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NPD Sales Results for February 2013 [Up5: Dead Space 3, Crysis 3, Official PS3/WiiU]


Its true. They tried to capitalize on the wii name with wii U. Unfortunately, for Ninty, there isn't enough wii in the wii u.

Hindsight is 20/20, yadda yadda...but I'm thinking that if Nintendo had extended the wii philosophy with the wii u instead doing a U-turn (sorry for the pun) and dumping the fun accessible hook of wiimote motion gaming for a giant-ass intimidating controller, they would be doing better.

And yes I know you can use wiimotes with wii u, but that isn't the focus of the console and it is not how they are selling it.

I honestly believe that wouldn't have made a single bit of difference. They let 2 years go by without any kind of significance support to keep momentum going from one platform to the next, at least enough so that the Wii brand lost whatever clout it had.


Its true. They tried to capitalize on the wii name with wii U. Unfortunately, for Ninty, there isn't enough wii in the wii u.

Hindsight is 20/20, yadda yadda...but I'm thinking that if Nintendo had extended the wii philosophy with the wii u instead doing a U-turn (sorry for the pun) and dumping the fun accessible hook of wiimote motion gaming for a giant-ass intimidating controller, they would be doing better.

And yes I know you can use wiimotes with wii u, but that isn't the focus of the console and it is not how they are selling it.

At the same time, I'm guessing people would have been pissed if the console used them 6 year old controllers, even if they were revamped, it wouldn't be as 'new' and fresh, and different. People would have thought "why get that when I already have a Wii? Look I can swing my remote, same thing!" I guess Nintendo thought this was enough to be new, yet familiar.

Ok that made me laugh.

I hope people know I'm messing around, if not, it obvious people are out to attack at the first sign of blood.


So 20% increase to Wii U - beast mode! ö

Whatever the increase, 50k-80k is only like half of what the 360 and PS3 did in the same month right after their launch. It's a positive move to a still painfully low number.

Everything is up.

	[B]per week % increase over January[/B]
[B]X360[/B]	34.34
[B]PS3[/B]	63.75
[B]Wii[/B]	23.75
[B]WiiU[/B]	44.74
[B]3DS[/B]	62.93
[B]NDS[/B]	80.36
[B]PSV[/B]	35.71
[B]PSP[/B]	12.50

Yeah, I believe February and March tend to jump a little from January. Everyone is recovering from holiday spending, lol.


So, ladies and gentlemen... What, if any, increase do we expect for the Wii U in March? Over 80k? More? I don't want to overestimate Lego City and especially not MH3U, but they are two relatively well-known releases which could signal to people that the console's future library might be less miserable than it is now.

Whatever the increase, 50k-80k is only like half of what the 360 and PS3 did in the same month right after their launch. It's a positive move to a still painfully low number.

Wii U faces more of an uphill battle against the HD twins than the HD twins did against PS2, simply because they've become such feature-rich environments at this point. Picking up a PS2 in 2006/2007 was a different proposal than getting a 360 or PS3 in 2013/2014.

Outright pleading that a member be banned is pretty scummy in of itself.

Correct course of action is to PM a mod with your concerns about the trolling. Keeps the thread clean, makes sure the relevant people are notified.
So what did the Wii U sell? I read the OP and it's conflicting... 80k or 57k then the guy from twitter saying it's not close to 80. What is the best estimate?


Nintendo Ecosystem:

So, ladies and gentlemen... What, if any, increase do we expect for the Wii U in March? Over 80k? More? I don't want to overestimate Lego City and especially not MH3U, but they are two relatively well-known releases which could signal to people that the console's future library might be less miserable than it is now.
I believe March normally sees a lower weekly average than February, but that can still result in a higher total, due to the 5-week NPD tracking period.

Based on that I'd expect something around 70-75K. If Lego City and Monster Hunter do spur some sales then it might hit 80K+.

EDIT: I'm not sure why people are still obsessing over the returns thing. It doesn't make much difference either way; but there's nothing from this month's data to suggest it as being a major factor.


So, ladies and gentlemen... What, if any, increase do we expect for the Wii U in March? Over 80k? More? I don't want to overestimate Lego City and especially not MH3U, but they are two relatively well-known releases which could signal to people that the console's future library might be less miserable than it is now.

I think it will get a boost, but not much. I guess it will still be under 100k. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it did a relatively similar number to last month, but I would be shocked if it did worse. I know those games aren't system sellers by any stretch, but they are much better than nothing, and nothing is what February had.


