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Nintendo Switch Discussion Thread (Question of the Day, Countdown, etc)

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I am very interested in seeing how indies take to the Switch and how much Nintendo actually courts them.

The hopeful part of me thinks that the "reboot" spirit will carry over into indie game facilitation, especially since the Switch will be a device one can take anywhere. It would make a lot of sense, imo, given how much mindshare breakout indie games can command these days.

Indies, I think, stand to make a killing on Switch if all goes well. For one, the gap in graphical fidelity between indie games on ps4/xb1 and switch is going to be much less noticeable than it is with AAA games. The added portability of these games offer a compelling reason to get them on the switch over other platforms and the lower prices of indie games makes double dipping much easier to swallow if you already own that game on a different platform. I can think of several great indie games that I own on PS4 that I would double dip for on Switch but probably wouldn't even consider on Wii U.

What crossover(s) would you like to see from Nintendo with another company?

First please PLEASE port TMS FExMegaTen.

Aside from that, Pikmin x Professor Layton. Control and use little Pikmin to solve puzzles.


Crossover? I'd like the guys that make Guilty Gear to make a Fire Emblem fighting game. Don't know if that counts as crossover haha.


Crossover? I'd like the guys that make Guilty Gear to make a Fire Emblem fighting game. Don't know if that counts as crossover haha.

I don't play many fighting games because a) I don't want to put in the time to get good at them and they go against my skill set compounding that (perhaps completely so and I could never be good :p) and b) I don't have people to play them locally with, so can't really just fumble around with them for fun like I used to do as a kid. That said, if they came out with a FE fighter that featured characters from throughout the series' history skewing towards pre-3DS and post-Marth with a healthy helping of Jugdral, GBA, and Tellius characters, I'd be all over it.

I'm guessing it'd probably be mostly expanded Akaneia universe + Fates, with only token representation from the better casts :)P), if they're represented at all.


Wouldn't mind if Smash filled itself with FE characters in the same way, as opposed to just advertising new characters.



What crossover(s) would you like to see from Nintendo with another company?

I would love to see Nintendo revive the gems that Sega is ignoring. Skies of Arcadia, Panzer Dragoon, Jet Set Radio, Virtual On, etc.

Edit: I think any and all of these would benefit greatly from Nintendo oversight.


I would love to see Nintendo revive the gems that Sega is ignoring. Skies of Arcadia, Panzer Dragoon, Jet Set Radio, Virtual On, etc.

Heh, Virtual On x Metroid could be pretty cool. Panzer Dragoon x Fire Emblem as well. Main character is Edge from Panzer Dragoon Saga and he teams up with Robin and Lucina.

What crossover(s) would you like to see from Nintendo with another company?

Fire Emblem Warriors/Basara

Something similar to Hyrule Warriors that takes the gameplay from a long-running series (Dynasty/Samurai Warriors or Sengoku Basara) and puts it into the Fire Emblem universe. It's kind of a no-brainer with so many characters. I'd love to see how they'd implement the weapons triangle in a Musou game.

Sin & Punishment Battle Network

Mega Man Battle Network gameplay with a Sin & Punishment coat of paint. Just for shits & giggles.
Question. Should I bother with a 4K TV in the possible outcome of the Switch having 4K upscaling and HDR (ala XB1 S), or just not bother and get a 1080p TV?

How do 360 and XBO games look on a 4K TV upscaled with HDR-enabled?

What crossover(s) would you like to see from Nintendo with another company?

Nintendo vs Capcom and Fire Emblem Musou are probably going to be common responses to this. Maybe a few Mario/Sonic platformer answers.

Beyond that... Idunno, Zelda/Castlevania might be an interesting (if impossible) mix? You'd have to tone down Castlevania's violence a bit and aim for a T rating, but the darker fantasy elements might make an interesting mix with Zelda's mythology. Both tend to focus on gear/ability based progression in otherwise semi-open worlds.

It's kind of absurd, but I wanted something a little outside the usual reccomendations.


Question. Should I bother with a 4K TV in the possible outcome of the Switch having 4K upscaling and HDR (ala XB1 S), or just not bother and get a 1080p TV?

How do 360 and XBO games look on a 4K TV upscaled with HDR-enabled?

Save some money and get a nice 1080p TV for a sensible price. Cmon, you know Nintendo. There is basically zero % chance that they factor in 4K for the Switch.
Save some money and get a nice 1080p TV for a sensible price. Cmon, you know Nintendo. There is basically zero % chance that they factor in 4K for the Switch.

4K upscaling would help future-proof the Switch and the X1 chip (which is supposedly the current one in devkits, but rumored to use X2, Pascal, Custom, or all the above or something in the final retail unit) has the feature anyway.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Question. Should I bother with a 4K TV in the possible outcome of the Switch having 4K upscaling and HDR (ala XB1 S), or just not bother and get a 1080p TV?

How do 360 and XBO games look on a 4K TV upscaled with HDR-enabled?

I say get a 1080p TV now, and then, when you go to buy your next TV, get a (much cheaper) 4k HDR TV. HDR as a standard is still getting sorted out, so if you don't have an immediate need for it, I'd say to wait.

