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Nintendo says it can’t realistically create sequels ‘to every series fans request’

I think Nintendo is held back by too many iterative sequels already, Nintendo is great at getting things right in the first try when they attempt something new.
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That's loser talk! Now start making that F-Zero sequel all the vocal forum users and boomer YTbers have been begging for. Capcom! take notes and start working on Dino Crisis.

On a serious note, Nintendo ran the numbers and did the market research just like everyone else. If they don't make sequels for your favorite Nintendo game, that's because there's no mass market appeal for it. That game you liked to so much? Might have been a grave disappointment for them sales wise.


On a serious note, Nintendo ran the numbers and did the market research just like everyone else. If they don't make sequels for your favorite Nintendo game, that's because there's no mass market appeal for it. That game you liked to so much? Might have been a grave disappointment for them sales wise.

Let’s not pretend that Nintendo isn’t sometimes tone deaf to what their fan base wants.

Nintendo: Hey guys, want a Chibi Robo sequel?
Fanbase: Yes!
Nintendo: Well, here you go, only now it’s a 2D platformer in a sea of 2D platformers that are all way better! And if you don’t buy it, well I guess nobody likes Chibi Robo anymore!
I Cant Steve Harvey GIF
Bake Off Eye Roll GIF by The Great British Bake Off
Whatever. Nintendo doesn't need AAA production values for all their games, and the ones that are AAA generally aren't pushing the envelope, lol. They have the money to fund more games. They could make a retro-inspired Star Fox or Wario game. I hesitate to add F-Zero to that because that game deserves as good of visuals as they can get.
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Since they could make money without much effort (relative to other company), why bother
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We can't make FZero sequel but we can make infinite Mario Party Sequels...

Yeah sure...
I mean, Mario Party games can be made with stock Mario assets Nintendo has in the closet and rehashed game code from multiple prior releases, and gets guaranteed sales because Mario's face is on the box art. It's arguably one of the easiest IPs to milk Nintendo has - they don't even get complaints about the reused assets the way Game Freak does a Pokemon gen.

There's no way they'd be able to make a new F-Zero with such little effort and budget.

If you want to argue that Nintendo keeps making sequels for an IP no one actually wants, well... it's pretty hard to say that when Nintendo mostly just makes Mario, Zelda, and Fire Emblem lately.
You can always trust on Nintendo, to sh8t on its own fanbase. No more F-Zero or Pilotwings, but let's have more Mario Golf, Mario Football and Tennis.
Nintendo after all, is known for its originally


Golden Boy
Furukawa, nobody requested all fan requests to be heard, but at least hear the ones that have to most voices.
F Zero has been dormant for ages and has many voices requesting it.
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Well stop my milking the same franchises over and over again and save that money to games like Eternal Darkness and Chibi robo, I couldn't care less about shitty Pokemon.
Honestly intendo could just upscale GX to 1080p throw a £50 price tag and id buy it, unfortunately emulated on the pc is still no where near as good as the og gamecube


Gold Member
Not if you limit the options. Survey apps allow you to choose what you want. So if you're looking at options for remakes/remasters: don't fucking put OOT and instead put down ideas you haven't done:

Metroid Prime

Then you can see what fans want out of those three. It's not hard.
Why wouldn't they do that? It's a decent idea. Are they afraid they'd get boaty mcboat faced? If they limit the options that won't be the case.

Just have a survey on the most popular boards and sites. People would go insane and the sales and buzz would be out of control in a good way.
Nintendo should just be honest and admit that they really don't know how to make games in certain genres, so unless they find a good external developer to partner with, these sequels to dormant franchises just won't ever happen.

Kid Icarus Uprising only happened because Sakurai formed a new studio specifically to make it.
Metroid Dread only happened because Sakamoto handed the reigns over to MercurySteam after seeing they could do 2D Metroidvania-style games really well.

Internally, Nintendo doesn't have any teams that specialize in certain genres, such as FPS, Metroidvania, racing, etc. An F-Zero revival will completely depend on finding another developer that Nintendo trusts can take the reigns. Iwata used to publicly talk about this, where there are certain genres that Nintendo really just doesn't have the expertise to do.
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People have forgotten this IGN interview from 2013:

The reporter asked Miyamoto directly DAT question of an F-Zero return. Here's his answer:

"I certainly understand that people want a new F-Zero game," Miyamoto said. "I think where I struggle is that I don’t really have a good idea for what’s new that we could bring to F-Zero that would really turn it into a great game again. Certainly I can see how people looking at Mario Kart 8 could see, through the anti-gravity, a connection to F-Zero. But I don’t know, at this point, what direction we could go in with a new F-Zero."



I'm starved for a proper high-budget Star Fox game.
I want a Star Fox game where you can create your own animal avatar and join the Star Fox team and pilot and customize an Arwing. I want to have both space combat and out of vehicle missions akin to Mass Effect.
I want the ability to play as any of the main characters besides Fox, I want to play the entire game through Krystal for example and playing the story again as a different character will unveil hidden unlocks or unique levels to that character.
I want third-person perspective and Z-targeting (locking on) while in an Arwing orbiting the enemy and firing and dodging. I want some REAL space opera Star Wars level explosions in the opening scene like Assault.
I'm honestly done with the shitty arcade shooter, missable rings and point-scoring rails on shooter that was Star Fox. I want to see the franchise evolved into something risky but amazing.
But then again Nintendo is still filled with dinosaurs who are not capable of truly putting something risky and often stick to the traditional franchises, but it's getting really fatiguing.
Nintendo is playing it too safe and they aren't doing anything with the franchise.
Yes, but that would take ambition.
We can't make FZero sequel but we can make infinite Mario Party Sequels...

Yeah sure...
Mario Party prints money. And there’s a dedicated internal studio that specializes in making Mario Party games. F-Zero has neither of those going for it, unfortunately.

A new installment is no doubt an uphill battle to get off the ground, even if (and that’s probably a big “if”), a decent amount of people internally at Nintendo want a new F-Zero game made.
Just make F-Zero GX on Switch or Switch Pro, give us modern kick ass online modes, someone mentioned before a BR mode, which I love the idea of.

10 million USD development budget + ongoing server costs

They'd make the return on investment back on preorders and create a shit ton of positive social media clicks cause it would please the lifelong F-Zero player.


The thing is they aren't being asked to make sequels to every single game, but there are a few remakes that for whatever reason Nintendo refuses to acknowledge.

Fans: could you do a sequel to Fzero or Eternal Darkness? Earthbound or Pilot Wings?

Nintendo: OMG we cant make sequels to every single Nintendo game!

Because putting resources toward a couple of remakes or sequels would be so difficult 🙄
But its more than a "couple of remakes or sequels". The conversation in the last few years could have gone like

Fans: could you do a something with Famicom Detective Club?
Nintendo: Here's a set of remakes

Fans: could you do a something with Advance Wars?
Nintendo: Here's a remake of the first two games

Fans: could you do a something with 2D Metroid?
Nintendo: Here's a remake, and we'll follow it up with a sequel

Fans: Could you do something with Wii Sports?
Nintendo: Here's a sequel for the Switch

Fans: Could you do something with Pilotwings?
Nintendo: But we did a sequel for Pilotwings
Fans: Yeah but that was 10 years ago, we need another one now

For every franchise Nintendo brings back people will just ask for a different one. They can't consistently support every IP they have ever published in the past 40 years.
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