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NPD Sales Results for December 2009

Tmac said:
Now all the pressure is on microsoft shoulders. They HAVE to show something to revert that downard trend.

Loosing to WII was excusable (different audiences, etc), but now they are behind their real competitor. Worldwide for a while now, and in NA things start to look grim...

2010 will be a crucial year for microsoft xbox efforts.

What exclusives does it have in 2010? I remember it only having 3-4 maybe?
radioheadrule83 said:
Bullshit. The wii userbase is simple - it wants good games or a good deal. Third parties may well be as deluded as you are, thinking that the audience just doesn't want the kind of games they are capable of making, but the truth is Wii owners have just been very discerning.

I want to live in your world where "good games" are automatically rewarded with good sales. That way I wouldnt have to watch interstellar titles such as Okami and Godhand limp onwards. Its not as simple as you'd have people believe to fit your agenda.

The Wii audience will buy what Nintendo tells them to buy. Microsoft and Sony tell their bases to buy Modern Warfare, Batman, Resident Evil, Assassins Creed alongside their own first party efforts, cutting advertisement deals. We will see what happens when Nintendo tells their install base to buy Monster Hunter 3, if they truly want to reverse the notion that third parties have no place on the Wii.


schuelma said:
And I don't see any compelling reason why 3rd party sales are being discussed at this time- there was no Wii game released the last 3-4 months that could reasonably be expected to chart in this months top 10, which gives me a feeling that the only reason 3rd party struggles on Wii are being discussed is to discredit the success it achieved this month.

I like to talk about it because it highlights the argument of the Wii audiences buying habits and such.

As an adult with a shred of common sense, that "Wii owners will only buy Nintendo branded games" doesnt fly with me. Thats bullshit, and people have been trying to force feed that nonsense since 06. You cant tell me that these people dont know enough to even hook these consoles up with the right cables, dont know enough to read reviews, dont know enough to know buying your Wii games from the displays at the check out isle at your local grocery is a BAD idea, and yet they are somehow savvy enough to know how to avoid a third party game?

Cmon now, they are buying whats being highlighted, exposed, and projected towards them, which is expected, Nintendo being the only one to be able to do so is a marketing fail on the part of said developers, not some grand conspiracy theory by the old ladies wearing oversized hats at my moms church. People like to try and find some way to blame these companies failures on the console as Nintendos fault. But I look at it, and I just see it as business. Competition doesnt disappear, if that top ten list for the year doesnt show you that no matter WHERE you release your shit, Nintendo is THERE, then I dont know what will.
Soneet said:
Let's continue this when those games are out, shall we? Don't jump to conclusions. I'm not expecting Modern Warfare 2 sales numbers but I do expect large numbers. You probably don't. We both don't know yet. That's the difference in our views and we'll see who's right later.

Going off the numbers for the 1st NMH and other console MH, what do you consider to be big?


Tmac said:
Now all the pressure is on microsoft shoulders. They HAVE to show something to revert that downard trend.

Loosing to WII was excusable (different audiences, etc), but now they are behind their real competitor. Worldwide for a while now, and in NA things start to look grim...

2010 will be a crucial year for microsoft xbox efforts.

Less than 12k unit difference between that competitor in this quarter for the US and it's looking grim with a 7.5 million lead. Yea, no. Far from it. Lead was much less before the $199 drop. Will they in fact do a real price drop with some new HW configurations this year, likely.

red shoe paul said:
What exclusives does it have in 2010? I remember it only having 3-4 maybe?

ME2, SCC, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, Halo Reach, Fable III, and what Natal brings forth is pretty much what is announced now. Oh yea and PD XBLA is notable.

Of course there are a number of other 3rd party games which could do decent especially Metro 2033.
SecretBonusPoint said:
I want to live in your world where "good games" are automatically rewarded with good sales. That way I wouldnt have to watch interstellar titles such as Okami and Godhand limp onwards. Its not as simple as you'd have people believe to fit your agenda.

The Wii audience will buy what Nintendo tells them to buy. We will see what happens when Nintendo tells them to buy Monster Hunter 3, if they truly want to reverse the notion that third parties have no place on the Wii.

The audience has to be aware that a game is good or that its a good deal if they buy into it. Something a lot of console owners were clearly oblivious to in the cases of Godhand and Okami... and of course, we could talk for hours on the subjectivity and complexities of ideals such as 'good game' and 'good deal'.

