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Now that the PS4 has already outsold the Wii U, where does Nintendo go from here?

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Actually, I just realized, Iwata wasn't really dismissing the (at the time) cell phone gaming market (although he was also doing that), he was primarily saying that convergence is bad.

At the time, Nintendo was trying to argue that having the $5 DVD playback in the GameCube disabled was a "good thing", because pure gaming.

While Sony was reaping the benefits of being an early DVD player, and Nintendo was touting the portability of the GameCube and it's mysterious handle, so you could carry it into another room and hook it up to your spare TV. Nintendo saw no benefit in having a portable DVD player that undercut Sony by $100. Because that would be convergence.
It's kinda interesting how he called the PS3 and the One though lol

But yeah, selling consoles based on multimedia isn't a good thing, but not having multimedia is even worse. People are basically giving out DVD players for free nowadays and yet Nintendo doesn't give a fuck.


Actually, I just realized, Iwata wasn't really dismissing the (at the time) cell phone gaming market (although he was also doing that), he was primarily saying that convergence is bad.

At the time, Nintendo was trying to argue that having the $5 DVD playback in the GameCube disabled was a "good thing", because pure gaming.

While Sony was reaping the benefits of being an early DVD player, and Nintendo was touting the portability of the GameCube and it's mysterious handle, so you could carry it into another room and hook it up to your spare TV. Nintendo saw no benefit in having a portable DVD player that undercut Sony by $100. Because that would be convergence.

right, and this is a more legitimate criticism/observation because i think it still speaks to how they currently operate. oh sure, they do social media... but it's their own social media. there's netflix and amazon instant video and hulu plus, but their hardware wasn't changed to include those services.


*Looks at 3DS and Wii U sales*. Well let's see how that's working out for them now. 3DS is underperforming the DS and the Wii U has imploded. So what's going to happen with the 4DS and Wii U 2?

I think their future is very worrying.

If you think 3DS is underperforming, you've clearly missed a step, but given your idea overall, this is not surprising. It's not matching their expectations, true, but that's due to them having to promise the moon after the DS. What is happening is that their handhelds are stabilizing to pre-DS numbers, and 3DS ends up selling at GBA level, if not slightly better. Now, if you think that's unacceptable, that's on you.

Wii U is a different matter entirely, and it's problems have more to do with misreading the market, over-use of their biggest IP in the first year or so on the market, poor marketing overall, and a general lack of logic in the naming process. The Game Pad also seems to have been a big misstep. There won't be a Wii U 2. Nintendo will either go more traditional or more "innovative" with their next system, and I don't think the Wii U will have any bearing on it's success or failure, much like the Gamecube didn't stop the Wii from being one of the top selling game systems of all time.

Again, you're asking for something ridiculous: For Nintendo to give up on MAJOR sources of revenue and enter a brand new market, one that is both cutthroat and filled to the brim with competition, for the slight chance that they take off and make some money.


it's probably better to do what they did with the ds and wii than to have returned to their gba/gamecube philosophy like they did with the 3ds and wii u.

DS and Wii sold on novelties. What novelties remain that will entice consumers? What can possibly bring casuals back when you have phones, that everyone wants, that provide free gaming? The market has changed since '06. Now, I'm not saying the 3DS and Wii U were good strategies, but I do not believe there is any hope attracting anywhere near as large a market as the Wii and DS were able to by appealing to a crowd that is likely gone.


*Looks at 3DS and Wii U sales*. Well let's see how that's working out for them now. 3DS is underperforming the DS and the Wii U has imploded. So what's going to happen with the 4DS and Wii U 2?

I think their future is very worrying.
The 3/2DS is doing reasonably decently, considering the gargantuan opposition it faces in the form of mobile games. Unfortunately, its revenue alone can't support Nintendo's operations. The Wii is nonexistent since late 2010 (crappy Wii Mini notwithstanding) and the Wii U is... well... pining for the fjords.

But I'm of the opinion that a PhoneBoy would be a crappy product for them, at this moment in time. Not only are they completely inexperienced about mobile design and development (and this takes years to improve), but their current leadership actively hates the whole cellular environment. They would simply perform a self-sabotaging act on par with mid-90s Sega. They could sidestep the disgust issues by acquiring an ailing phone manufacturer (RIM?) to do the "dirty work" in their stead, but their highly insular mindset and inability/unwillingness to delegate decisionmaking/development power away from the centre makes such a move implausible.


