Anyone feel that having NX/Switch skip E3 2016 in favor of this big event was the right call?
Hype levels are through the roof and Nintendo has pretty much got the next few days to themselves. Everyone is going to be reporting nothing but Switch stuff.
Let's take it further, how would you feel if Nintendo slowly dropped out of E3 going forward and instead, host big Switchmas-like events during other parts of the year? Or do you think E3 is still important for Nintendo to attend?
I guess we will see on Fri morning if it was worth it.
Having said that, many companies have been choosing to reveal their plans for the coming years outside E3 for a couple of years now. E3, whilst a gaming christmas, isn't the thing it once was.
Many companies are choosing to reveal stuff on their own terms at their own events. Sony, having several conferences a year, Blizzard, Activision etc having their own fan orientated events. So i guess for the fans, Tomorrow is going to be a big day for Nintendo fans. With Social media, word will spread etc. Social media and how it works has kind of diluted E3 considerably.