super funk
speculawyer said:Benefits? You get to sleep in on Sunday.You don't reject any tasty food or valuable medical technique due to superstition. You don't have to live in fear of an all-knowing all-seeing big brother that will roast you for eternity if you break some arbitrary rule.
Here are my two biggest reasons why I find it difficult to respect an athiest the same way I do a religious person. Firstly, it seems to me that young people choose atheism not because they dont believe in God but because they find it more convenient to not have a religion with rules to have to follow. I dont know if its a correlation between the fact that both atheism and laziness are growing in young people, but most complaints about religion seem to me to stem from a distaste for having to follow rules than for there not being a God.
Secondly, there is the generalizations of all religions. The same religion that is known for not eating meat on Fridays (I assume thats what youre talking about there) is not the same religion that rejects traditional medicine. As far as I know, the sect(s) that reject medicine are very small in size and considered obscure by mainstream Christians. A lot of complaints about religion are about beliefs that are viewed as ridiculous even by religious people like myself. Just because some Muslims fly planes into buildings and some Christians run around like nutjobs on Sundays (see: Borat) doesnt mean that all religions are stupid. I think part of all this is because athiests dont fully understand the rationale of certain traditions and customs and assume its just superstition.
As I said that I dont like the generalization of religions by atheists, I dont want to be a hypocrite and generalize all atheists the same way. It is just that in the experiences I have had with atheists I know personally, they have either some or all of these characteristics Ive mentioned. Some are more respectful towards religion than others. The point is, I think religion is doing a very poor job of giving young people a reason why it should be relevant and thats why its getting such a bad rap, but that can be left for another time.