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Nintendo Switch 2 Discussion Thread

Yeah, yeah, this is all fine and dandy but all I really want to know is.....................


I miss it too 😔


My wishlist for the Switch 2 is:
- Backwards Compatibility as good as PS5/Series X is, able to improve last gen games and fix their frame rate.
- ~PS4 level hardware would be nice, when you think about the huge lifespan of the PS4 and the quality of the experiences we got in that library, its exciting to imagine what Nintendo devs would do with that kind of power.
- Home console only (no screen) pro model. The games would be obviously designed with the hybrid console in mind and the pro model would fix any framerate issue and use DLSS nicely to make it look extra good on 4K display.
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I'm hoping they do something more with the dock this time.... something like additional GFX processing or whatever when the switch is docked. Maybe even an option pro dock accessory. That is the one aspect of Switch I feel like they never capitalized on fully.
They can offer a basic dock with no functions but also one with an integrated powerfull gpu as a "pro option" that works together with with the mobile gpu in some kind of sli mode. Well yeah, not likely, but would be nice.


Gold Member
Personally, I have been on this site claiming Nintendo “must make Switch 2 BC” For over a year.

I have come around to think it does not need to be BC, if they do a few things instead. (Fixed Online, BC going forward, better 3rd party support, etc).

I am now of the mind with the recent rumors that Switch 2 will not be 100% BC, and possibly only BC on a case by case basis. IF AT ALL.

I do hope Nintendo releases the system sooner in 2024, say near summer. As it will allow multiple chances for restock before holiday 2024 Season.

We are absolutely 100% getting less new Switch 2 1st party games this upcoming generation. This is not a hot take, but fact as each company releases less first party titles with each passing generation due to cost and time required to make each title. Nintendo is no different.

That said, I think Nintendo will bring Deluxe versions of Switch and more Wii U titles to next gen, and I think we will get a BUNCH of remasters. Which is fine with me, and smart on Nintendo’s part.

If it is launching in Summer, then an announcement would be soon. They will have to say something before financial briefing in April, regardless.
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BC with Switch carts is really big for me

SSD to speed up load times

Pressure-sensitive triggers to allow for Gamecube Virtual Console

Xbox Live style voice chat and messaging

Driftless Joycons

But unfortunately I know that even if it does none of these I will still be there day 1, can't resist the quality of Nintendo 1st party


Id rather it wasn't a 'switch' if they go this route again, offer a home only option and that's the one id buy.
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What time is it?


Just saw a new rumor from Nintendo Prime. Not sure how reliable but apparently he's gotten a few things right in the past. He's hearing from private sources that GameStop is being told to prepare for preorders for "Nintendo's Next System". If it's true they are preparing to take preorders, it sounds like a reveal could be coming soon. A March reveal is looking more and more likely.

It's crazy to think that we are this close and we still have no idea what's coming. We know it's hybrid but that's about it. Nintendo always has some gimmick. I HIGHLY doubt this thing will be a straight next generation Switch. Not to mention this is the first system launch under Nintendo's new leadership. In the past Nintendo has found ways to adopt new technologies into their systems. I almost wonder if they will have some sort of VR component. Like a 3rd play option (Portable, TV, Immersive).

One thing that I'm defintiyl looking forward to is the power. All the rumors are pretty much pointing to PS4 levels in portable mode and PS4 Pro levels in docked mode. That alone is a big jump from Switch but then DLSS takes it up another notch. This thing might just surpass Series S. The thought of seeing Mark Kart and Metroid in that level of fidelity sounds mind blowing. This might just be the first time since Gamecube where Nintendo actually has modern graphics. I'm also looking forward to seeing how they handle backwards compatibility. Who knows, maybe they add a system that allows switch games to be upscaled and sharpened through A.I.?


Ninty often surprising, we can discuss a lot, and yet nintendo might take another route. Love and hate relationship is often strong with nintendo. As much as i hope rumour could be true, i will take it with grain of salt... Maybe more salt just to be cautious
Insane that rumors say they are not using OLED. Not suprised though. Nintendo can sell you the same system a few times by making incremental upgrades. OLED will be the 2nd or 3rd iteration.

CS Lurker

I'm happy with the T239 specs overall, but I hope they will push the clocks as high as possible, targeting a battery life of 3 hours for the more demanding games (It would be disappointing if they decided to have 5h at the expense of more performance).

