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No Man's Sky Review Thread: The Scores Have Arrived (read OP)


I'd be in the dick
Yep, sounds like it's pretty broken. Could've used another week or two in the oven
Hello Games saying they just expanded their QA team now makes me think they needed to get the game out the door in order to make the money necessary to get the game where they want it to be.


Incredibly Naive
Why are people acting like the current meta score is bad? That is still............ Good. Everything is fine.

It isn't like it turned into Bomba Man's Sky or anything.

Anytime I read this I can only assume 2 things. 1. You just really want this game to be good and do good, which is fine, but it's not the case... Or 2. You don't often read metascores. Given the way videogame reviews work the only scores that really matter are 5 and up. Generally 90 is rare, top tier games, 80s are good games depending where it lands. Mid to high 70s are passing grade, but pretty mixed. Low 70s and 60s are reserved for what are thought by most to be lousy or at the very least disappointing games. Anything below that is Terrible.


Junior Member
Metacritic: 69 (based on 16 reviews)
OpenCritic: 71 (based on 12 reviews)

Sounds just about right, very average game at best. I mentioned around E3 that this game was far far too ambitious for its own good and that a game like this needs a heck of a lot more development time to make it worthy of long game play time which this kind of game requires and the final product really proved this. Its way too bland, far too repetitive and feels very generic to be honest. I just knew inside that this game wasn't going to be that good, and honestly, its not.


I love the game so far, about 15 hours in. I would probably give it about an 8, with the potential to reach 9+ with some fixes and more added features that they plan on adding. There is definitely a lot of room for improvement. I thought it would score a bit higher like upper 70s meta critic. Oh well.

Hope it is very successful. I want them to keep working on the game for a year or two and then hopefully turn everything up to 11 for NMS2 with an OST done by Imogen Heap.


After this and Watch_Dogs, it's starting to look like what previews well at E3 isn't what turns out well as a finished product.


Can't say that I'm surprised by the scores.

The game was a low point at every game conference it was shown and I didn't buy the arguments about it not demoing well. It looked boring. My brother said he really likes it despite the scores(dont think he's seen the reviews yet) so hopefully others are too.

But PS+ for me. I'm not paying full price for nice art direction.


Another average space sim to throw into the pile.

I honestly didn't expect more.

I just hope this doesn't kill the genre again.
Seems to be a game that won't win people over unless they know exactly what to expect and have interest at that point. Didn't appeal to me so I skipped but a friend bought it and he's enjoying it.

Hey look, someone who can make a sensible post without wishing the game turn out to be a complete failure.

This is, like, a novel idea. Someone who doesn't qualify for the "haters gonna hate" badge? Could it be?


Had this game been released like Minecraft, as an unknown, small indie game that develops a cult following, it would have been huge.

But they went the $60 route.

I feel bad for Hello games.
Glad that most reviewers didn't let the hype get to them. The game looks really boring to me but I had akready decided it wasn't my cup of tea with the early previews. I need a game that's more to the point because my time is limited.

Real Hero

To validate what they see as the correct way to design a game. It's the same reason people get angry when a game scores high, they don't have fun with what it does so it's wrong.
Maybe, I think there's also people being super defensive about anything bad being said about the game, makes it a hard game to talk about


From the start I knew that this game was way to ambitious for such a small team. I am surprised that it is reviewing pretty good at some places. I expected the scores to be a lot lower. I suspect how much fun you have will be related to your imagination.
Maybe, I think there's also people being super defensive about anything bad being said about the game, makes it a hard game to talk about

There's balanced critical discussion and then there's straight up vitriol and hyperbole. I'm reading more of the latter.
It's about everything I expected, big on flash, little on substance. It's a shame because it really does nail the aesthetics of what a real space-sim should be. I really think this game was a victim of its own marketing. It blew up much bigger than they had imagined, on top of obviously being revealed far too early. Probably could've used another year to add in some solid curated content and progression. As it is it's a glorified sight-seeing sim, though there are obviously lots of people here ok with that. Dunkey makes a great comparison to Starbound which seems to have suffered a similar fate with the 1.0 release


Unconfirmed Member
Looks like it's being torn a new one on Steam. Only 50% of the reviews seem to be positive out of 14,123 reviews as of now making it a "Mixed" rating. Most of the negative reviews are centered around or factor in the game being unable to run well on a wider range of computers. I absolutely know I can't play this game on PC if the game won't run at its minimum recommended settings.

I pretty much agree with Polygon with the exception that I find the visuals to be mostly lackluster (the franken-fauna is laughable) and about as boring as the paper-thin gameplay. I was done at 6 hours in and quite puzzled by how poor my experience was with it only to convince myself I must be missing something and that there must be more. After 20 hours of play my initial thoughts remain.

I love all sorts of sci-fi (classic, modern, etc) but this did next to nothing for me. Incredibly disappointing.


As I expected a procedurally generated game to review. Nothing beats hand-crafted. Outside of the art direction, I don't see any redeeming features.


i dont think this is going to get many GOTY awards....
Heh, I just wrote this in the PC performance thread:

Awesome game btw, can't stop playing! it's 2:40 in the morning now gaaah! This is the definition of GOTY material for me judging by my 7 hour first sitting.

I've just barely scratched the surface on this epic game and I'm more hooked than anything else this year. My definitive GOTY started with Uncharted 4, then it got replaced by Inside and now it's No Man Sky, without a single doubt.
By the way. Just to look back to some of the earlier confusion throughout the years.

"What do you actually do in No Man's sky?" was the most asked question by people. And it never got properly answered. (Vague hints were given) It seems that the answer is "Not that much at all." You go from planet to planet and collect resources. That is basically it. You have simple combat and crafting on top of that.

It was extremely tiresome to hear those concerns repeatedly brushed aside with the idea that there was this intended aura of mystique. If this game hadn't been front and center at a Sony conference it would have quite literally flown under most people's radar. Though I do hope this doesn't discourage Sony from throwing their weight behind promising indies once in a while (as it shouldn't considering the smash success of stuff like Flower and Journey)
IGN score if it was rated right now

I still haven't quite reached the center of the galaxy, but if I had to score No Man's Sky today, I'd give it a 6.0, for Okay.

As someone with the PC version that locks up my PC 6/10 is generous
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