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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins


Trips and Steph were killing it in the position and were far from played out, but that's okay because they will be back.

They were absolutely played out. They reached their peak around WM 30 with Bryan, and since then they've just treaded water, doing repetitive, endless promos about nothing.
Stephanie in particular is just annoying now, not in a good heel way, in a "she is detracting from the show" way.


From Pwinsider:

- Former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan is backstage at tonight's WWE RAW in Indianapolis.

There's been no word that Bryan will be appearing on TV tonight but this is the first taping that Bryan has been at in a while.

Has he suddenly gotten feeling back, another check up where another rumor of a new surgery goes up online or a swerve and new GM? Probably though he is there to say good bye to the authority.


So not worth it
From Pwinsider:

Has he suddenly gotten feeling back, another check up where another rumor of a new surgery goes up online or a swerve and new GM?

He's just there visiting his co-workers and saying hi to his boss. It's what people do when they are on sick leave for a long time but aren't actually immobile. I wouldn't count on anything.
Trips and Steph were killing it in the position and were far from played out, but that's okay because they will be back.

They were killing it AND they were played out. That's the problem. They were probably about as good as you could ask for in their roles and it still ran out of gas after Bryan won the belt.

The whole "best for business" angle to their characters died with the Bryan storyline too. Their motivation for doing anything made no sense afterwards.


Authority screwed up when Hollywood Batista didn't take the title and become the reigning champion for the next year until Wrestlemania 31.

Bryan is too busy being the jabroni that he is, and there's basically no big face or big heel now.

We're on standstill waiting for Barack Hussein Lesnar.
The only fault I had with Seth last night was during one of the times he was pinned and there was no ref, he was just looking straight down the entrance for the second ref and looked like he could have kicked out at any time. Other than that, solid job.

Would have been great if he started laughing and clapping while in the pin. Cherry on top of the 'we got this shit' situation at that point in the match.

It's so WWE can get their own trademark/copyright on whatever name they pick. And I believe they've let the big indie guys pick their own names out for the past few years. Since the Rollins/Ambrose generation at least.

Who were the last ones to come through intact? Punk?


So not worth it
Stephanie was good in her role.

She was also really good at never putting any talent over, ever. She always had the upper hand, she always had the last word in promo's, she had one match and won.

Also, we had two people with authority constantly tell us how much everyone on the show sucked, how bad they were, how they weren't anything. WWE was literally telling their audience that you shouldn't care about their talent. And sure, you can say "but they were heels", but they were also the bosses of the show, the authority, and more importantly, they were a McMahon and Triple H. That hurt their show.

The pay-off happened at Mania 30, they got theirs and that should have been that. Now we got 7 months of the worst WWE has been and The Authority angle is a HUGE part of what was bad about WWE.

Good it's over, and hopefully it's gonna be a long time before we get another authority figure dominating the show.


He's just there visiting his co-workers and saying hi to his boss. It's what people do when they are on sick leave for a long time but aren't actually immobile. I wouldn't count on anything.

He lives in Arizona. Long way to go to Indiana to say hello. Raw is starting off with a goodbye to the Authority so I bet he flown in for that.


They should go back to having a "President" who just moderates and enforces rules. Jack Tunney was great.

This is exactly what I want. I don't even need it to be someone who can mix it up with the talent like Gorilla and Piper did. Just give me a dude that rules on odd decisions and whatnot.


So not worth it
Aren't you a lemon.

I'm just here for Sting, it's the first time I'm watching Raw live since the night after Mania, hell, it's the first time I'm watching Raw at all in a month.

They just announced the Authority's farewell speech is opening Raw, so I'm not optimistic.

He lives in Arizona. Long way to go to Indiana to say hello. Raw is starting off with a goodbye to the Authority so I bet he flown in for that.

Maybe he wanted to spend some time with his wife.


They were killing it AND they were played out. That's the problem. They were probably about as good as you could ask for in their roles and it still ran out of gas after Bryan won the belt.

The whole "best for business" angle to their characters died with the Bryan storyline too. Their motivation for doing anything made no sense afterwards.

That's because it was ripped straight from Rock the Corporate champion, which started in November 98 and it was over in April 99. They have kept going with the same schtick since August 2013 all the way until April 2014, if it wasn't for the Kane sidetracking they would've run that angle six feet under.

Why wouldn't he pick himself?

Or Kevin Nash?

Maybe he will pick Daniel Bryan, in the same vein SCSA was the CEO with a broken neck.


Meltzer is saying Ryback's bad performance and reactions in that long Cesaro match on RAW soured WWE on this new Ryback push (which was already teasing a match with HHH as late as this past RAW). Might explain why he went from the focus of three weeks of TV to being the first face eliminated.
Seriously we've all seen WWE long enough to know how this goes down

Cena: 'so as the new GM I pick the most important person in the WWE............each and every one of you in the WWE universe! RAPIDOOOOOOOOO!'