“I’ve been told that Sony won over Nintendo by surrounding itself with software companies, and I will admit that situation was there in the past. However, times have changed, and it’s no longer a race to see how many useless companies you can get on your side.” said Yamauchi."


Karma is a bitch, ain't it


If you think 3DS is underperforming, you've clearly missed a step, but given your idea overall, this is not surprising. It's not matching their expectations, true, but that's due to them having to promise the moon after the DS. What is happening is that their handhelds are stabilizing to pre-DS numbers, and 3DS ends up selling at GBA level, if not slightly better. Now, if you think that's unacceptable, that's on you..

The real question is if its acceptable to Nintendo. 3DS sales are well below DS but still quite healthy. But why is it far below DS? Is this a trend? Considering the competition from Mobile, what are the future prospects for their handhelds? Is the 4DS really going to sell as well as the 3DS? Does it have any chance of attaining the highs of the DS?

I place my bet on the 4DS doing even worse. I could be wrong. But boy will they be in a really bad position if I'm right. And its not something absurd to consider, Apple and Android are really putting the heat on Nintendo, without even trying.
It hasn't really outsold it though.

The Wii U sold 3.9 million worldwide through the end of October.

That still leaves Nov. and Dec. left. I imagine Nintendo solid over 300K in those months worldwide to still be in top.

Sure, it will likely lose that lead to BOTH consoles in the coming months, but I would imagine they are still ahead.


The real question is if its acceptable to Nintendo. 3DS sales are well below DS but still quite healthy. But why is it far below DS? Is this a trend? Considering the competition from Mobile, what are the future prospects for their handhelds? Is the 4DS really going to sell as well as the 3DS? Does it have any chance of attaining the highs of the DS?

I place my bet on the 4DS doing even worse. I could be wrong. But boy will they be in a really bad position if I'm right. And its not something absurd to consider, Apple and Android are really putting the heat on Nintendo, without even trying.

So essentially, you're betting that Nintendo fails based on nothing, then? You're choosing to ignore that 3DS is stabilizing at GBA numbers, and instead focusing directly on the DS, which may have been the true anomaly with it's runaway success.


So essentially, you're betting that Nintendo fails based on nothing, then? You're choosing to ignore that 3DS is stabilizing at GBA numbers, and instead focusing directly on the DS, which may have been the true anomaly with it's runaway success.

Again, its Nintendo that has to live up to their numbers. Is the massive contraction of sales acceptable? Does it coincide with anything? If mobile wasn't growing at the terrific pace it is now, would the 3DS have done better, or would it be in the same position? These are serious questions to ask. A business cannot assume "Oh, well all is good, past products have performed as well as the 3DS, nothing to worry about". The mobile market is only expanding, not contracting. The handheld market for a moment expanded, but now its contracting. It is probably due to mobile competition, many people share this opinion. So the big question is if the contraction is a trend and will it continue. It is not absurd to think it will, and I do believe it will.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
So essentially, you're betting that Nintendo fails based on nothing, then? You're choosing to ignore that 3DS is stabilizing at GBA numbers, and instead focusing directly on the DS, which may have been the true anomaly with it's runaway success.

The GBA's lifespan was cut dramatically short by the panic and sudden release of the DS. If the 3DS finishes with a normal organically long generation at beneath or even at the same point of 81 million, that can be considered a tick down in their "normal" handheld business. The funny thing about downward slopes you see is that investors dont take kindly to being told "we'll never be as big again", and they tend to just keep on getting pulled down and down and down.


I am genuinely interested in getting a Wii U, however, there just isn't enough games yet to justify the purchase for me. I never played Bayonetta but I heard its like the DMC games as far as gameplay so 2 will be a pass, Mario Kart has (and most likely always will have) rubberbanding out the ass so more than likely a pass due to overwhelming unneccessary frustration, and Brawl was a big disappointment after Melee so the SSB Wii U will be a maybe... This doesn't really leave much else other than a potential Zelda, Metroid, or Fire Emblem which I know little-nothing about yet, Nintendo needs to step up their game for games people are interested in. Granted I'm just one person on the internet, it seems evident I'm not the only one who thinks this, and since 3rd party are clearly nonexistant/lacking then they need to show a reason to pick up the console in the first place: 1st party games and a lot of them.


