Stone Ocean
It's kinda interesting how he called the PS3 and the One though lolActually, I just realized, Iwata wasn't really dismissing the (at the time) cell phone gaming market (although he was also doing that), he was primarily saying that convergence is bad.
At the time, Nintendo was trying to argue that having the $5 DVD playback in the GameCube disabled was a "good thing", because pure gaming.
While Sony was reaping the benefits of being an early DVD player, and Nintendo was touting the portability of the GameCube and it's mysterious handle, so you could carry it into another room and hook it up to your spare TV. Nintendo saw no benefit in having a portable DVD player that undercut Sony by $100. Because that would be convergence.
But yeah, selling consoles based on multimedia isn't a good thing, but not having multimedia is even worse. People are basically giving out DVD players for free nowadays and yet Nintendo doesn't give a fuck.