I can't see Switch having 4k support, but maaaaybe HDR? In general, I expect 4k and HDR support not to arrive until a 2019/2020 update. It feels like a Switch 2-esque feature set, especially after PS4P and Scorpio have a lot of presence and potentially around when PS5 launches.


Nintendo vs. Capcom.

Always that particular game. Samus vs. Morrigan. Mario vs. Ryu. Link vs. Dante. Captain Falcon vs. Leon. Doooo it.


Well after skipping the Wii U and moving on from Nintendo I have pre-ordered the Switch.

Looks great to play with my daughter.



What crossover(s) would you like to see from Nintendo with another company?

Here's some with different companies:

Hyrule Warriors 2, or some other Musou-style game.

Platinum Games:
F-Zero x Bayonetta. Captain Falcon dies in a car crash and becomes an angel, then Bayonetta tries to hunt him down. In the end they combine their powers to fight against Death so Falcon can return to the living. But seriously speaking, I just want games from Platinum Games period. As they seemingly have good relations, I'm sure one will come sooner or later.

Zelda x Dragon Quest. On his travels back from Termina, the Hero of Time wanders into a strange world which is threatened by a mysterious Dragonlord. Link encounters another mute Hero, and they team up to defeat the dragon. But Link isn't the only one who can cross dimensions...

Warner Bros.:
Lego City Undercover 2, with Nintendo references. Needs to happen.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions sequel, or spin-off. Also, Lord-Itsuki for Smash.



What crossover(s) would you like to see from Nintendo with another company?

Would love to see Nintendo and Ubisoft doing a Pikmin/Settlers crossover. Both series have such a similar charme of your minions caring their ressources around but are still quite different. They would be a great fit, I think.


Question. Should I bother with a 4K TV in the possible outcome of the Switch having 4K upscaling and HDR (ala XB1 S), or just not bother and get a 1080p TV?

How do 360 and XBO games look on a 4K TV upscaled with HDR-enabled?

If you're buying a new TV, it's absolutely worth getting 4K (especially given how cheap good ones are right now), but I wouldn't say it's worth it *just* for Switch. I mean it might do 4K streaming services (Prime, Netflix) at best but who knows if it will even do that.


One thing I'm really curious to see is if Nintendo can land a big indie game, ala Undertale, that hasn't made its way to either PS4 or XB1 yet...
They did that already with Shovel Knight, released on Steam first, then on 3DS and Wii u, the year after on the other platforms.

Last update from April of this year put it at more than 1.2M sold ww (+ 500K on Nintendo platforms, rest on PC/PS4/One)), including 200K at retail (70% on Wii U/3DS), add to that 180K amiibo sold.



What crossover(s) would you like to see from Nintendo with another company?

Fire Emblem x Final Fantasy. Get that awesome Fire Emblem battle system mixed with Final Fantasy characters, and also insert some of the crazy variety of monsters from FF into the game, to diversify the combat encounters (can you imagine? Changing class from a recruit into either a cavalier, a knight OR a Chocobo rider!). In Path of Radiance, I felt the addition of monster-like creatures really helped diversify encounters, so mixing that traditional FE soldiers vs. soldiers with some creatures, you should be able to get a GOAT game.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
In case you're wondering what the hell is going on, one of the most recent tweets from Laura features a list of stuff she's heard, can't link it now though.


Laura's release list for the first year:


Love the possibility of a XCX port, and BGE Switch Exclusive would be quite a get.

That can't be everything from Nintendo right? There's no new ip from Nintendo and nothing retro related.

This is all she knows, I would guess she is not in the know about every single project (also, Emily Rogers mentioned that a Retro game would launch in 2017, so that shows Laura's list does not even contain all rumoured titles, just those here sources confirmed to her). Also, she only seems to have one source in third party devs (at Ubisoft), so her knowledge of third parties coming to Switch is limited at best.
Great line-up, too much ports though.
There will probably be new games revealed in january.

I still want a Bayo 2 port Yes, another port...


With so many ports of games I already own I'm hoping there's some kind of price reduction for those that already have the Wii U version.

What crossover(s) would you like to see from Nintendo with another company?

My pick would be pretty by the numbers compared to Mario x Rabbids, but I'd love to play a Fire Emblem Musou.

I'm not the biggest Musou fan, but Hyrule Warriors is such a lovely grinding game, something mindless for your hands to do while listening to podcasts or "watching" a TV series thats a bit too boring to deserve your full attention.

Edit: Oh my god, The Silver Case ? Yes, please ! I'm not into PC gaming but wanted to play it so bad.


As much as I would be happy to rebuy stuff to play on the go I hope to God Nintendo is releasing more than two Switch exclusives in the first year.


Given the continuing enormous popularity of minecraft with kids, what do we think the chances are of seeing a Switch version? I mean it's out on everything else pretty much and it would be a pretty huge title for Ninty to get.

Pokemon, Minecraft and Fifa would be the trifecta as far as younger children go, and I say this as someone who works in a primary school.


If they port XenobladeX so early it means they're really investing on the series which would be nice.
Still they can't just show a port of X in January, they have to talk about the next one, come on...
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