Team Top Hat
I know I posted this in the Rare thread, but what were the numbers for Kinect Sports Rivals?
But there's no denying the Wii had a very successful launch; the relative performance of the Gamecube just wasn't much of a factor. So ultimately Nintendo's Wii U followup will be judged on its own merits (or lack thereof). What direction they choose to go with it is anybody's guess.The Gamecube wasn't as bad as the Wii U though. Aqua's last post shows that pretty decisively. The Wii only turned things around for Nintendo because it captured a whole new market and, as has been argued back and forth on this forum continuously, was more fad than market shift. I'm unsure of what gimmick Nintendo would throw out that would have the same effect now. And even if they do find a suitable gimmick, their relationships with third party devs are in tatters.
I'll kick it up a notch for a truly interesting May NPD
PS4 > wiiU >360 >Xbox one
I'll be the bad guy and say it:
If their "loyal customers" are the three million or so who bought the Wii-U close to launch, there aren't enough of them left for it to matter anyway, so anything done in the name of supporting/mollifying them is a matter of honor/pride and not practicality.
Even if pulling support early meant that everyone who bought a Wii-U would never buy another Nintendo console again... so what? There aren't enough of those people left for selling exclusively to them to represent a viable business model. If they somehow managed to release a console that sold to the general market of gamers - which I don't think they can, at this point, but just to play Devil's Advocate - but no present Wii-U owner was willing to buy it, they'd still be in a place eight times as good or better than they are now.
Their target for the future can't be another appeal to the "base" Nintendo fans. There aren't enough of them left. If they can't come up with a plan to reach the broader market, they might as well pack it up.
If their "loyal customers" are the three million or so who bought the Wii-U close to launch, there aren't enough of them left for it to matter anyway, so anything done in the name of supporting/mollifying them is a matter of honor/pride and not practicality.
Mario Kart is only out for two days. I don't think the sales will be that spiked to overcome the 100k barrier in just two days.
I know Nintendo going 3rd party has been the big loljoke for years. But i really don't see the harm. If all they can ever offer is first party games i don't see how they can have a successful hardware business (outside of handhelds) much longer.
Yes, i know they don't HAVE to go 3rd party. My point is why not? Do they want to continue to fail until they either luck out like the Wii or start beefing up the HW specs/OS to be more competitive? I don't know i guess we'll see in a couple of years.
I know Nintendo going 3rd party has been the big loljoke for years. But i really don't see the harm. If all they can ever offer is first party games i don't see how they can have a successful hardware business (outside of handhelds) much longer.
Yes, i know they don't HAVE to go 3rd party. My point is why not? Do they want to continue to fail until they either luck out like the Wii or start beefing up the HW specs/OS to be more competitive? I don't know i guess we'll see in a couple of years.
WiiU sold 70k in March NPD with no major releases. I think 150k is the lowest MK8 will bump hardware sales to for May's NPD because of the bundle pre orders and the hardware sales heavy MK8 advertising will push for launch.
If Nintendo don't shift 450k WiiU consoles over May / June / July NPD's combined they should give very serious thought to wasting further resources on software development for the console.
450k is a lot to ask. I don't see that as being likely. 300k is a more reasonable goal. But that's not necessarily a lock either.
It's difficult to discern since Double Dash released in November, and the GCN received a price drop at the end of September to $99 making it even less clear.
Double Dash was launched in november 2003, best november ever for Gamecube with 751k (up from 253k on october), but price was slashed to $99 at the end of september.
PS2/GCN/XBOX 2000-2010 NPD sales
I don't know if Treyarch has fired their Nintendo cod team... So I wouldn't yet make assumptions about cod. There's a very good reason why nintendo's cod ports have just sorta been dropped off unannounced and I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with hats. Hats with percentages attached to them that get dipped from regular revenue sources.
If anyone wants to dig around Treyarch's Nintendo team you may find out whether it's coming this year or not. Activision did and will continue to deny its existence until after it's on shelves if it's slated.
List of Wii U retail games released in the first five months of 2014 in the USA:
That is the grand total of five months of retail releases.
You forgot the Lego Movie Videogame btw. That's actually the one selling better on Wii U than PS4 & XB1.
You forgot the Lego Movie Videogame btw. That's actually the one selling better on Wii U than PS4 & XB1.
Out of curiosity does anyone have LTD #s for Lego City Undercover, Marvel, Movie & Hobbit for Wii U? Just curious since WB seems happy enough to keep releasing these on Wii U. I know LCU did pretty well (was at 240K at the end of last year, aka better than Pikmin 3)
In terms of hardcore titles...we could potentially see:
1) No more Arkham games
2) No more Call of Duty games
3) No more Assassin's Creed games a very real reality for Nintendo hardcore retail support this holiday season.
