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Nintendo DS: the new design !


why not give it a PSP screen and blue tint ;)



Good to see that Nintendo decided to release the 'SP' version outta the gate this time.

Now... if the games can look as sex as this (and not like the crap they showed us at E3) I'll be all up for this.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
robertsan21 said:
i fixed some stuff on this new design.
i dont like the edges and i DO not like it that there aint no analog!!!!

EDIT: ok you have to imagine that there is a HOLE in the top lid, as i forgot to make a hole for the analog stick. :)

GBA games designed for a D-Pad would suck.
The thing that people don't get is, nothing, no device, with two 3-4inche screens is going to look anything but bulky. I think this is as slick as nintendo could have gone with dispensing of the second screen.

The PSP is basically a gigantic screen with buttons slapped on either end. It's totally minimalist in that sense which is always going look more appealing to the eye. It doesn't carry the burden of any extranious features.

i'll have to hold the new design to form a final opinion.


GAF's Bob Woodward
The should switch the speakers around so that they are longer than they are wide, i.e. rotate them 90 degrees. It'd fill the space there nicer, without making the speakers very big ala Dice's pic.


Much nicer. The analog stick may be a problem, but only if the game designers make it that way.

I also agree with drohne about the GC--the design itself is excellent. If anything turned off gamers, it was the offical indigo color and the controller. The GC has a Appleseque design sense to it and because of it that I never understood why people wanted a GC SP.
Really like the gold one there. It appears to be much narrower than the first design, the old one always seemed too chucnky and this seems pretty slimed down. Of course there's nothing to base that on with no frame of reference so hopefully we'll get some hands on impressions or actual photos soon.
gamers want slim and sexy hardwear
for example:

people should think, Look how sexy and small this is!


and not look how HUGE and UGLY this is!!!!!

Thank god that Nintendo changed the design, but i still think the PSP has an advantage when it comes to the look and design of the consol, i love the PSP


Queen of Denmark
Very nice.

I hope Nintendo's new "signature" color is platinum, much like they were trying to push indigo for a while there. I think it looks quite good.


Looks soooo much better then the previous design. I think the poor design alone would have killed DS.

But where is the analog stick? They expect us to play Mario64x4 with a stylus? :/


I know the DS will play GBA games... but does it also have a link port - with all the wireless making it unnecessary for it to have one? Or will you only be able to use the link feature of games built around the new GBA wireless adaptor?


StrikerObi said:
I wonder where the DS game slot is now, because the GBA game slot is located where the DS game slot was on the E3 models.
I have a feeling they managed to merge the two to slim down the system

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Reading throught this thread i've seen about a dozen "i want an analog stick!". I havent kept up with PSP news but last time i heard, it doesnt have one either, we're talking about a stick here right? The left bottom corner thingy that some peoples confused for an analog stick at E3 is nothing more than a speaker. An internal analog stick ala sony clie (or another sony product i lost the name) would be good though, the clamshell could also close :p

DS + 1000 after this new design. They should have got that at E3, reactions might have been a bit different.


Killbin said:
Yeah, because you are a Nintendofan. It could look like a banana and you would still say that.
But ok, I'm quiet. Go ahead!

This guys speaks the truth. The new design is much better, but it is way behind the PSP.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Reading throught this thread i've seen about a dozen "i want an analog stick!". I havent kept up with PSP news but last time i heard, it doesnt have one either, we're talking about a stick here right? The left bottom corner thingy that some peoples confused for an analog stick at E3 is nothing more than a speaker.
Oh boy, are you about to enter the world of pain now...

...Or maybe the joke was lost on me?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Buggy Loop said:
Reading throught this thread i've seen about a dozen "i want an analog stick!". I havent kept up with PSP news but last time i heard, it doesnt have one either, we're talking about a stick here right? The left bottom corner thingy that some peoples confused for an analog stick at E3 is nothing more than a speaker. An internal analog stick ala sony clie (or another sony product i lost the name) would be good though, the clamshell could also close :p

DS + 1000 after this new design. They should have got that at E3, reactions might have been a bit different.