Thanks. So if you count possible returns making the jan number higher than the 55k that was reported (could be 25k returns?) it actually went down, that's dreadful.

No way of knowing at this point unless we get some implausibly accurate return data from multiple retail chains. Also, 25k returns would actually mean no change at all on a weekly basis, since January NPD tracked 5 weeks while February was 4.


No way of knowing at this point unless we get some implausibly accurate return data from multiple retail chains. Also, 25k returns would actually mean no change at all on a weekly basis, since January NPD tracked 5 weeks while February was 4.
Which makes sense with no new releases.
PS360 got Dead Space and Aliens and other stuff to cause a bump, WiiU gots nothing.


So, ladies and gentlemen... What, if any, increase do we expect for the Wii U in March? Over 80k? More? I don't want to overestimate Lego City and especially not MH3U, but they are two relatively well-known releases which could signal to people that the console's future library might be less miserable than it is now.

Lego City even intrigues me. I love the little "easter eggs" in the game. It's made waiting for a new 3D Mario and/or Zelda, to buy, more difficult.


EDIT: I'm not sure why people are still obsessing over the returns thing. It doesn't make much difference either way; but there's nothing from this month's data to suggest it as being a major factor.

People are obsessing because it fits their various agendas. Last month, Nintendo fans kind of liked the idea of high returns, because it would mean a smaller drop-off in new units sold from December. Now, those less enamored with Nintendo want lots of returns, because it would make February was actually a net decrease in sales. So much spin, so little hard data.


If sale numbers in Japan are any indication, it's going to have really weak legs. Weaker than DmC, actually.

launch week: 308.681
3rd week: 17.833

launch week: 110.429
3rd week: 15.157

Hack and slashers are always super front-loaded in their numbers. The only reason MGR had a bigger dropoff than DmC is because it had a lot higher to fall from.


Have there been any more concrete numbers on WiiU besides "way lower than 80k"?

Nirolak's math and the quoted NPD figure of 40% increase in weekly sales put it at no less than 64k. creamsugar, who is a reliable source of information, just went out and said 66k. Both of those figures jive with Kevin Dent's assessment and fit with the other console sales numbers.


Somewhere along the past 42 pages, the consensus is that the Wii U's numbers add up to about 66k.
Nirolak's math and the quoted NPD figure of 40% increase in weekly sales put it at no less than 64k. creamsugar, who is a reliable source of information, just went out and said 66k. Both of those figures jive with Kevin Dent's assessment and fit with the other console sales numbers.
Thanks :)
if e3 comes and goes and they look like they're about another year from having a solid solution, the system's done. if they start fighting for hype against microsoft's and sony's unveilings they might have a chance if a lineup is there. they really blew their head start. nintendo would be fortunate to have 5 million wii u owners when the other consoles hit.

5 million? Sounds a bit high. How much have they sold so far? They have 9 months left at most.


5 million? Sounds a bit high. How much have they sold so far? They have 9 months left at most.

NPD is at 1.008 million right now. Using that number to do simple average sales per month would put them at 3.528 for the year, which is pretty dreary but roughly at pace with the Gamecube. If sales pick up through the spring months and they have a good holiday, 5 million isn't totally out of reach.
NPD is at 1.008 million right now. Using that number to do simple average sales per month would put them at 3.528 for the year, which is pretty dreary but roughly at pace with the Gamecube. If sales pick up through the spring months and they have a good holiday, 5 million isn't totally out of reach.

I think taking the launch months to get the average, considering the last 2 months have been well below 80k is a bit too optimistic.

The way WiiU is doing, I'm thinking it'll be lucky to even sell a million more in the US in those 9 months before the new consoles launch.


Yay Dead Space and Yay Fire Emblem! Great games, hope they continue to sell. I actually expected a drop in wii u sales, so 66k is somewhat surprising to me.


I think taking the launch months to get the average, considering the last 2 months have been well below 80k is a bit too optimistic.

The way WiiU is doing, I'm thinking it'll be lucky to even sell a million more in the US in those 9 months before the new consoles launch.

The rest of the year is 10 months of NPD data, not 9. Also, it's not unlikely that the Wii U's second holiday will be better than launch; 360, PS3, and Wii all pulled it off due to a combination of better supply and stronger libraries one year in. Supply was never an issue with the Wii U, Nintendo's probably launching at least a few big first party titles by the end of the year, and a price cut is also a possibility.


