Nintendo needs to start building a new gaming system
Of course it is. Look, I'm the first to know that the ones who play because we simply enjoy to play great videogames are a bunch of "freaks", and that what's really cool is to play semi-automatized games without any gameplay depth and astonishing presentation.Because you refuse to accept the idea of one PS4 with Nintendo games on it out of some delusional sense of tribalism. Nintendo games on a rival platform is not some form of capitulation.
Please, just someone humor me for just a moment; explain to me what Nintendo risks by going third party in the home console market? They temporarily piss off the more immature sections of their fanbase who will eventually get over it anyway then its practically business as usual.
They continue to scratch their hardware itch with the handheld market and everyone is happy.
Ummm no. I want Nintendo in the console business too, but them pulling out doesn't suddenly mean they're going to start putting out Call of Duty equivalents.Of course it is. Look, I'm the first to know that the ones who play because we simply enjoy to play great videogames are a bunch of "freaks", and that what's really cool is to play semi-automatized games without any gameplay depth and astonishing presentation.
Nintendo giving up on the console space it's the same as them abandoning their philosophies.
Nintendo going 3rd party means Mario with exceptional graphics and absolutely atrocious gameplay due to level design being totally and completely minimized in terms of importance.
Sorry, but there are still a few people here that don't play to get "immersed" into a story, but that simply play because we like to. To those traditional gamers, Nintendo and some indies is the last thing that this industry has left.
Even when for you to be compared to a "freak" that plays because he likes to play may be an insult, it would be better if Nintendo survived and those 4 freaks that are still left can still play some big budged games directed at them, otherwise this industry will end exploding like it did two decades ago, and it will be even worse...
That is a pretty dumb argument to take though. I think it's really sad that so many people here subscribe completely to "hype" and "new console smell". For me it's always about the games. It should always be about the games. Maybe it isn't just about the games anymore, but that doesn't mean it's the ideal situation.
After digging up these gems, I have trouble trusting any of your predictions TBH.
Seriously, what a joke. Come February, you're going to be telling everyone to wait until March, then April, then May... I get the feeling we're going to be waiting a long time.
Am I the only one here still wondering if the thread title is right or wrong?
You sure are arguing a lot about something that either already happened, or will happen within weeks.
I don't get the argument that Nintendo shouldn't kill off the Wii U because it would piss off the people who already bought it. There's not even 5 million of them. It makes absolutely no sense to slog through all this, pissing into the wind, and sacrificing a potentially large market because you're afraid of annoying a handful of diehard loyalists.
86 it and either focus exclusively on the 3DS or try and cobble together some off-the-shelf parts for another go. I don't think the latter is a good idea because it still doesn't address their stubborn focus on the safe (Mario, more Mario, occasionally Zelda and Donkey Kong) and the fact that their teams don't seem geared up for next-gen development. The handheld space is essentially theirs, its successful for them (keeping them afloat at this point), and their more interesting IPs are better suited to it (Pokémon, Animal Crossing, etc).
Am I the only one here still wondering if the thread title is right or wrong?
Pretty sure they have already started building a new machine slated for 2015. Probably going more power this time compared to X1 and PS4.
Are they seriously only six games coming out in the next 4 months?
It sucks but it's true. Buy new iPad with 64-bit A7 to play Candy Crush. I'm actually wondering if this effect may condense the console cycle. If it did it would still suck for Nintendo because their platform (PPC) doesn't have a future that's not proprietary and expensive. They need to move to ARM or something.
It does matter cause its probably not true now.It's probably right, but does it really change anything if it happens in a few weeks? Either way it's pretty damning for the Wii U that one of the new consoles has surpassed it's year plus sales in less than 3 months.
Throwing more power in the box isn't going to do much. Why are people buying a PS4? The power? Not likely. The dudebro games. If Nintendo somehow gets those games too, then what will a similar platform do in 2015 with PS4 on full steam? Nothing.
Nintendo's way forward is the casual, family and kids market. And they don't give a shit about power.
Nintendo needs to start building a new gaming system
Not needing a PS4 is besides the point. There are now millions of PS4 owners hungry for games on their shiny new systems. You can't speak for everyone or even the 'majority' on what they do or don't like.
Just excluding indies, we have Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition, LEGO The Movie The Game, Rayman Legends, Thief, MLB 14: The Show, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Infamous: Second Son, and likely Driveclub and Watch Dogs as they've been given an 'early'/Spring release date.
Regardless of how you feel about each game, the PS4 will have quality content in the next few months. I don't see a major drop in sales momentum until the summer.
Right now, their creations that they pour their heart and soul into are being played by barely anyone. It must be discouraging.
They probably already are. They'll probably cut WIIU after 4 years. They'll have a new system out by 2016. MS nad Sony won't be anywhere near ready for a new console and they'll try to jumpstart things. Not saying it'll work but 4 years is long enough for a console. The original Xbox was only on the market 4 years.
ULTRAAAAA COMBOOOO!After digging up these gems, I have trouble trusting any of your predictions TBH.
