Yes. I bought a PS4 so I could specifically play those games.
What is your logic? hopefully it isn't that the PS4 will sell at the same rate it did on Christmas time.
I'll make it clearer:
WiiU sells 1.5 million in 5 months.
PS4 sells 1.8 million in 5 month, including its Japanese launch.
Any person who is not deluded can see the absurdity in logic here.
After digging up these gems, I have trouble trusting any of your predictions TBH.Do you think Infamous or Driveclub are games to drive hardware sales because I certainly don't.
PS4 and Xbone were always going to do amazing numbers from Nov - Jan when all the hardcore gamers ran out to buy one but come Feb there will be a massive tail off in sales imo. I don't believe many people outside of the hardcore will pay $400 (more like almost $600 for a console, two games and a PS+ sub) to play mostly multiplatform games available on systems they already have at a better resolution / framerate.
I bought my PS4 one day one because I care about playing games at the best possible settings on consoles but I have to say the year one exclusive line up for PS4 is pretty awful.
I have a feeling a lot of people on here will look silly when PS4 and XBO fail to match the WiiU's 3 million consoles sold in it's first three months on the market and then we get sub 10k PS4 weekly sales in Japan and sub 50k console sales for each on NPD early next year.
This isn't 2005/6 for most people financially, people have Blu Ray & online gaming already and the graphical leap between generations is nothing like it was last time out.
Seriously, what a joke. Come February, you're going to be telling everyone to wait until March, then April, then May... I get the feeling we're going to be waiting a long time.I'm not claiming the 'death of consoles' I just think a mixture of casual consumer apathy (most of the launch games are available for PS360), supply constraints and the fact they will be fighting with each other over sales will mean that they don't take off quite aswell as a lot of people on here think they will.
WiiU is on 3.6 million just now, I can't see PS4 and XBO being on any more than 4 million each* by this time next year but I'm sure they won't get anything like the ridicule WiiU gets for it's sales.
They sacrifice 60% of their revenue from hardware and royalties of selling third party software on their consoles. That's a lot of layoffs, less games being made, and more safe games being annualized.Please, just someone humor me for just a moment; explain to me what Nintendo risks by going third party in the home console market? They temporarily piss off the more immature sections of their fanbase who will eventually get over it anyway then its practically business as usual.
They continue to scratch their hardware itch with the handheld market and everyone is happy.
To zee lumber yaaaaard!!!
Seriously though, how many of these "Nintendo is doomed" thread do we really need?
After digging up these gems, I have trouble trusting any of your predictions TBH.
Seriously, what a joke. Come February, you're going to be telling everyone to wait until March, then April, then May... I get the feeling we're going to be waiting a long time.
Personally I think they should re-brand the system as the Nintendo U, dropping the Wii name all together. Then add a system redesign into the mix (matte finish, drop the rounded look) and bundle with Smash Bros U or generate hype by reviving an old IP. They should also seriously consider developing a full out Pokemon console game.
Outside of this I can't see what else they could possibly do. But a fresh new take on the system might attract some attention and consumers may finally see it as a new offering instead of confusing it with the Wii.
No, they were trying to replicate the DS/3DS experience on a home console.
Had that experience with my cousin today. I said I was bringing my Wii U over then when I pulled the console out of the bag he asked me why my Wii looked so different. I told him it was the Wii U and not my Wii, to which he replied
"Isn't the Wii U the controller?"
I don't blame him for not knowing though, Nintendo caused this problem when they decided to name the thing Wii U which sounds like an accessory rather than naming it Wii 2 or something like that.
They'll just keep doing what they're doing. Making games.
That's a pretty bold conclusion to make for others.It's going to drive some system sales but it won't drive a ton. Personally I am really excited about Second Son and think it looks awesome, especially since I thoroughly enjoyed the first two games and Festival of Blood. However, I'm still waiting on picking up a PS4 until more than just 1 game I want is out. Right now there's literally nothing interesting with a solid release date beyond Infamous: SS. I imagine most consumers feel the same.
Can't help but agree with this, it should've never been called the Wii U in the first place. Name is so confusing. Made post in another thread about an experience I had regarding this, will just quote it here.
Third party support is another thing. I mean would it have killed Nintendo to ask third parties what hardware they would need in order to run their game engines for the next 5+ years. Instead it seems Nintendo is content with making hardware only their first party developers can make the most of.
The same place they were always going? Don't see why PS4's success would affect Nintendo. They're not even competing directly.
After digging up these gems, I have trouble trusting any of your predictions TBH.
Do we seriously need the same thread a few times a week? It's really getting tiresome.
This topic has been discussed to death.
Maybe let them move into their new HQ building first
I've said it before but I don't think people realize how long it takes to release another console. Years of R&D and testing have to take place and then to actually line up the manufacturing and whatnot. That's a long ways off for Nintendo.
Their best bet isn't to back away from this generation, it's to double the fuck down on it so when next-gen does come around they'll still have a loyal base. Just do what Sony did. A bit of a rebranding through marketing, go on a blitz with it, back it up with lots of big first party titles and a price drop, and simply don't take the foot off the pedal at any point. They'll porbably have to spend a lot of money to make that happen but imo it's the best strategy out there for them.
I forgot PS4 was still to launch in Japan... My bad.
And with the world going crazy with using your Facebook on your smart TV while you have inserted your Sony sensor anally. I think Nintendo should just keep it simple and cheap. Like.... the Wii!!
That's a pretty bold conclusion to make for others.
Seriously, what a joke. Come February, you're going to be telling everyone to wait until March, then April, then May... I get the feeling we're going to be waiting a long time.
Of course they do. The whole Tablet like controller on the WiiU was a clear attempt to cash-in on the massive popularity oftablet devicesthe DS.
After digging up these gems, I have trouble trusting any of your predictions TBH.
