current portable, the Game Boy Advance SP, which drew about 1.5 million orders in one month after its release.

For new game consoles, growth in sales immediately after their release is seen as the key barometer of future performance, including software sales. With the Sony Corp. (6758.TO) group's release of a portable gaming device in December expected to add to the competition, Nintendo plans to secure its competitive edge by further expanding orders.

Previously in this post:

I assume this is retail orders and not consumer pre-orders?
Nintendo DS Orders Hit 2mn In Japan, Double Projection

OSAKA (Nikkei)--Domestic orders for the Nintendo DS, a portable video game system to be released by Nintendo Co. (7974) on Dec. 2, have reached 2 million, double the firm's initial plan, The Nihon Keizai Shimbun learned Thursday.

Subscribers only (if any are here... c&p please :) ) have access to the full article:


I anticipate overzealous retailers are going to be placing a ton of these systems in bargain bins early next year.


2 Million in Japan?!?!?

I imagine at least half of them are interested in Super Mario 64 DS, and a fourth of them interested in Pokemon Dash and Sawaru MiW. :O


People in Japan probably love the idea of the Wireless play for those long train rides...

OT: Will any launch titles for PSP have WiFi support?



If MTV had a show called "Pimp My Handheld Console", when someone brings in a PSP, they would get a Nint3nd00d in return.


seismologist said:
How many systems are they producing this year? 3 million? This doesn't bode well for DS availability.

Two million for both NA and Japan (One million each). Then another 2 million (1 milllion each I presume) between January 2005 and March 2005.
mumu said:
The DS will do well. Panajev is getting one, what other proof did you people need anyway? :)

:lol I swear, there is something hilarious about seeing positive DS talk from him with that avatar and tag flashing next to it.
This might sound ridiculous, but am I the only one that read this as retailer orders and not consumer pre-orders? For some reason I just find it really hard to believe that the DS could actually have 2 million pre-orders. That number would make more sense if it was the amount that retailers are requesting for both pre-orders and regular sales.


Panajev may be the savior we needed.

Are we gettin closer to a GAF where NDS and PSP can coexist in handheld gaming harmony?

I feel all warm and fuzzy inside... :D
JasoNsider said:
This might sound ridiculous, but am I the only one that read this as retailer orders and not consumer pre-orders? For some reason I just find it really hard to believe that the DS could actually have 2 million pre-orders. That number would make more sense if it was the amount that retailers are requesting for both pre-orders and regular sales.

Actually I believe you're right, the article doesn't get specific, but it makes more sense that way.


This is indeed retail prorders. But in japan this is strictly tied to consumer demand. Its a VERY positive sign that DS will sell out FAST.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
JasoNsider said:
This might sound ridiculous, but am I the only one that read this as retailer orders and not consumer pre-orders? For some reason I just find it really hard to believe that the DS could actually have 2 million pre-orders. That number would make more sense if it was the amount that retailers are requesting for both pre-orders and regular sales.

Yeah but those are units sold for Nintendo.. Retailers must have quite a few on pre-order to order so many from Nintendo


It makes sense, the Japan launch software is exceptional, the best software launch ever, possibly.

Just one more 1st party launch in North America would've been nice, though.
CrisKre said:
This is indeed retail prorders. But in japan this is strictly tied to consumer demand. Its a VERY positive sign that DS will sell out FAST.

Hold on now. Is this saying 2 million consumer pre-orders or 2 million retail orders? That's what we're trying to clear up. They are two very different things. One is 2 million customers holding onto pre-order slips, the other is retailers asking for 2 million units from Nintendo.

Yeah but those are units sold for Nintendo.. Retailers must have quite a few on pre-order to order so many from Nintendo

Oh, for sure. That much I completely understand. I'm just seeing a lot of people thinking this is two million customer pre-orders which I'm not sure about.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
DarthWufei said:
:lol I swear, there is something hilarious about seeing positive DS talk from him with that avatar and tag flashing next to it.

Well, Panajev did get a GCN and an Xbox too: I guess I like well done games :).

