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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins

I'll go one step ahead of all of you on the balcony thing and say I hate every single top rope maneuver that doesn't rely on constantly being aware of the opponent's positioning. Like when an Uso climbs up top to do their corkscrew moonsault, and the guys he wants to hit it on are running around, and the Uso doesn't even look behind him to see if he'll hit anyone. How the fuck does he know that's going to hit anyone? I'd buy the move if sometimes he just totally whiffed and looked stupid, but he always hits it on people who should know better than to be standing in his range.

Half of any Uso match is the opponent(s) standing around stupidly and waiting for a giant man to fly at them at half speed.


I don't approve of balcony dive spots in any promotion in any country. I hate that shit, it's completely unsafe, and it becomes something that the marks will beg for until you've killed yourself doing it.

I just think it always looks so fucking fake. I hate it almost as much as the 'we both get up at the same time after counter spots APPLAUD US PLS' spot.



If WWE ever decides to do another attitude-like era, hopefully they don't do a balcony spot with Miz.

because RIP that wrestler
It was both. Kennedy already fucked up the "McMahon's son" storyline by getting busted on the Wellness Policy, and then he nearly re-injured Orton in the ring his first match back.

The write-up in Figure Four Weekly about it is one of my favorite things. It wasn't Orton.

WWE axed Mr. Kennedy this week. I was shocked to hear this if only because there were plenty of times in the past where I figured he'd be fired and he always avoided it, and this came somewhat out of nowhere. He'd just made his big return on Raw Monday night, and there were commercials sent out pushing him huge for this week's show. Believe it or not, Randy Orton didn't get him fired. If you recall, during last week's tag match Kennedy dropped Orton right on his shoulder with a sloppy back suplex. It was the same shoulder where Orton had blown out his collarbone and Orton was irate over it. He almost lost his temper in the ring but ended up calming down and just tagging out. He did give Kennedy a hard RKO, driving him into the mat and apparently tweaking Kennedy's wrist (more on that later). In the dressing room afterwards Orton gave him a stern dressing-down, which Kennedy took as kind of a "come to Jesus"-type speech, a message that he needed to up his game and reverse his rep or else. It was noted that Orton, who has talked extensively of maturing in the last few years, particularly since getting married and having a kid, is apparently sincere about that because at another time this might have led to a serious physical altercation. Later in the evening, two major, major stars who are not fans of Kennedy went to Vince and took the opportunity to air their feelings on the matter. Vince, already in a shitty, shitty mood from the NBA deal, lost his cool on the plane ride home. He cut a "scathing promo" about Kennedy, talking about how he was reckless, still green as a worker, clueless when it comes to business instincts and a huge liability. Apparently nobody in creative or talent relations was willing to say a word in his defense. The general consensus was that he was too frustrating to deal with because whenever you came up with an idea for him there was a good chance that it would be completely derailed within a few months due to injury or something else. Vince was so mad he said that Kennedy was on the DO NOT CALL list, which very few people actually make. Now, granted, Vince was baked with stress and Kennedy was in the wrong place at the wrong time, so I would expect Vince to cool off at some point. But as of Friday, it was one of those HE'LL NEVER WORK HERE AGAIN GOD DAMMIT days. One person said: "I cannot condemn the way the office handled this termination at all. He was reckless with his mouth and at other times with his in-ring".

Vince in his private jet screaming about how much Mr. Kennedy sucks is a beautiful sight to picture.


Most of the good balcony dive spots I have seen have been when you didn't know it was coming. The guy doing the spot disappears for a few minutes, and on camera it just looks like two guys are fighting in close quarters, when in reality, they're bracing for the dive which comes out of nowhere and if done right, usually requires an alternate camera angle to fully see.

I think they did something like that with one of the Shield vs Evolution brawls.


Some of the episode titles for Raw are wonderful:

Be John Cena. Repeat.

The Iowa Raucous

Ketchup Me If You Can

Hide and Go Freak

Trials and Stipulations

Going Out With A Gong

A Brock and a Hard Place

The Chomp Is Here

Mr. Lesnar Goes To Stamford

Axel Grease


Vegan Wears Prada

Back To The Future...Endeavored
His last post is much more sensible, yeah, that's just fine.

I honestly don't mind if you like a game and defend it, but you have to be realistic when it comes to WWE games and call it like it is.

There is not a single WWE game where I haven't had a game breaking bug within the first 10 matches I played ever since Smackdown vs. Raw 2009. All of them after that one I had to restart a match because the game broke somehow. So complaining about gif's of glitches in 2K15 in the OP seems a bit unnecessary, its pretty much what half the people come in there for and I don't think it's an inaccurate representation of the game.
Interestingly enough S vs. R 2009 was the last one I picked up.
Holding out hope 2K16 will be the reboot needed to bring it up to the quality standards of other series.

I rest my case.

It's a parody OT.

I think I'm done with the WWE 2k15 threads here.
Did anyone make a proper OT? Easiest way to fix the OT problem is make one!

The guy you're thinking of is Prince Puma/Ricochet, and he's not in this gif. He totally rocks, though. I fully expect him to make it big in the States at some point.
Puma is great! Will be the standout face I expect.

Although Big Show claimed at a Smackdown taping last month that Bryan will need a second surgery, Bryan revealed he doesn’t know for sure, and said that a second elbow surgery is being contemplated.

He lied to me!
How many months has it been a wait and see situation? What's so bad about the second surgery that they are willing to wait half a year to do it?

I'm still shook I got a Wii U for $59. I don't know whether I should sell it for $200+ or keep it.
Congrats! If you aren't a hardcore Nintendo fan it would be better to sell. Depends how many Wii & 3DS games you played a lot of, if the response is "not many" I'd sell it.

(still holding out hope we get a F-Zero revival)


ugh i HATE when they just stand there forever and watch the other guy jump on them, uuuuuuuuuugh
This was the only spot I wasn't keen on, rest of the match was fun.

If WWE ever decides to do another attitude-like era, hopefully they don't do a balcony spot with Miz.

because RIP that wrestler

With his whole 'not the face' schtick they should at least make a running joke out of the fact doesn't take the bump outside the ring.
Or focus on getting it right ffs.
The write-up in Figure Four Weekly about it is one of my favorite things. It wasn't Orton.

Vince in his private jet screaming about how much Mr. Kennedy sucks is a beautiful sight to picture.

Wow, that sounds absolutely amazing.

But I'm not too surprised that it turned out it wasn't Orton. After reading up on the incident, even Orton's own complaining didn't sound like he wanted him gone, just that he was annoyed (and rather justifiably so) at Kennedy nearly injuring him.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Some of the episode titles for Raw are wonderful:

Be John Cena. Repeat.

The Iowa Raucous

Ketchup Me If You Can

Hide and Go Freak

Trials and Stipulations

Going Out With A Gong

A Brock and a Hard Place

The Chomp Is Here

Mr. Lesnar Goes To Stamford

Axel Grease


Vegan Wears Prada

Back To The Future...Endeavored

...are these Shoot titles, friend?


They should have it be 4 vs 4 with Ryback on both teams in his own corner of the ring. Whoever tags him in, he's on that team until he tags out or is eliminated.
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