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Now we've hit December, which system had the best library in 2015?



-Everybody's Gone to The Rapture
-Until Dawn
-Rocket League
-Axiom Verge
-Hell Divers
-Dragon Quest Heroes
-Talos Principle


Final Fantasy X/X2, God of War 3, Journey, The Nathan Drake Collection, Grim Fandango, Tales of Zesteria


For me Xbx 1 only has Rise of thw Tomb Raider.

The rest are just remakes and sequels.

I don't even bother getting multi platform gmaes on xbx 1 due to inferior framerate/resolution.

PS4 and PC have been a beast.

The Witcher 3 on PC is fantastic.
Fallout 4.

Overall pretty below average year in my opinion.
Different strokes my friend. For me tomb raider, forza 6, gears and halo is a strong line up off the top of my head.
Ive found myself using the ps4 for multiplats and thats it. Nothing first party this fall apart from unchartered collection. And the other first party games throughout the year I have little interest in.
I am not a memeber of the master race so cant comment on pc


I'd take that third party list over the entirety of the Wii U's lineup. Which is probably why I haven't bought any other games for my Wii U then Smash.

I actually think the Xbone had a really solid year. Halo 5, Forza, Rare Replay and Tomb Raider is a pretty solid selection of actual exclusives right now. Until Dawn, Bloodborne and Rocket League being the highlights on PS4 to me.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller

It's not even a contest if you remotely know what PC's line-up has been like this year, stand-alone but especially in comparison. It was one of the strongest years in game releases for PC, a ton of surprises, nearly every console game that was not an exclusive came to PC, a shit ton of exclusives to PC in nearly every genre, and a surprising number of those exclusives were very, very good. Not to mention a lot of classics being released in ultimate versions on PC, bigger Japanese support on PC, multiple genres (such as horror, JRPGs, platformers, and much more) having an especially strong showing this year, among other things.


It's easily the PS4. Bloodborne is on a different league to anything else on the next gen consoles.

PC gaming was also pretty strong this year when you look at the quality of multiplatforms as well as their good performance on PC. TW3, MGS5, Fallout 4 etc.
PC wins every year but if we're talking consoles then it has to be the PS4, not only for the exclusives but also because it performs better with multiplatforms. Xbox One second and Wii U is a distant third.
I always find it funny when these topics don't want to include the PC. I suppose that's some way to feel better about their purchase or helps them sleep at night.

PC will continue to have the most exclusives and get 99% of the multiplatform stuff. PC for sure.
But no bloodborne. I picked up a ps4 for that, ended up with blops 3 and battlefield 4 and now I'm actually playing games with my friends again. PC is still there and still awesome but I'm feeling pretty great about my purchase. Also this thread is clearly a 'console war' thread. It's a time honoured tradition and it will never include PC. Pc will always be there. Consoles live or die by their libraries. Not difficult to understand why people want their console war topics. Just let them have it.


Ori was on pc, not an exclusive.

In any case the only years in which the answer to this question isn't automatically 'pc' are the years where there's a From game exclusive to some other system. Such as this year.


Ori was on pc, not an exclusive.

In any case the only years in which the answer to this question isn't automatically 'pc' are the years where there's a From game exclusive to some other system. Such as this year.

it's a console exclusive so you can use it in the ps4 vs xb1 argument.

It wasn't available on the PS4 therefore it counts in the XB1 favour...


Not like Pillars of Eternity, Undertale, Her Story, Contradiction and Downwell all came out this year or anything.

Fair enough, those are all great. But I still think Bloodborne was just such an outstanding game that it tips the balance, for me at least. Tearaway is also a legitimately great game that gets slept on wayyyy to much. The Order is just gravy, in truth it's nothing special but I am a sucker for a visual feast and it delivers that, at least.

This post is unintentionally hilarious.

Wow such articulate arguments.


The Witcher 3, Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain, Fallout 4, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Star Wars: Battle Front, Mortal Kombat X, Dying Light, Mad Max, Life Is Strange, Batman: Arkham Knight, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, Transformers: Devastation, Resident Evil Revelations 2, aka all the big games / game of the year candidates were all exclusively not on the Wii U.