My main point in that post was regarding the efforts made on the console. All of which you edited out when quoting me.


D4Danger said:
1 month is not a trend. just sayin

Exactly, in NA since August ps3 outsold the 360 for 2 months, two month were a TIE and the 360 won just one. Thats not "1 month".

And like a said, thats NA alone, where the 360 still have a huge advantage, when you look at worlwide numbers the ps3 is outselling the 360 by a good margin for a while now.


Master of the Google Search
doomed1 said:
But what about games like Little King's Story? The only reason LKS doesn't have CC support is because they didn't have the time to implement it. There was nothing relating to "playing to the Wii's strengths" as there was no IR pointing or waggle in any respect. It's still an absolutely fantastic game that just wouldn't be possible on another console due to budgets
See, as cruel as it sounds, the budget excuse doesn't mean much to anyone outside of the company's themselves. Little King's Story does luck out though in that while it doesn't use the Wii's controller and such, it is unique in its own merit which helps set it apart from competing titles in of itself.
doomed1 said:
It's all the same though, I don't think 3rd parties will be able to recover from this kind of a fuck up at this point. They better bet some eggs on Nintendo next generation though. Not all of them, just enough that they can transition well if the Wii's successor pulls away well enough.
Oh yeah, what's done is done. Even if every 3rd party changed their mind today there just isn't enough lead time to get those games out before the generation starts coming to a close.

Hero said:
Do you seriously not realize how ridiculous your statement is? That's some pigeon-holing right there. The Wii has such a large userbase that its owners are diversified enough to support "PS360" games. Look at Monster Hunter 3 in Japan. Capcom actually made a legitimate game developed specifically for the Wii and it sells over a million units. There's hardly any other equivalent for third party publishers that you can compare what you're saying to.
The problem is that the sections of the Wii's userbase that would support PS360 games probably have a PS3 or 360. So any attempt at making a Wii game that merely emulates a PS360 title will pale in comparison to its PS360 brethren. For a Wii title to succeed it really does have to blaze its own path in a way.

Anyone who is truly a Wii-only gamer and cares about those types of games either buy games too infrequently or are too small in number to support such titles. As I've said before, there isn't a legion of secret gamers just waiting for the big title to finally hit.


AceBandage said:
Actually, it's pretty easy to explain.
Nintendo puts out quality software that is targeted at everyone, while third parties put out shit that is targeted at retarded monkeys.

Slightly hyperbolic but true in a sense. Thanks for the laugh :)
Holy F***ing Snapplecake at the Wii numbers!

That pricedrop certainly helped to get a lot of the soccer mums that were on the fence.

It can probably stay at the $199 sweetspot price over the next christmas as well and Nintendo will just keep on printing money. Depends to some degree on how successful MS are at marketing Natal and at what price.

Anyway impressive Nintendo!


Flachmatuch said:
Just a few points about third party retardedness:

They're not really in a very good position financially, and that comes because rising development costs and the blockbuster model. This means that people saying that they should make AC2 level games etc for the Wii are *completely* missing the point - it's *exactly* the model that's producing AC2 and MW2 that's fucked up. This model produces a few large scale successes and lots of large scale failures - sometimes it works out ok, other times, not. Overall, it's clearly not working out, except for a few smarter (and luckier) publishers.

I'd say it's the other way around actually. It produces a lot of large scale successes and a few large scale failures. You have to be out of your mind if you think that a majority of all PS3/360 games are financial disasters. Nobody would make games for the two HD consoles if that was the case.

Heck, I'd say that a majority of all so called HD games have pretty modest budgets compared to games like GTA 4 or Modern Warfare 2. On this board everybody assumes that all HD games have these incredibly high budgets by default when it's simply not the case.
Tmac said:
Now all the pressure is on microsoft shoulders. They HAVE to show something to revert that downard trend.

Loosing to WII was excusable (different audiences, etc), but now they are behind their real competitor. Worldwide for a while now, and in NA things start to look grim...

2010 will be a crucial year for microsoft xbox efforts.

In the US (what this thread is about), 360 sales aren't on a downward trend. If nothing else they are stagnant. As was pointed out earlier in the thread, with the PS3 price drop, redesign, and new marketing push the PS3 has only shaved off 150k off the total lead since the slim was released.