The 3DS did 262k last February. 262k-189k= 73k decrease from last year. That´s a big decrease in 3DS sales YOY.

There were quite a few big releases early last year, no? Resident Evil and Kid Icarus. Apart from the hard to find Fire Emblem, there is nothing until Luigi's Mansion, after that there's a good few months of release including Animal Crossing in June and April should bring DCKR. Also MK7 and 3D Land coming after Christmas helped. I think there were new colours then too, and it was coming off the price drop no?


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
The 3DS did 262k last February. 262k-189k= 73k decrease from last year. That´s a big decrease.

It's the consequence of not having something titles like 3D Land and MK7 sustaining the console after the Holidays. Nintendo botched the Holiday lineup, and this is the result, especially considering Holiday sales eroded all the advantage the console had compared to 2011 (well...thanks to two more months counted too :p )and provoked a decrease compared to 2011. At least, weekly average increase at 63% has been quite big, almost 10% bigger than last year. So, it could be a good sign for next month, when 3DS will have many things, especially at the end of the month.
Nintendo Ecosystem:


Here's the point I was trying to make last month:

January and February are the slowest retail months of the year. There were people willing to predict the eminent doom of the Wii U (and Nintendo as a company) based on ONE month of sales. People were honestly expecting February to be worse, and in fact, it was slightly better.

Point being (if I hadn't made it clear enough), no one has enough data to conclude the Nintendo ecosystem is in any trouble. There's simply not enough data to draw that conclusion.

What I don't understand is how, Nintendo is:

1) Managing a handheld (3DS) which is doing great.

2) Possessing a console (The Wii U) which had a successful launch that sold slightly over 3 million world wide during the holiday season; more than both the X360 and the PS3 did in their respective launches.

3) Hiring more developers in not only Japan, but the US as well. This includes developers from studios such as Naughty Dog and Vigil Games to name a few

4) Nintendo building brand new corporate buildings to host entirely brand new development studios

5) Majority of 3rd party developers saying nothing but good things about the Wii U.

...Yet, Nintendo is doomed - but, somehow, Sony, who is:

1) Losing investors immediately after the PS4 unveiling.

2) Selling off corporate assets such as separate smaller companies under their umbrella and whole corporate buildings.

3) Laying off workers.

4) Shutting down development studios

5) Reporting billion dollar loses year after year (for 5 years in a row)

6) Losing relevancy in their stock

7) Undergoing severe restructuring

Somehow, Sony is doing great! They don't show any signs of going 3rd party or even disappearing off the face of the map. Does this make any sense to you? It doesn't make any sense to me!


Someone ran the YoY and YTD numbers for dedicated handhelds earlier in the thread and it wasn't pretty at all.

The whole industry's down 25% YoY, though, isn't it? 262 to 189 is only a little worse than that. Also, 3DS has a fantastic lineup for the rest of the year.


Here's the point I was trying to make last month:

January and February are the slowest retail months of the year. There were people willing to predict the eminent doom of the Wii U (and Nintendo as a company) based on ONE month of sales. People were honestly expecting February to be worse, and in fact, it was slightly better.

Point being (if I hadn't made it clear enough), no one has enough data to conclude the Nintendo ecosystem is in any trouble. There's simply not enough data to draw that conclusion.

What I don't understand is how, Nintendo is:

1) Managing a handheld (3DS) which is doing great.

2) Possessing a console (The Wii U) which had a successful launch that sold slightly over 3 million world wide during the holiday season; more than both the X360 and the PS3 did in their respective launches.

3) Hiring more developers in not only Japan, but the US as well. This includes developers from studios such as Naughty Dog and Vigil Games to name a few

4) Nintendo building brand new corporate buildings to host entirely brand new development studios

5) Majority of 3rd party developers saying nothing but good things about the Wii U.

...Yet, Nintendo is doomed - but, somehow, Sony, who is:

1) Losing investors immediately after the PS4 unveiling.

2) Selling off corporate assets such as separate smaller companies under their umbrella and whole corporate buildings.

3) Laying off workers.

4) Shutting down development studios

5) Reporting billion dollar loses year after year (for 5 years in a row)

6) Losing relevancy in their stock

7) Undergoing severe restructuring

Somehow, Sony is doing great! They don't show any signs of going 3rd party or even disappearing off the face of the map. Does this make any sense to you? It doesn't make any sense to me!

Well some of the stuff you said isnt correct and the rest is why Sony are indeed doing great (well better).
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