So you can't pretend that them being multi-platform excludes them from making the PS4 or XOne a better system.


The Witcher 3, Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain, Fallout 4, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Star Wars: Battle Front, Mortal Kombat X, Dying Light, Mad Max, Life Is Strange aka all the big games / game of the year candidates were all exclusively not on the Wii U.

you know, for a list of all the big games this year those are all pretty underwhelming save for the witcher 3


PC is always the correct answer in such threads.

In terms of consoles - the one with Splatoon on it, after all that's the main reason I bought a Wii U to begin with and with nearly 1K hours I can safely say- I regret nothing.


hide your water-based mammals
The Witcher 3, Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain, Fallout 4, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Star Wars: Battle Front, Mortal Kombat X, Dying Light, Mad Max, Life Is Strange aka all the big games / game of the year candidates were all exclusively not on the Wii U.

So you can't pretend that them being multi-platform excludes them from making the PS4 or XOne a better system.
People always ignore that.

I posted about console exclusivity and such in my post. I don't see how one could ignore that huge games advantage the PS4 and XB have.

WiiU is getting lapped when it comes to games.


Wow such articulate arguments.

Did you actually read what you wrote though? You said people voting PC are "full of it" but then say PS4 "takes the cake" while going on to list 2 good games and a self-admitted not good one.

Surely you see why that's funny?


Junior Member
Wii U? Ha, that's must be a joke.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in a very close race. All depends on your taste, if you prefer Bloodborne or Halo... Disgaea or Tomb Raider... SOMA or Ori...

But... a console without multiplatforms? Really?

I sold the fucking console last month at a half of the price I bought it because nobody want a Wii U here...


Although many thought it had a weak year, i'm going with Wii U.

Project Zero: Maiden of Blackwater
Devil's Third
Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush

Wii U had some great games this year, but those three struck me as profoundly disappointing. Throw Mario Tennis in to the mix and Nintendo's exclusives have been really all over the spectrum.

Still Xenoblade is reason enough for me to be excited. I just hope it lives up to the incredibly high expectations I have for it. Are all of you listing it as a best game of the year people that imported and played it, or just assuming about a game they haven't actually played?

The system I've spent the most time with this year has been PC easily. It's been a big year for multi-platform titles, and those have just been so much more enjoyable on PC. Witcher, MGS5, and Fallout have consumed so much of my time, Pillars of Eternity being PC exclusive, and with fun side stuff like Undertale, Her Story, and Downwell coming out it's the platform I'd recommend to anyone first.


What was so good on PC this year? I sold mine after TW3 and haven't being following.

When answering this sort of topic it helps if you list the games that made you chose instead of the other.

PS4 looks like the best lineup for me(I don't own one, I'm basing my judgment on the games I'm intrested in like Bloodborne and Until Dawn).


The Witcher 3, Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain, Fallout 4, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Star Wars: Battle Front, Mortal Kombat X, Dying Light, Mad Max, Life Is Strange, Batman: Arkham Knight, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, Transformers: Devastation, Resident Evil Revelations 2, aka all the big games / game of the year candidates were all exclusively not on the Wii U.

So you can't pretend that them being multi-platform excludes them from making the PS4 or XOne a better system.
Sure but the REAL goty isn't on PS4, Xbox One or PC either. Or Wii U.

All hail Monster Hunter.


3DS is the one I enjoyed the most.
PC and Wii U are up there but I'm rarely home to enjoy them.
Had fun with Runbow over Thanksgiving though.

sörine;187686684 said:
Sure but the REAL goty isn't on PS4, Xbox One or PC either. Or Wii U.

All hail Monster Hunter.

That's all of my top 10 reasons why I can't be without my 3DS.
Probably! But it's difficult when it's all over your face and the vocal minority are pretenting the other games just don't compare.
Splatoon is my GOTY but I'm not going to pretend that after playing it, the other games are worthless.

