Rocket Punch
jjasper said:I don't see why Nintendo made damn game boxes look almost identical it is just inviting confusion.
Hmm... yep

jjasper said:I don't see why Nintendo made damn game boxes look almost identical it is just inviting confusion.
Do you think so?Dark FaZe said:Nintendo is stretched so thin...I'm really concerned with how much 1st party content will be available for the Wii successor.
WrikaWrek said:Nintendo got cocky and dropped the ball.
Wii seems like it has little tank in it, probably because there's simply no quality software for it coming out.
3DS suffers from an image problem, people think it's just another DS lite.
Kinect is a hit and MS has to play their cards right.
Dark FaZe said:Nintendo is stretched so thin...I'm really concerned with how much 1st party content will be available for the Wii successor.
The Wii has been easily found for $169.99 for the past few weeks. Will $20 more off make a huge difference?Anth0ny said:Wii I wouldn't be worried about if I'm Nintendo. If it (somehow) doesn't pick up exponentially after the price drop in a couple of days... Cafe is right around the corner anyways.
Generally, I feel like they've mishandled every aspect of the 3DS launch.AniHawk said:they've been outsourcing a lot of the early 3ds stuff, which leads me to believe they're more focused on cafe and thought they could let the 3ds coast on ports and remakes like the gba did.
Tron 2.0 said:The Wii has been easily found for $169.99 for the past few weeks. Will $20 more off make a huge difference?
Generally, I feel like they've mishandled every aspect of the 3DS launch.
Completely forgot that it was a bundle.BroHuffman said:I think it's the new Kart bundle that will help it rather than just a 20$ discount.
I can't imagine the Zelda remake having that big of an effect.BY2K said:3DS sales are gonna go "BOOM!" once OoT 3D comes out. But before that, Nintendo better have some sweets reveals for the handheld at E3.
BY2K said:3DS sales are gonna go "BOOM!" once OoT 3D comes out. But before that, Nintendo better have some sweets reveals for the handheld at E3.
Worked wonders for the N64!AceBandage said:While I hope they do, they technically don't NEED it.
I mean, Mario Kart and Super Mario... That'll pretty much guarantee victory.
3D isn't really the machine's problem right now. It's that the 3D is the ONLY selling point of the series right now. The thing needs software in a bad way.Chiggs said:Seriously. I think manufacturers need to step back and take a look at the market's reaction to 3D. People are really resisting this tech.
Especially since the market for the DS was kids/parents buying games for kids. They will be confused.jjasper said:I don't see why Nintendo made damn game boxes look almost identical it is just inviting confusion.
Yeah because the N64 and the 3DS are completely the same.Tron 2.0 said:Worked wonders for the N64!
BY2K said:3DS sales are gonna go "BOOM!" once OoT 3D comes out. But before that, Nintendo better have some sweets reveals for the handheld at E3.
Rocket Punch said:Hmm... yep
Jeels said:Portal 2 deserves more sales.
I couldn't agree more. My Game of the Year so far.Frankfurt said:If there's one game that truly is worth every penny, it's MK. incredibly polished, fleshed, fun, packed with content. It's a love letter, going beyond what any fighting game has ever offered.
Door2Dawn said:Yeah because the N64 and the 3DS are completely the same.
What a fucking stupid comment. I really hope that was a joke.
Jeels said:Thinking of selling my 3DS if I don't see a ton of impressive stuff at E3.
I meant it tongue-in-cheek.Door2Dawn said:Yeah because the N64 and the 3DS are completely the same.
What a fucking stupid comment. I really hope that was a joke.
What's fascinating about it? Twilight Princess sold ~7 million WW, right? OoT is a beloved game, it'll put up a huge number.Amir0x said:you think a remake of an N64 game is going to make the system go boom?
Because I think it is the 3DS continued inability to have a single game that defines IT as a NEW platform for NEW ideas and games and concepts is certainly part of the problem here and Zelda neatly fits into all those problems.
Chiggs said:Seriously. I think manufacturers need to step back and take a look at the market's reaction to 3D. People are really resisting this tech.
Tron 2.0 said:I meant it tongue-in-cheek.
Elforkusu said:What's fascinating about it? Twilight Princess sold ~7 million WW, right? OoT is a beloved game, it'll put up a huge number.
Orders of magnitude better than anything that's come out for the system so far.
DrForester said:Well, NDS games are in dark grey cases, 3DS games are in white cases. While box art is similar, the case color makes it obvious to anyone which system it's for.
I think it's somewhere in the middle. Same as the GBA before it, there's both, people who have never played them, and pick it up based on brand recognition, and people that really want it cause they grew up with the game and what not. But this isn't enough to push them to get over the excesively expensive price tag, and there's not much going on other than a zelda remake, which they can still play on their old N64.Amir0x said:you think a remake of an N64 game is going to make the system go boom?
Because I think it is the 3DS continued inability to have a single game that defines IT as a NEW platform for NEW ideas and games and concepts is certainly part of the problem here and Zelda neatly fits into all those problems.
