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Nintendo Switch 2 Discussion Thread


°Temp. member
We have a thread discussing the rumored ps5 pro but I’m actually much more interested in Nintendo’s next hardware. It’s rumored to be the “Switch 2” and to be a device very similar to the original Switch with a hybrid handheld/docked functionality. Many expect it to launch this year most likely in the fall timeframe.

The current switch uses Nvidia hardware and it’s expected that the new system will continue this. The Nvidia T239 Tegra processor was rumored at one point but we’ll have to see what pans out. Other expected features include ray tracing, DLSS, and backwards compatibility. It is rumored that the Switch 2 was demoed privately at Gamescom 2023 where The Matrix Awakens demo and an upgraded Zelda Breath of the Wild were shown. It’s also rumored that the system will launch with an LCD screen to keep costs down, rather than OLED which was later added to the original Switch.

Regarding launch games, some guess that the long delayed Metroid Prime 4 could be either cross gen or a Switch 2 exclusive at this point. A Mario game of some kind would also be a good guess, whether it’s a mainline Mario game, a Mario Kart 9, or perhaps something else entirely.

What features do you guys want most from the next system? For me, I really want faster loading times. I think the games will be bigger as well, and so I think adding an m.2 nvme slot would alleviate both of these concerns. I’d also like to see 4k support, even if only 2d games run natively there and then DLSS upscales most games. Backwards compatibility will cool, but it would be great if devs could release patches to enhance original switch games when running on the new hardware, like Sony did with the ps4 version of Ghost of Tsushima running on ps5 at 60 fps. Lastly, I’d like to see support for video players like YouTube, Crunchyroll, Twitch, Netflix, etc… like the ps5 has (another reason why I want 4K support).

Anyone else hyped for new Nintendo hardware?
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Anyone else hyped for new Nintendo hardware?
Hell yeah. I was late to the party on Switch - I was actually kind of out of the gaming zone for most of the 2010s due to having a child and just focusing on work. I slowly slid back in with RE2 Remake and finally got a Switch only at the beginning of 2022, but after doing so really wished I had gotten one sooner. The library, the hardware, I love everything about the Switch and it's the best gaming experience I've had in a long time.

Absolutely day 1 pretty much no matter what, but as far as features I desperately hope they do hardware backwards compatibility. I don't even care if they are upscaled/etc though that would be nice, I just want to be able to put my cart in the system and play. Otherwise I'd be more than content with Ps4-ish quality visuals on the machine.
3D screen do it nintendo.

It would be like the 3DS with 2 Screens but bigger. It would have Eye tracking 3D, it would be a massive improvement too due the advances in tech in that field. Both screens would be 1080p. Couple that with both screens being 8 inch and LCD/OLED. With PS4 level graphics combined with modern hardware. That's a pipe dream since it would likely be expensive but it would be awesome.
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What I would like to see in a "Switch 2"

Modest/decent increase in power
Processor, Ram (Amount and speed), Internal storage, battery life​

Micro SD card Slot

Hardware Backwards Compatibility

Digital Library Backwards Compatibility

OLED Screen (probably not happening)

If system features joy-con (or joy-con like controllers)
Better quality analog sticks​
Larger trigger/bumpers​

Clear marketing
(Regarding Naming, trying to prevent customer confusion and encourage current customers to move on to new platform)​

Honorable mentions/pipe dreams:

In prove E-shop performance (ie speed)

Allow voice chat between friends (Both in and out of game)

Push update to original switch to allow the system to boot without a battery installed
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Continue with the Nintendo Switch Philosophy, let the games be region free, Continue with Survival Horror games and games for mature audiences, support other companies, is the only thing I need Nintendo to do, thanks to those key points, Nintendo Switch regained my confidence in the brand.

Yeah their third party support was crickets after SNES. Their handheld still got lot of Japanese Third Party support (The support that matters to me) but surprisingly with the Switch they have lot of the Japanese Third Parties on board. I know when Switch 2 comes out in the first year alone, Japanese Third Parties will be releasing all the games they weren't able to on it due to the increased power. As much as I love Nintendo I admit that was an area of their consoles released before Switch that was lacking
Is Region Free really that big of a deal? How many Japan only games are there on the Switch? With dev costs the way they are you'd think they would have to have a really good reason to not at least release in the US and Europe.
Is Region Free really that big of a deal? How many Japan only games are there on the Switch? With dev costs the way they are you'd think they would have to have a really good reason to not at least release in the US and Europe.
I think it's helpful. There are multiple games in my collection that didn't get physical releases in the west, but I was able to get via import. FF VII, FF IX, Chrono Cross, DQ 1-3, etc... As far as I'm concerned, there's no good reason to not release these games in the US and Europe.
As someone that got interested in Nintendo games fairly recently (Played PlayStation all my life) and is interested in buying a Switch as soon as I can afford one (I'm in Brazil, it's expensive), I want the next console to be backwards compatible with it.

