NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]


It is logical that the massive snow front in January would have impacted sales somewhat. Not drastically, but how many people would go out in a massive blizzard with 2 foot of snow to pick up a console?

I forgot about it and thought that last month be the new baseline, but it appears I was mistaken due to this.

Everyone in America with a car and a Wal-Mart within three miles of them?

Read: Millions of people.

Miles X

I was questioning the bundle myself. But then I remembered that MS completely owned the US, sometimes with 4x the sales of the PS3. So yet another month where they fall behind instead of catch up, even if it isn't as bad as january, is still pretty bad.

Hence... bundles.

You really are full of it. That happened once. Halo 3 month.


Even Microsoft's press releases are ads for Titanfall ...

Should be ~124K for PS3+Wii, based on that 43% remark.

Curious if despite better than expected performance Wii U still ended up worst selling home console platform besides the Wii.

We all know Vita holds that crown.

edit: Missed the home console part. Ouya's got that, but Wii U's probably second worst.


The Bravely Default numbers warm the cockles of my heart. That it took so long to come here is annoying but at least it paid off.

A real shame they didn't give Inazuma Eleven a shot earlier. This was a series that would have been very successful here at retail.
damn, so pretty much any new game released in feb for both PS4 and xbox one could have charted, i know a some people that hated Thief but bought it cause they needed a new game for their new systems


"With Xbox One and Xbox 360 combined, the Xbox platform sold more hardware than any other home console platform" ...weird spin...

Unless they're trying to say that they sold more than "PlayStation" home consoles?
They'll post a new shipment number at next quarterly report.

well they outsold ps3 from the looks of it and maybe they outsold it by more than the difference between ps4 and xb1 so that puts the xbox family ahead. it is very possible. i am going to guess ps3 is like 80-85k
My XBO #s were WAY off. Underestimated PS4 #s too but not by too much. Don't even know if I bothered w/ Wii U lol.

But still, has there ever been a case with a console that underperforms compared to it's predecessor in its first January, yet bests its first February? And by 100,000? Good turnaround either way for XBO, but gotta wonder how many of those were for TitanFall.

Boy howdy, I wasn't expecting Lightning Returns to sell so poorly.

Xbone might pull ahead in March!
If you mean in LTD NA, hell to the no. There's, what, a 500,000+ deficit btwn XBO and PS4 in the States? And I got a funny feeling a lot of Feb's uptick was in anticipation for TitanFall.

It's just such a dramatic uptick from January, there isn't much reason someone who didn't pick up an XBO in Jan would suddenly buy it a month later except for a big game coming or a beta for a big game that month. And surprise, TitanFall had its beta last month.

Still tho, good for XBO. March will be very interesting.
Well when you release two sequels to a lukewarm game... this is what happens.

Yeah. I somewhat understand XIII-2 as XIII sold rather well (or at least shipped a lot of units...) and they could recycle a lot of assets. After XIII-2 bomba I never understand how in the hell they greenlighted Lighting Returns though.


They should just make Bravely Default their main game. It certainly doesn't suffer from the acute case of sequelitis the FF series has now.

I think they're finally doing the reverse of what they did before and making FF titles into new IPs instead of other series/teams into FF titles.

This has the benefit of less reliance on one brand's image and each brand can cater to its own audience.

Like if you liked FF12, then you've gotten no games like it from Square since 2006 whereas if it was an Ogre console game or whatever they could have made another title without fretting that it didn't fit the FF brand enough.

Bravely Default as a series picks up where SNES era (especially FF5) FF left off, and I feel they should continue diversifying in that manner with mainline FF doing whatever makes sense to sell 6+ million in the modern market.
BD charting is surprising, but the news here is that a new handheld JRPG IP almost sold as much as the new FF console entry.

That should set all the fucking alarms at SE HQ....


Will they though? They are currently out pacing the xbox 360 by a huge margin. That's a huge plus in their books

True. MS's goal has always been to be profitable by their third console. If they can do that without outselling the PS4, then being outsold by the PS4 is fine with them.


Wow. I'm actually surprised by how good the Xbone numbers are this month. I realise that the PS4 is still supply constrained but the numbers for Feb are far closer than I ever thought they would be.

I'm not sure just how much of that is down to 'Titanfall preparation' among gamers but it's at least healthy for the industry as a whole...., right?
I wonder how much more Bravely Default would have sold if it had been given a FF branding in the west?

It did start out as the sequel to FWoL didn't it?


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
The diminishing or lack of Nintendo titles YOY in NPD's reports is troublesome to say the least.

Hopefully, Nintendo will be proactive their next fiscal-year as they are finishing off this one with a whimper with Yoshi's Island and a non-existing Wii U game.


Battlefield going forward can forget about competing with COD. The brand has been damaged. The one year they could have at least made gains they completely fucked it up.
So, judging by MS's PR release, PS3<85.3k
Not sure how you got that?
US is their only hope.
I can see the argument I suppose. The US and the UK were the best territories for the 360, so good for them that they essentially counteracted the RoW sales going the other way.

