NPD Sales Results for April 2016 [Sony, MS, & Nintendo refuse to comment on hardware]


Remember that Uncharted always had good legs. Uncharted 1 sold only 117k in his first month in USA. Uncharted 3 sold 700k and ended up to be near 10 ML LTD ( shipped).


Giant Bomb's score did not bring Quantum Break down from a Meta average "in the 80s" to 77. That's not how it works. At most, it brought the game down from 79 to 77. Likely just from 78 to 77.

QB had the same review process as any other game. It's a 77 metacritic That's definitely not critical acclaim.

That is not how averages work. There are 101 critic reviews on Metacritic for Quantum Break.

Metacritic is a straight up average now? I thought they weighted reviews from certain sites more than others.

"In the 80s" is considered good and I remember Giant Bomb's review bringing it down to the 70s -- though again, I may be mistaken about that.

Either way, my point was that the majority of reviews for the game were good, thus making it easy for MS to focus on those reviews in PR and/or advertising if they choose to.
i'm out of the loop. what's the deal with wanting quantum break to be a mega seller? i thought it was a holdover from microsoft's early xbox one plans that are now essentially buried. whether it was a success or not, i didn't think it was going to be continued just for it being out of its time in 2016.

Why wouldn't people want a talented game dev to have success?

Nothing "hangover" about qb, it's a good 8/10 game that tries something a bit different (mostly successfully) and makes a pleasant change from sequel after sequel and clone after clone.
Didn't say it did, just something people said about QB before release, too. It reviewed OK, though.

The point being these new Microsoft IPs are neither getting "great" reviews (though QB and SO were mostly positive) nor selling well. Maybe Scalebound breaks the mold with the first part, but the second part seems like a long shot given the MS's previous failed attempts to launch a new IP on this box and that Platinum games frequently struggle to sell well.

Post Scalebound, it will be people making the same post about whatever new game Microsoft announces sometime in the next year. And we'll probably be able to snark about how people said the same thing about Scalebound before it disappointed on the market.

I dont know why you would take offense to saying that a game would sell well in the Xbox if it gets great reviews. You can't "snark" about how people make that type of prediction if the first half of it never materializes. My point is that if Scalebound gets great reviews (high 80s minimum) it will sell well. Just look at Ori, that's a game that doesn't fit the Xbox gamer mold but it did really well. It broke even in a single day if my memory serves me right.

QB and Sunset aren't good examples of what would happen if Scalebound reviews well.


I dont know why you would take offense to saying that a game would sell well in the Xbox if it gets great reviews. You can't "snark" about how people make that type of prediction if the first half of it never materializes. My point is that if Scalebound gets great reviews (high 80s minimum) it will sell well. Just look at Ori, that's a game that doesn't fit the Xbox gamer mold but it did really well. It broke even in a single day if my memory serves me right.

QB and Sunset aren't good examples of what would happen if Scalebound reviews well.

Ori being a digital game that was less than $59.99 greatly helped it.

Scalebound is going to be $59.99 -- that, on top of it being a new IP that will release during a time in which the Xbox will have many huge, established franchises in its library is going to hurt it a lot more than likely.

I hope the game does well if it's a good game but as of right now, I really doubt that the game will do well in sales.


They already did, critically acclaimed!

Yep, exactly (haha).


People think Scalebound is going to sell? Lmao, probably going to be the biggest bomb this gen AAA wise by a large margin.

Only chance Scalebound had at being even remotely succesful was being mass bundled in the holidays, it being delayed into Spring 2017 screwed that up.

I think it's going to be the only 90+ metacritic MS gets this gen though
Well Lumia yes, but Windows Phone will still be around.

BTW, Quantum Break still sold well, not sure what the issue here is in this thread. I mean, it's faster selling than Ryse and SO, and Ryse sold over 1 million in like a bit over a full year right? I mean, rules of elevation apply especially since the game seems to be getting more and more positive expressions as time goes by. The sales will continue to grow, it will likely hit 1 million by August.

Maybe if they are nice enough to keep servers running that long

Microsoft only sold 2.3 million Lumia devices Q3, a massive 73 percent drop from the 8.6 million in the same period last year. As a result, Microsoft's revenue from phones has declined 46 percent. Microsoft has largely retrenched from making Lumia devices over the past six months, so it's no surprise revenues and sales are being hit badly.


If anything, I think Spring is far better than the Holiday season for a game like Scalebound.

Standalone sales wise? Maybe but it's going to bomb regardless of when it comes out. Selling 20k instead of 15k (hyperbole
) isn't going to help much. At least if it gets mass bundled during the holiday 2-3m+ people will actually have the game lol.


Scalebound looked rough last E3 and it wasn't even appealing. In fact if I picked the 2 games at that time I would say QB had the better gameplay.


BTW, Quantum Break still sold well, not sure what the issue here is in this thread. I mean, it's faster selling than Ryse and SO, and Ryse sold over 1 million in like a bit over a full year right?

No, it bombed.
Selling "faster" than games that were released on a much smaller install base means fuck all.
Is there even any confirmation that it QB even outsold Ryse over the first month? The PR was over first week sales, but the sales numbers I've seen posted here suggest Ryse outsold QB at retail first month? Maybe with digital it's over the top but it won't be by much if it was. And that's a launch title versus a game release 2.5 years into the console's lifespan.


