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Nintendo President: We don't need to use AI for game development, we have decades of know-how in creating optimal gaming experiences for our customers


Brace Yourself Here We Go GIF by MOODMAN


This feels like a bit of a straw man, using generative AI to create a game is a completely different thing that few were really talking about for major AAA games, but using AI in integrated ways in games such as the smarter NPC demos we've already seen where you could have an actual vocal conversation with them could be a next gen game changer among other uses, that I fully expect Nintendo to be another generation behind on.
I still feel like that is a horrible implementation of AI that favors quantity over quality. Trico's AI from The Last Guardian is still a lot more impressive than all of these tech demos that feel more like glorified AI chatbots than actual games.


Sick of this nonsense.
There are plenty of games with good, modern visuals AND good gameplay. In fact, Nintendo's gameplay systems and designs are very basic. Nothing wrong with simple and clean, but let's not pretend like they're breaking new ground in design or some shit.

They just get this false pretense of "creativity" despite repackaging the same IP they've used since the early 90s because of religiously devoted fanboys and cartoony visuals.

If you can tell me another game with a physics engine as comprehensive as botw/totk I’ll tip my hat to you, and the former game imo broke new ground because it was there first real attempt at a true open world experience where everything was optional it broke the industry so how can you say they there not breaking new ground 😂.

Nintendo/Japanese devs are the best it’s as simple as that all the best games are made there.


Who needs AI when you can reuse the same characters, location and plots over and over again?
When you create IP as timeless and brilliant as Mario Zelda and pokemon you don’t need AI.

Do you think Disney will start using AI to create new characters?

What you’re saying is fundamentally broken and you clearly don’t understand the respect and lineage this company has cultivated in this industry since the 80’s. It’s ok not to respect them or like them but you should at least think before you speak.


Id rather shitty graphics over shitty gameplay any day of the week, people like you are why we have fucking shit games like hell blade 2 and horizon forbidden west
These games are fine. Most people grow out of the idea that things that aren't targeted at them as an audience are bad by the time they're in their late teens. Honestly, I don't get why people in hobbies/fandoms feel the need to act like everything they don't personally like is bad. If every game was exactly like you wanted it to be, we'd have a bunch of games that play exactly the same with no real choice in what we want to play. Just ignore the games that aren't for you and play the shit that interests you, it requires literally less effort than whining about everything.


Reverse groomer.
Sick of this nonsense.
There are plenty of games with good, modern visuals AND good gameplay. In fact, Nintendo's gameplay systems and designs are very basic. Nothing wrong with simple and clean, but let's not pretend like they're breaking new ground in design or some shit.

They just get this false pretense of "creativity" despite repackaging the same IP they've used since the early 90s because of religiously devoted fanboys and cartoony visuals.
I agree that Nintendo gets too much praise for their gameplay, but also you have to consider their biggest competitor is the cutscene heavy, walk and talk section, handholdy gameplay Sony (that you are also a shill for LOL). And much of the western AAA industry also have issues making functioning and fun games at launch- so Nintendo in comparison is like an oasis in a desert.

That being said Nintendo still has yet to make a hack and slash as fun as DMC3/DMC5, or a racing game as fun as Burnout 3, or a fun stealth game like MGS or Hitman, a rally sim as accurate as Richard Burns, an action RPG as fun as Path of Exile/Grim Dawn, an FPS as fast, viceral, moddable and fun as 1993 Doom, etc. So I don't think they are perfect. But they're still one of the better ones.
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So looking at the ful quote, he doesn't actually say that they won't use AI or don't need to use AI:
In the game industry, AI-like technology has long been used to control enemy character movements, so game development and AI technology have always been closely related.

Generative AI, which has been a hot topic in recent years, can be more creative, but we also recognize that it has issues with intellectual property rights.

We have decades of know-how in creating optimal gaming experiences for our customers, and while we remain flexible in responding to technological developments, we hope to continue to deliver value that is unique to us and cannot be achieved through technology alone.

He's just saying that game experience know-how is more important than technology.


Gold Member
He was talking about generative AI specifically btw.

