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Nintendo will never make a game using good graphics again cause you pay $60 indie-like


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
It doesn’t even matter. His take and this thread will quickly be out of touch once a stronger system is announced and released.

Nintendo just has to keep up with mobile graphical potential so that they can get some of the good stuff from Apple Arcade and Google Play Plus.
It's already out of touch. Nintendo have perfected their artstyle - the games look great upscaled on PC.


Nintendo will never make a game using good graphics again, it's your fault for paying $60 for a standard indie game.

Think about it
Ok but are their games ugly? Sure they aren't pushing the highest end tech but their games are the furthest thing from ugly or "bad graphics" you can get.





Seriously, fuck "teh graphics" as the be-all-end-all in this day and age where everything looks good enough. We're not seeing games in 240i these days, so developers should stop focusing on visuals and actually try innovating games with new design and game mechanics instead.
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Gold Member
Still waiting for a game that wowes me more than Xenoblade 3 graphically... Yes, art is important, more than empty fidelity for many of us and it's definitely gonna be more important for younger generations.

Games like RDR2 don't do shit to impress me graphically because they are just, well realistic and that's boring to me. Once you put fidelity with stylish art styles then we can talk. BTW I just put these screenshots in a post in the Metroid Prime 4 thread, all Switch games from Nintendo and of course, in motion they look much better:






Tired Britney Spears GIF

And I'll do it again!

Despite not being graphically intensive, they have some incredibly polished games, with great art and sound direction, animations, gameplay feel, and charm. There is also nothing wrong with well-made indies and AA games either. I also enjoy a great graphically intensive AAA game as well. Imagine limiting yourself to photorealistic graphics or one console. Variety is the spice of life!

Lokaum D+

what kills Nintendo games for me is their resolution, Jesus we are in 2024 and Nintendo still launching games at 720p@sub30 with close to no AA, most Nintendo first party games have an amazing art direction that is killed by the low resolution of their hardware and this happens since the Wii, every Nintendo fan should be able to play Nintendo games in high fidelity, playing Galaxy, Metroid, Zeldas, Pinkmin at 4k alone is another experience.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Art is important but if Nintendo wants to make outdated hardware, it's our right as consumers to demand a compatible price, perhaps even promote a boycott against them. we cannot give in to these practices.
Just my opinion, but I don't value videogames based on their graphics, but on the ammount of fun they can give me.

You are free to do as you please ofc but, honestly, ever since the Wii it's been clear to me that Nintendo won't ever care again about graphics.


Artstyle and especially direction matter way more than the asset quality, but to be honest pretty much most of the games, especially the spinoffs shown today have looked way worse than many of their previous "big" titles.

Games with realistic artstyle tend to age like crap and often feel a bit uncreative, they get boring to look at since they all look the same (this kind of games isnt immune to it either)
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what kills Nintendo games for me is their resolution, Jesus we are in 2024 and Nintendo still launching games at 720p@sub30 with close to no AA, most Nintendo first party games have an amazing art direction that is killed by the low resolution of their hardware and this happens since the Wii, every Nintendo fan should be able to play Nintendo games in high fidelity, playing Galaxy, Metroid, Zeldas, Pinkmin at 4k alone is another experience.
I love Nintendo art direction, but I definitely agree. I think just adding an increase in resolution, Antialiasing, and higher frames would have these games aging wonderfully. I am hoping the Switch 2 has backwards compatibility where it ups the resolution and frames and smooths some of the jaggies.
Yeah, I’m not very impressed by the art in 2.5D Zelda, Mario & Luigi or Metroid Prime 4. Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild are still some of the best looking games on the Switch.
Still waiting for a game that wowes me more than Xenoblade 3 graphically... Yes, art is important, more than empty fidelity for many of us and it's definitely gonna be more important for younger generations.

Games like RDR2 don't do shit to impress me graphically because they are just, well realistic and that's boring to me. Once you put fidelity with stylish art styles then we can talk. BTW I just put these screenshots in a post in the Metroid Prime 4 thread, all Switch games from Nintendo and of course, in motion they look much better:





Ill assume you havent played anything other than Nintendo games then. Its one thing to appreciate art-style and in that case I can agree, but to say theres nothing better graphically than those above is idiocracy.


Gold Member
If the game is good and has a lot of high quality content I’ll happily pay for it.

Personally, poor performance bothers me way more than visual fidelity.
Ill assume you havent played anything other than Nintendo games then. Its one thing to appreciate art-style and in that case I can agree, but to say theres nothing better graphically than those above is idiocracy.
Did you miss the part where he said photorealism is not interesting anymore? I happen to strongly agree


Weeb Underling
And can you explain what amazing gaming innovations have been achieved by Sony and Microsoft endlessly releasing new more expensive consoles?

Thought so.

The answer is, zero.

Every PS4 and PS5 game have the exact same gameplay as PS2 and PS3 games. So again the point you're trying to make is...pointless.
And Nintendo games look AND play like Wii/GameCube stuff, what's your point?


What does "good graphics" mean anyway? Because I've realised the moment you start going into the minutiae of stuff like this, you realise people are conflating technical ability with overall design and art, and that they are mainly console players who rush to the defense of their desired console when you point out that their own console of choice isn't exactly the end all/be all of graphics, and then it slowly devolves into a matter of personal preference in regards to graphics, rendering the whole conversation moot.
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Like Fromsoftware they nail important aspects like fun gameplay, art direction and presentation. Thats why Nintendo gets the money. But yeah, keep demanding graphics and pc ports from them. I will happilly pay that price for their games while you fellas just stand there staring at visual graphical adventures like Hellblade.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
If 12 people in this thread get Gold, then Evilore can buy a Nintendo game

If only 4 people get gold, he'll have to just buy a $19 indie game


ufc 223 sport GIF by UFC

I have a crazy thought. Perhaps people pay 60$ because... the games are, you know... fun?
That level of fun costs 40 dollars. The extra 20 or 30 are production values, which are not present in most Nintendo games, they are subpar.
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Every Nintendo game has great graphics.

From a certain point of view.
If we look at graphics as an art-form they are among the best if not the best in the business. Tears of the Kingdom is stunning looker. Also animations are exceptional.
If we look from resolution/frame-rate/IQ standpoint Switch is surely lacking, but it's not artists fault - it's about HW limitations.
I don't care much about the latter because I've seen path-tracing and there is diminishing returns right after PS4 era.
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