Ah, OT2!
To follow up from my last post in the last thread, I'm going to go for this crashed ship even though I'm on a totally inhospitable toxic planet. What I'm going to do now that I didn't do before:
- Dismantle all the upgrades on my current ship.
- Make use of my suit inventory so there's space for everything.
- Stock up on Zinc.
I must have been dead tired or not thinking right because I didn't do any of this stuff with my first crashed ship. I moved the current ship inventory over and that was it. Mistakes were made.
Is the reason the thread title is the same becauseat the end it just starts you over?
I effing love the music in this game.
Also, I kinda want to start naming planets with a code system that explains if there is anything cool to find on the planet for other players - resource wise.
Has someone already suggested this? If not anyone have a good idea how to do this?
Without context, I just clicked on that endgame spoiler lol.
Sorry, do you think I should delete it?
does anybody else still has that 'You have lost connection to online services' message on the bottom in the menus?
I'd really like to see more shots of things like this in the game. It has a varied landscape, interesting architecture, and lush, detailed vegetation. Hopefully after some updates the game will start to look like some of these pre-release screenshots.
does anybody else still has that 'You have lost connection to online services' message on the bottom in the menus?
Will it though? I was under the impression that the entire galaxy was already generated. If they change the seed, wouldn't that change the planets that have already been discovered?
I'd really like to see more shots of things like this in the game. It has a varied landscape, interesting architecture, and lush, detailed vegetation. Hopefully after some updates the game will start to look like some of these pre-release screenshots.
Congrats. I think this will be my second platinum.
Welcome to the club!
I'd really like to see more shots of things like this in the game. It has a varied landscape, interesting architecture, and lush, detailed vegetation. Hopefully after some updates the game will start to look like some of these pre-release screenshots.
For the milestones/trophies where you survive on a planet for X days, does that have to be all at once, or can you leave and come back, or use several different planets?
How does this duping everyone is talking about works?
Yup. This game hasn't been online for about a week now.
They have said as much but apparently that is something they will be doing on occasion as part of their patch work.
but could it affect the game? i mean, i was in the other space station, and there arrived about 4 to 5 different ships. and that was it. i thought there where so many different ships allover the game..
Played for the first time last night and my home planet has lots of aluminum, which I was able to sell
For a lot of credits. Not sure if Its useful to keeps
Some in my inventory
Once. You can't leave the atmosphere, so be careful of the jettison glitch. It's about 6 hours real time I believe.
You CAN save on the surface and shut down the game / come back. So find a extreme with lots if annuals and just find them all in 2 3-hour sessions.
but could it affect the game? i mean, i was in the other space station, and there arrived about 4 to 5 different ships. and that was it. i thought there where so many different ships allover the game..
Will it though? I was under the impression that the entire galaxy was already generated. If they change the seed, wouldn't that change the planets that have already been discovered?
If you told me this was a screenshot from the game now the only reason I would doubt you is the structure in the background. They need to seed some random structures into the game that don't have any purpose whatsoever. More simple random structures that just exist as reminders of an ancient civilization now extinct. They don't have to do anything.
but could it affect the game? i mean, i was in the other space station, and there arrived about 4 to 5 different ships. and that was it. i thought there where so many different ships allover the game..
There are many different ships. They arrive at space stations, trading platforms, some outposts and you can find crashed ones via transmission towers.
They are randomly generated.
There are many different ships. They arrive at space stations, trading platforms, some outposts and you can find crashed ones via transmission towers.
They are randomly generated.
I've dug a hole right next to a save point to hide from the heat and just leave the game on while doing other stuff. Just reached the Rugged milestone.Once. You can't leave the atmosphere, so be careful of the jettison glitch. It's about 6 hours real time I believe.
You CAN save on the surface and shut down the game / come back. So find a extreme with lots if annuals and just find them all in 2 3-hour sessions.
There is a potentially huge number of different ships but the same 4 or 5 will usually show up in a system. The game seems to spawn a specific number per system but as soon as you warp to another you will find different ones.
The amusing part is of course that if you hang around long enough you may see 3 of four of the exact same ships with the exact same pilots all docking at the same time
Played for the first time last night and my home planet has lots of aluminum, which I was able to sell
For a lot of credits. Not sure if Its useful to keeps
Some in my inventory
In the early game when inventory space is at a premium, I say sell everything.I would keep stack of 500 in ships inventory. Few higher level mod crafts need it.
In the early game when inventory space is at a premium, I say sell everything.
If anyone is still hanging out in their first couple systems, don't. Move on. At around system 3 or 4 the upgrades that make the game less annoying start dropping like candy.
I didn't find a single exosuit upgrade in 10 hours in my first systems. After one more jump I found 3 on a single planet. Plus several new multitools.
What are those gigantic ships around planets?
What are those gigantic ships around planets?
Currently on a planet with flora and fauna "not present". Yet... the scanner picks up a lot of lifeforms. But they fade in and out and are always out of reach when i move towards them.
It's my planet haunted? The vistas look like it.
The only thing here are those pearl pods but the scanner icons are not for them either.