Since I know Nintendo has no problems shutting down their stores when they feel like it, I want to make sure I don't miss out on the Switch.

Because I'm indeed way too late "to the party". Everyone's got it, and they are moving to another console at some point.

I can focus on getting the new one, instead of buying the Switch, just to have the store be shut down a few years later.


°Temp. member
Is Region Free really that big of a deal?

I only own one physical Switch game, but since this never released in the US then I imported it. I'd love to be able to play it on the Switch 2 as well.
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well we kinda expect it to be less powerful than a steam deck or any of the other 2024 handhelds, so the question becomes how do they market it? what is the BIG feature that sets it apart? I can't see anything like that but it will sell because "Nintendo".
As someone that got interested in Nintendo games fairly recently (Played PlayStation all my life) and is interested in buying a Switch as soon as I can afford one (I'm in Brazil, it's expensive), I want the next console to be backwards compatible with it.

Since I know Nintendo has no problems shutting down their stores when they feel like it, I want to make sure I don't miss out on the Switch.

Because I'm indeed way too late "to the party". Everyone's got it, and they are moving to another console at some point.

I can focus on getting the new one, instead of buying the Switch, just to have the store be shut down a few years later.

I wouldn't be surprised if they merged the Switch eshop with the Switch 2. I'm guessing if you buy a Switch game off the eshop and are playing it on the Switch 2, there would likely be a update, where you play the game in higher resolution and higher frame rates
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°Temp. member
well we kinda expect it to be less powerful than a steam deck or any of the other 2024 handhelds, so the question becomes how do they market it? what is the BIG feature that sets it apart? I can't see anything like that but it will sell because "Nintendo".
I think this is where their partnership with Nvidia comes in. All of those PC handhelds are using AMD (or even Intel) APUs. Maybe the ray tracing capabilities will punch above its weight. Maybe DLSS upscaling and frame gen can make a difference. Maybe even something new and exclusive to Switch 2.
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I wouldn't be surprised if they merged the Switch eshop with the Switch 2. I'm guessing if you buy a Switch game off the eshop and are playing it on the Switch 2, there would likely be a update, where you play the game in higher resolution and higher frame rates
I certainly hope that is the case. I just don’t really trust that Nintendo will do that.
But I hope to be proven wrong.
I think this is where their partnership with Nvidia comes in. All of those PC handhelds are using AMD APUs. Maybe the ray tracing capabilities will punch above its weight. Maybe DLSS upscaling and frame gen can make a difference. Maybe even something new and exclusive to Switch 2.

Well when it comes to power

I'll be fine with

8 - 12 GB of Ram
Paired with whatever modern hardware there is.

Wouldn't be surprised if they use DLSS though since it is Nvidia


Excited, day one for me. Hopefully this year.
My body is ready for a new Mario Kart. Tired of playing the one we have all these years- pretty much destroyed the game on Wii U.


I think this is where their partnership with Nvidia comes in. All of those PC handhelds are using AMD (or even Intel) APUs. Maybe the ray tracing capabilities will punch above its weight. Maybe DLSS upscaling and frame gen can make a difference. Maybe even something new and exclusive to Switch 2.
if thats the case then i can't expect it to hold a battery life higher than 2hrs.


Personally I'd be fine if it's just a very straightforward Switch follow up with Ps4 tier performance, though having some sort of built in upscaling tech like DLSS would be awesome.
As for launch (or near launch) games Metroid Prime 4 would be awesome, finally getting a new Mario Kart would be nice too.


Yeah I am really pumped for this device, whatever it may end up being going off of all these rumors. The main things I am looking for:

- Backwards compatibility
- Ethernet port on the dock from the start
- PS4 to PS4 pro level of performance (it will probably be closer to base PS4, but I would love to see it being closer to ps4pro)
- Joycons with a real Dpad!

