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No Man's Sky Review Thread: The Scores Have Arrived (read OP)

It's always entertaining to see games with review scores all over the place. Personally I am enjoying the game immensely; sometimes it feels like his game was made for my exact tastes in mind. My issues are pretty minor (I would like to see a planetary/star system map for example) in the grand scheme, I came for exploring new worlds and seeing new creatures no one else will ever see and in that it has succeeded.


Good thing I waited. Won't be buying. Was so excited for this game but watching many videos shows how repetitive the flora and fauna are.


This line in the Destructoid review stuck out to me:

18 billion planets (sorry, 18 quintillion) don't matter if it feels like there's only truly 20 unique ones.

I'm definitely enjoying my time with the game and don't regret my purchase at all, but I somewhat agree with this. It sometimes feels like on the "craziness/randomness of the procedural generation" scale, Hello Games has it set to like a 4 out of 10, when, in my opinion, it should be like on 11.

I want to see the craziest and weirdest planets out there. Show me the jank and the fuckery that's caused by the math driving this whole thing. That's what makes it great


It's always entertaining to see games with review scores all over the place. Personally I am enjoying the game immensely; sometimes it feels like his game was made for my exact tastes in mind. My issues are pretty minor (I would like to see a planetary/star system map for example) in the grand scheme, I came for exploring new worlds and seeing new creatures no one else will ever see and in that it has succeeded.

Is it really all over the place? Seems to be mainly getting a 6's and 7's.
In a way the late PC release saved me $60. I was ready to drop the cash day 1 for PC, but now with the PS4 impressions I've cooled off, and the PC impressions have made me feel it's safe to just wait for a big sale or simply not buy.


I feel like this is mostly Sonys fault.

Why this is a $60 AAA game almost ruined it for me and some folks I've been chatting with.

This should have been billed as a modest $30-$40 indie game.


Think I'm right on board with the reviews. I jumped at the PC version and luckily it ran really well once the settings were tweaked. I spent roughly 90 minutes in the game and visited 3 planets and one space station, killed two sentinels, found an outpost, learned the word "interloper" in alien... (I posted screens in the PC performance thread of all three planets, plus one deer monster for anyone interested).

It's definitely not for everyone, I was bored after planet one, the traversal is pretty slow with the waypoints spread out, the game is painful to start due to the multitool overheating constantly, and the stuff I was running across wasn't really that interesting. Additionally, I could see components of the first planet (both the creatures and the environment) in the second two. The ship navigation doesn't feel compelling at all, which was one of the things I was hoping would hold up.

I know they're going to work on improving this, but for $60 I can't justify holding on to it.


Bish loves my games!
I feel like this is mostly Sonys fault.

Why this is a $60 AAA game almost ruined it for me and some folks I've been chatting with.

This should have been billed as a modest $30-$40 indie game.

I don't know it gets played on The Late Show if it's NOT $60 and super-hyped.


I feel like this is mostly Sonys fault.

Why this is a $60 AAA game almost ruined it for me and some folks I've been chatting with.

This should have been billed as a modest $30-$40 indie game.

The community is equally at fault really. Honestly, i've been puzzled for years at the insane expectations people have placed on this. Completely puzzled that people expected insane bulk content from a 10 man studio.
Agree with the reviews. Game really is enjoyable if you didn't expect much, else it's average and limit bad.

I'm personally having fun though :p

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Real missed opportunity it seems. It would have been cool if Hello spent the last few years making 20-30 planets and just reeeeeeeeeally fleshed them out. Just make one really interconnected, thought out mini universe.


In a way the late PC release saved me $60. I was ready to drop the cash day 1 for PC, but now with the PS4 impressions I've cooled off, and the PC impressions have made me feel it's safe to just wait for a big sale or simply not buy.

Pretty much where I'm at. I wanted to love this game, I still think it looks cool, and I have no malice whatsoever towards what seem to be a pretty earnest group of developers. All that said, I'm still going to save myself the $60 - it's not like I have nothing to play right now and I'd rather wait until some more features are polished and the technical issues are ironed out before I really get into this.


Not a review, but Pyro has chimed in.

why? it's clearly good enough to appeal to many gamers. it's just very polarizing.

There's nothing polarizing about it being half the game it was hyped up to be. This game just has a bigger defense force than other indies, but once the dust settles people will be left with one of the biggest trainwrecks in recent gaming history. All these E3 showings, all these promises, all for...this? Some people will enjoy it, but the critcism is warranted.
It's funny because I've been pretty good about avoiding the hype trains surrounding big releases recently, which is why I only played Destiny after Taken King came out and never touched the Division, but this one totally got me as the launch came closer. Luckily Steam refunds exist. Still willing to give it a chance later on. Until then, I'm really hoping Deus Ex turns out well.


Yup. Seems like a solid 7/10, which is about where I'd put it. My brother was the one who bought it, so no skin off my back. I'm curious to see what the game looks like in a year though. I anticipate that it'll interest me much more by then.
The game seems to be selling well and alot people are enjoying so not seeing a disservice.

The game is having an average reception and a lot of people are not happy with how it turned out. A big part of the audience was expecting something different mainly because Sony's and HG's message was not clear (i'm not gonna say they lied like others have said because i don't think it's the case) .

Unrelated question: Are you a Sony spokeperson or what? I ask you because you always act like some kind of PR people.


The game is having an average reception and a lot of people are not happy with how it turned out. A big part of the audience was expecting something different mainly because Sony's and HG's message was not clear (i'm not gonna say they lied like others have said because i don't think it's the case) .

Unrelated question: Are you a Sony spokeperson or what? I ask you because you always act like some kind of PR people.
Ah yes the insults.

I grow tired of them.


It's probably still worth playing for a couple of hours

I really hope, the base concept really intrigued me back at the reveal

The latest events got my expectations tuned the fuck down tho, i still might enjoy it more than i give it credit for, who knows :)


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
As expected, people hyped the shit out of this game. But it still looks decent and worth giving a try. Its just not anywhere near good as people were hoping it to be.


No man's sky just proves that people shouldn't care about media opinion.

There's people who it's going to love it and there's people that won't.
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