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No Man's Sky |OT2| Maths Effect


A statement like this leads me to think you really didn't play NMS much or all. There was stuff that changed, a few things that were missing, but the basic gameplay loop and experience that they demo'd over and over was there. It's very shallow in places, but "wholly constructed from misleading statements" is just hyperbole.

And a statement like this makes me think you didn't listen to any of what Sean Murray said in the years leading up to the game coming out.

This was pitched as a multi role space adventure game where you could be a trader, or a pirate, join factions, live in space, be an explorer or a warrior, it was pitched as a multiplayer game, too -- A vast universe we all shared with a great living economy that we all partook in. This is what it was pitched as. If you don't believe me I can dig up dozens of quotes.

What we got is most generously described as a meditation game where you look at different colored rocks for no real reason.

So please, spare me.


The point is that transparency and communication is the best route following releasing a game that in no way resembles the game you've been hyping up for years.

If you think that's wrong, well, how could it possibly be worse? I've never seen a game that is more toxic than NMS

I've never seen more ridiculous hyperbole than this. The toxic element of NMS is posts like yours acting like this is some kind of historic tragedy when it really was just a game some people didn't like. It is absurd that people are still this angry about the fact that they were dumb enough to be fooled by vague talk and lofty goals. If it took NMS to teach you that marketing can't be trusted, I really don't know what to tell you.


I it really was just a game some people didn't like


the story isn't a game being bad. if that was the story there'd be no story. bad and mediocre games are forgotten quickly. this isn't forgotten. stop and think about why.

it's because sean murray talked endless shit


I dont think the missing features like planet rotation, portals, factions and better trade would be the game much better. The main loop would ne the almost the same. I rather have more crazy planets and better ships options overall. The ship interior would be your base, with rare things you collect, for example. A bit of Animal Crossing :)
Just a note to say I still play NMS every now and then in short bursts. Pretty awesome game all in all when you just want to chill.
If this post makes you either happy or angry, you probably care too much.

That's exactly where i am too. I find it relaxing after work to pop on a podcast and go exploring and a bit of mining and dogfighting.
And a statement like this makes me think you didn't listen to any of what Sean Murray said in the years leading up to the game coming out.

This was pitched as a multi role space adventure game where you could be a trader, or a pirate, join factions, live in space, be an explorer or a warrior, it was pitched as a multiplayer game, too -- A vast universe we all shared with a great living economy that we all partook in. This is what it was pitched as. If you don't believe me I can dig up dozens of quotes.

What we got is most generously described as a meditation game where you look at different colored rocks for no real reason.

So please, spare me.

I've pretty much seen every interview, tech talk, and magazine article. I know what Sean said and didn't say.

You can be a trader (you can buy/sell goods), a pirate (you can attack trading ships and steal their cargo), an explorer (discover stuff), or blow everything up (kill everything). You may not be satisfied with the gameplay or depth of those roles, but they are there. Sean never promised you could join a faction, only that your actions would have affects on your friend or foe status. In any case, the factions really only barely exist from the original concept. The economy was rarely mentioned by Sean, but it is there and it is "living" in that prices fluctuate and respond to you buying and selling within a system. Multiplayer is not in the game, but it was never billed as a "MP game", and was always couched in terms of a small Journey-like experience.

This OT is focused on talking about the game. There are plenty of other threads for you to rail against Sean Murray in. This one is for those who actually play it.


you think sean murray aptly represented what the game is?


okay, whatever, glad you enjoy it. I don't enjoy it


Came in expecting an update on features, or maybe an upcoming patch...find a troll.

Yup, it's a NMS thread.
Same for me, I really, really hope that the devs are still working on this game. It just shows so much potential and I want it to be where it should be.
It would be a real shame to see this game die as it is.
I truly believe they are working frantically to put in all the things people accuse the game of not having.

I had many, many hours of joy, exploring NMS. I will look forward to anything they add.


The dream of iterative improvement, like minecraft, is now pretty much dead. At this rate I just want them to tweak some of the basic gameplay concerns (like crappy flying on planets) so I can go back to it.

In small doses its still OK, just those annoyances plus the shallow loop means I can't play for too long.


I don't think they will add anything to the game outside of bug fixes. Maybe some form of paid DLC but even then I don't know what it could be to be worth it. Like some kind of story DLC wouldn't really fit because of the nature of the game, adding bases and freighters would be cool but serve no real purpose as you are very much a nomad in this game (unless freighters can survive black holes or something and bases produce resources and send it to you wherever you are). The idea of base building is kind of cool in a game where you could potentially meet others or they could find your stuff but the game doesn't work like that so me building a cool base (or even a city of buildings!) wouldn't mean anything because no one will actually see it (due to your changes on a planet not getting saved for others that find it) and I'd move on from the system and never find my way back.

This OT is focused on talking about the game. There are plenty of other threads for you to rail against Sean Murray in. This one is for those who actually play it.

