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Nintendo will never make a game using good graphics again cause you pay $60 indie-like


This must be an attempt to troll just like the guy who didn't understand that the TV needed to be updated. They do it to get attention. Otherwise, I have no explanation how they can express themselves in that way :D


Neighbours from Hell
Nintendo wasn't on the cutting edge of graphics since like N64. Since then their games have never been about top of the line graphics. The Gamecube had good graphics, but it wasn't anything jaw dropping compared to what was released. They chose to make less powerful consoles, it is what it is. For what the console is though I think the graphics of their games have been fine. I mean Zelda BOTW and TOTK somehow managed to look really good and be these massive worlds with virtually no load screens. That was a master class in game design and development.
Not to say Nintendo games aren't good, but Astro's Playroom was next level fun to me, and the graphics were awesome.
Yeah it was a great little game. I didn't know anything about it and was surprised to see there was basically a pack-in game when I bought the Ps5. I jumped in shortly thereafter, absolutely love the use of the controller features. Really surprised me, couldn't stop playing until I was done.

I honestly haven't even seen the trailer for the new Astro game yet, but after playing the Playroom last year, a full game was definitely on my mind.


If we look at graphics as an art-form they are among the best if not the best in the business. Tears of the Kingdom is stunning looker. Also animations are exceptional.
If we look from resolution/frame-rate/IQ standpoint Switch is surely lacking, but it's not artists fault - it's about HW limitations.
I don't care much about the latter because I've seen path-tracing and there is diminishing returns right after PS4 era.
Hopefully the Switch 2 will get Nintendo to the PS4 or even PS4.5 era, then it will at least appear as though they're not as much behind anymore, thanks to the diminishing returns from there onwards.
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Gold Member
I enjoy looking at games with great "high end" graphics but there's a reason they cost $200+ million and take 5 years to make. There's also a reason why so many of them come out so safe and taking so few risks which people also complain about.

Like, ok, it's a Zelda game, Zelda games will always sell, but your average publisher will not spend $200 million to make that Zelda game we saw today because it just takes too many risks and mixes up the formula too much.


Every Nintendo game has great graphics.

From a certain point of view.
This must be an attempt to troll just like the guy who didn't understand that the TV needed to be updated. They do it to get attention. Otherwise, I have no explanation how they can express themselves in that way :D
Ever heard of a thing called diversity? Not everyone thinks, acts, talks, or looks like you. Welcome to neogaef


Weeb Underling
Until games are fun, I couldn't care less. Because of graphics I've a PS5 with basically zero games released since launch and still nothing in sight, on Switch I've 1 exclusive every month worth playing.
I don't believe you have a PS5. Zero games in 4 years? Lol, Nintendo fans are so smug with this shit. You realise that other games have gameplay, right?

You can nitpick all day but the game looks like a playable version of Secrets of Mana’s title screen. This is going to be gorgeous.
Sorry, not impressed. Avatar Frontiers came out last year, and Anthem was 5 years ago. Even Xenoblade already leans into this type of environment. There's nothing groundbreaking or "fresh" about this art, and it's lower in fidelity to boot.

Little Mac

Gold Member
Shots Fired GIF by Barstool Sports

We’re live?! Let’s go!

Nintendo games have always been comforting to me. Maybe it’s the 60fps or the nostalgia but I’d never categorize Nintendo games as ugly or underdeveloped. I will say that it’s time for a new console though as some of the third party stuff has terrible aliasing (jaggies) and poor frame rate as devs struggle to port their games over to take advantage of the Switch’s immense user base.
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Gold Member
Sorry, not impressed. Avatar Frontiers came out last year, and Anthem was 5 years ago. Even Xenoblade already leans into this type of environment. There's nothing groundbreaking or "fresh" about this art, and it's lower in fidelity to boot
Vine Ok GIF

As if any of those games were “groundbreaking” or “fresh” to begin with?

I even said it already looks like another game in my post. Point is it doesn’t look like a “generic mess”. At least not to me. Just looking a that pick there’s already places I can’t wait to go.
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the most realistic games on the market are also by far the most boring. give me fun gameplay and a distinct art style instead.

I still cannot wrap my head around people who's entire gaming hobby revolves around how realistic character X his hair looks. at that point you might just wanna step outside and interact with real people for once instead
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M$; Let’s spend 6 years forensically mapping out a fjord in Iceland for a 4 hour long boring slog

Nintendo; hahah table wand go brrrrr

One of these will sell 10m at full price and the other will likely cause a studio to close.
winning reply right here


It’s the competition that should learn the lesson. Spend less money on graphics tech for the graphic whores that buy 2 titles a year to jerk off in photo mode and gifs and instead make compelling, fun, gameplay focused experiences.

Nintendo is doing it right. Everyone else isn’t.
They both do it wrong imho.. thats why switch was my last nintendo console and I barely used ... playing nintendo games today feels like retrogaming at full price. Its a big nope for me. I understand the appeal though.


And Nintendo games look AND play like Wii/GameCube stuff, what's your point?

The person I was responding to was insinuating that Nintendo's wrak hardware is holding their games back.

It's not, these other companies have squandered their console power and basically make pretty looking PS2 games.

prove me wrong gordon ramsay GIF by MasterChef Junior


Gold Member
you right and I didn't know there was a whole scene of people playing Nintendo games on PC.... that'll should tell you something.

Nintendo gave up chasing the graphics crown after gamecube. but that's irrelevant because their marker dosen't care about that.
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