Just because I like Ken Kutaragi and SCE's push of new and high-speed technology and their vision of the gaming industry does not mean that I hate all their competitors' products.

What sold the Nintendo DS to me was Super Mario 64, the touch screen functionality (well used in the mini-games of Super Mario 64 DS and in other games like Animal Crossing) and the fact that the screens are back-lit and with higher color depth and I can play all my GBA games on it (finally in almost all kinds of lighting conditions). I am glad I skipped the GBA SP.

I think the Nintendo DS has potential: it is not a machine designed by idiots.

I might personally like Sony/SCE, but as a consumer if there is a good product that I really want I will get it (if I can afford it) even thoguh Sony does not manufacture it.

What if PSP and the DS launched on the same day and I could only buy one of the two ?

I would probably get the PSP (I will not lie to you: I think it is a better machine over-all, but that is my personal preference), but that would not mean that I would never buy the DS: it would have meant that I would have bought it a little later (when cash allowed me to do it again).

Why ? Just to be loyal to Sony ? No. I always looked forward to a high-quality 3D and 2D graphics handheld and the PSP has a lot of the multi-media features I do look foward in a handheld.

Still the DS had games I liked, so I knew I wanted to get one.

So the day SEGA announced the american version of Shenmue would only ship on Xbox I knew I would have to get an Xbox sooner or later.

I did not have to decide which of them to get at launch as they are being launched far enough apart from each other (and the PSP pushes for a price close to $199 rather than $299 which makes it easier getting both) the DS and Super Mario 64 are pre-ordered and paid-up while the PSP will not arrive till ~6 months for now (I cannot pre-order it at EB yet) :(.


Man, you are my hero. I may not agree with you preferences, but I sure like you. And you are one persistent trooper thats for sure.
Nice post, panajev, I feel quite the same way actually when it comes to gaming. I obviously have a preference, but I surely do not limit myself to games just because of that preference. But basically, games are fun, why limit yourself to only a certain set? I'm honestly glad I'm not the only one here who thinks this way.
To be honest, it's really nice to see your post Panajev. From somebody who loves all sorts of games on all kinds of platforms, it was really disheartening to see people say that the DS was useless now that the PSP has a lower price. That really kind of had me worried that people were overlooking some of the intriguing ideas that the DS is offering.


We all know that both the DS and PSP will do well, and that both will offer a great, albeit different, gaming experience. If someone feels better when the system he didn't bought fails so let him. Don't let the haters on either side get to you :)


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
JasoNsider said:
Thanks cja. Good stuff. It almost sounds like pre-orders now with the full article, doesn't it?

Hmmm hard to say... the bit about the GBA kind makes it sound that way though


This is a business site this is retail pre orders not consumer pre orders.

Oh and Pana you ruined your entire patriotic PSP/DS speech with one sentence.

So the day SEGA announced the american version of Shenmue would only ship on Xbox I knew I would have to get an Xbox sooner or later.



But... But..... The PSP is SEXY!!!!



if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Mrbob said:
This is a business site this is retail pre orders not consumer pre orders.

Yeah but is it because retailers have near 2 million preordered?


Blackace said:
Yeah but is it because retailers have near 2 million preordered?

It's what they think they can sell. You do realize that retailers actually want product beyond consumer preorders on the shelf.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Mrbob said:
It's what they think they can sell. You do realize that retailers actually want product beyond consumer preorders on the shelf.

I worked retail for quite some time, so yes I do realize that... But I also have seen NOA say they will only fill pre-orders at launch and demand preorder numbers from retailers just wondering if NOJ was the same


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Mrbob said:
This is a business site this is retail pre orders not consumer pre orders.

Oh and Pana you ruined your entire patriotic PSP/DS speech with one sentence.


I do not see why that sentence was wrong... I did not want to import the european version of Shenmue II and mod the Dreamcast. I knew that for sure I would want to own whatever console it landed on so even before playing bits of Halo or Morrowind... as soon as they announce they were porting it to Xbox, well... I knew the little puppy would join the family sooner or later.

I bought the Xbox earlier than Shenmue II's launch as the price-drop to $199 brought it much quicker in the "oh I can afford it mode".
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