Benefits? You get to sleep in on Sunday.

You don't reject any tasty food or valuable medical technique due to superstition. You don't have to live in fear of an all-knowing all-seeing big brother that will roast you for eternity if you break some arbitrary rule.
Hey, if they are not bothering other people, that would be great. And I really don't care if people have other religions if they are harmless. I really like it actually . . . it creates more variety of art, music, and food. Who can't love the Amish? Those peaceful humble folks are cool.
But can you blame us for not being happy about religious people than fly planes into buildings? It sucks that one has pretty much zero percent chance at winning an election in most districts if you are an atheist. Religious people that want to pass laws which restrict our freedoms based on their superstitions? You probably would not like to live under Sharia law. Well I don't want to live under any religion's law. And I'm extremely happy that I don't. But the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.