BY2K said:3DS sales are gonna go "BOOM!" once OoT 3D comes out. But before that, Nintendo better have some sweets reveals for the handheld at E3.
The easiest way to tell is to ask, "Does this game look overpriced and not any good?"DrForester said:Well, NDS games are in dark grey cases, 3DS games are in white cases. While box art is similar, the case color makes it obvious to anyone which system it's for.
Dubious. I wouldn't own a 3DS if not for OoT, and it's not even out yet. Anecdotally overruled!Amir0x said:Which was a brand new game that nobody played benefiting from launch fumes. All launch games do better.
I'm not saying Ocarina of Time won't sell well, I'm saying it pretty clearly WON'T be a system seller. Only brand new 3DS titles will sell the system to people, not remakes of ancient games.
Mario 64 DS was (vastly) inferior to the N64 version. OoT is supposedly vastly superior.fernoca said:It might sell to the current owners and a few here and there, but seeing how Super Mario 64DS wasn't the DS' system seller; even as a launch title, it's kinda hard to assume that Ocarina of Time will...even when Mario has been a more consistent seller than Zelda.
It might sell to the current owners and a few here and there, but seeing how Super Mario 64DS wasn't the DS' system seller; even as a launch title, it's kinda hard to assume that Ocarina of Time will...even when Mario has been a more consistent seller than Zelda.Elfforkusu said:What's fascinating about it? Twilight Princess sold ~7 million WW, right? OoT is a beloved game, it'll put up a huge number.
Orders of magnitude better than anything that's come out for the system so far.
Mario 64DS did end up doing great numbers though. Think it's like 7 or 6 millions I think. It's just that they work as easy pick up games. They're just not driving factors into adoption.fernoca said:It might sell to the current owners and a few here and there, but seeing how Super Mario 64DS wasn't the DS' system seller; even as a launch title, it's kinda hard to assume that Ocarina of Time will...even when Mario has been a more consistent seller than Zelda.
SteelAttack said:Pretty bad numbers for both Wii and 3DS. The former shows that perhaps the mass market that lifted the Wii to those heights has indeed turned away towards the next shiny thing (Kinect). I don't think conservative pricecuts are going to be of any meaning anymore.
In the case of the latter, it's pretty rough to sell a gaming system on the premise of its technology alone. It needs something that can sell the idea of 3D gaming, in the same way Wii Sports sold the idea of motion-controlled gaming. It's pretty early in its lifecycle, though, so it has plenty of time to get things going.
After these sales with many shops clearing stock, I don't think the price drop will make a big difference. The first one didn't work very well until New Super Mario Bros Wii was released. Maybe the Wii Select games and the Mario Kart bundle can help... maybe.DrForester said:I think a lot will depend on how well the new price point goes. It's only the Wii's 2nd Price Drop.
You could be right but they can't keep the Wii alive much longer so they have no choice. And the more time passes Apple becomes a bigger threat.Dark FaZe said:I think the world is just not that interested in new videogame platforms of any kind at this point but I could be wrong.
One thing to take note of is that along with a poor economy right now and rising gas prices a lot of people are finding a lot more electronics to put their money into. iPhones,iPads, kindles, etc. I wonder if the 3DS' failings thus far is less about the appeal of the hardware self and more about gaming and electronic fatigue in general.
I think the stream is going to be DOA.
20+ million ww.TEJ said:I think it's Mario Kart that's going to make the 3DS boom in sales. I mean, MK DS and MK Wii were huge sellers. Aren't both past 10 million ww by now?
N64 could only WISH it had games like Starfox 64 3D and Legend Of Zelda: OoT.Door2Dawn said:Yeah because the N64 and the 3DS are completely the same.
What a fucking stupid comment. I really hope that was a joke.
Well, I wouldn't call the lack of an analog stick as "vastly inferior", when the game had better visuals, more playable characters, new stages, bosses and new modes. While Ocarina of Time is apparently the exact same game with updated visuals.Elfforkusu said:Mario 64 DS was (vastly) inferior to the N64 version. OoT is supposedly vastly superior.
Yep, but keep in mind that what's been argued is not the overall sales, but the game being a system seller. The game can sell 500k units at release, but if the hardware only sells 100k that month it won't do much.Boney said:Mario 64DS did end up doing great numbers though. Think it's like 7 or 6 millions I think. It's just that they work as easy pick up games. They're just not driving factors into adoption.
Heck I can even argue that Mario Kart fits in the same bill.
ULTROS! said:Hmm... I thought Portal 2 PS3 did decently on the US.
Guess not?
Outtrigger888 said:I guess im the only sucker buying into it
3D tv
2 3DS's
Soon to have the EVO 3D phone
ill look back and laugh at myself in the future
Elfforkusu said:Dubious. I wouldn't own a 3DS if not for OoT, and it's not even out yet. Anecdotally overruled!
artwalknoon said:Overpriced, under advertised.