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Nintendo Switch Discussion Thread (Question of the Day, Countdown, etc)

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in the scale from 1 to 5 , how do you guys thinks you'll rate the presentation when it's over?

1= Meh hardware all around, bad price, nothing but leaked software. pre-order cancelled

2= Eh, I expected more but there was this one redeeming thing in the presentation, will probably get day one

What I expected on all accounts, I am still hyped, and will get day one,

4= Almost perfect, new games, fair price, exciting hardware, I am sold.

5= my mind is blown, I can't believe what I just saw, I'll take 3 of those thank you.
As long as a 3D Mario shows up and looks good, there is very little they can do to dampen my thirst.

5. 3D Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, all of the warriors.....make it march now.
4. All of the rumored games, plus one neat surprise. Price isn't too high. I'm happy.
3. the bare minimum (all of the rumored stuff..but thats "it") Price is a bit too high (250 isn't too high IMO but is a bit of a missed chance...but I get why). Still there.
2. 3D Mario has a bad gimmick, games run poorly. Zelda and Rabbids is all they have. Ports have few additions. Yeesh...might wait.
1. "you thought it was switch but it was me, mobile". wrrrryyyyyy
I decided to spend some time today making a tool for generating bingo sheets based on the template posted a few pages ago. I was hoping to learn Image::Magick via ruby or perl to generate a png that could be shared, but I had problems in both languages and decided to go with what I have working.

If anybody's interested in messing about, its at http://burner.camp/switchmas/

It dynamically holds it state by changing the URL, so you can just bookmark your progress and go back to it at any time. There's a randomize link to click on, and you can switch to Play Mode for when the actual presentation happens. It's a bit laggy in some mobile browsers (like Dolphin on my Galaxy S4) but basically works. I might manage to get it to export pngs before the presentation, but at the very least I'll use it to generate my own and then screencap and crop it if I need to post it somewhere. :)

I'll be yoinking more boxes from here and elsewhere as I find them this week, so I'll have a wealth of choices when I make my final board.

(tl;dr: hooray, I did an ultimately useless but fun thing!)

It's neat!



Anyone else hoping there's Wii VC on the Switch?

There's quite a few games on the wii I'd like to take with me on the go (MP Trilogy, Punch Out, SMG 1 and 2, NMH) and I figure since the wii was basically an overclocked GCN it might be possible for them to do it alongside GCN VC.


Anyone else hoping there's Wii VC on the Switch?

There's quite a few games on the wii I'd like to take with me on the go (MP Trilogy, Punch Out, SMG 1 and 2, NMH) and I figure since the wii was basically an overclocked GCN it might be possible for them to do it alongside GCN VC.

No reason for it not to be with the motion controller in on of the joy cons


Anyone else hoping there's Wii VC on the Switch?

There's quite a few games on the wii I'd like to take with me on the go (MP Trilogy, Punch Out, SMG 1 and 2, NMH) and I figure since the wii was basically an overclocked GCN it might be possible for them to do it alongside GCN VC.

I mean if GC VC is happening then surely nothing's really stopping them from getting Wii games to work right? The only real hangup I see about it is control schemes for some games but I'm sure with good button remap options for joycons or support for old wiimotes/nunchuks it would be fine.


in the scale from 1 to 5 , how do you guys thinks you'll rate the presentation when it's over?

1= Meh hardware all around, bad price, nothing but leaked software. pre-order cancelled

2= Eh, I expected more but there was this one redeeming thing in the presentation, will probably get day one

What I expected on all accounts, I am still hyped, and will get day one,

4= Almost perfect, new games, fair price, exciting hardware, I am sold.

5= my mind is blown, I can't believe what I just saw, I'll take 3 of those thank you.
I think the reactions here after the presentation will be between 1 and 2. I'm hoping for 5. :D


My predictions:

From Software's Beserk: The game is real and is a Switch exclusive. Far more cinematic that either Dark Souls or Bloodborne.

Breath of the Wild: The Switch version runs at 1080p and 60 FPS. Handheld version has sections that can be played in Link to the Past era graphics ala DQ 11 on 3DS.

