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Nintendo finally getting into the music genre

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!

Git on Da Floor
Git on Da Mic

I guess Nintendo figured if Konami's not going to be supporting them in the music genre as they do with the Xbox and PS2, they will bring some games themselves.

I'm assuming Git on Da Floor will be a DDR type of game using a Gamecube dance pad and Git on Da Mic will be a Karaoke Reveloution type of game which is undoubtedly going to use the newly announce mic.

Oh and both of these games are being developed by XS Games according to gcadvanced.

EDIT: They're getting into if you ignore Donkey Konga :D
What's got me convinced that "Git on Da Mic" will use the official Gamecube microphone is the same unconventional spelling of "mic" in both this title and the actual product name of the peripheral.
Kobun Heat said:
What's got me convinced that "Git on Da Mic" will use the official Gamecube microphone is the same unconventional spelling of "mic" in both this title and the actual product name of the peripheral.

Most places use "mic" for that, even if it is uncoventional. Both it and "mike" (which I never use honestly) are both informal as it is.

While I'm sure they're related, I wouldn't base that much on that simple word honestly.


Thanks for the link Brandonn. I guess it's safe to assume the other Get On Da Floor is a breakdancing game. Man nintendo should release a new olympics game! Who else still breaks out the power pad for track and field?
DrLazy said:
Man nintendo should release a new olympics game!

Well they did, sorta...



I'm almost positive that Da Mic was announced for GC at E3. Lemme look.

Yea, Git On Da Mike (original spelling) and Git On Da Floor were both listed in Nintendo's E3 Press Kit.


And I thought "Dance Dance Revolution" was a rather silly title. Now we're supposed to "Git On Da Floor", 90's cool and hip style! :p
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