Just curious where this "downward trend" you speak of is at. 2010 is a crucial year for both Sony and MS. MS has yet to respond and they have more room to move than Sony does who just played most of the cards that they had in their hands for a while.

Tmac said:
Exactly, in NA since August ps3 outsold the 360 for 2 months, two month were a TIE and the 360 won just one. Thats not "1 month".

And like a said, thats NA alone, where the 360 still have a huge advantage, when you look at worlwide numbers the ps3 is outselling the 360 by a good margin for a while now.

This is an NPD thread where we discuss US numbers. There has never been a "Tie" in NPD for the PS3/360. Since 360 outsold the PS3 last month, Sony has 1 concurrent month of outselling the 360... this is not a trend.


Soneet said:
Let's continue this when those games are out, shall we? Don't jump to conclusions. I'm not expecting Modern Warfare 2 sales numbers but I do expect large numbers. You probably don't. We both don't know yet. That's the difference in our views and we'll see who's right later.
Not seeing a situation in which 50% + 1 of the Wii user base buys those games.


red shoe paul said:
What exclusives does it have in 2010? I remember it only having 3-4 maybe?

That depends entirely on whether or not "only on PC and 360" counts as a console exclusive. If you count those games, the year is looking very good for the 360.


listen to the mad man
red shoe paul said:
What exclusives does it have in 2010? I remember it only having 3-4 maybe?

In the US, currently announced, and with no judgment on quality or sales potential;
Natal + launch lineup.
Fable 3.
Alan Wake
Crackdown 2
Halo Reach
Splinter Cell Conviction.
Mass Effect 2.
Divinity 2
Tropico 3
Metro 2033
99 Nights 2
Deadly Premonition.
Possibly Hydrophobia, it's unclear if that's getting a PSN release as well.

In the interest of fairness, in the US, currently announced, and with no judgment on quality or sales potential, PS3--there are some date disclaimers here because while all the 360 exclusives are definitely 2010 and most are 2010H1, some of these are still up in the air;
Sony Wand + launch lineup, IF IT MAKES IT IN 2010
God of War 3
Gran Turismo 5
Modnation Racers
White Knight Chronicles
Heavy Rain
DC Universe Online, if it makes it in 2010.
The Agency, if it makes it in 2010.
The Last Guardian, if it makes it in 2010
FFXIV, if it makes it in 2010.
Last Rebellion
Atelier Rorona
Yakuza 3
3d Dot Game Heroes

If anyone replies with Resistance 3, Killzone 3, inFamous 2, Gears of War 3, Twisted Metal, Agent, Ar Tonelico 3, or anything else that we know is coming but that isn't announced for 2010, they can stuff it. Ditto non-US or non-retail titles.

I'm going to regret having posted this.

stupei said:
That depends entirely on whether or not "only on PC and 360" counts as a console exclusive. If you count those games, the year is looking very good for the 360.

In a month where an "Only on PC and 360" title made the console top 10 and clearly was a draw for that console, it's probably safe that we include the PS3's console MMO three-pack and the 360's ME2, Metro 2033, Divinity 2, and Tropico 3 even if not every title will make the same splash L4D did amongst the console audience.


Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg has posted a response to the recently released December 2009 NPD sales results. He stated that the Xbox 360 had a great year in 2009 with it outselling the Playstation 3 in addition to leading third-party software sales and software attach ratio (a record 8.8). The Xbox 360 generated $4.8 billion in total consumer spending (hardware, software and accessories sales combined). Here is his full statement on his personal Twitter page:

NPD shows great 2009 results for #Xbox360 $4.8B in consumer spend, outsold the PS3, led in 3rd party SW & record 8.8 SW attach

According to the NPD, the Xbox 360 sold 1.31 million units for December in the Untied States. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (1.63 million copies sold), Assassin’s Creed II (783,100 copies sold) and Left 4 Dead 2 (728,500 copies sold) all managed to chart in the top ten best-selling games of the month



Can't imagine how insane Mario would have been without the supply fuck ups. But then again it doesn't really matter, as that happened to Mario Kart and yet here it is selling almost a million again 19 months after release! :lol


gaf did not dumb out as much at the wii numbers because we already knew the 3 million mark was passed

3.81 though... wow


You know, these threads would be a whole lot better if more posters (such as some on this page) actually posted some analysis and stuff instead of me having to read pages upon pages of nintendo (especially, but they exist for all consoles obviously) wankers writing one sentence posts saying "omg nintendo unstoppable!!!"