Metroid Switch (the actual name not a placeholder): Uses the Switch Handheld in all the ways we imagined a Wii U Metroid would. Touchscreen morph ball puzzles, scanning etc.

Mario Globalisation: Mario visits various business hub cities around the world tripping balls on Mushrooms, phenomenal platforming ensues.

Mario Kart Switch: Uses 8 as a foundation but has 6 new cups, 12 new racers and adds planes as well like Diddy Kong Racing. It's actually Diddy Kong Racing.
Guys, we're about to get a console that will likely play Pokemon, Monster Hunter, SMT V, Bravely Default and Ace Attorney on the TV in HD and Xenonlade, Zelda, Pokken, Skyrim, VC and tons of indies on the go.

I'm excited. This device is literally made for how I predominately play games. I can't wait!


Honestly, I'm just hoping for the KH HD collections at this point. Should be a no brained to have them on Switch.

My predictions:

From Software's Beserk: The game is real and is a Switch exclusive. Far more cinematic that either Dark Souls or Bloodborne.

Breath of the Wild: The Switch version runs at 1080p and 60 FPS. Handheld version has sections that can be played in Link to the Past era graphics ala DQ 11 on 3DS.

Metroid Switch (the actual name not a placeholder): Uses the Switch Handheld in all the ways we imagined a Wii U Metroid would. Touchscreen morph ball puzzles, scanning etc.

Mario Globalisation: Mario visits various business hub cities around the world tripping balls on Mushrooms, phenomenal platforming ensues.

Mario Kart Switch: Uses 8 as a foundation but has 6 new cups, 12 new racers and adds planes as well like Diddy Kong Racing. It's actually Diddy Kong Racing.
Not possible but I like it, this is what predictions have been missing. all of them have been too samey because of the leaks.


We're under 3 days away, why not go on record with 3 predictions!

1 - Splatoon is a full blown sequel. Looked like a new game in the initial Switch trailer, but the telltale sign is whether or not the single player is new. Using a thesaurus for 'fresh' for the game title - Splatoon Crisp! Cross promote with Honeycrisp apples.

2 - Zelda AND Mario in the first 3 months. You can't maintain momentum unless you gain it first.

3 - New IP sports mini-game collection announced, focused on 1v1 games that work well with the Joy Cons and small screen on the go, no motion control. Can also play 2v2 local (2 switches, no TV) or online.

These are pretty out there but I'd be happy to get at least 1 right.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Guys, we're about to get a console that will likely play Pokemon, Monster Hunter, SMT V, Bravely Default and Ace Attorney on the TV in HD and Xenonlade, Zelda, Pokken, Skyrim, VC and tons of indies on the go.

I'm excited. This device is literally made for how I predominately play games. I can't wait!

I'm not particularly excited about having more franchises on the go, but I am excited about the portable franchises being on a TV.


If we got a switch sports then I would actually be kind of excited. Motion controls would be preferred but not required for my enjoyment

I think it might be too much like Wii Sports in that case. For me, I'm thinking arcade-style basketball, hockey, soccer, racing etc. Haven't seen many modern games in this genre, but maybe I've just missed them.
It's gonna odd seeing so many launch games with high positive reviews scores. Usually they range from ok to mediocre.

Assuming the ports are reviewed of course.

God I hope Rabbids is good. I actually like Ubisoft
I think it might be too much like Wii Sports in that case. For me, I'm thinking arcade-style basketball, hockey, soccer, racing etc. Haven't seen many modern games in this genre, but maybe I've just missed them.
which part the motion controls? As long as I get relaxing music and dumb fun sports I'm good


I'll buy a Switch at launch if these are announced.

In theory it should be totally reasonable for 2.8 at the least to be a Switch title. The biggest game that collection is a HD remaster of a 3DS game, like why wouldn't the Switch at the least get a game that was on the preceding Nintendo handheld? The other stuff in 2.8 is rendered in Unreal 4, which the Switch has full support of. There's just no real reason for it to not happen.