Before the PAL chart of tomorrow is out, just wanna say i changed my Uncharted prediction for the NPD to >1 million in May.

We will see.
I dont know why you would take offense to saying that a game would sell well in the Xbox if it gets great reviews. You can't "snark" about how people make that type of prediction if the first half of it never materializes. My point is that if Scalebound gets great reviews (high 80s minimum) it will sell well. Just look at Ori, that's a game that doesn't fit the Xbox gamer mold but it did really well. It broke even in a single day if my memory serves me right.

QB and Sunset aren't good examples of what would happen if Scalebound reviews well.

I didn't take offense. I was just discussing things.

Ori's a poor comparison to these larger games due to budget and sale price differences, among other things. What would be disappointing for a game like QB or Scalebound could easily be a monumental success for a game like Ori.

I understood your point completely. It was fairly straightforward. I just don't agree with the certainty of it.


At least if it gets mass bundled during the holiday 2-3m+ people will actually have the game lol.

Yeah, that's a good point too; And MS needs to think of the future instead of "the now" since I highly doubt they can make a comeback this current gen.

Doing that would more than likely help Scalebound's shot at having more people/fans who would buy a sequel in the future.


Yeah, that's a good point too; And MS needs to think of the future instead of "the now" since I highly doubt they can make a comeback this current gen.

Doing that would more than likely help Scalebound's shot at having more people/fans who would buy a sequel in the future.
Pretty much. If MS wants to build a franchise out of it, they most likely aren't doing it on sales alone.

While most games, especially new IP's would be hurt by releasing near the holidays I think a game like Scalebound (or any by Platinum, really) has to release in the holiday and bundled the shit out of. You know it's going to be great, but you also know it's not going to sell well, you might aswell give it away for free and cut your losses and make it back on sequels (if there is any). Not like it's going to make much money back anyways lol and since there will actually be people playing the game, the word of mouth might actually make more money in the long run.

I'd happily eat crow if the game ends up doing well, but I just don't see it. Maybe Chobel should bet on the game bombing...
Yeah, that's a good point too; And MS needs to think of the future instead of "the now" since I highly doubt they can make a comeback this current gen.

Doing that would more than likely help Scalebound's shot at having more people/fans who would buy a sequel in the future.
I honestly don't think we are looking at console gens anymore though. I think we will see small upgrades every 3-4 years. So MS will need to try and at least win over more 360 owners for the future.
Isn't P*S best selling title Metal Gear Rising? They are not a company know for great sales regardless of push.

I think only if Scalebound had a bundle it's WW ltd, and if ms puts some adverting effort) 1.3million ltd.

But realistically I'm thinking below a million.


Why is nearly every one of your posts like this?

I mean people are claiming a game that debuted with substantially less sales than The Order is poised to be a success so it's a perfectly valid question to ask.

People need to realize "fastest selling" and "best selling" are different things. We learned this from early gen XB1 PR spin. QB sold more in its first week than Ryse or SO but it did not sell more than Ryse did for their first NPD reporting period in its entirety. So in other words a launch title sold more despite a significantly lower userbase and, in all likelihood, a substantially lower development & marketing budget. That's pretty grim folks.

Word on the street is that the announcement came as a surprise to retail and even the products' own salespeople. Generally big retail doesn't like these kinds of surprises, so it's difficult to figure out what's going on right now. That store pic, could be a lot of things. Could be sell outs, could be a corp directive to pull, could just be an overzealous department manager. Interesting times.

Wow they really seemed to pull the rug out form under everyone. I wonder if the employees were given any notice... I hope so. As much as I am not a fan of TTL as a genre I still think Disney's handling of the whole situation was terrible. Its almost like they expected immediate domination of that market and when that didnt happen they threw tantrum and said "fine. I guess we just won't make games then." Disney's forays into gaming have just been really bizarre to behold over the years.

But yea you're right there are other explanations for that empty shelf space. We have no real way of knowing the real cause there but its a surprising sight given how short it was after the announcement regardless imo.


When The Order sold 200k and people were arguing it's not a bomb, this was your reaction~

Curious why you're not laughing? History seems to be repeating itself.

Nice find but this had nothing to do with my original question. I even predicted QB would bomb months ago. How about finding that post? Here it is

I have a feeling Quantum Break and Scalebound will have the same fate. The Xbox audience is weird.

Your constant snarky posts are a drag. How about reading Evilore's latest post from the Eurogamer "walking simulator" thread.


Junior Member
I honestly don't know why Nintendo choose Star Fox out of all other series to revive.

I'm sure a new Waverace would sell better than this with lower budget.


Remember that Uncharted always had good legs. Uncharted 1 sold only 117k in his first month in USA. Uncharted 3 sold 700k and ended up to be near 10 ML LTD ( shipped).
So how much better will Uncharted 4 debut over Quantum Break? 5 times better? 10 times better? Im hoping the latter just for the salt.


So how much better will Uncharted 4 debut over Quantum Break? 5 times better? 10 times better? Im hoping the latter just for the salt.

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 8x I'd imagine. I honestly didn't think QB would sell worse than The Order with the marketing oomph MS put behind it. While the game has its problems it deserved better. Had they not monumentally screwed up the PC release and anchored it to Win 10 store only I believe it could've done decently on PC. PC gamers are more open to unique quirky games than the XB1 userbase seems to be.
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