I prefer Splatoon to Bloodborne too. You just gotta realise a lot of people use hyperbole on the internet.
Wii U for me. I've lost count as to how many hours I've put into Splatoon this year. The only PS4 exclusives I've played this year were The Order, MLB 15, and Bloodborne. Still, I had the most fun with the Wii U, plus we got a Fatal Frame that I didn't think stood a snowball's chance in hell of ever being released here.


Well the GOAT AKA Bloodborne was only on PS4 so I guess PS4? Eitherways almost all the stuff I enjoyed this year has been multiplat. Nothing exclusive apart from Bloodborne is worth mentioning in either console this year.
Definitely not the Wii U! The games listed in the OP is about the extent of the systems library, of which not all are exactly 'must own' material. The lack of anything else makes its library, IMO, terrible.

Console wise, i'd actually say Xbox One. Although the PS4 had my GOTY (Bloodborne) on it, Xbox One had the overall better number of exclusives and the same range of third-party greats that most people just ended up getting on PS4 due to install base.


The only game I got for my Xbox One this year was Halo 5 (was the only one I had interest in), and as good of a game Halo 5 is, it can't compete alone against the PS4 exclusives I bought this year (Bloodborne, Until Dawn, Uncharted Collection, Rocket League).


Maybe PS4 is good if that's all you own but it's kinda shit for exclusives. Haven't played anything besides Bloodborne.
Wii U had some great games this year, but those three struck me as profoundly disappointing. Throw Mario Tennis in to the mix and Nintendo's exclusives have been really all over the spectrum.

Still Xenoblade is reason enough for me to be excited. I just hope it lives up to the incredibly high expectations I have for it. Are all of you listing it as a best game of the year people that imported and played it, or just assuming about a game they haven't actually played?

The system I've spent the most time with this year has been PC easily. It's been a big year for multi-platform titles, and those have just been so much more enjoyable on PC. Witcher, MGS5, and Fallout have consumed so much of my time, Pillars of Eternity being PC exclusive, and with fun side stuff like Undertale, Her Story, and Downwell coming out it's the platform I'd recommend to anyone first.

I've had Xenoblade X since November 30th as a review copy so I have actually played it aha. Also Devil's Third is tremendous if you havn't tried it, I wouldn't take it's reception as a definitative representation of it's quality

-Everybody's Gone to The Rapture
-Until Dawn
-Rocket League
-Axiom Verge
-Hell Divers
-Dragon Quest Heroes
-Talos Principle


Final Fantasy X/X2, God of War 3, Journey, The Nathan Drake Collection, Grim Fandango, Tales of Zesteria

No Disgaea 5 here. YOU WILL BURN FOR THIS!!
- Destiny: The Taken King (with PS4 timed exclusives)
- Rocket League (with PS4 exclusive Sweet Tooth)
- Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
- Journey (missed out on it last gen, does it still count? Maybe a half point...)
- Unfinished Swan (see Journey)
- Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (also missed out on it, but this one is remastered)
- Batman: Arkham Knight (with PS4 timed exclusives)
- Star Wars Battlefront (prettier on PS4-Sony should make that icon)


- Ori and the Blind Forest (the only game I feel like I'm missing out on, since Halo became terminal with Reach and officially died with Halo 4 for me)


Well, if we're talking second place after PC, I'd probably put the PS4 above the WiiU, albeit only slightly. Not really familiar with what came out for the 3DS or the Vita, but I doubt they're competitive in this regard. Haven't really seen much great stuff on Android (Horizon Chase? Monument Valley?), so that'd be a distant fourth.
Tough call for me.

I'm loving the combination of Halo 5 (seriously, beat MP game ever!!!) and Tomb Raider right now and Ori is probably going to round out my GOTY list but Bloodbourne might be my GOTY and I've yet to play Until Dawn or rocket league Cuz I refuse to get PS+.

I'm not picking a winner, the real winner is me.

I didn't purchase a single game for my WiiU this year with the exception of Mario Maker as an Xmas gift for my kid.
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