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Nintendo President: We don't need to use AI for game development, we have decades of know-how in creating optimal gaming experiences for our customers


And, unlike western developers who refuse the knowledge of those who come before, they teach younger devs what they know, so they continue to pass on the knowledge.



you mean by working in the same place for 30+ years, preventing new hires for getting the positions and being afraid to leave early in order not to look like a slacking person :messenger_tears_of_joy:
That's Japan for you. Which is funny because a lot of older Japanese men had someone teach them the ropes. Gunpei Yokoi taught Shigure Miyamoto what he knew before he left Nintendo (and unfortunately died in a car accident).


This feels like a bit of a straw man, using generative AI to create a game is a completely different thing that few were really talking about for major AAA games, but using AI in integrated ways in games such as the smarter NPC demos we've already seen where you could have an actual vocal conversation with them could be a next gen game changer among other uses, that I fully expect Nintendo to be another generation behind on.


This is complete bullshit.

Nintendo is out here making PS3/360 games.

The rest of the industry is not, nor does their audience want them to.

I mean if you think zelda botw or totk qualifies as a ps3/360 game then it makes it even more impressive, What Nintendo are able to do with weaker hardware is outstanding and it has been for many years if you quantify there games as ps3/360 games purely based on there visual aesthetic there’s simply no hope for you.

K' Dash

Gold Member
This is complete bullshit.

Nintendo is out here making PS3/360 games.

The rest of the industry is not, nor does their audience want them to.

and here we have a whole community of developers wondering how they could make a game like TOTK run on a 2012 android phone.

People like to spew this kind of bullshit but even with current tech, what Nintendo did with just that game is basically impossible, not in the sense that it can't be done, but in the sense that it would require more time and resources than any publisher are willing to give.
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They probably wouldn't even know how to introduce/implement AI in their development pipeline 🤭 They're stucked in the PS3 era.
AI must be used appropriately and without thinking that alone it can replace the quality of human work but this kind of answer is completely tone deaf over the future.
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They probably wouldn't even know how to introduce the AI in their development pipeline 🤭 They're stucked in the PS3 era.
AI must be used appropriately and without thinking that alone it can replace the quality of human work but this kind of answer is completely tone deaf over the future.
Yeah, every other developer on the planet is in open awe of what Nintendo can achieve with their development pipeline.

But you probably know more about how backwards Nintendo is


and here we have a whole community of developers wondering how they could make a game like TOTK run on a 2012 android phone.

Well said those games are masterpieces of design so much so there being used in college university to teach the basics of physics and engineering, one thing I will
say is gaming has never been as shallow as it is now so thank god for Nintendo who play by there own rules offer an alternative and concentrate on the gameplay first and foremost.

Kind of misses the point of the utility of AI in games development. It's not about AI designing the games for you. It's about AI generating asset content more efficiently. If Nintendo wants to pay for armies of artists and animators working tirelessly to make art asset and animation frame content, then that's their prerogative... but it's kinda dumb and leaving money on the table, when you can have a small team of senior artists and animators auto-generating all their required assets with AI and then manually authoring said content in a fraction of the time.

Not only will it result in more efficient development, but also more consistent quality in asset generation, because you have less people with inherently different competencies and styles working on the game.
Seems a bit premature to start writing off any tools when we haven't fully scene what they have to offer just to win some purity points, but hey, I guess they know some people are going to eat that up.


They will be the last one to adopt AI, but they’ll be there.
I’ve seen multiple technology where at the beginning the engineer said they don’t need it but now, no one will do this stuff manually.


and here we have a whole community of developers wondering how they could make a game like TOTK run on a 2012 android phone.

People like to spew this kind of bullshit but even with current tech, what Nintendo did with just that game is basically impossible, not in the sense that it can't be done, but in the sense that it would require more time and resources than any publisher are willing to give.

True, but they don’t want another 3D Zelda game to take another 6 years of dev time. That’s fair.

AI may help expedite future game development, especially with ones that have huge, empty, bloated open-worlds.


With their art style they really don't need it. Whether they are having blockbuster success or cottage industry sales, so long as I get Nintendo games that are distinctively Nintendo I am happy. It won't work for everyone but they know what works for them.


I feel as if this is implying a false dichotomy. Of course, no one "needs" AI for game development, I believe the point of AI use is to decrease the investment of money/time in game development.


This is complete bullshit.

Nintendo is out here making PS3/360 games.

The rest of the industry is not, nor does their audience want them to.

Lmao, a PS3/360 games better than anything Sony and Microsoft are trying to make.
I prefer MK8 gameplay and fun over Horizon Zero Dawn, TLOUS and Hellblade graphics combine.

Take the ultimate L dude.
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Gold Member
Imagine. People actually playing games they enjoy rather than ones where they can argue about that lines and dots and lighting and reflections and shadows and textures on their screen.

What madness.
Sick of this nonsense.
There are plenty of games with good, modern visuals AND good gameplay. In fact, Nintendo's gameplay systems and designs are very basic. Nothing wrong with simple and clean, but let's not pretend like they're breaking new ground in design or some shit.

They just get this false pretense of "creativity" despite repackaging the same IP they've used since the early 90s because of religiously devoted fanboys and cartoony visuals.
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