Or is it just for tonight?


Meltzer is saying Ryback's bad performance and reactions in that long Cesaro match on RAW soured WWE on this new Ryback push (which was already teasing a match with HHH as late as this past RAW). Might explain why he went from the focus of three weeks of TV to being the first face eliminated.

I admit that I didn't watch the match closely, but didn't he get generally favorable reviews for that match? Maybe I'm way off base.


Or is it just for tonight?

A one night only thing would point to
Bryan for sure. Although I wouldn't his return pop on something as insignificant as a one night GM stint


sometimes i wonder how these people can go out there hyped up and in character, knowing in the back of their mind that they are about to get destroyed 10 minutes later mid-push because someone in the back didn't like a reaction that they got once


Meltzer is saying Ryback's bad performance and reactions in that long Cesaro match on RAW soured WWE on this new Ryback push (which was already teasing a match with HHH as late as this past RAW). Might explain why he went from the focus of three weeks of TV to being the first face eliminated.

I will never understand this company. Why would you ever push Ryback again over for example Cesaro who is just being wasted.


I admit that I didn't watch the match closely, but didn't he get generally favorable reviews for that match? Maybe I'm way off base.

Cesaro did, for carrying Ryback as well as he did, and it was still a pretty bad match sans a couple of spots. But Ryback in a 14 minute singles match, in the middle of RAW, in a bad city, what were they thinking?


They really should keep Bryan off TV. It would make his return better. Why bring him back for something so pointless? He can't cut a promo anyway, so he's basically useless at the moment.


What killed them after Bryan went out was them not really properly utilizing themselves. They were the top heels, not giving the rub to anyone but Cena (who doesn't even get a rub, he just brings everything down)

When Austin went out, Rock and Triple H benefited from the McMahon's. Whether it was getting them support as a face or heat as a heel. It helped Triple H go from a guy who hung out with Xpac to a legitimate wrestler who seemed like he mattered

Then let's look at The Authority. Seth Rollins kind of got a rub, but not really. In one of the most boring, non-closure feuds of all-time
(but don't worry, they'll bring closure. We all know continuity is WWEs strongest trait after all)
and having that boring, no closure feud have Cena forced into it making it even worse.

No one benefited from anything. In a match where Dolph was responsible for 4 of the 5 eliminations, you think this will ever be brought up? You think he will even benefit from it? nope. It'll be Lord Cena that ended the tyranny. Dolph will go back to trading W/Ls in the midcard. Seth still doesn't feel like he matters either.

but hey we get a Big Shoe Cena feud!


Cena should pick Brock as the GM, so he has to do the one thing he hates most of all; showing up on RAW every week.

Heh, mannBrockalso seems to have completely disappeared. At least I don't think I hear about him ever. Not even Heymann is really around right?


Seriously we've all seen WWE long enough to know how this goes down

Cena: 'so as the new GM I pick the most important person in the WWE............each and every one of you in the WWE universe! RAPIDOOOOOOOOO!'

I can just imagine the WWE app used to book each show for a month.

Which main event do you want?
A) Cena and Big Show vs Rollins and Kane
B) El Torito vs Hornswoggle IV w/Guest Ref. Larry T. C. Guy
What killed them after Bryan went out was them not really properly utilizing themselves. They were the top heels, not giving the rub to anyone but Cena (who doesn't even get a rub, he just brings everything down)

When Austin went out, Rock and Triple H benefited from the McMahon's. Whether it was getting them support as a face or heat as a heel. It helped Triple H go from a guy who hung out with Xpac to a legitimate wrestler who seemed like he mattered

Then let's look at The Authority. Seth Rollins kind of got a rub, but not really. In one of the most boring, non-closure feuds of all-time
(but don't worry, they'll bring closure. We all know continuity is WWEs strongest trait after all)
and having that boring, no closure feud have Cena forced into it making it even worse.

No one benefited from anything. In a match where Dolph was responsible for 4 of the 5 eliminations, you think this will ever be brought up? You think he will even benefit from it? nope. It'll be Lord Cena that ended the tyranny. Dolph will go back to trading W/Ls in the midcard. Seth still doesn't feel like he matters either.

but hey we get a Big Shoe Cena feud!
roman reigns
I look forward to Cena putting HHH and Steph back into power because while he doesn't like them, you have to RESPECT them. Completely nullifying the entire point of the match and nothing actually changing. Then. Now. Forever.


I'm watching an Andy Griffith episode with that hillbilly musician family. The things I'd do to that sex starved daughter if I was Andy. Oh man.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
From Pwinsider:

Has he suddenly gotten feeling back, another check up where another rumor of a new surgery goes up online or a swerve and new GM? Probably though he is there to say good bye to the authority.

I imagine they want to have him visible every once in a while.
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