Currently they're seeing second place sales in the US and UK and presumably RoW going even further the other way. And they'll want to reverse that obviously.
is the ps4 still that supply constrained in the US? I've been comfortably able to get one for a while now.

sales all around look bad imo


I wonder how much more Bravely Default would have sold if it had been given a FF branding in the west?

It did start out as the sequel to FWoL didn't it?

Probably worse. The brand means shit right now. FF spin off games have a stigma that they are already bad from the start unless they have tactics in the title.
As a side note I feel Square Enix should re-evaluate how they're handling the Final Fantasy brand.

I realize this is a spin-off, but still it's a Final Fantasy console game with a number in it, so this is kind of pathetic.

Dump Toriyama - Dump Lighting.

Kill the pink-haired Cloud, save the brand

February NPD Group figures released today showed that Xbox One continues selling at a record-breaking pace with 258,000 units sold in the U.S. in the month of February, surpassing Xbox 360 sales by over 61 percent at the same point in time.

And, Xbox 360 continues to grow its install base with 114,000 units sold in February in the U.S. in its 100th month on the market in the U.S., more than any other seventh generation console. The growing fan base for Xbox 360 will have their opportunity to play &#8220;Titanfall,&#8221; when it launches on Xbox 360 on March 25.

With Xbox One and Xbox 360 combined, the Xbox platform sold more hardware than any other home console platform and held 43 percent of the home console market share in the U.S.

Highlights from February 2014 NPD include:

Xbox One continues to see impressive software sales with an average of 2.75 games sold per console.
Xbox One sold 772,000 games in February and Xbox 360 sold 2.46 million, totaling 48 percent of the total software market share (Xbox 360 and Xbox One combined).
During the month of February, Xbox One and Xbox 360 both held five of the top 10 spots on the generation eight and generation seven console game lists in the U.S. respectively:
Xbox One top titles in the generation eight console game title list in the U.S. include: &#8220;NBA 2K14,&#8221; &#8220;Battlefield 4,&#8221; and &#8220;Thief,&#8221; &#8220;Call of Duty: Ghosts,&#8221; and &#8220;Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare.&#8221;
Xbox 360 top titles in the generation seven console game title list in the U.S. include: &#8220;NBA 2K14,&#8221; &#8220;Call of Duty: Ghosts,&#8221; &#8220;Fable Anniversary,&#8221; &#8220;Grand Theft Auto V,&#8221; &#8220;Minecraft,&#8221; &#8220;The LEGO Movie Videogame.&#8221;

Damn it I'm soooo slow
As a side note I feel Square Enix should re-evaluate how they're handling the Final Fantasy brand.

I realize this is a spin-off, but still it's a Final Fantasy console game with a number in it, so this is kind of pathetic.
Meanwhile they passed on localizing a dinky little 3DS game and it did just as well as LR on a much smaller user base.

Square-Enix's business model is completely fucking nonsensical.

Their biggest success with FF recently has been the HD port of X which was the last time the series was an event (no offense to XII).


I think the fact that Bravely Default did similarily to it is what they should really pay attention to.

Related to this what do you think BD's performance in the US means for the franchise considering your speculation that they were expecting growth for the sequel?

I feel it's positive since I think it takes the burden off of JP sales as the only notable source of revenue.

Presumably series continuation decisions will no longer be made solely on Japanese sales potential, which puts a nice buffer on having to make up any budget increases they give the sequels, and I wouldn't be surprised if Square publishes the next one themselves in the West.

Basically my theory is in the long run they want something that resembles the profits of a 1+ million seller and if they can do a fair amount of that overseas I don't think they need to trend as strongly in Japan.
BD charting is surprising, but the news here is that a new handheld JRPG IP almost sold as much as the new FF console entry.

That should set all the fucking alarms at SE HQ....

The only alarm they should get is that a half-decent JRPG will sell better than a game that isn't decent at all.

Hopefully the lesson is that they should make good games.


Sales-Age Genius
As a side note I feel Square Enix should re-evaluate how they're handling the Final Fantasy brand.

I realize this is a spin-off, but still it's a Final Fantasy console game with a number in it, so this is kind of pathetic.

Some (including me) see it as FFXIII-3.

Either way XIII-2 opened with 380k, like Japan and Europe Lighting had a big decline.


love on your sleeve
I see MS beating Sony in the U.S this year in LTD. If the xbox one is $400 before the holidays,i see MS winning the holidays and LTD.

Sony's momentum should easily run through the summer and If Sony and Activision bundle Destiny with PS4 as rumored, I think that's going to win them the holiday pretty comfortably.



How can it be record breaking when the ps4 is breaking ahead?


Both did very well

Record breaking pace I s'pose if you look at January and February numbers they increased by around 84%, at least they were more transparent this month no astrix included...
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