Heh. I feel the same way about Splatoon.
Except there's not a thousand threads about it. We'll see where they land respectively in the NeoGAF GOTY thread.
I love PC but anyone claiming that it has the best library this year is full of it. Sure most good console games were also on PC, but it had few great exclusives - especialy compared to other systems. I'd say PS4 takes the cake here:
-The Order (yeah it's not great but it's a fun little game)
Hands down PS4. I mean Disgaea 5 and Bloodborne alone are enough to carry the year.
Few great exclusives yet you have to use a game like The Order to say how the PS4 takes the cake?
Not like Pillars of Eternity, Undertale, Her Story, Contradiction and Downwell all came out this year or anything.
Splatoon was all over this site when it was released...
WiiU and 3DS for me.
I have a PS4 but just haven't found many games on it that appeal to me since LOU:R. But it's a great system. My wife enjoyed the heck out of DA:I on it.
PS4 cuz Bloodborne and Until Dawn
As any game within its release date. Not anymore and not nearly as much as the Bloodborne love. It gets tiring. It makes me want to hate it just because. All this gushing and it's not even guaranteed to be in GAF Top 5 this year. Can't wait the see the reality of its popularity here.(Will probably end up in 4th position)
I love PC but anyone claiming that it has the best library this year is full of it. Sure most good console games were also on PC, but it had few great exclusives - especialy compared to other systems. I'd say PS4 takes the cake here:
-The Order (yeah it's not great but it's a fun little game)
For me nothing beats:
Gears Of War Collection
Forza 6
Halo 5
Tomb Raider
Rare Replay
I have a PS4 as well but Bloodborne isn't my thing and the Order was complete crap.
I love PC but anyone claiming that it has the best library this year is full of it. Sure most good console games were also on PC, but it had few great exclusives - especialy compared to other systems. I'd say PS4 takes the cake here:
-The Order (yeah it's not great but it's a fun little game)
It's all subjective man. As a PC owner, not a single one of those games you mentioned interested me. Pillars wasn't my type of game at all.
This is why these topics always end up as silly discussions overall. Personally, I'd take my Wii u and 3ds over both of my other consoles and PC though I understand that others may have a completely different opinion. Why so many of you act like there is a definite answer to a question where the response will vary from person to person is beyond me.
Except there's not a thousand threads about it. We'll see where they land respectively in the NeoGAF GOTY thread.
You should spend less time getting annoyed about other peoples favourite game.
Plenty of people bang on about Splatoon like it's the freshest thing in forever.
Probably not as much as Bloodborne though, I'll give you that!
It's cool with me that people are passionate about whatever game they are into, but you should never let the prevailing opinion determine your attitude/approach (not saying you do, just that's it's a common trap). I've felt an aversion to games before because they are praised too much, and sometimes I've ended up feeling sheepish when I finally play the game and find out I love it. Other times I've bought into the hype and walked away feeling underwhelmed. True objectivity is hard I guess.
Xbone for me, been disappointed with ps4 this year. Another fall with nothing to show. Have a word Kaz