Yeah, talking about the game, and the developers. OTs aren't just some positive good feels echo chamber. People are allowed to discuss what they like and don't like about a game. People complain when there are too many threads about a game and then complain when the discussion actually takes place in the OT.

The dream of iterative improvement, like minecraft, is now pretty much dead. At this rate I just want them to tweak some of the basic gameplay concerns (like crappy flying on planets) so I can go back to it.

In small doses its still OK, just those annoyances plus the shallow loop means I can't play for too long.

A fair amount of annoying things have been fixed on PC thanks to mods. Things like being able to actually fly close to the ground (and underwater!) making flying on planets actually fun (going under arches and the like). Though on PS4 you're kind of at the whims of Hello Games.


Never have a seen a game so hated before.

I was on the hype train before released and even a few weeks after release. I did enjoy my time with the game, and put in over 50hrs before deciding enough was enough.

This could have been something amazing, it was exactly what I wanted... and then it was exactly what I didn't want. :(
I've pretty much seen every interview, tech talk, and magazine article. I know what Sean said and didn't say.

You can be a trader (you can buy/sell goods), a pirate (you can attack trading ships and steal their cargo), an explorer (discover stuff), or blow everything up (kill everything). You may not be satisfied with the gameplay or depth of those roles, but they are there. Sean never promised you could join a faction, only that your actions would have affects on your friend or foe status. In any case, the factions really only barely exist from the original concept. The economy was rarely mentioned by Sean, but it is there and it is "living" in that prices fluctuate and respond to you buying and selling within a system. Multiplayer is not in the game, but it was never billed as a "MP game", and was always couched in terms of a small Journey-like experience.

This OT is focused on talking about the game. There are plenty of other threads for you to rail against Sean Murray in. This one is for those who actually play it.
I bought this game 2 weeks in, so I was far too late to catch the gist of the arguments, but there should be more posts like this. HG may have screwed up, but I see far more misrepresentation from fans and most media.

Everyday I check "No Man's Sky" on Google, and everyday I see the same article on the Express website click baiting, with the same "facts". They are a semi reputable paper, but still claim there were promised multiplayer features and that HG are being investigated by trading standards. When in reality the only feature promised was the ability to see other players...if you were in the same region of a galaxy...in the same system...on the same planet...in the same place on the planet. In all the hours I've played, I've never come across another system discovered by anyone else, let alone come close to meeting anyone. So that's not a feature...it's a slight nod to another player, and only marginally more than discovering a system already discovered. And Steam were being investigated by trading standards, not HG.

There are countless others. Planet rotation adds nothing but aesthetics (aesthetics, I might add, that nearly stopped me from buying it). Yet it's claimed to have wide reaching implications across the game...using non existent evidence. Sean Murray said ships would be "slightly different". And for the most part that is correct. There may not be stats that change from ship to ship, but the number of slots and the shape they are in, have more than just a "slight" impact on the ship. He actually undersold the difference there.

A lot of stuff ADDED (in the name of accessibility) to the game hurts it more than the missing stuff. If even a 48 slot ship had their slots arranged differently, it would make them more unique, rather than literally the same as any other 48 slot ship. If NPCs weren't everywhere (they weren't even in the game until 4 months before release) and the game forced you to move about, there would actually be a reason to explore. And above all else, make it harder.

When it was fans that pushed the premature release of this game with death threats, should they really be completely off the hook? Even Geoff Keighley is now questioning his own role in the events that lead up to release. Everyone is culpable in someway, but not everyone is being held to account.
Don't think it warrants its own thread (this one barely gets any traction) but the NMS subreddit chief has set up a fundraiser for Cancer Research UK, inspired by the Sean Murray's silence. I think it's a nice idea, worth checking out.

"So the other mods and myself have been speaking about having a fundraiser type deal where we raise money for charity. Since we just hit 90 days of 0 communication about the game I thought now is a great time. (...) Right now the charity the money will be going to is Cancer Research UK who do some amazing stuff. Their governance cost is 1% for those who care.

So what I thought would be a good idea is we have the fundraiser, and if Sean doesn't speak up by the 110th day, which is 20 days away, we'll do something a bit more local, with the subreddit, instead of giving him any more 'reasons' to not speak again. I've set the goal to 500 pounds even though I think we'll only hit like 100 or so at most. I'll be putting in 20 pounds anyways. If you can't donate then that's obviously no problem, if you could share it, that would be amazing. It would be awesome if Sean Murray saw this."

And as you can see, the main community managers have almost given up at this point. Not a good outlook on the game.
I truly believe they are working frantically to put in all the things people accuse the game of not having.

I don't know if they're working frantically, but according to Paul Weir (Audio Lead) a few weeks ago, they are still working on an update. Weir seems like a down-to-earth guy and serious about his work, so I'll take him at his word.

