
It's time to Make, Play and Discover with Nintendo Labo!
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release date: April 20th (Japan & America), April 27 (Europe)
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Construction

Nintendo Labo is a new type of product from Nintendo. The Kits come with cardboard bases you can use to build your own gadgets. You can play a tutorial, and follow along, or just go completely crazy on your own!
Have some ideas of your own and want to try them out? Then the included Toy-Con Garage is a right place for you! You can program yourself how a Joy-Con or Nintendo Switch itself reacts to a button press, a touch or a movement.
Your own imagination is the limit!

Nintendo Labo 1: Variety Kit

Includes five different projects:
- Two Toy-Con RC Cars
- Toy-Con Fishing Rod
- Toy-Con House
- Toy-Con Motorbike
- Toy-Con Piano
Nintendo Labo 2:

Strap in and power up
Build a backpack and visor that let you control a huge on-screen robot. Then smash buildings, fly, transform into a tank, and much more!
Also includes Toy-Con Carage.
Nintendo Labo 3:

With this set, you can drive a car, fly a plane, steer a submarine and more!

The Verge - No grade
Labo is an experience where creating and building are just as much fun as playing. It eases you into this world: at the beginning, you’re simply folding cardboard. But just a few hours later, you’re trying to figure out how to turn a box into an interactive drum kit.
CNET - 8,3
Nintendo Labo is a fun and unique Switch add-on -- a Lego-meets-Ikea cardboard construction set that will unlock kids’ real-world creativity.
Tech Radar - No grade
While we have to admit we’re more on the Squidward end of the patience and imagination scale, we still had a great deal of fun with Nintendo Labo. It’s hard not to delight in the sheer novelty of these cardboard creations. But we know that if we’re going to keep going back to it, we’re going to need to start digging into Toy-Con Garage.
We don’t think this is a Nintendo product with unquestionably universal appeal though. It takes a particular patience and willingness to create to enjoy Nintendo Labo and even then imagination and a sense of discovery are required to take it further. We hope that for kids, however, it’ll foster these qualities because as much as it’s about play, Labo has a great deal of potential when it comes to learning.

First Look:
Overview Trailer:
Variety Kit:
Robot Kit:
Toy-Con Garage - Part 1:
Toy-Con Garage - Part 2:
Toy-Con Garage - Part 3:
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