Seriously, what a joke. Come February, you're going to be telling everyone to wait until March, then April, then May... I get the feeling we're going to be waiting a long time.
You have a much more optimistic outlook on the games industry than I if you think Iwata is likely to be replaced by someone that matches or exceeds the actual appreciation for games that he's shown. Greenlighting games like SMTxFE, TW101, Bayo2, X, etc., along with his history as a developer and even things like Iwata Asks engender a lot of good will from me, personally. If anything, it'd be fair to criticize his software strategy as simultaneously too broad and too niche, but I'll take those sweet, sweet niche offerings over some middle-of-the-road stuff any day. We can get that stuff anywhere else.
I also find the basic premise of this thread to be akin to something like, "if Nintendo exited the console race, who would take their place?" Sure, these companies are all in competition with each other, but not so much so that their every action is a reaction predicated on the actions of a different company. Nintendo will do all they can, which is get the price of the Wii U as low as possible, continue to build its library, and very likely introduce new hardware as early as 2016. It's entirely possible they'll remain profitable until then, or at least healthy enough that they aren't in any real danger. The Wii U was a swing and a miss, but they're still in a position where they can try again next time.
lol "goons"
Nintendo doesn't really care about the PS4 surpassing them. They like to think that they aren't competing with the XB1 and the PS4.
Nintendo makes quite a bit of money from home console hardware when they have a successful home console. Going third party only in home console means potentially abandoning a large source of income. While Wii U is unsuccessful now, abandoning home console hardware means Nintendo gives up the possibility of ever having a successful home console in the future and loses out on potential income.
*Video game controllers have a high profit margin and attach rates and Nintendo makes money from them if they have their own hardware. By their design there should typically be at least a 1:1 attach ratio for controllersl Nintendo has almost certain sold at least 100 million Wii Remotes and possibly much more with a similar number of Wii Nunchuks and a lesser number of Classic Controllers.
*Although people like to point out that third party games don't sell on Nintendo systems, third party games still sold in the range of several hundred million on the Wii. While many of these games were shovelware, Nintendo still gets the same licensing fees from shovelware as they do with games that GAF likes. Iwata cited Wii sales were 50/50 first party and third party in 2010.
*Nintendo doesn't have to pay licensing fees on first party games. When you sell hundreds of millions of games, these licensing fees add up to hundreds of millions of dollars that Nintendo keeps for themselves that they otherwise would be paying to Sony and Microsoft.
During the Wii generation all of this would have added up to billions of dollars. A lot of people were already calling for Nintendo to go third party after the GameCube, but if they did, they would have lost out on the above sources of income.
Joke post?Their heart and soul? They've been regurgitating the same shit for the past 15 years. And now they got Rare making a Donkey Kong Country game.
Nintendo is on autopilot.
Re-launch and re-branding coupled with Mario kart and huge price cut would do wonders for the system.
Nintendo going 3rd party means Mario with exceptional graphics and absolutely atrocious gameplay due to level design being totally and completely minimized in terms of importance.
You have a much more optimistic outlook on the games industry than I if you think Iwata is likely to be replaced by someone that matches or exceeds the actual appreciation for games that he's shown. Greenlighting games like SMTxFE, TW101, Bayo2, X, etc., along with his history as a developer and even things like Iwata Asks engender a lot of good will from me, personally. If anything, it'd be fair to criticize his software strategy as simultaneously too broad and too niche, but I'll take those sweet, sweet niche offerings over some middle-of-the-road stuff any day. We can get that stuff anywhere else.
I also find the basic premise of this thread to be akin to something like, "if Nintendo exited the console race, who would take their place?" Sure, these companies are all in competition with each other, but not so much so that their every action is a reaction predicated on the actions of a different company. Nintendo will do all they can, which is get the price of the Wii U as low as possible, continue to build its library, and very likely introduce new hardware as early as 2016. It's entirely possible they'll remain profitable until then, or at least healthy enough that they aren't in any real danger. The Wii U was a swing and a miss, but they're still in a position where they can try again next time.
Nintendo needs to start building a new gaming system
Nothing changes at Nintendo.
They are where they are because they don't respond to market forces or trends.
I don't get the argument that Nintendo shouldn't kill off the Wii U because it would piss off the people who already bought it. There's not even 5 million of them. It makes absolutely no sense to slog through all this, pissing into the wind, and sacrificing a potentially large market because you're afraid of annoying a handful of diehard loyalists.
Its nice admitting your mistake but please learn from it.
I would hope Nintendo would do what David Jaffe hoped they would do. Sell to Disney. That way we can get their games everywhere AND a theme park in Orlando. Mario Kart ride would probably be all sorts of awesome and they could do something really for for the SSB ride.
I would hope Nintendo would do what David Jaffe hoped they would do. Sell to Disney. That way we can get their games everywhere AND a theme park in Orlando. Mario Kart ride would probably be all sorts of awesome and they could do something really for for the SSB ride.