Speaking of Paul, I really wish NMS would get more credit for its in-game generative soundtrack. He really pushed forward the state of the art with it.
same thing people are doing who keep talking about an upcoming content patch... let it go.gif

I thought you made your point clear less than 24hours ago ? you're gonna continue shitting in this thread for no reason ?

The let it go is for you

If you can't wait , let it go.
If you can't accept that others can wait , let it go
If you think you need to remind us every day that waiting might be useless , let it go.

Just leave and let go of this thread , you'll be better , we will be better


Should I give up on Ghost Song coming out as well?

Ask me any question and I'll engage you.

Ask Sean Murray any question and see what happens.

Compare our Twitter feeds. Mine is full of things that I'm doing and me engaging my followers constantly. Go look. I'll wait.

My whole criticism of him is that he's ignoring you all and has completely shut down. Have you been paying attention?

Why defend this? You're being shit on. You have value.


Ask me any question and I'll engage you.

Ask Sean Murray any question and see what happens.

Compare our Twitter feeds. Mine is full of things that I'm doing and me engaging my followers constantly. Go look. I'll wait.

My whole criticism of him is that he's ignoring you all and has completely shut down. Have you been paying attention?

Why defend this? You're being shit on. You have value.

I was just teasing! Seriously, I wish you all the best with your game.

You are right about Sean/Hello Games being completely unavailable. I think it's a mistake not to be more communicative, but I can also sympathize and understand why they have been mostly silent following the enormous backlash.

As for whether the patch will ever be delivered, who can really say? Personally, I was satisfied enough with the game that I'm not really bothered if it gets updated or not, although it would be a pleasant surprise. We don't have enough information to know they intentionally misrepresented their product to make a quick buck, or if Murray's ambitions simply got the better of him and they ran out of time.

So... let's not fight?


We don't have enough information to know they intentionally misrepresented their product to make a quick buck, or if Murray's ambitions simply got the better of him and they ran out of time.

So... let's not fight?

It does get a little annoying that if someone disagrees with me on unrelated thing X it becomes an attack on me taking too long to make a game. What does one have to do with the other? And I'm one guy. Sean Murray had like 11 guys, and he probably should have delayed the game another year. I'd have supported that.

I don't know motivations but they absolutely misrepresented their game especially as it got months from release and they were still giving interviews full of bullshit. Again, why defend it?
I'm sad for you guys I'd you are expecting content updates. Please don't do this to yourselves. ��

Thanks for the concern trolling.

This thread is for people to share experiences about the game and discuss the game itself. If you have criticisms about the game, this is a place for that. If you want to talk about how Sean Murray lied to you, there are other threads for that. Please be respectful. Some of us enjoy playing the game and want to chat about it, and this has been the only area of GAF that's been relatively free of outrage.


Thanks for the concern trolling.

This thread is for people to share experiences about the game and discuss the game itself. If you have criticisms about the game, this is a place for that. If you want to talk about how Sean Murray lied to you, there are other threads for that. Please be respectful. Some of us enjoy playing the game and want to chat about it, and this has been the only area of GAF that's been relatively free of outrage.

Jobbs is making Ghost Song? Well fuck, I'm directly funding this trollish nonsense. Sorry, guys.

It's a big story and one that I find both fascinating and sort of irresistible, but since we've reached a standstill I'll stop commenting. You shouldn't take it too personally if I say mean things about a game, btw, and respond by attacking me or my work. If your goal is to get me to stop replying that's not a good strategy, since, unlike Sean, I respond when people talk about me or my game.


Ask me any question and I'll engage you.

Ask Sean Murray any question and see what happens.

Compare our Twitter feeds. Mine is full of things that I'm doing and me engaging my followers constantly. Go look. I'll wait.

My whole criticism of him is that he's ignoring you all and has completely shut down. Have you been paying attention?

Why defend this? You're being shit on. You have value.

The difference here is I like No Man's Sky. I've never heard of your game and your attitude here has made sure I'll never even google it.


The difference here is I like No Man's Sky. I've never heard of your game and your attitude here has made sure I'll never even google it.
From the sounds of it, it might actually get finished if the developer spent less time concern trolling in NMS threads...


No one's going back, not even with fixes. Some of you, maybe, but not a meaningful number.

Astroneer can do well and grab a ton of ppl who were let down by NMS. Hopefully!
No one's going back, not even with fixes. Some of you, maybe, but not a meaningful number.

Astroneer can do well and grab a ton of ppl who were let down by NMS. Hopefully!

I'd love to think they might be working on a Pro patch too, but it just seems unlikely. I get that they were disappointed with the reception it got and some of the reactions were down right toxic, but there are still people out there that can see the potential in what they created and it's those that they should at least be reaching out to and letting them know it's not dead yet.
No one's going back, not even with fixes. Some of you, maybe, but not a meaningful number.

Astroneer can do well and grab a ton of ppl who were let down by NMS. Hopefully!

I will go back for meaningful content. I don't really care what anyone else does.
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