No man's sky just proves that people shouldn't care about media opinion.
There's people who it's going to love it and there's people that won't.
the game is so... nothing... I am glad you enjoy it but yes, you do baffle me
Sorry? I'm on my phone and it was the first one to pop up on my youtube app. Fixed.Why are you linking someone's shitty re-upload of that video?
Console wars will begin soon...I didn't buy into the hype from the get go. I knew it was going to be a shallow game and I was questioning it in asking "what do you even do". The game looked the same every time we saw it. How could people not see it is beyond me.
Xbox One got the better space console exclusive at the end of the day.
Fuck everyone who doesn't agree with me, their opinion could say this about literally anything
Console wars will begin soon...
what is it?
Sorry, im out of the loop on all this.
Xbox One got the better space console exclusive at the end of the day.
Oh yeah no man's sky is such an event it makes all reviews ever pointless...No man's sky just proves that people shouldn't care about media opinion.
There's people who it's going to love it and there's people that won't.
Quantum breakwhat is it?
Sorry, im out of the loop on all this.
Quantum break
I didn't buy into the hype from the get go. I knew it was going to be a shallow game and I was questioning it in asking "what do you even do". The game looked the same every time we saw it. How could people not see it is beyond me.
Xbox One got the better space console exclusive at the end of the day.
It really just depends on whether you like just randomly exploring or not. The "gamey" mechanics are pretty thin, but the thrill of exploration is quite neat.
Yesterday, I landed on a planet and just went for a walk in a random direction. jumped down random hills, found a lake, it had underwater tunnels, which i ventured into, not knowing if it actually led anywhere or not. Got completely lost, ran out of air, nearly died, but managed to find the surface again. Then night was coming, and temperatures started plummeting, and it was a mad dash back up the hills to my ship to get warm. It was fun, and enjoyable, even though i didn't really do anything in a traditional sense.
I'm not entirely sure of it's staying power, but what's there is compelling enough depending on your personal tastes.
I didn't buy into the hype from the get go. I knew it was going to be a shallow game and I was questioning it in asking "what do you even do". The game looked the same every time we saw it. How could people not see it is beyond me.
Xbox One got the better space console exclusive at the end of the day.
That's what hype does to people. They never learn to keep their expectations in check. Especially in this case.
Console wars will begin soon...
Why are people acting like the current meta score is bad? That is still............ Good. Everything is fine.
It isn't like it turned into Bomba Man's Sky or anything.
Console wars will begin soon...
You guys that knew this game was too-hyped and it wouldn't be good even though you haven't played it are so smart! 🤓
Off topic but cuphead wasn't originally a platformer? I don't follow it to well but I really can't wait for it(I like the art style mostly)People not seeing and people not wanting to see are two different things.
"What the hell do you do?" Was kinda obvious in this game when the same stuff was being shown for the first year or more. I think the delays seemed like they were there to add "more stuff to do" like the shooting and stuff. But much like Cuphead's platforming, it was shoehorned in after complaints.
So like an adult who goes to work everydayOh there's not nothing do.
It's just that the game basically presents you with chores to do and you have to grind those same uninteresting chores fused with poor gameplay mechanics on every planet.
You can't say what was all of the fuss about when people have been shitting on this game for at least a year. This game for me has been the most hyperbolic game ever in almost every conceivable way.I foresaw this. I watched the developer walkthroughs where they were right in the meat of the game and saw... nothing. Endless resource management, crafting, and cataloging in a blocky spaceship on a blocky planet.
Mark my words in 2 months it'll be the poster child for "what was all the fuss about?" threads.
Agree with the impressive nature of the game. I just hate the concept of hype. "hype" is only as valuable as you make it.Small indie developer tries to make an infinite open world space exploration game in 5 years using algorithms, even though it is well-established that randomly generated content often isn't very compelling, especially as compared to handcrafted content.
Succeeds at making the algorithms that piece together planets that look the way they should, but fails to create meaningful content to actually do on those planets.
It didn't take a rocket scientist to see this coming. I think No Man's Sky is still super impressive considering it was developed by the tiny Hello Games, and Sean Murray should definitely be proud of his team. But it was never going to live up to the hype, not in 18 quintillion years.
Off topic but cuphead wasn't originally a platformer? I don't follow it to well but I really can't wait for it(I like the art style mostly)
Off topic but cuphead wasn't originally a platformer? I don't follow it to well but I really can't wait for it(I like the art style mostly)
Hmm wonder why they backed off that interesting thxCuphead was originally going to be focused primarily on boss battles. Platforming levels were given a more significant focus later on in the game's development.
Maybe he was honestly asking?
No man's sky just proves that people shouldn't care about media opinion.
There's people who it's going to love it and there's people that won't.
I love how people start to realize how much 'reviews don't matter' whenever a game gets average to low review scores.
Peter Molyneux, Todd Howard and Sean Murray walk into a bar
- What can I do for you? - bartender asks.
- You can do anything! - they answer.
I love how people start to realize how much 'reviews don't matter' whenever a game gets average to low review scores.
As expected. It's marmite, rendering all reviews nearly useless.
I love how people start to realize how much 'reviews don't matter' whenever a game gets average to low review scores.
Man, this is really a polarizing title.