It isn't a speaker. It's an analog thumb pad. Sony reps confirmed it. Please lets not start this argument again.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Buggy Loop said:
I havent kept up with PSP news but last time i heard, it doesnt have one either, we're talking about a stick here right? The left bottom corner thingy that some peoples confused for an analog stick at E3 is nothing more than a speaker.

My friend, you are really out of the loop lol.

It is not a speaker :p.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Razoric said:
maybe try playing it first before making that statement?

Oh come on, you all know that if a digital Pad will feel a lot different with MArio 64 than an analog stick would have felt.

Whatever, flip-flop-ers ;).


bobafett said:
This guys speaks the truth. The new design is much better, but it is way behind the PSP.

That's BS. Look at how many people that have complained that GC looked like a toy (which it doesn't). The NDS also had it's fair share of complaints during E3.

As another post pointed out, this might be the best they can do short of just dropping the two screen idea altogether. Sleekness is desirable, but it's quite clear that they want something sturdy. One will have to be sacrificed for the other.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Marconelly said:
Oh boy, are you about to enter the world of pain now...

...Or maybe the joke was lost on me?

Uh right, because i dont follow every tidbits of PSP news /rolleyes

Get your gloves on, i know you're the type to give "pain"

What can i say, it sure doesnt look like one and if its one, its freaking FLAT on the surface. Not sure how that could ever be called an analog stick.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Buggy Loop said:
Uh right, because i dont follow every tidbits of PSP news /rolleyes

Get your gloves on, i know you're the type to give "pain"

What can i say, it sure doesnt look like one and if its one, its freaking FLAT on the surface. Not sure how that could ever be called an analog stick.

It is grooved, it is not completely flat and will do better than nothing: if you love the D-Pad so much you can still use it :).

Buggy Loop

Gold Member

You're telling me this is an analog trackball or whatever? Either they changed the design after E3, but right now you can see on the other side of the metallic grid, and what does it look like? A ring shaped form that pretty much ressemble a speaker suspension.

So they changed it after E3? Did anyone at E3 actually touch it to see what it was like?


Buggy Loop said:
Uh right, because i dont follow every tidbits of PSP news /rolleyes

Get your gloves on, i know you're the type to give "pain"

What can i say, it sure doesnt look like one and if its one, its freaking FLAT on the surface. Not sure how that could ever be called an analog stick.

It's actually an analog pad. Hence why it is relatively flat to the PSP's surface. I think Sony made some basic design flaws with the PSP. The screen should have been made smaller to better accomodate an actual analog stick. I think both the PSP and DS could benefit from a Neo-geo pocket style stick.
Buggy Loop said:

You're telling me this is an analog trackball or whatever? Either they changed the design after E3, but right now you can see on the other side of the metallic grid, and what does it look like? A ring shaped form that pretty much ressemble a speaker suspension.

So they changed it after E3? Did anyone at E3 actually touch it to see what it was like?

Its a speaker!! :p I keed I keed

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Get your gloves on, i know you're the type to give "pain"
Eh, you got it all wrong. I don't care about your lack of information, but there was a HUGE speculation thread during E3 where people wasted no breath to persuade each other that "IT'S A SPEAKER" - "NO IT'S AN ANALOG PAD". After all the barking, it was inevitable that the losing party (the ones claiming it was a speaker) was set to be laughed at.

What can i say, it sure doesnt look like one and if its one, its freaking FLAT on the surface. Not sure how that could ever be called an analog stick.
It's a sliding analog pad. Imagine if you had a coin under your thumb and slide it over the surface, but the coin had an elasticity to snap it back to it's center position. That's how it works.


StrikerObi said:
I wonder where the DS game slot is now, because the GBA game slot is located where the DS game slot was on the E3 models.
That's what I was thinking. Wouldn't be suprised to see it on the top of the unit, a la GBA.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
It does not raise too much from the surface, but as you see the fulcrum which sustains the pad is not too short ( it goes inside the unit as you can see from other shots ).

It is not a speaker.

Buggy, please drop it ok ;).

Even at E3, it was not a speaker, it never was.
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