But it's not just the hardcore tentpole titles that have fallen off a cliff. The Wii U third-party retail environment is...very small at the moment.
List of Wii U retail games released in the first five months of 2014 in the USA:
That is the grand total of five months of retail releases.
Activision with shovelware, Nintendo with core games, and Warner Bros. with LEGO. That's it.
Compare this with five months of GameCube releases at its equivalent year in the USA retail market:
LOL snip
I know the retail market has changed significantly since 2003. But it serves to highlight just how far Nintendo has fallen / how barren the current Wii U retail market is. Nintendo is lucky they have the eShop and all of those indies signed on board, otherwise the sheer lack of retail content for Wii U alone would be quite frightening.
Look at one of the 9 boxes again.
I know Nintendo going 3rd party has been the big loljoke for years. But i really don't see the harm. If all they can ever offer is first party games i don't see how they can have a successful hardware business (outside of handhelds) much longer.
Yes, i know they don't HAVE to go 3rd party. My point is why not? Do they want to continue to fail until they either luck out like the Wii or start beefing up the HW specs/OS to be more competitive? I don't know i guess we'll see in a couple of years.
Across three months? They should be able to manage that. Not saying they'll do it no problem, but this is the least they should be able to do.
It's not like the Wii U is some big love letter to Nintendo fans either though. I guess to NSMB hardcore fans? That's pretty much the only group that's has really been serviced by the console so far, with a launch game, DLC expansion, and the 3d Land/World series heavily influenced by NSMB rather than previous 3d titles.
Zelda has an HD rerelease and the promise of future games, but only footage or details at all about a spin off, Pikmin had a long awaited sequel, but it was never a big franchise in the first place. Every other long running franchise doesn't even have Wii U entries yet.
I genuinely hope you don't believe the bolded.Bullcrap. Wii U has the best 3D Mario game, the best 2D Mario game, the best Donkey Kong game, the best Pikmin game and it looks to have the best Mario Kart game. It's a love letter to everyone who loves Nintendo's games because they've never played this good, looked this good or sounded this good. Don't talk rubbish about NSMB or whatever. None of these games are inspired by NSMB. Just vitriol.
Bullcrap. Wii U has the best 3D Mario game, the best 2D Mario game, the best Donkey Kong game, the best Pikmin game and it looks to have the best Mario Kart game. It's a love letter to everyone who loves Nintendo's games because they've never played this good, looked this good or sounded this good. Don't talk rubbish about NSMB or whatever. None of these games are inspired by NSMB. Just vitriol.
Aquamarine said:List of Wii U retail games released in the first five months of 2014 in the USA:
Even if pulling support early meant that everyone who bought a Wii-U would never buy another Nintendo console again... so what? There aren't enough of those people left for selling exclusively to them to represent a viable business model. If they somehow managed to release a console that sold to the general market of gamers - which I don't think they can, at this point, but just to play Devil's Advocate - but no present Wii-U owner was willing to buy it, they'd still be in a place eight times as good or better than they are now.
Yes, i know they don't HAVE to go 3rd party. My point is why not? Do they want to continue to fail until they either luck out like the Wii or start beefing up the HW specs/OS to be more competitive? I don't know i guess we'll see in a couple of years.
I don't think Wii U has topped 100k at all other than November/December in both 2012 and 2013.
I hope you guys are right, I hope it blasts through half a million for that three month period. But it may be wise to temper expectations a bit.
Sorry, I have to agree with the original poster. If you aren't a fan of Nintendo's platformers or their party games, you basically have Pikmin 3 as your only somewhat known Nintendo IP that has a new game on the Wii U. While it definitely sold worse than its predecessors so far, Pikmin 3 hasn't actually sold that badly compared to DKC for example. Pikmin 3 has sold about 230K here, whereas Pikmin 2 sold about 400K in the US. I could see it climbing to 250-300K over time, which is relatively good considering the game's on the Wii U.
@prag, Yes the Wii U hasn't sold more than 100K in the US except during Nov/December of 2012 & 2013. I think the closest was during the September pricecut of the Wii U at 90K or so. At least DKC's 80K in Feb and 70K in March gives me a little hope that MK8 could increase sales significantly and have staying power. We'll see though.
Do you have a list for 2013? How about a list for PS4/Xbone for 2014?
You're one of my favorite postersYou guys are both close. Wii U sold 94.6K in September 2013. That was the closest it ever got to 100K outside of the holidays.
Yes I do. Can't get around to it this second, but I'll do it when I have some free time.
450k is a lot to ask. I don't see that as being likely. 300k is a more reasonable goal. But that's not necessarily a lock either.
This is the worst thing they can do. If a general market targeted console didn't sell to the general market they'd instantly go out of console business. The core audience provides a safety net that means even if a console has as many problems as the Wii U, it will be enough for the company to stay in business and not lose too much money, they might even turn a profit.
