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Nintendo Switch Discussion Thread (Question of the Day, Countdown, etc)

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I mean if GC VC is happening then surely nothing's really stopping them from getting Wii games to work right? The only real hangup I see about it is control schemes for some games but I'm sure with good button remap options for joycons or support for old wiimotes/nunchuks it would be fine.

It's important to note that Wii is a superset of the GameCube. It has a few extra things, and while the main one is architechted in a way that, lends itself to easy high level emulation, it will add to the emulation overhead.

Also, the higher clock speeds will naturally demand more of the CPU, so specs could obviously be a potential blocker depending on how things shake out.


God hears you, Specially after today ��
It's time to bring Kamiya home.
PlatinumGames designer Hideki Kamiya is currently working on Scalebound, which is slated to hit Xbox One and Windows PC next year. But he says he wants to return to his character-action game franchise, Bayonetta, after that.

During an interview with Kamiya at E3, I asked whether he'd consider making a Bayonetta 3, once Scalebound is released.

"To answer your question straightly, yes," Kamiya said. "It's actually something I've been thinking a lot about. We've talked a lot about it internally at the company and I've written some outlines for what the game would be. And I feel really confident it would be cool if we got the chance to make it.

"Right now, we're looking at opportunities... If that opportunity ever came up to make Bayonetta 3, that would be really, really cool."


I remember over a week ago I had a dream Nintendo announced two Metroid games: a 2D one and a 3D one.

2D one was like a HD Super Metroid look with the camera pulled out a bit and the 3D one wasn't FPS, but TPS.

It won't happen, but it was interesting that I conjured such a specific dream :p


I wasn't jazzed initially about RabbidsXMario RPG... but when you think about it, Nintendo rarely fucks up their IP, and farming it out to UBI? Well I'm sure they're keeping a close eye on it. Seriously, this could be the surprise hit of the year/show. There could be all kinds of Nintendo/UBI cameos and extra characters... no telling how zany the story is. Potentially this could be one helluva follow up to Squares classic. I'm kinda digging this shit and I know nothing about it!!! Lol.
I wasn't jazzed initially about RabbidsXMario RPG... but when you think about it, Nintendo rarely fucks up their IP, and farming it out to UBI? Well I'm sure they're keeping a close eye on it. Seriously, this could be the surprise hit of the year/show. There could be all kinds of Nintendo/UBI cameos and extra characters... no telling how zany the story is. Potentially this could be one helluva follow up to Squares classic. I'm kinda digging this shit and I know nothing about it!!! Lol.

It has "sleeper hit" written all over it or just "shit".


It has "sleeper hit" written all over it or just "shit".
LOL!! Yeah it could go either way. But I think Nintendo might know how dear the original Mario RPG is to so many.... I doubt they'd hand it off thinking "whatevs". Seriously, it could be a smart move giving it to UBI and perhaps this indicates a partnership solidifying BG&E launch for Switch? Yeah I'm reaching. Is it all still rumor at this point?
If anybody's interested in messing about, its at http://burner.camp/switchmas/

(tl;dr: hooray, I did an ultimately useless but fun thing!)

This was an awesome tool, helped me get mine done way faster, I'm really bad when it comes to this stuff.

I'll finalize my own card in time for sure, this is what I got for now: http://i.imgur.com/lSCZVFc.jpg

I'd like to focus more on things that are going to be the most exciting and less on the actual likeliness. Of course, I still included some obvious stuff so that I don't screw myself out of a bingo completely, lol, but I also left out the most obvious stuff like Splatoon or Mario.


Prediction: a brand new 2D Metroid at launch and a first person 3D Metroid (not called Prime, though) announced for Spring 2018.
Thursdayton approaches once again. I feel like it has been over a decade since Thursdayton. I can't remember anymore, GAF's history is muddled in my digital memories.


Ita day 0, let me dream-Scalebound was on Unreal 4, the engine Nintendo designed the Switch largely around.

Maybe some lower polygon dragons, 20million to MS(rights), 20million for extra dev time to Platinum and Nintendo can get to the bottom of Kamiya's project. If it's not too borked.


Fuck everything if leaks spoiled the entire 1st party lineup in the conference. I want to keep hope alive that Kid Icarus will return
before the year 2030.
Ita day 0, let me dream-Scalebound was on Unreal 4, the engine Nintendo designed the Switch largely around.

Maybe some lower polygon dragons, 20million to MS(rights), 20million for extra dev time to Platinum and Nintendo can get to the bottom of Kamiya's project. If it's not too borked.
40 million seems like a waste of money for this project. Might as well start fresh or do Bayonetta


The Switch launch will be weird... I'm like reeling after the U but hyped like SNES (almost). There seems to be so much going for it... the alleged support, the combined portable/console functionality and the pooled efforts of Nintendos dev teams. Just about everything in their portfolio I've wanted to play on the go anyways... it's premature to say the least but I'm excited for a Nintendo comeback. Well... a comeback as best they can :)


Bingo card is in the can, can't wait to see how Thursday pans out.