I would bang a hot farmer!
Firestorm said:
I didn't see YTD so calculated it:
For 2009 the Wii outsold the 360 and PS3 combined? :lol


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Tmac said:
Now all the pressure is on microsoft shoulders. They HAVE to show something to revert that downard trend.

Loosing to WII was excusable (different audiences, etc), but now they are behind their real competitor. Worldwide for a while now, and in NA things start to look grim...

2010 will be a crucial year for microsoft xbox efforts.
Should they really care when software still sells more on the 360?


D4Danger said:
edit: forget it.

Dude what are you talking about? I used a 12 month period. The first half of the year was all about the 360. In the second part of 2009 both consoles had price drops. Despite that the 360 price drop wasnt enough to mantain the same market share from the first two quarters.

Look firestarter table

grandjedi6 said:
  1. Owning other consoles does not exempt one from being a fanboy or from saying stupid things
  2. For you, this has nothing to do with quality. There are tons of quality Wii titles which you disregard for stupid reasons
  3. As for own AC2 comment here has just shown, what you really want is what the HD console have. You say all you want is "equal quality" but what you really want is parallel experiences

The Wii is not the console you think or apparently want it to be. The Wii is not the 360, the Wii is not the PS3, the Wii is not the PS2. It is its own creature and deserves games made to its strengths. Which is why your argument is a neverending catch-22 for publishers -- if they were to make a game that is different from the HD, or "traditional" model, then you disregard them because they "don't count". However if the publishers go ahead and try to replicate those experiences then they predictably fail, hence making them "not count" again. Thus its impossible for 3rd parties to meet your demands.

The problem is everyone equates "big budget" to "AAA". While I consider the latter a meanlingless term, I can see where so many people are coming from with the argument. While I personally think the Wii is far and away the best console this gen (I have 30+ games for the damn thing), an argument can be made for the other side as well.


velvet_nitemare said:
Going off the numbers for the 1st NMH and other console MH, what do you consider to be big?
In the Wii's top 10 excluding Nintendo games, with comparable numbers to top 10 of the 360/PS3. NMH2 depending on the marketing department though (I'm sure Capcom will do it's marketing job right with MH).

benjipwns said:
Not seeing a situation in which 50% + 1 of the Wii user base buys those games.
Me neither. But I do think that the Wii has about the same amount of the demographic that plays games as the ones I mentioned above (as in: it would probably not sell less or more on those systems).


Frenck said:
I'd say it's the other way around actually. It produces a lot of large scale successes and a few large scale failures. You have to be out of your mind if you think that a majority of all PS3/360 games are financial disasters. Nobody would make games for the two HD consoles if that was the case.

Heck, I'd say that a majority of all so called HD games have pretty modest budgets compared to games like GTA 4 or Modern Warfare 2. On this board everybody assumes that all HD games have these incredibly high budgets by default when it's simply not the case.

How do you explain the red ink all over pretty much every 3rd party out there, except for Activision, who make one of those megahits?

Did you just miss the thread saying the average multiplatform game has a development budget of between $18-28 million. We've been given budget numbers from development studios for what would be considered 'mid-tier' games and the numbers are huge. Lost Planet had a $20 million dev budget. Bionic Commando had a $20 million budget. I think everyone would agree they are pretty much the definition of 'mid-tier' HD games.


Road said:
Tentative 2009 console top 10 with known sales (rounded to the nearest 100,000):

1. [360] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 5.8 million
2. [WII] Wii Sports Resort - 4.5 million
3. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii - 4.2 million
5. [WII] Wii Fit - 3.5 million
4. [WII] Wii Fit Plus - 3.5 million
6. [WII] Mario Kart Wii - 3.1 million
7. [WII] Wii Play with Remote - 3.1 million
8. [PS3] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 3.0 million
9. [360] Halo 3: ODST -
10. [NDS] Pokemon Platinum Version - 2.0 million
Ahhh how did I miss this. Just did it manually. I only had Platinum numbers going off the months I saw public data for though. Is that all of 2009?
I'd like to see a chart of the progression of Nintendo game sales vs. 3rd party game sales on the Wii. From the data we have, and some fairly simple observation and logic, I expect that 3rd parties had a much higher share of the Wii market in the beginning than they do now. I'd suppose that chart would look something like this:


Nobody seems to want to hear it, but it's clear that Nintendo did not have tremendous brand loyalty when the Wii launched. They had a history of quality games, yes, but they didn't have a majority of software sales. They probably do now, though. They certainly have a larger percentage. Why would that be? Maybe because of something like this:

A customer buys a Nintendo game. He/she likes it. He buys another. Rinse and repeat.