I appreciate some of the things TotK does, especially in terms of scale, but this circlejerk around it with people pretending the game invented physics and crafting is ridiculous
Ok, this is weird, kinda like you're proving his point because those are games that clearly use simulation as their primary focus, so you're saying BOTW/TOTK physics, which are "just one of the things" those Zelda games have and which main focus is adventure and exploration, are comparable to those of games which physics and simulations are the bread and butter of their design? LOL.

BTW Nintendo doesn't need AI for generating assets because that would probably kill their ability to polish their "game craft", it would be like putting a junior to do something just to realize he did it "so so" and a senior have to fix many things anyway, making him fix a lot of it just to comply with minimum quality, which wouldn't happen if the senior worked on it from the very beginning.

It's just too counter-productive unless the way they make graphics is just to "fill whatever spot with whatever, we don't care, we have to deliver" like basically any other dev out there. Generative AI is basically a trade off of control for speed, that isn't good for everyone.

But AI can be used on many different ways, like upscaling game resolution, having real time API documentation and error detection (which is how I use it), quick script generation for art software (the other way I use it, to automate tedious things in Blender since IDK Python nor Blender API), etc. I'm pretty sure they'll adapt to use it in a way that speed up their development in a very "Nintendo way".
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Talking in general I kind of think Iwata would have thought otherwise. AI has its place for development and can speed up some processes. Talking about generative AI only I think Nintendo is not really interested in that for the time being, they usually design the console based on the kind of games they want to create for it.


Kind of misses the point of the utility of AI in games development. It's not about AI designing the games for you. It's about AI generating asset content more efficiently. If Nintendo wants to pay for armies of artists and animators working tirelessly to make art asset and animation frame content, then that's their prerogative... but it's kinda dumb and leaving money on the table, when you can have a small team of senior artists and animators auto-generating all their required assets with AI and then manually authoring said content in a fraction of the time.

Not only will it result in more efficient development, but also more consistent quality in asset generation, because you have less people with inherently different competencies and styles working on the game.

Wtf is an animation frame content and Wtf are your examples of how AI is being used.


His phrasing is wrong but the sentiment is correct.

They don’t need to, because they never really fully embraced the HD era, they use low powered devices and their audience don’t really care about graphics. They sell their games at £70, prices rarely drop, and people eat them up.

That means their games are cheap to make with high profits.

Companies are turning to ai in part from necessity, budgets have exploded to unsustainable levels that are killing the industry. It’s now crazy high risk, with massive multi hundred million dollar losses all too common. There’s really very few ways to get that under control for AAA, and ai is probably the only way to do that….whilst also offering innovations in and of itself


Gold Member
His phrasing is wrong but the sentiment is correct.

They don’t need to, because they never really fully embraced the HD era, they use low powered devices and their audience don’t really care about graphics. They sell their games at £70, prices rarely drop, and people eat them up.

That means their games are cheap to make with high profits.

Companies are turning to ai in part from necessity, budgets have exploded to unsustainable levels that are killing the industry. It’s now crazy high risk, with massive multi hundred million dollar losses all too common. There’s really very few ways to get that under control for AAA, and ai is probably the only way to do that….whilst also offering innovations in and of itself
Actually, it's the actual oposite, most Nintendo fans care a lot about Nintendo graphics, what they don't care too much about is tech behind those graphics, so for example Nintendo using AI to generate assets would more probably give their games generic, inconsistent, unpolished and very much non-cohesive look/feel because those things are very perceivable, specially for a company which main selling point graphically are their art styles, and as I said previously, generative AI is a trade off of control/quality for speed.

They'll probably use AI in some other way but to not to generate 3D models and graphical assets. Well, I can see them using a prompt based shader or materials generator but even so I think they'll prefer a lot more control over it anyway.


Gold Member
Ok, this is weird, kinda like you're proving his point because those are games that clearly use simulation as their primary focus, so you're saying BOTW/TOTK physics, which are "just one of the things" those Zelda games have and which main focus is adventure and exploration, are comparable to those of games which physics and simulations are the bread and butter of their design? LOL.
He asked for a "game with a physics engine as comprehensive", i gave him that and more. These not only have physics system way more advanced than TotK, some of them also do more than just being a open-ended sandbox.

Besides, implying the physics and simulation isn't the bread and butter of TotK design? The whole game is designed around physics/enviromental puzzles, game would be worse than a generic ubisoft open world without them.
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