DS and Wii sold on novelties. What novelties remain that will entice consumers? What can possibly bring casuals back when you have phones, that everyone wants, that provide free gaming? The market has changed since '06. Now, I'm not saying the 3DS and Wii U were good strategies, but I do not believe there is any hope attracting anywhere near as large a market as the Wii and DS were able to by appealing to a crowd that is likely gone.

ds and wii sold on good design and good marketing. nintendo has good designers, but i think they thought they could solve a problem in uniting two very different fanbases. it's probably a problem without an answer.

what nintendo did with the wii and ds was appeal to imagination with easy to digest and new gaming interfaces (for the mass public at least), backed by the right software. the wii u and 3ds were halfhearted attempts at reaching out to a wider audience as well as the traditional gaming enthusiast. maybe not halfhearted, but certainly unfocused. the enjoyment of the 3ds's main feature and the wii u's main feature comes from actually handling the device and in the wii u's case, owning it (well my case at least).

i don't know what they can do to bring those people back in, but one thing they should do if they ever find them in their corner again, is not to let them go. they basically stopped giving a shit about that market right around 2009, and haven't delivered any new experiences to them since.

as video games transition more into a service, it's hard to tell where nintendo will go. their current direction seems far more toylike, and my assumption is that they would try something truly out there like make a visor and push the virtual reality angle more, or the haptic feedback (good lord i swear i was talking about haptic feedback in 1999).


ds and wii sold on good design and good marketing. nintendo has good designers, but i think they thought they could solve a problem in uniting two very different fanbases. it's probably a problem without an answer.

what nintendo did with the wii and ds was appeal to imagination with easy to digest and new gaming interfaces (for the mass public at least), backed by the right software. the wii u and 3ds were halfhearted attempts at reaching out to a wider audience as well as the traditional gaming enthusiast. maybe not halfhearted, but certainly unfocused. the enjoyment of the 3ds's main feature and the wii u's main feature comes from actually handling the device and in the wii u's case, owning it (well my case at least).

i don't know what they can do to bring those people back in, but one thing they should do if they ever find them in their corner again, is not to let them go. they basically stopped giving a shit about that market right around 2009, and haven't delivered any new experiences to them since.

as video games transition more into a service, it's hard to tell where nintendo will go. their current direction seems far more toylike, and my assumption is that they would try something truly out there like make a visor and push the virtual reality angle more, or the haptic feedback (good lord i swear i was talking about haptic feedback in 1999).

DS sold on the novelty of touch gaming and the Wii sold on motion controls. 3DS is a refinement of the DS. The only mistake they made was initial price. Its market contracted. Nintendo is historically strong with the handheld market and their number 1 position is guaranteed each time. But it may be a dwindling market.

Wii U is an absurdity but selling in line with what you would expect from any console. So without a truly novel gimmick, what could a true successor to Wii really expect to sell? Would it really be within a good percentage of the Wii or would it be in line with every other console Nintendo has ever made in their decades in this business?

I think Nintendo is done in the console market, no matter what they may try. But time will tell.
DS sold on the novelty of touch gaming and the Wii sold on motion controls. 3DS is a refinement of the DS. The only mistake they made was initial price. Its market contracted. Nintendo is historically strong with the handheld market and their number 1 position is guaranteed each time. But it may be a dwindling market.

The price and the software line-up. It was certainly better than the horrible wii U line-up but it was still a little empty imo and even now it's quite poor outside of Japan. That plus i feel like some of their games didn't differentiate themselves enough from previous entries (NSMB in particular suffered imo).