A customer buys a 3rd party game. He doesn't like it. He buys another from a different company. He doesn't like it. He buys a Nintendo game. He likes it. See scenario #1.

A lot of people pay no attention to a company name on a game box. But if they like or dislike the game a lot, they might take notice. That's how it works with any product, and that's why all of us here have companies we like or dislike.

This isn't rocket science. Brand loyalty doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's earned. Nintendo's earned it, and so have other companies, through years of making games that people enjoyed. This generation, 3rd parties on the Wii have done a terrible job of earning any brand loyalty. Most of them have dragged their names through the mud, while Nintendo continues to earn good word-of-mouth and increase their market share to incredible heights.

So, here's a question: Does anyone here think any publisher of Wii games other than Nintendo has done a good job of earning brand loyalty? If so, which one(s), and let's take a look at their Wii library and discuss.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Tmac said:
Now all the pressure is on microsoft shoulders. They HAVE to show something to revert that downard trend.

Loosing to WII was excusable (different audiences, etc), but now they are behind their real competitor. Worldwide for a while now, and in NA things start to look grim...

2010 will be a crucial year for microsoft xbox efforts.
Pretty sure 360 2009 was > 2008. Which was > 2007 which was > 2006.

Downward trend?


ShockingAlberto said:
They expressed extreme discontent that the Conduit, a maligned game from a shovelware developer, did not sell by sheer virtue of being on the Wii.

Hey grandjedi, look, he is making excuses for a third party Wii game. Get him!


Tmac said:
Dude what are you talking about? I used a 12 month period. The first half of the year was all about the 360. In the second part of 2009 both consoles had price drops. Despite that the 360 price drop wasnt enough to mantain the same market share from the first two quarters.

Look firestarter table


So if you are taking into account the entire year the market share actually grew YoY. 360 price drop was nothing more than SKU exchange as they had a $299 price point at that point. A real price drop would be Arcade to $179 and Elite to $250.
Soneet said:
In the Wii's top 10 excluding Nintendo games, with comparable numbers to top 10 of the 360/PS3. NMH2 depending on the marketing department though (I'm sure Capcom will do it's marketing job right with MH).

Are u speaking about the month they get released? Even then, i doubt a Wii top 10 that excludes Nintendo games is comparable to a PS360 top 10 at all in any given month.
Jtyettis said:
So if you are taking into account the entire year the market share actually grew YoY. 360 price drop was nothing more than SKU exchange as they had a $299 price point at that point. A real price drop would be Arcade to $179 and Elite to $250.

Price of entry for the 360 has not changed all year and remains to this day at $199 just like it was last Xmas.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Man, my sales predictions are so borked.

Wii outselling DS?? PS3 outselling 360?!? Inconceivable!

My predictions on the PS2, PS3, PSP, DS and 360 combined were off by 700,000. And my Wii prediction alone was off 700,000 :lol

so bad... so, so bad...

It also astonishes me how six of the top 10 games are Nintendo games, and five of those are for the Wii. Third parties that can't find a way to sell Wii games are just pathetic.


Sipowicz said:
even with the sales third parties are abandoning the wii in droves, it's a pretty weird

interesting how close the modern warfare 2 sales are on PS3 and 360 too. same with ahrdware
All it takes is one good marketed game. We had one marketed game in carnival games, and that sold over 3 million despite being shitty. Imagine what a well marketed 3rd party blockbuster would sell like?


The costly music game sold 357,000 units in the U.S. in December, bringing its total since launching Sept. 9 of last year to 1.18 million, according to new data from the NPD Group.
The Beatles: Rock Band was far from the only music video game to experience disappointing sales last year. Activision's Guitar Hero 5 sold only 996,000 units. By contrast, 2008's Guitar Hero: World Tour sold 3.4 million.

