I still don't understand why Nintendo can't pull out of thee vacuum and make hardware that has most of the status quo features(account, achievements, easy to manage friends list, more robust online, media capability, "near current Gen power"). Including features that others have gotten right doesn't mean that they can't still come up with stuff like Miiverse or the Wiimote, and a lot of those features have lots of historical data for easier inclusion. Most of the Wii U detractors here aren't asking for the Big N to emulate the competition, just add quality of life features for consumers and developers on top of doing their own thing. I also feel there should be more of an emphasis to be within sight of the strongest console performance wise, not necessarily needing to achieve parity, but making it so that there is a clear upgrade over the previous gen(they did this well until the Wii). I know some suggestions would increase their target price a bit, but no worse than the tablet gimmick that even they didn't have complete confidence in.
I feel that Nintendo could make some moves and completely dominate the home console market, with Sonysoft not able to do anything to stop them, but that would require much more willingness to adapt to the changing landscape and to actually care about the "core" buying their product vice giving us lip service repeatedly.