Then they turned around and made this.Actually, yes it is. The Wii is where "we aren't competing directly" came from.
Then they turned around and made this.Actually, yes it is. The Wii is where "we aren't competing directly" came from.
upper managerial goons like Iwata and Miyamoto
Like Blackberry? Took so long to come out with Blackberry 10 that no-one gave a shit when the phone finally launched (especially as their market and mindshare decreased beforehand). Wii U is on death row right now and really, has been for a while. If they keep it going on life support for the next few years, no-one will give a shit when the next one is launched. People will have moved on. Heck, so many people have clearly moved on. I've no real evidence, but can confidently say that they've lost a heck of a lot of core Nintendo fans with the console and are just hanging on to the final group.Stick it out until the gen is over. Focus on making a profit.
Because those are two entirely different situations. Wii U has been out for a year, and PS4 catching up to it so quickly in a month pretty much spells how bad the Wii U situation is. Its not the same to say "PS4 outsold Xbox One" since they both released around the same time.
Do you think Infamous or Driveclub are games to drive hardware sales because I certainly don't.
PS4 and Xbone were always going to do amazing numbers from Nov - Jan when all the hardcore gamers ran out to buy one but come Feb there will be a massive tail off in sales imo. I don't believe many people outside of the hardcore will pay $400 (more like almost $600 for a console, two games and a PS+ sub) to play mostly multiplatform games available on systems they already have at a better resolution / framerate.
I bought my PS4 one day one because I care about playing games at the best possible settings on consoles but I have to say the year one exclusive line up for PS4 is pretty awful.
You don't like good games?
I was going to cone in here and say they need to keep making nintendo games. But with people like you, how could that ever work! I must rethink this.
Exactly haha.. what kinda talk is that? lol
So I just bought a Wii U and look forward to playing it. Have a ps4 also. At this point there are more games out for Wii U that I want to play than Ps4 games. I also missed out on the Wii so I'm excited about that. All of this failure stuff makes me sad because I played the one or two good games on PS4 already and see it's already at the Wii U basically sales wise. Maybe I shouldn't give a fuck about sales.
Good post.You have a much more optimistic outlook on the games industry than I if you think Iwata is likely to be replaced by someone that matches or exceeds the actual appreciation for games that he's shown. Greenlighting games like SMTxFE, TW101, Bayo2, X, etc., along with his history as a developer and even things like Iwata Asks engender a lot of good will from me, personally. If anything, it'd be fair to criticize his software strategy as simultaneously too broad and too niche, but I'll take those sweet, sweet niche offerings over some middle-of-the-road stuff any day. We can get that stuff anywhere else.
I also find the basic premise of this thread to be akin to something like, "if Nintendo exited the console race, who would take their place?" Sure, these companies are all in competition with each other, but not so much so that their every action is a reaction predicated on the actions of a different company. Nintendo will do all they can, which is get the price of the Wii U as low as possible, continue to build its library, and very likely introduce new hardware as early as 2016. It's entirely possible they'll remain profitable until then, or at least healthy enough that they aren't in any real danger. The Wii U was a swing and a miss, but they're still in a position where they can try again next time.
Like Blackberry? Took so long to come out with Blackberry 10 that no-one gave a shit when the phone finally launched (especially as their market and mindshare decreased beforehand). Wii U is on death row right now and really, has been for a while. If they keep it going on life support for the next few years, no-one will give a shit when the next one is launched. People will have moved on. Heck, so many people have clearly moved on. I've no real evidence, but can confidently say that they've lost a heck of a lot of core Nintendo fans with the console and are just hanging on to the final group.
I think there are valid arguments for sticking it out or cutting their losses....just that right now, either is a loss-loss situation with the way things are going right now.
Please, just someone humor me for just a moment; explain to me what Nintendo risks by going third party in the home console market? They temporarily piss off the more immature sections of their fanbase who will eventually get over it anyway then its practically business as usual.
I don't disagree at all, but the title is sensationalist and false information either way. 3rd parties will focus the next gen consoles (they would anyway) that aren't the Wii U even if it sold more due to the type of people who buy into WiiUs vs those who buy into PS4/Xbone. Consumers will also flock there but frankly, but I don't buy into the fact that consoles are saved. Maybe China can boost the overall home console industry, but I personally expect major contractions everywhere else due to a number of factors.It doesn't really matter when you look at the timescales involved. It's clearly going to overtake the Wii U as quickly as they can manufacture units. Plus, you need to look at the XBone numbers to truly see what's going on. Third parties now have 7 million next gen owners to target, and they'll build games that won't be on the Wii U.
Assuming it hasn't been overtaken yet, the Wii U is just a rabbit in the headlights of the other two consoles.
Do you think Infamous or Driveclub are games to drive hardware sales because I certainly don't.
PS4 and Xbone were always going to do amazing numbers from Nov - Jan when all the hardcore gamers ran out to buy one but come Feb there will be a massive tail off in sales imo. I don't believe many people outside of the hardcore will pay $400 (more like almost $600 for a console, two games and a PS+ sub) to play mostly multiplatform games available on systems they already have at a better resolution / framerate.
I bought my PS4 one day one because I care about playing games at the best possible settings on consoles but I have to say the year one exclusive line up for PS4 is pretty awful.