Overall, sales of music video games plunged 46% to $1.06 billion last year, according to NPD. It was the largest decline of any genre, indicating that the once red-hot music gaming trend, which took off with the original Guitar Hero in 2005, is losing steam. Part of that drop, however, is because in 2008 more music games were sold with pricey instrument controllers than last year.
[ALL] The Beatles: Rock Band - 357,000

[ALL] The Beatles: Rock Band - 1,180,000
[ALL] Guitar Hero 5 - 996,000


Leondexter said:
I'd like to see a chart of the progression of Nintendo game sales vs. 3rd party game sales on the Wii. From the data we have, and some fairly simple observation and logic, I expect that 3rd parties had a much higher share of the Wii market in the beginning than they do now. I'd suppose that chart would look something like this:


Nobody seems to want to hear it, but it's clear that Nintendo did not have tremendous brand loyalty when the Wii launched. They had a history of quality games, yes, but they didn't have a majority of software sales. They probably do now, though. They certainly have a larger percentage. Why would that be? Maybe because of something like this:

A customer buys a Nintendo game. He/she likes it. He buys another. Rinse and repeat.

A customer buys a 3rd party game. He doesn't like it. He buys another from a different company. He doesn't like it. He buys a Nintendo game. He likes it. See scenario #1.

A lot of people pay no attention to a company name on a game box. But if they like or dislike the game a lot, they might take notice. That's how it works with any product, and that's why all of us here have companies we like or dislike.

This isn't rocket science. Brand loyalty doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's earned. Nintendo's earned it, and so have other companies, through years of making games that people enjoyed. This generation, 3rd parties on the Wii have done a terrible job of earning any brand loyalty. Most of them have dragged their names through the mud, while Nintendo continues to earn good word-of-mouth and increase their market share to incredible heights.

So, here's a question: Does anyone here think any publisher of Wii games other than Nintendo has done a good job of earning brand loyalty? If so, which one(s), and let's take a look at their Wii library and discuss.

Great points.

you could certainly argue that a few groups who release on WiiWare have put forth a worthy effort. Of course, it's hard to build brand loyalty when your pool of potential customers is as small as theirs...
WOW those numbers are crazy, Wii almost 4 million is in fiction territory :lol

Wii HD/ Wii 2/ Super Wii/ Green Wii won't come out for along time :lol


Crystal Bearer
Surprised PS3 outsold 360, especially considering the 120GB (the one people want) is still hard to find.


velvet_nitemare said:
Are u speaking about the month they get released? Even then, i doubt a Wii top 10 that excludes Nintendo games is comparable to a PS360 top 10 at all in any given month.
I'm just talking about those games you know?

1. They'll probably be in Wii's 3rd Party Top 10.
2. Those games would have sales numbers that is comparable to the sales numbers of the Top 10 games of 360/PS3.

Yeah I'm talking about the month they are released.


The only good third party games on the Wii have been niche games, other than stuff like the Resident Evil games (which sold really well, despite the fact that light gun games are quite niche). The Wii hasn't changed the light gun genre. It's niche and so are casual games. Wii owners do want good games, that aren't niche, they just never come out from third parties. That's why most of the shovelware trash on the system doesn't sell.

Has anyone considered that perhaps the high sales of games like Carnival Games could come from both a small, uninformed casual niche, as well as consumer confusion that resulted from the overwhelming amount of crap? And that perhaps the average Wii consumer doesn't want those games? No, third parties turn every game into an insulting casual hybrid that appeals to no one. Third parties stormed the Wii with shovelware and it's had a detrimental effect on the entire Wii market. Nintendo's sales highlight that their games stand out like a beacon of quality in a wartorn landscape of garbage.


Leondexter said:
I'd like to see a chart of the progression of Nintendo game sales vs. 3rd party game sales on the Wii. From the data we have, and some fairly simple observation and logic, I expect that 3rd parties had a much higher share of the Wii market in the beginning than they do now. I'd suppose that chart would look something like this:

I know on DS, it's the reverse of this in general, even in the west where third party support is absurdly poor for the fastest, and soon to be best, selling system of all time (albeit lower revenue per software sale).

On Wii, I think the trend was beginning to work in favour of third parties, largely because the appetite for software continued, and Nintendo don't actually make many games, but Wii owners buy many games, so it's a fairly obvious outcome. With releases like Wii Fit and Mario Kart Wii, it throws a big spanner in the works with the first vs third party comparison, but same can be applied for Nintendo vs third party combined on ANY current system.
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