DS sold on the novelty of touch gaming and the Wii sold on motion controls. 3DS is a refinement of the DS. The only mistake they made was initial price. Its market contracted. Nintendo is historically strong with the handheld market and their number 1 position is guaranteed each time. But it may be a dwindling market.

the ds also had software to promote the hardware. this is something the 3ds did, but mostly attracted a more traditional gaming userbase (otherwise i have no idea how fire emblem awakening became a million seller). it started with nintendogs and continued with animal crossing and brain age, and then nintendo thought that five years later, demand for a nintendogs sequel was high when they hadn't done anything to support the series (except introduce more dogs). they stopped gauging the market with brain age in a similar way, years before the 3ds sequel came out.

on the wii, they had people buying wii sports and then wii fit in droves. and they quickly followed it up with wii sports resort and wii fit plus. that was about it. if they had continued to support that fanbase, i think it would have started with the vitality sensor, and development on that was canned.

Wii U is an absurdity but selling in line with what you would expect from any console.

with the wii u, they picked a far more complicated idea to communicate and then communicated it in a complicated way. the wii u sells like the gamecube because the approach was pretty similar.

So without a truly novel gimmick, what could a true successor to Wii really expect to sell? Would it really be within a good percentage of the Wii or would it be in line with every other console Nintendo has ever made in their decades in this business?

I think Nintendo is done in the console market, no matter what they may try. But time will tell.

i think consoles as we currently know them might be done. microsoft already wanted out with the xbox one and their bizarre idea of ownership. sony was toying with the idea as well (although leaning towards the side of not fucking the consumer bless their hearts). it's only a matter of time before we start talking about first parties as service providers. hell- valve is already there. it's a future i don't think nintendo is prepared to handle, and it's why i think they'll try the toy thing as long as they can.
ds and wii sold on good design and good marketing. nintendo has good designers, but i think they thought they could solve a problem in uniting two very different fanbases. it's probably a problem without an answer.

what nintendo did with the wii and ds was appeal to imagination with easy to digest and new gaming interfaces (for the mass public at least), backed by the right software. the wii u and 3ds were halfhearted attempts at reaching out to a wider audience as well as the traditional gaming enthusiast. maybe not halfhearted, but certainly unfocused. the enjoyment of the 3ds's main feature and the wii u's main feature comes from actually handling the device and in the wii u's case, owning it (well my case at least).

i don't know what they can do to bring those people back in, but one thing they should do if they ever find them in their corner again, is not to let them go. they basically stopped giving a shit about that market right around 2009, and haven't delivered any new experiences to them since.

as video games transition more into a service, it's hard to tell where nintendo will go. their current direction seems far more toylike, and my assumption is that they would try something truly out there like make a visor and push the virtual reality angle more, or the haptic feedback (good lord i swear i was talking about haptic feedback in 1999).

I don't think Nintendo could have predicted the consumer backlash to modern 3D. Those that like it are willing to spend a premium on the content, those that don't seem to utterly detest it. The 3DS tested through the roof at E3 and was an analyst darling to be the PS2 to the DS' PSOne, no one reasonably predicted the sales crater in the first 6 months. But looking back the situation is similar to the situation they find themselves in with the Wii U. They ignored what the competition (smartphones) was doing with hardware, they ignored what developers wanted in a marketplace , and it cost them dearly. Nintendo could have easily designed both the 3DS and Wii U as multitouch devices and pushed for ports of every major phone hit - instead they prioritized stylus controls, for the whopping 5 games that utilize them.

Nintendo did more or less assume that the expanded audience would default to them, hence the half-hearted retreads of Wii _____ and Nintendogs. They reached their peak when putting their creative energies in new experiences. The Mario/Zelda/Kart/Smash sequels can't carry a console ww.

VR at console-ready prices is still 5 years away. You'd need basically double PS4-level hw and a near $250 peripheral, and somehow ship all this at $499 or less. Neither MS nor Sony were ready this round, Nintendo could make a big splash if they are the first to bring it to the living room at affordable prices.


The GBA's lifespan was cut dramatically short by the panic and sudden release of the DS. If the 3DS finishes with a normal organically long generation at beneath or even at the same point of 81 million, that can be considered a tick down in their "normal" handheld business. The funny thing about downward slopes you see is that investors dont take kindly to being told "we'll never be as big again", and they tend to just keep on getting pulled down and down and down.
The GBA also launched at $99 and had cheaper games overall. The situations are different, but comparable success is within reach.


i think consoles as we currently know them might be done. microsoft already wanted out with the xbox one and their bizarre idea of ownership. sony was toying with the idea as well (although leaning towards the side of not fucking the consumer bless their hearts). it's only a matter of time before we start talking about first parties as service providers. hell- valve is already there. it's a future i don't think nintendo is prepared to handle, and it's why i think they'll try the toy thing as long as they can.