What would sony or ms risk? just ask thatPlease, just someone humor me for just a moment; explain to me what Nintendo risks by going third party in the home console market? They temporarily piss off the more immature sections of their fanbase who will eventually get over it anyway then its practically business as usual.
The problem is you're underestimating the number of core gamers
Console sells 600k in 6 months. Predicts it to sell 1.5 million in 5 months.
Console sells 4.2 million in 1.5 months. Predicts it to 1.8 million in 5 months.
That logic.
I will never get this kind of thought, we haven't had a Donkey Kong game since the N64, more than 8 years ago. We finally get one on the Wii and now everyone complains that Nintendo releases the "same old, same old" games.
Either way I would be happy if Nintendo supported the Wii U a few years and then announce that they are quitting the console market to focus on handheld system. Because we all know that Nintendo wont reach out to 3:rd party developers no matter how grim the situation is. I mean they should be doing it now but they arent which shows where they stand. and they have a really big problem making Wii U games when they have the 3DS at the same time
1. Create new games for the Wii U for another 2-3 year down the road
2. start R&D on a new handheld which is both cheap and powerful using new tech from Qualcomm or Nvidia from this year.
3. Announce year 2016 that there wont be a next console but at the same time they announce a new handheld
4. making portable games equal to Wii U should be easier when they have been creating HD games from the Wii U for a few years
In denial a bit? Yes, this thread could be about the XB1 but it would be a vastly different thread. The PS4 is about to pass the Wii U in sales, and it only took it 2 months, while the Wii U has been out over a year. The XB1 has been out a month and a half, so it's not quite the same discussion.
Plus, every thread about sales is ultimately compares XB1 vs PS4 anyways XD
What would sony or ms risk? just ask that
Excellent post. I'd draw a parallel to Sony here. They went through their wilderness with the PS3. They were lost and appear to have buckled down and focused on making hardware and services and software that consumers really want, instead of ...whatever the PS3 ended up being.I love my PS3, and I've gotten tons of enjoyment out of it -- but the first few years were painful to watch. Sony had to work very hard to get where they are with it today, much harder than they should have had to work.
That trip through the wilderness sharpened Sony, and appears to have prepared them for this moment. Hopefully Nintendo can spend the next two years, during which they alone will be able to support the Wii U, building the skills and framework for a new system at the end of 2015 (at best). They should acquire what they cannot grow, and grow where they have the best opportunities.
Please, just someone humor me for just a moment; explain to me what Nintendo risks by going third party in the home console market?
The PS4 probably hasn't outsold the Wii U yet. We have PS4 at 4.2 million and Wii U at 4.6 million as of September (so I'd guess maybe 5.5 or so by end of year). It'll pass it soon, obviously it doesn't change the thrust of the discussion or whatever. But I don't think the pass mark will be until Spring or so.
I'll repost what I posted in a "should Nintendo sell Wii U without a gamepad?" thread a week or so ago:
That's sort of where I see things. I don't think there's an immediate solution.
Microsoft and Sony don't make money by selling their own games.
Microsoft and Sony don't make money by selling their own games.
Do you think Infamous or Driveclub are games to drive hardware sales because I certainly don't.
I have seen several posts where people seem to bank on Mario Kart 8 or Smash Bros. to save the Wii U (I want the console to succeed, by the way). Nintendo is currently caught in this Bermuda triangle (or quadrilateral, pentagon, ...) where the Wii U is unknown in the market, lacking proper online accounts, region-locked, ignored by 3rd party devs, without a steady stream of titles, Mario everything, lack of advertising for new IP, lack of technical prowess compared to the competition, etc. Not everyone is pushed away by all those issues, but most are turned off by some of them.
It does seem like the Wii U is dead in the water, but I hope they turn it around. Personally, I think the success of the Wii and DS made Nintendo arrogant (what almost every successful console seems to do to a company). They have a lot of pride, and they know that their console HAS to sell in North America to be considered successful, but they do not seem interested in what western audiences want from Nintendo.
Part of Sony's "trip through the wilderness" involved firing Kutaragi and Stringer, and moving up and adding the right personnel.
Nintendo will not change under current leadership. They will wither and die unless drastic changes are made.
Whos games are they selling? Sony japan studios is owned by who? Capcom?Microsoft and Sony don't make money by selling their own games.
What is your logic? hopefully it isn't that the PS4 will sell at the same rate it did on Christmas time.
Nothing changes at Nintendo.
They are where they are because they don't respond to market forces or trends.
Of course they do. The whole Tablet like controller on the WiiU was a clear attempt to cash-in on the massive popularity of tablet devices.
Also a valid statement. Nintendo needs fresh blood at the top of the company and needs to give back the autonomy that Nintendo of America enjoyed during previous hardware generations to acquire studios, develop & publish software.
It's hard to see them doing anything with Iwata any time soon.
They need to start appealing to older gamers that aren't into Zelda and Mario. You have Metroid, F-Zero, and Waverace. Sure, they don't sell anyway near as much as Zelda or Mario but you need to use these games and generate a little buzz. Metroid grabs people's attention. And if it's impressive and not some half assed sequel even better.
Do you think Infamous or Driveclub are games to drive hardware sales because I certainly don't.
Just because Halo, Mario, Just Dance, and Call of Duty are THE household titles of the past generation or so doesn't mean no one else can move into that space, whether they are an established franchise/series or a new IP.