Things that I want the most are 6DoF motion controls; being able to record gameplay (probably AV1) with much better quality (res + bitrate + fps) without a time limit (If I have the storage space, I should be able to record for as long as I want); If I could also stream to Twitch/YouTube, that would be great, but I can live without it; It's incredible it's 2024 and I have to ask for voice-chat on the console's OS, but yeah... that too; And it would be great to have a copy of Quick Resume. Just do it, Nintendo (they won't, I know)

Well, TBH I don't know why I lose my time writing about this when I know they won't do anything of it. High chances of being the same Switch OS with very minor improvements. So I won't write all the other things I was thinking about and I'll just take the SoC that seems to be very good and be satisfied with it. Just give me the games then, because that's the only thing I'll get from them anyway (at least I'm getting the most important part)
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°Temp. member
I’m also really hoping they keep Nintendo online only $20 a year. I’m used to PC gaming where online is free and I’d never pay for PS or Xbox online but the switch’s online price is so low that I don’t mind it and I’ve been really enjoying playing Splatoon 3 online.
I don’t have any online friends or anything and never use voice chat, and I like the barebones nature of it lol.
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May I have a cookie?
I think the Switch 2 will do well, unlike my last prediction, but I do think it will have a hard time matching the Switch unless we get another global pandemic that forces lockdowns.
Another way for it to do as well is for Nintendo to expand its presence in newer markets: China, Korea, Brazil, India etc. Lots of growth potential there.
I'm still of the mindset that the switch 2 will not release this year. It needs a good launch game and the most likely candidate is Metroid Prime 4. But based on a complete lack of an updates on the game Id lean more on Prime 4 not being ready for release by the end of 2024. I'd love to be wrong though. A surprise announcement this summer that the switch 2 and Metroid prime 4 were releasing by Christmas would be epic.


DF did a good vid speculating the power. I think they said it should be somewhere between PS4 and PS4 Pro and with DLSS it could do some cool stuff.

Rather than power I'm more interested knowing when Monolith launch their first game and when there's an OLED variant. Until either of those things I'm chill waiting for it to release.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
DF did a good vid speculating the power. I think they said it should be somewhere between PS4 and PS4 Pro and with DLSS it could do some cool stuff.

Rather than power I'm more interested knowing when Monolith launch their first game and when there's an OLED variant. Until either of those things I'm chill waiting for it to release.
I seriously hope they ignore some of the loud fans and limit the screen resolution to something like 720p or 800p like SD and they do something meaningful with the graphics and tech like DLSS even when in portable mode.


May I have a cookie?
I'm still of the mindset that the switch 2 will not release this year. It needs a good launch game and the most likely candidate is Metroid Prime 4. But based on a complete lack of an updates on the game Id lean more on Prime 4 not being ready for release by the end of 2024. I'd love to be wrong though. A surprise announcement this summer that the switch 2 and Metroid prime 4 were releasing by Christmas would be epic.

Let's be realistic, Metroid is not an important game for any Nintendo system. It's a game which is nice to have but its effect on platform sales is negligible.

The launch game for Switch 2 will be internally developed in Japan, with Mario being very likely. And it's been long enough since Odyssey for that to be done and ready.
Let's be realistic, Metroid is not an important game for any Nintendo system. It's a game which is nice to have but its effect on platform sales is negligible.

The launch game for Switch 2 will be internally developed in Japan, with Mario being very likely. And it's been long enough since Odyssey for that to be done and ready.
Eh, I disagree about Metroid's importance, regardless of past sales. If Metroid Prime 4 is touted as a launch game for the Switch 2 AND well promoted it should sell as such. Metroid has never been used in that capacity unless I'm forgetting something. Meanwhile, the market has been completely saturated with mario games and spinoffs. Though I do think a $400 price tag on the Switch 2 is going to be devastating to its sales (my own opinion). What other game is being worked on that could coincide with the Switch 2's release that Nintendo has somehow been able to keep under wraps all this time? I'm skeptical that somehow the switch 2 is releasing in 2024; that there is a mystery game that will be ready to launch with the Switch 2; AND somehow we have yet to hear a scrap of official news about either, not even a leak. Instead, it's been rumors and more rumors. I'd love to be wrong but that's just my sentiment. This summer will tell all. You are right though that there has been plenty time for Nintendo to have developed something. I just find it highly unlikely they would have been able to keep everything a secret all the way up to now.
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