Tenzan eliminates Haku? The fuck?
Tenzan out, the double fuck?
I think Cheeseburger's going to win this guys!
Oh man, Sakuraba looks rough
A loose explosion eliminates the Cheeseburger!
Is Momoclo girl going to wrestle?
who's the Momoka girl?
She characterizes herself as "baka" ("silly", "stupid"), saying that at school she cannot understand fundamental things or remember anything, but her co-members say she actually studies all the time, even backstage.[16] Momoka explains that it is exactly because she is stupid that she has to study hard. Her favorite subjects are English, mathematics and Japanese.[16]
Jado books himself to win!
who's the Momoka girl?
who's the Momoka girl?
Am I awake? What the hell is going on right now?
So this is basically the equivalent of WWE/Scooby Doo. Got it.