& yet, because it's a 3rd party game & Nintendo hardware I remain apprehensive. KH has kinda become the measuring stick for Switch's fate with 3rd parties in my mind.


jab - announce no region lock
hook - announce a good account system not tied to your console and an improved yet still free online
uppercut - announce megatons that haven't been leaked yet with extensive gameplay trailers

Perfect KO. Nintendo won


kick in the balls - region lock
keep kicking me while I'm down - talking about shit LITERALLY nobody cares about like mobile efforts, anything with Miis, Switchtendoland Mini-Game Extravaganza, Ubisoft on stage too much, which is anything more than 3 minutes

Nintendo disqualified


With Wii VC, I think they'd want to avoid releasing any stuff early on that can't be played in all configurations. I'm sure they have designed the joycons with the intention of them replicating the functionality of the Wii remote and nunchuck, but I could see them aiming to avoid confusion by having them not be required to do so for any stuff released on Switch in the early days.

GameCube VC is much simpler because you'll be able to play everything in any arrangement, but remote and nunchuck games couldn't be played with the joycons docked.

I think down the line once people have got a good idea of how Switch works, and there's less risk of causing confusion, they might consider Wii VC.


jab - announce no region lock
hook - announce a good account system not tied to your console and an improved yet still free online
uppercut - announce megatons that haven't been leaked yet with extensive gameplay trailers

Perfect KO. Nintendo won


kick in the balls - region lock
keep kicking me while I'm down - talking about shit LITERALLY nobody cares about like mobile efforts, anything with Miis, Switchtendoland Mini-Game Extravaganza, Ubisoft on stage too much, which is anything more than 3 minutes

Nintendo disqualified

Also pricing should either kill it or be the ko punch.
jab - announce no region lock
hook - announce a good account system not tied to your console and an improved yet still free online
uppercut - announce megatons that haven't been leaked yet with extensive gameplay trailers

Perfect KO. Nintendo won


kick in the balls - region lock
keep kicking me while I'm down - talking about shit LITERALLY nobody cares about like mobile efforts, anything with Miis, Switchtendoland Mini-Game Extravaganza, Ubisoft on stage too much, which is anything more than 3 minutes

Nintendo disqualified

I'd guess you'll get your jab and uppercut, the hook is still anyone's guess, but it's almost a guarantee that they'll have some kind of "this game shows off all the gameplay capabilities of the system" game and I can't imagine Miis going anywhere since they're in Miitomo, Mario Run, racers in Mario Kart and fighters is Smash Bros.
I'm sure its not to compare with Switch release, but I remember getting up early to buy the 3DS on release day... off my local town K-Mart.

I was the only one there.

Good luck with your pre-orders everyone.


I'm a tiny bit nervous because I just want to pre-order it as soon as it becomes available. I think I'm gonna go with Amazon but what do people think would be best to ensure getting one near launch?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
i'll just copy pasta my own predictions

- Zelda looks to play incredible. Big focus. Technically safe as a port and looks like a sharper Wii U build.
- Rabbids x Mario RPG quirky and lively. Clearly targeting the younger demographic. No real scope of game complexity.
- BG&E2 short CGI teaser, like Bayo2's reveal.
- Pikmin 4, looks dope. Obviously began on Wii U.
- Mario looks like Mario. Cool. Not for launch.
- Bunch of Wii U ports. Mario Kart gets the most new content. Splatoon mainly cosmetics. Smash 4 is just the Wii U build with all DLC and some 3DS content, no newcomers.
- Mid-late 2016 third party ports, some upcoming third party ports (Tekken). No exclusive content.
- GCN virtual console. Not available at launch.
- A lot of marketing time dedicated to virtual console stuff now on-the-go.
- Metroid/F-Zero nowhere to be seen.
- Safeish B-tier third party exclusive or two from publishers testing the waters. (All will tank).
- Pokemon saved for E3.
- Retro nowhere to be seen.
- And Monolith.
- Platinum too.
- Arkham Knight It's-a-new-game Edition.
- Heaps of complaining on GAF about the graphical capabilities despite the writing on the wall.
- Battery life predictably low because battery tech is fucked.
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