Tried to make it so each line has something really unlikely in it.


I'm not particularly excited about having more franchises on the go, but I am excited about the portable franchises being on a TV.

Yeah, it's going to be nice having everything at the TV.
Ita day 0, let me dream-Scalebound was on Unreal 4, the engine Nintendo designed the Switch largely around.

Maybe some lower polygon dragons, 20million to MS(rights), 20million for extra dev time to Platinum and Nintendo can get to the bottom of Kamiya's project. If it's not too borked.

That sounds like the worst idea ever. $40 million? For a platinum game? Do you wanna throw money into a pit?


Anyone think GC will be on VC day 1? And if so... I assume I shouldn't get my hopes up for anything but scant first party games? Which isn't bad necessarily but when you've been pining for a Skies of Arcadia release sometimes your expectations get cloudy?lol


Ita day 0, let me dream-Scalebound was on Unreal 4, the engine Nintendo designed the Switch largely around.

Maybe some lower polygon dragons, 20million to MS(rights), 20million for extra dev time to Platinum and Nintendo can get to the bottom of Kamiya's project. If it's not too borked.

Just get the concept of Scalebound and make a new game out of it. New protagonist, new character, monster, dragon and enemy designs, new environments and levels, same core concept with tweaks. As long as Kamiya leads the thing the vision for the project remains.


That sounds like the worst idea ever. $40 million? For a platinum game? Do you wanna throw money into a pit?

Why not? Sometimes platform holders take a hit for prestige.

Just wanted to see what was made, it's probably a game that just needs more money. And you get a Kamiya fantasy epic at discount. I strongly suspect the project still has plenty of merit


Neo Member
I would cry tears of joy if FFVI Remake was announced. It's something very dangerous but if it's well done, FVI would finally shine and be considered as it should be, standing on the throne of the best Final Fantasy in the heart of every gamer.


Why not? Sometimes platform holders take a hit for prestige.

Just wanted to see what was made, it's probably a game that just needs more money. And you get a Kamiya fantasy epic at discount. I strongly suspect the project still has plenty of merit

In a deal like this Microsoft will own the assets and the code. It's not possible.
Here's what I'm thinking:

3D Mario, Splatoon, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Zelda, New game from Nintendoland/Wii Sports team, and a few other smaller titles like Mario Superstars Mix, and collaborations with Monster games and good feel. I could see them tease a game that is still far out like Retro's new game or a new metroid.

Square Enix:
Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Quest Builders

Monster Hunter XX
Resident Evil Revelations 2

Pokken tournament
Anime licensed games such as One piece, dragon ball, Gundam, etc.

From Software:
Dark Souls- whether the trilogy or something else. I doubt From is working on an original series for Switch.


Call of Duty

Rabbids X Mario RPG
Watch Dogs 2
Assassin's Creed

Mass Effect



Warner Bros.
Batman: Arkham
Injustice 2

Koei Tecmo:
Hyrule Warriors
Ninja Gaiden

Winning Eleven

possibly new ip or sequel to some of their older series like W101

Minecraft, Shovelknight, original titles, etc.

VC: GCN titles anounced. Luigi's Mansion is shown off when announcing GCN VC.


I would cry tears of joy if FFVI Remake was announced. It's something very dangerous but if it's well done, FVI would finally shine and be considered as it should be, standing on the throne of the best Final Fantasy in the heart of every gamer.
Dude seriously that's like my number 1 wet dream... don't even got there, it'll probably never even happen ever!!! But I want it...


Worth noting that Laura believed we shouldn't expect Platinum at this event. I could see that maybe being an E3 announcement.
I'm gonna post my predictions! MOstly safe stuff but some bold shit that I really hope will happen at all.

-Will start with a Zelda demo. Link enters a dungeon and explores for a while before coming across a mini boss as the main event starts.
-Zelda is confirmed to launch with the system
-Splatoon Pokken, and Mario Kart are shown, with plenty of new content for each. Will be launch/Launch window.
-Smash Bros port is briefly referenced, showing off Ice Climbers and Wolf and saying it will be out later this year.
-Virtual console with Melee being the center of it all. Launch window. Online? maybe? please
-The new 3D Mario is shown off and named, slated for the holiday season.
-Whatever they had cooking up for Pikmin is shown
-Rabbids Ubisoft shit I don't care about, looks neat.
-Might as well throw BGE here.
-More third party shit I can't really predict.
-POSSIBLY a Bayonetta 3 CG trailer akin to 2's reveal?
-Retro's project is revealed,
-Metroid announced, will have "More at E3" with a 2018 release date.


(assuming it's salvageable, and MS are cold dicks) what value do you place on the reputation and mind share bonus a move like this would get Nintendo on forums like this?

And (repeating, sorry) it's a Kamiya fantasy epic at a discount.

hope they look at it.
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