Yeah, regardless of the success of the PS4 or Xboxone, either company would trade the business in a heartbeat to be even competing with Apple, let alone be market leader. As soon as we create carbon chips, allowing dramatically better performance per watt than silicon (there has been so much research into it, its inevitable at this point), then tablets will suddenly have performance at least on par with current systems. Then what? Console market vanishes.

But at least Sony and MS are making tablets.
“I’ve been told that Sony won over Nintendo by surrounding itself with software companies, and I will admit that situation was there in the past. However, times have changed, and it’s no longer a race to see how many useless companies you can get on your side.” said Yamauchi."

People tend to forget Yamauchi as his worst, and how third party relationships were already pretty bad since Pre GC era.
I don't know about that. They can, but would they? They released a system a bit more powerful than the PS3/360 after those were released 6 years ago.

it can be greater than 4tflop, should be doable in 2016. 4Tflop is a lot more powerful than Xbone and PS4, not a bit :p They need to design the specs to that it kills PS4 and Xbone and competes with PS5 and Xbone 2 at the same time
Yeah, regardless of the success of the PS4 or Xboxone, either company would trade the business in a heartbeat to be even competing with Apple, let alone be market leader. As soon as we create carbon chips, allowing dramatically better performance per watt than silicon (there has been so much research into it, its inevitable at this point), then tablets will suddenly have performance at least on par with current systems. Then what? Console market vanishes.

But at least Sony and MS are making tablets.

With every new Apple release this sentiment is reiterated. Look, portable gaming (mobile) gaming has always been a separate market and al indications point to it staying that way.

People wanting to sit on the couch with a controller in their hand is the real reason for console gaming longevity - not an edge on specs. Mobile gaming will kill handheld gaming platforms long before Sony/MS platforms are in jeopardy.


With every new Apple release this sentiment is reiterated. Look, portable gaming (mobile) gaming has always been a separate market and al indications point to it staying that way.

People wanting to sit on the couch with a controller in their hand is the real reason for console gaming longevity - not an edge on specs. Mobile gaming will kill handheld gaming platforms long before Sony/MS platforms are in jeopardy.

When Apple can create a system as powerful as the PS4 with an air-card that allows you to play on the TV and controller support. How is it any different from a console?
When Apple can create a system as powerful as the PS4 with an air-card that allows you to play on the TV and controller support. How is it any different from a console?

how powerful of a machine can sony create in a traditional console-sized box by the time apple can get ps4 levels of power inside of an ipad?


People wanting to sit on the couch with a controller in their hand is the real reason for console gaming longevity - not an edge on specs. Mobile gaming will kill handheld gaming platforms long before Sony/MS platforms are in jeopardy.

People are already connecting their tablets to the TV. Once (or if) controllers take off, tablets will pretty much function as consoles. Throw streaming games in there and things will get interesting.


how powerful of a machine can sony create in a traditional console-sized box by the time apple can get ps4 levels of power inside of an ipad?

I think there is a point where graphics are good enough for a large percentage of the population and the convenience of a do-all device in your pocket will outweigh the benefits of a dedicated device.

I could be wrong. I've always felt there's a market for at least 1 healthy system. If the console business dramatically constricts and there is only a market for 100 million consoles (Wii + 360 + PS3 is way more than 100 million), then that's still a healthy market for one company. But that company may be Apple...without even trying.


Nintendo should just ride it out until it's next system, they owe it to the millions who already purchased the Wii U. There is too much invested to pull the plug, so people can quit that pipe dream (no pun intended).

It's is sad though:

December 2009 - Wii 3.8 million

December 2013 - Wii U ~500k?


I am genuinely interested in getting a Wii U, however, there just isn't enough games yet to justify the purchase for me. I never played Bayonetta but I heard its like the DMC games as far as gameplay so 2 will be a pass, Mario Kart has (and most likely always will have) rubberbanding out the ass so more than likely a pass due to overwhelming unneccessary frustration, and Brawl was a big disappointment after Melee so the SSB Wii U will be a maybe... This doesn't really leave much else other than a potential Zelda, Metroid, or Fire Emblem which I know little-nothing about yet, Nintendo needs to step up their game for games people are interested in. Granted I'm just one person on the internet, it seems evident I'm not the only one who thinks this, and since 3rd party are clearly nonexistant/lacking then they need to show a reason to pick up the console in the first place: 1st party games and a lot of them.