I think DLSS is already a safe bet, and hopefully they keep the device region free even if I personally am not that worried about that. Missing out on OLED is a bummer though, it would be really nice if Nintendo has a premium launch option. Even if the premium model was just the OLED screen I would pick it up, but I am guessing that won't be the case.
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imhappy to be here. i dont care about powerhouse first and foremost but i think the next Nintendo console will be the biggest leap graphically. I mean look at Gamecube with Wind Waker still looks timeless due to it Art direction and WiiU like Kirby and the Rainbow Curse also looks wonderful. I mean looks at some later PS4 games.They still looks better some PS5 games now and their CPUs Jugar was laptop weak shit but they were able to do alots with it. So i can wait to see Nintendo NEXT GEN games art direction and more importantly GAMEPLAYWISE(look at TOTK)
imhappy to be here. i dont care about powerhouse first and foremost but i think the next Nintendo console will be the biggest leap graphically. I mean look at Gamecube with Wind Waker still looks timeless due to it Art direction and WiiU like Kirby and the Rainbow Curse also looks wonderful. I mean looks at some later PS4 games.They still looks better some PS5 games now and their CPUs Jugar was laptop weak shit but they were able to do alots with it. So i can wait to see Nintendo NEXT GEN games art direction and more importantly GAMEPLAYWISE(look at TOTK)
Gamecube was a powerful and wonderful machine - absolutely loved it. I agree that Ps4 is more than sufficient, those games still look great to me.


Gamecube was a powerful and wonderful machine - absolutely loved it. I agree that Ps4 is more than sufficient, those games still look great to me.
Add DLSS + Ray tracing shadows and even 900p to 1440p will look great. Im just hoping for an 90hz screen. i know is a pipe dream. But Mario Kart 10 in 90FPS.
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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Okay this won’t happen, but I was thinking that it would be really cool if the Switch 2 was a hybrid VR device, but not in the way you’re thinking.

Instead of attaching the actual device to your face, it’d be cool if they made some extremely lightweight headset, and used the zero-latency streaming tech from the Wii U to wirelessly send the video stream to your headset from the Switch 2 itself. So all of the processing actually takes place in the console, making the headset light and battery-efficient.

Maybe the little joy-cons could function as VR controllers, too.

I think it’d be a neat evolution of their Wii U tech.
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The main things which are a must for me are:

1. Maintaining their cadence of 1 first party title a month (this should be possible with their internal and external expansion plans).
2. Enough of a boost in power to get a lot more third party titles.

If I had one wishlist item it would be to see Nintendo support more new IP. I felt they were doing pretty well at that before 2020, but since then there hasn't been much.
The main things which are a must for me are:

1. Maintaining their cadence of 1 first party title a month (this should be possible with their internal and external expansion plans).
2. Enough of a boost in power to get a lot more third party titles.

If I had one wishlist item it would be to see Nintendo support more new IP. I felt they were doing pretty well at that before 2020, but since then there hasn't been much.

I'm interested to see what new IPs they can come up with after Splatoon and Arms

Those 2 mentioned are fantastic and have iconic designs. They still have it in making original IPs with characters that look memorable


Gold Member
I wouldn't be surprised if they merged the Switch eshop with the Switch 2. I'm guessing if you buy a Switch game off the eshop and are playing it on the Switch 2, there would likely be a update, where you play the game in higher resolution and higher frame rates
Interesting thought, though it would bring some problems. I guess they could just have the two libraries be separate tabs in the same store and/or color-code the games: Red for Switch 2 and Blue for Switch or something like that.

In that case, I could see Nintendo charging developers a fee to have games re-certified for Switch 2. I also wouldn't put it past them to charge custoners an upgrade fee for Switch 1 games though. As a $70 game, TotK would be immune, but all first party games that launched at $60 or below would charge $10 to unlock the Switch 2 version whether for digital or physical games.
Interesting thought, though it would bring some problems. I guess they could just have the two libraries be separate tabs in the same store and/or color-code the games: Red for Switch 2 and Blue for Switch or something like that.

In that case, I could see Nintendo charging developers a fee to have games re-certified for Switch 2. I also wouldn't put it past them to charge custoners an upgrade fee for Switch 1 games though. As a $70 game, TotK would be immune, but all first party games that launched at $60 or below would charge $10 to unlock the Switch 2 version whether for digital or physical games.

Wouldn't be surprised either


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Give me backwards compatibility, or I won't mind waiting a few years to pick one up.


I'm interested to see what new IPs they can come up with after Splatoon and Arms

Those 2 mentioned are fantastic and have iconic designs. They still have it in making original IPs with characters that look memorable
Same with Ring Fit. I'd also like to see them publish more new IP from other developers like Astral Chain and Octopath Traveller.
Give me backwards compatibility, or I won't mind waiting a few years to pick one up.
I'm 100% with you here. I already have over 60 physical games for the Switch, and backwards compatibility is a must for me.

If they can't deliver on that (physical BC) I'll wait a couple of years before picking the Switch 2, and by then they should have a decent library of games.
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