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No Man's Sky Review Thread: The Scores Have Arrived (read OP)

"Nonsense"? I followed the development of the game about as closely as anyone. Watched Shawn demo the game, same as anyone. Said to myself "Hey, that could be great," and left it at that. Buying it, I knew it could go either way, I wasn't sure if I was gonna like it. I kept my expectations LEVEL.

I have no idea what "nonsense" you're referring to, aside from the obviously "multiplayer" thing being blown WAY the fuck out of proportion by most people here, but...for the most part I got the game he showed.

What in the holy hell were people expecting? Game of the gods? Because people are acting like that's what they wanted Hello Games to deliver,

This is mental.

I didn't really follow the game until VERY recently before launch but I'd have to agree. What they showed is what we got, that much is true.

However, people using that as an explanation for the insanely shallow implementations of what has been shown doesn't work for me. I just don't assume that everything shown in a 1:30 minute trailer is the complete gameplay loop to be taken at face value. Usually you assume, especially in 2016, there is some sort of additional depth to it or...I don't know anything. But yes, what they showed is absolutely painfully 100% what was shipped and is of pretty fucking questionable quality to me.
Having been around for the Spore hype and release, I saw this coming. Procedural is just not fun. It wouldn't matter so much if the core mechanics were addictive, but that does not look to be the case.

I take it you haven't played Spelunky.


There is plenty of room to make the experience deeper than mining and crafting. That being said, I'm really having fun. I don't need to be challenged in all the games I play. It's like a nice relaxing stay-cation across the universe.


This is the perfect example of gamer expectation being completely dominated by their own imaginations.

The game was never going to meet that unreasonable level of expectation.

It's getting mixed reviews precisely because it is a divisive game. Shawn himself said as much. It is NOT a game for everyone.

True, but a lot of this is on them for not clearly explaining what this game is and isn't.


Had to erase my save after playing over ten hours do to a game breaking bug.

Started a new character and have had five hard crashes in less than two hours.

I'm done with this game.


I take it you haven't played Spelunky.

I'm not saying that all procedural is bad. Diablo and other games have used it but you don't really think about that because the core gameplay is what is compelling. I don't care to explore 60 quintillion worlds if every one of them is basically the same experience.
Jim Sterling's review was kind as far as I am concerned

The PC version locks up my PC every time I try to start it. Never had this happened before (lots of game had crashes but never one locks up the PC every single time)



What a lovely day.

I think I'll take user reviews over publications, seems like most are enjoying it which is good.

Which user reviews are you looking at? Metacritic user reviews are terrible (not that that means anything, I never care about that) but steam reviews are usually pretty good and they have a terrible score right now (which I would agree at this point in time)


Not surprised by those scores at all. NMS looks such a divisive game it was always gonna be rated all over the place.

Despite that I've still just bought it on PS4 tonight. If, as reviews suggest, I get bored after 50-60 hours then I can live with that. I'm happy to invest in the future of the game and, given the noises coming from Hello Games, it will only improve with tons of new features over the next 12 months.

I'm starting my first play-through tonight so my opinion is based on having never played the game myself but I've watched dozens of streams and read dozens of articles on it. Enough that I'm aware of exactly what the game is.


Neo Member
Learn what? There's 200k owners on Steam already.

They've made their money and the easiest way was to mislead folks. If that's the lesson they sure got it.

199,999 owners. I just refunded it. I already had it on PS4, but thought the PC version would be better (21:9, GTX980), but the performance is a dumpster fire. I would buy it again once the issues are worked out and they expand on the game.

NMS is fun enough (a bit repetitive though), don't know why people are so crazy about. I don't think it deserves all the hate.


I gifted this to my friend for his bday but it won't even launch for him so we refunded it.

Never understood the hype for this one, looked boring from the jump to me.
Seems this game would have been better received as what it actually is. A niche indie game by a small developer. The early hype and Sony push made it seem like it was a triple AAA title worthy with the price to match. If it was released digitally for under 30 like the other Hello Games titles I think it wouldn't be such a big disappointment to many.
I do. I used that too to get achievements. But I didn't miss it one bit when it was removed from part 2. It was such a bad design.
The Mako wasn't the issue here, it was the mind-crushingly boring side quests forcing you drive around on huuuuuge empty maps to find a needle in the haystack (cue: space apes).

Fighting giant space worms with the Mako and base assaults were extremely fun.
Steam reviews on the other hand...

Which user reviews are you looking at? Metacritic user reviews are terrible (not that that means anything, I never care about that) but steam reviews are usually pretty good and they have a terrible score right now (which I would agree at this point in time)
I usually just see what most have to say here and go from there. Plus some people I know it's finding the game refreshing so I think I can go by that more so than others.

Metacritic user reviews, I've not read those in years because they'll basically praise a game that want to succeed and/or bash one they want to fail.
I did a video review for Push Square, though it's perhaps worth noting that this is more my personal opinion on the game -- I've got someone else of the team writing the one that will go on Metacritic.

Still, hope some of you find value in the video:

It's already getting nuked with dislikes. It seems you can't say anything bad about this game.


To be fair, that Dunkey review is pretty on-point as to why some people don't like the game. Most of his reviews have been made for laughs, but this one is pretty serious for him.


I did a video review for Push Square, though it's perhaps worth noting that this is more my personal opinion on the game -- I've got someone else of the team writing the one that will go on Metacritic.

Still, hope some of you find value in the video:

It's already getting nuked with dislikes. It seems you can't say anything bad about this game.

You spend too much time griping about negative reactions you assumed you'd be getting before you saw one reaction either way. It's simply too much posturing against imaginary conversations you're having, and the result is a video that's just not novel/useful critically or entertaining.

Ever hear of a self-fulfilling prophecy?


So it's a game not meant for everyone, no surprise there
I'm enjoying it for what it is, a relaxing before bed game.

Should it have been $60?
Absolutely not, but whatever what's done is done.
No lies detected in his video though. He actually does tend to have a good grasp on what makes a game enjoyable.
Don't get me wrong. I love the guy I just find it out of place. These videos are usually 90% jokes 10% criticism. I suppose when you stamp a score on something you should expect it to be taken seriously but I doubt it is his intention.


Don't get me wrong. I love the guy I just find it out of place. These videos are usually 90% jokes 10% criticism. I suppose when you stamp a score on something you should expect it to be taken seriously but I doubt it is his intention.

His reviews for Battlefront, Division, No Man's Sky, Uncharted 4 have actually been very on point despite a silly delivery. Someone can drone their opinion at you, but if a few jokes are thrown in that shouldn't totally discredit you.
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