How about X? I know that is the game that will sell the Wii U to me. Though I wouldn't buy a Wii U right now just for that game because who knows when it will actually come out. Might not be until next year.

I would say if Nintendo games aren't doing much for you these days, there is little reason to get a Wii U. I'd wait until there is a wider library because otherwise it will just be collecting dust.


Unconfirmed Member
How about X? I know that is the game that will sell the Wii U to me. Though I wouldn't buy a Wii U right now just for that game because who knows when it will actually come out. Might not be until next year.

I would say if Nintendo games aren't doing much for you these days, there is little reason to get a Wii U. I'd wait until there is a wider library because otherwise it will just be collecting dust.

Yeah, I am really interested in X. I may pick the game up and wait for the U to drop its price drastically or wait for an emulator down the road. It's just I can't justify buying a console for it's asking price when the only Nintendo franchise I want to play has been butchered (Metroid).


People tend to forget Yamauchi as his worst, and how third party relationships were already pretty bad since Pre GC era.

After the one-two punch of Square and Enix betrayaltons (after they literally begged him not to go with carts in the N64 but he wouldn't listen).

[People who play RPGs are] "depressed gamers who like to sit alone in their dark rooms and play slow games." - Hiroshi Yamauchi


Junior Member
To be honest, Nintendo has never had great third party relations. Nintendo practically built up the NES and SNES through shitty third party relations to prevent another 1983 crash, and it could do so because there was no other real competition in the console market, especially in Japan. Nintendo's shitty third party relations actually helped it until any real competition in the Japanese market came along. Nintendo has never actually learned how to compete for third party support.


nethack is my favorite dark souls clone

It's their only hope.


So essentially, you're betting that Nintendo fails based on nothing, then? You're choosing to ignore that 3DS is stabilizing at GBA numbers, and instead focusing directly on the DS, which may have been the true anomaly with it's runaway success.

What are Nintendo's projections for 3DS sales? Is it underperforming based on their projections?
-He is the only one still supporting full, 100% true backwards compatibility to previous gen software and most peripherals.
So does backwards compatibility only matter a generation back cause I'm pretty sure my Wii U can't play Gamecube games. And I'm pretty sure two of the hardware under him have dropped backwards compatibility.

Fox Mulder

Im actually fine with having a console that is pretty much just for Nintendo exclusives, They used to make far and away the best games in the world. I want them to have a reasonably powerful box with a normal controller (there's still alot of room to innovate there, the N64 and GC controllers were revelations imo)

making a console just for their games is doable, if it's cheap. The wiiu is $300 and is selling like shit with their games as the only draw. The ps4 is only $100 more, so they'd be stuck even if they had a powerful console.

I actually think a powerful Nintendo console with their excellent games, equal third party support, and a quality online service would be pretty appealing. Wonder if Nintendo can pull it off or if there's even room for three equal consoles.
something like a 7 inch vita with slim top/bottom bezels would be absolutely amazing if they paired it with a decent display and something like next year's Tegra

I would even go bigger like 9 or 10 inch screen but make it powerful enough to run HD games. It doesn't have to be as powerful as the next gen consoles but somewhat close to them.


it's a shame cuz the wii u has games you cant play anywhere else and are worth playing and the ps4 has...erm killzone? obviously this will change but the wii u is so much better right now (in regards to games)


it's a shame cuz the wii u has games you cant play anywhere else and are worth playing and the ps4 has...erm killzone? obviously this will change but the wii u is so much better right now (in regards to games)

i wouldn't say "so much better".


i wouldn't say "so much better".

I would...for now.

I pretty much hate all of the PS4 launch games lol.

And if Infamous is a let down, I am sitting on a paperweight for a while.

So on a technicality, I think the Wii U lineup is much better.

PS3 is king tho...motherfucker won't die. Shit it is funny that I think I will end up buying more ps3 games than ps4 games this year.
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