Seriously, what a joke. Come February, you're going to be telling everyone to wait until March, then April, then May... I get the feeling we're going to be waiting a long time.
Nintendo will not continue to invest in development on a failed platform. I predict you won't see any more announced games that weren't already in development.
I really couldn't care less if you trust my predictions, we all make them on here and sometimes they are right, sometimes they are wrong.
PS4 and XBO did do better than I initially thought they would but its great news for me as I have two out of the three consoles. Too many people on here treat sales figures like following a sports team lol...
It may not have been overtaken yet. Spurious thread premise.
This is how I see it and merely all estimation. WiiU was 3.91m shipped as of Sept 30. We don't know the exact number sold to consumer(unless someone can provide). Let's just say that its only sold 3.5m.
Let's try adding up the sales of each region from Oct to Dec.
Japan (Famitsu)
Oct - 52153
Nov - 75568
Dec - 318088
Total: 445809
Oct - 50k
Nov - 223k
Dec - ??
Total: 273k
No data
3.5m + 445k (Japan) + 273k (US) = 4.21m
The WiiU should at least be 4.21 million by the end of December without counting the December sales in the US and of course EU 3Q sales. So, PS4 haven't yet surpassed WiiU(But of course it will probably by the end of January or February). The OP is pretty much jumping on a conclusion without checking anything.
Hopefully I'm at least correct with my computation :lol
That's a pretty bold conclusion to make for others.
Not needing a PS4 is besides the point. There are now millions of PS4 owners hungry for games on their shiny new systems. You can't speak for everyone or even the 'majority' on what they do or don't like.Not really.
Everything else beyond that is vague outside of Destiny and FIFA. And those interested in either don't need to buy a PS4 for them.
"I can back out of any post I make by claiming I was never serious"
This is how I see it and merely all estimation. WiiU was 3.91m shipped as of Sept 30. We don't know the exact number sold to consumer(unless someone can provide). Let's just say that its only sold 3.5m.
Let's try adding up the sales of each region from Oct to Dec.
Japan (Famitsu)
Oct - 52153
Nov - 75568
Dec - 318088
Total: 445809
Oct - 50k
Nov - 223k
Dec - ??
Total: 273k
No data
3.5m + 445k (Japan) + 273k (US) = 4.21m
The WiiU should at least be 4.21 million by the end of December without counting the December sales in the US and of course EU 3Q sales. So, PS4 haven't yet surpassed WiiU(But of course it will probably by the end of January or February). The OP is pretty much jumping on a conclusion without checking anything.
Hopefully I'm at least correct with my computation :lol
it just not a neogaf until there's a "nintendoomed" or "what can nintendo do now" thread every day
Did someone piss in your drink? Why are you being so pessimistic? Your history shows you have been very very wrong. You predicted no more than 4m PS4s by August 2014. It's already past that and it's got 7months to go.Do you think Infamous or Driveclub are games to drive hardware sales because I certainly don't.
PS4 and Xbone were always going to do amazing numbers from Nov - Jan when all the hardcore gamers ran out to buy one but come Feb there will be a massive tail off in sales imo. I don't believe many people outside of the hardcore will pay $400 (more like almost $600 for a console, two games and a PS+ sub) to play mostly multiplatform games available on systems they already have at a better resolution / framerate.
I bought my PS4 one day one because I care about playing games at the best possible settings on consoles but I have to say the year one exclusive line up for PS4 is pretty awful.
When did I say I wasn't serious ?, I said I was wrong about initial PS4 sales.
Doesn't even matter anyway. I don't think people really care about the games, at least not at this point given that launch lineups. It's all about new console smell and media reports so when things fall off depends on how long they can ride the hype, by then there will probably be something to play.
Not needing a PS4 is besides the point. There are now millions of PS4 owners hungry for games on their shiny new systems. You can't speak for everyone or even the 'majority' on what they do or don't like.
Just excluding indies, we have Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition, LEGO The Movie The Game, Rayman Legends, Thief, MLB 14: The Show, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Infamous: Second Son, and likely Driveclub and Watch Dogs as they've been given an 'early'/Spring release date.
Regardless of how you feel about each game, the PS4 will have quality content in the next few months. I don't see a major drop in sales momentum until the summer.
Re-launch and re-branding coupled with Mario kart and huge price cut would do wonders for the system.I'm not really sure how the PS4 specifically is relevant in this conversation when the primary driver of change in Nintendo will be their Q3 results and consistent negative growth trend that it'll signify. They would be forced to change due to the failure to meet their own expectations, not because they didn't outperform their competition.
A lot of the posts here either give Nintendo too much or too little credit, although most of those seem to assume or wish that the leadership will remain constant even during the situation. But that's not very realistic, considering that Nintendo is still a public company with stockholders that demand positive results. There's a very high probability given what we know about the company's performance that the leadership will be forced to change.
Considering their current situation, I believe that the best course of action wouldn't be to invest heavily on the Wii U. There's significant problems inherent within the company itself that need to be addressed, and finances would be better used to resolve those to better prepare the company for the future instead of spending more to improve a single product in the present.
Even in that post I agreed that Wii U only selling whatever they've sold already is terrible. I was just saying that they haven't actually been outsold yet. It will happen sooner or later anyways, but the whole premise of this topic is it happened, when it didn't.
I made the Microsoft comparison because they're in more direct competition than Nintendo and have been released for a more similar amount of time.
Yes, we all know the Wii U is in the shit hole in terms of sales. This topic is building on that saying PS4 has already squashed it, but it hasn't. It's not like the slight lead Wii U still has matters all that much...but if the whole point of this topic is to shit on it for a lie then that seems counterproductive.
Wii U is doing poorly. You don't need to make false comparisons and claims with an incomplete and misleading release list to make that point.