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My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.

System will launch with a playable Demo of Metroid Prime: Hunters

In addition to the built-in instant-messaging PictoChat feature, Nintendo DS units in North America will come with a free Nintendo DS Game Card featuring a playable demo of the upcoming Metroid Prime Hunters game*. The demo, called Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt, will feature several single-player modes of the first-person adventure game along with a unique multiplayer mode in which four DS users can compete wirelessly. Nintendo DS launches Nov. 21 in North America at an MSRP of $149.99.

(* while supplies last)
UGH. The logo for MPH just about ruined it.*

They should at least darken the box colour so the red doesn't stick out as much - maybe even make it a dark coloured box - like the MP:E box


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
TheGreenGiant said:
UGH. The logo for MPH just about ruined it.*

They should at least darken the box colour so the red doesn't stick out as much - maybe even make it a dark coloured box - like the MP:E box
Start a petition. There's still time yet to influence Nintendo of America..
Gahiggidy said:
Start a petition. There's still time yet to influence Nintendo of America..

my sarcasm detector is failing miserably. Yes/No?

The box looks badly photoshopped (see corners for horrible use of burn tool). As for that logo. Samus is hot sex but there she looks stupid - shouldn't the focus be on the DS?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I don't get it, do you people already have space prepared over the fireplace mantle for all to revel in the box that is the "Nintend-oo DS". They need to be promoting the Metroid demo hard to help sway whatever meager percentage of the millions of GBA owners that plan to upgrade so soon; these days, pack-in games/demos for any system are an event designed to throttle our senses with chintzy boxart and mass promotion.

Actually I can't quite get past the whole Nintendoo thing myself. A clever bit of marketing maybe, but man it's gonna take awhile to not chuckle in shame seeing that logo spread wide and far over the next few years.


Still Tagged Accordingly
i don't have a place for the DS box reserved on the mantle, but I still think the box looks crappy.

john tv

Indeed, that is one hot piece of box art pretty much ruined by that gaudy, ugly, way oversized logo. Oh well. At least you can count on the Japanese one being super stylish and sexy as always... :)


Will start substantiating his hate
The Metroid art doesn't exactly improve the box' looks but I think it's pretty boring to begin with.


I say they leave the box as it was, and then shrink wrap the box and have the Metroid Sticker on the shrinkwrap. Will keep the box in better order.
God, you fucking people complain about the least important thing in this thread. People should be commenting on the fact that the demo is not just a multiplayer mode, there's a few single player levels!


kitchenmotors said:
God, you fucking people complain about the least important thing in this thread. People should be commenting on the fact that the demo is not just a multiplayer mode, there's a few single player levels!

Yeah that was a good surprise.


john tv said:
Indeed, that is one hot piece of box art pretty much ruined by that gaudy, ugly, way oversized logo. Oh well. At least you can count on the Japanese one being super stylish and sexy as always... :)

Thanks for reminding me of potential salvation. (I do want that demo though =/)


Several single player modes uhhhh what?

The MP:H demo doesn't do much for me since it'll probably be the game I buy my Nintendoods for (Everyone has been talking about this for awhile. I didn't know what they were talking about until now when I saw the box art! LATE TO THE PARTY.). NoA should have included a compilation demo pack. Smaller demos but more of them.


The metroid Bonus should have been communicated by a stripe attached to one of the sides of the system, not blocking half the box with a picture that doesn't blend with the style of the packaging at all. Meh, it just a box...


It still looks hawt regardless of the oddly placed Metroid logo.

Also, btw Nintendo, stop attaching the word "Prime" to every Metroid that releases from now on. kthx.


The Metroid Prime art is about the only thing that actually draws attention to the box. I can only think that its inclusion will be a positive.
I think the original box art, sans the MPH logo, is pretty sleek. There isn't much going on there, but it should appeal to that other demographic that Nintendo seems to be going after - early adopters of new technology that have a bit more money to spend.

Hopefully NOA will opt to remove the gaudy logo.


I think including a metroid demo is extremly smart by nintendo. especially if the game is good. (duh)

Metroid is going to be hot hot hot these holidays :D :D :D
Scrow said:
awww damn... and it got so much worse :(

It's like Nintendo is trying to make me hate them with a passion that defies all logic.



Tag of Excellence
I like the side of the box. It's nice and black and shows a shot of PictoChat being used. It even has some Basketball game reference on it instead of some random humor or a bland "WHY HELLO THAR" screens which was typical in previous shots.


Tritroid said:
Also, btw Nintendo, stop attaching the word "Prime" to every Metroid that releases from now on. kthx.

Why? Metroid Prime is the best selling Metroid ever excluding Japan.
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