Mario Kart is at this point Nintendo's biggest franchise and perhaps the title they possess that appeals to the largest spectrum of consumers. Asking for 150k console sales every month for three months from a title like that isn't at all unreasonable imo especially as they have said they will be heavily advertising it. The great reviews it had will help it a little aswell.
Has MK8 advertising begun in America yet ?, still not seen a single TV commercial in the UK and we are less than two weeks from launch.
The losses posted by the Wii-U are dramatically worse than they appear from looking at the company's total operating losses, because it's not just costing them the amount of money you see on paper, it's first managing to obliterate all the 3DS profits before it even starts to go negative.
Nintendo cannot and will not make another system thinking they can "squeak through" selling just to their ever-shrinking pool of brand loyalists; they will try to reach a broader market, because they of all people are well aware that there's no way they can carry on as hardware manufacturers if they don't.
I hope you're right, but I'll be keeping my expectations tempered for now. The NPD prediction thread for May will be exceedingly interesting.
The Wii U is only 1.5 years old. Losses are always higher at the front end of the cycle. Profits at the back end of the cycle will mitigate the losses made launching the console, remains to be seen by how much.
It's a real shame that it's only going to get two days of recorded data for May. I genuinely think that after last months average PS4 numbers, WiiU could have beaten it for June had MK8 been released at the start of June.
Hopefully Nintendo can keep getting the price of manufacturing the console down and they are able to hit the magic $249 impulse buy price range in time for the Holiday season. A $249 MK8 bundle would do incredible business this Holiday esp if it's combined with Smash Bros and the NFC figure title.
I think the ship has sailed for WiiU. It would do better than now, sure, but I don't think this console can do incredible business anymore. Certainly not because of just 1 game.
The Wii U is only 1.5 years old. Losses are always higher at the front end of the cycle. Profits at the back end of the cycle will mitigate the losses made launching the console, remains to be seen by how much.
Depends what we mean by 'incredible business' I suppose but they sold almost 500 000 consoles in last Decembers NPD with $299 NSMB U / Wind Waker HD packs. A $249 MK8 bundle would at least double that number imo.
The WiiU hope continues to ignore market reality.
Did this ever happen for the Gamecube? That's the sales trajectory you should be looking at. Everyone's going to be buying PS4s and Ones already, another $249 system is unlikely. Why buy the other system when both of the others do everything better except have a tablet controller? The 2/3DS is probably going to be their biggest seller.
I know I posted this in the Rare thread, but what were the numbers for Kinect Sports Rivals?
The WiiU hope continues to ignore market reality.
Did this ever happen for the Gamecube? That's the sales trajectory you should be looking at.
Everyone's going to be buying PS4s and Ones already, another $249 system is unlikely. Why buy the other system when both of the others do everything better except have a tablet controller? The 2/3DS is probably going to be their biggest seller.
In fairness the first one hit the hugely successful wave of Kinect. Kinect 2 as an integrated platform doesn't have the recognition or good will anymore
... Down 80% or so
People can talk until they're blue in the face about graphical power, the lack of third party support and the tablet not being appealing but the reality is that the price and marketing have both significantly hamstrung WiiU hardware sales.
When WiiU hits $249 with a big name title included and they actually start to advertise it I think a lot of people are going to be surprised at how much it's sales improve. A guy on eBay sold 1500 NSMBU bundles @ $249 in less than an hour last September / October (the month before the console sold around 35 000 units in a whole month's NPD). That tells you that demand is there... at the right price.
The bolded would matter as a point of difference in the event that the Wii U was actually getting those titles.A $249 WiiU (with a game) will be $150 cheaper than both PS4/XBone and not require a $50 subscription to play the big name titles online.
Really Apoph? Lack of third party support is as irrelevant to Wii U's failing as it's lack of graphical power and having a tablet? Really?
People surprised by Infamous? The games always have been front loaded and Sony didn't bother to continue to market the game post release. It's so far sold well for the franchise but it's never been a big hit.
I have a sneaking suspicious xbone will lose June as well. We'll see what happens at E3 though.Look for at LEAST a 3:1 or 4:1 shellacking next month of the PS4 to the XB1 - forgot about Watch Dogs being released. What will be hysterical is if XB1 cannot win June either, after the price cut.
As for the Wii U - come on price drop! Some excellent games I want to play
What will be hysterical is if XB1 cannot win June either, after the price cut.
Why would it be hysterical?
Do you find it hysterical when the Wii U doesn't sell well?
Did you find it hysterical when the PS3 was outsold 3:1 or 5-6:1?
I don't think any of that is funny.
I'm not sure the X1 will ever beat the PS4 in the NPD, I doubt it will happen much if at all.