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NPD Sales Results for July 2007


Merovingian said:
Ooh. So, why do we get these numbers still? (The ones in this thread)

Basically Gaf made a deal with NPD we would get some NPD numbers directly with the promise of banning/expulging the leaks of the actual NPD.

Of course we were promised alot more. but alas we take what we can get these days. I aint complaining.


can someone please answer me this
why is it the ps3 is outselling the 360 worlwide right now
the 360 selling less than 10000 in japan right now(one of the big three) and yet this thread is full of xbots predicting doom and gloom for sony when its their console which outside of north america( where its selling kinda decent) is actually flopping harder than than the
it kinda boggles the freaking mind


I'll actually read this thread tomorrow, so sorry if this has already been discussed.

What we saw in July this morning was that Europe seemed to be getting a tremendous upswing in stock for the Wii. I thought this was just a matter of Nintendo catching PAL up, as they've been very lagging on shipments through June. Now with the U.S. July number showing > 100K per week in shipments compared to ~75K per week in June, I think it's safe to say that Nintendo has upped shipments to both territories.

"Delayed increase in production" - my foot.

Now we just have to see when Japan is going to see this increase begin. ;)


elostyle said:
Should I invest in activision? Give me your thoughts gaf! The continued guitar hero success certainly is mindblowing.

I'm thinking hard about it too. I expect big things from GH3 on Wii and COD4.
Grecco said:
Basically Gaf made a deal with NPD we would get some NPD numbers directly with the promise of banning/expulging the leaks of the actual NPD.

Of course we were promised alot more. but alas we take what we can get these days. I aint complaining.

borghe said:
Because NPD worked out an agreement with neogaf management to post the numbers.

Cool. This is all new for me. Damn, NeoGaf has like a special status. Yeah i ain't complaining either.
tha_con said:
Anyone care to think it's not really a matter of people wanting a PS3, rather, them wanting to spend $500 to get a PS3?

I know a LOT of people who want one.

I don't know a lot of people who want one at $500.

The buzz is most certainly still there, and people 'want' them, but until it drops in price, it won't be shattering records. Still, as has been pointed out, isn't it selling better than the PS1 and PS2?

That's not much to go buy, but I certainly wouldn't start proclaiming doom and gloom.

Sony could still break 100M this generation, and honestly, they could probably care less about 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Selling consoles and making money is what's important, and if PS3 makes Blu-ray a success, then sony could give a shit about VG's and the Playstation brand.

:lol :lol :lol

1. Everyone said that a year ago, and Sony fans (and Sony) said people would buy them anyway.
2. Hype can die off after 2 years of waiting for the price to come down while two competitors are releasing an onslaught of games and are continually at a lower price.
3. PS1 was a total unknown and PS2 was in shortage and only out in one territory. You know something PS3 is selling worse than? GameCube.
4. Sony will NOT break 100M this generation.
5. I thought it was Nintendo fans who cared more about corporate profitability than their own console? Why do Blu Ray sales console you? Why are you cool with the thought that Sony doesn't care about your games? Which I don't believe btw.

I can't believe they are still in the top ten. One has a $90 price barrier...Ridiculous


FortunateSon said:
And again, with that comment. "Sony's stuck in 3rd". Guy, they aren't. They have many siituations in-hand which can play out differenlt and turn the tides. You never know.

This is truth.

They could always use the PS3's fourth-dimension gameplay abilities to travel back in time and stop themselves from inventing the PS3, thereby creating a time paradox that destroys existence as we know it.

At least then they'd go out on top.
mabuza said:
can someone please answer me this
why is it the ps3 is outselling the 360 worlwide right now
the 360 selling less than 10000 in japan right now(one of the big three) and yet this thread is full of xbots predicting doom and gloom for sony when its their console which outside of north america( where its selling kinda decent) is actually flopping harder than than the
it kinda boggles the freaking mind

Developer advantage and price advantage will keep it from ever being overtaken by Sony anywhere on Earth.

ETA: I mean, Worldwide, obvs.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Holy shit. That's a landmark. 360 is pretty much guaranteed massive and possibly even preferential third party support for the rest of this gen.

Yup, it's pretty damn impressive:


397k on 360 vs 392k on PS2+PS3


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
mabuza said:
can someone please answer me this
why is it the ps3 is outselling the 360 worlwide right now
the 360 selling less than 10000 in japan right now(one of the big three) and yet this thread is full of xbots predicting doom and gloom for sony when its their console which outside of north america( where its selling kinda decent) is actually flopping harder than than the
it kinda boggles the freaking mind
because worldwide the PS3 is barely outselling the 360, which is mostly taking into account japan which is kindda a crap shoot anyway being that both systems are sucking wind over there. still, barely outselling the 360 won't narrow that monster install base gap.. if the PS3 keeps "outselling" the 360 at their current rates the 360 will still be 2nd place by the end of the gen.

AdmiralViscen said:
5. I thought it was Nintendo fans who cared more about corporate profitability than their own console? Why do Blu Ray sales console you? Why are you cool with the thought that Sony doesn't care about your games? Which I don't believe btw.
didn't you get the memo? Sony fans are this gen's version of Nintendo fans.


I would bang a hot farmer!
mabuza said:
can someone please answer me this
why is it the ps3 is outselling the 360 worlwide right now
the 360 selling less than 10000 in japan right now(one of the big three) and yet this thread is full of xbots predicting doom and gloom for sony when its their console which outside of north america( where its selling kinda decent) is actually flopping harder than than the
it kinda boggles the freaking mind
This is where I would post the pic of what Americans think of the rest of the world (the one with dragons) but I don't want to be banned.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
donny2112 said:
I'll actually read this thread tomorrow, so sorry if this has already been discussed.

What we saw in July this morning was that Europe seemed to be getting a tremendous upswing in stock for the Wii. I thought this was just a matter of Nintendo catching PAL up, as they've been very lagging on shipments through June. Now with the U.S. July number showing > 100K per week in shipments compared to ~75K per week in June, I think it's safe to say that Nintendo has upped shipments to both territories.

"Delayed increase in production" - my foot.

Now we just have to see when Japan is going to see this increase begin. ;)

Yup, noticed this as well. I thought Japan had started to see a consistent increase as well but then it dipped back down to about 65K a week. This month's sales also tells me Nintendo has plenty in reserve; if they can ship 460K units to N.A without a big release in sight, I gotta believe they have plenty of units ready for when their big titles hit.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
tha_con said:
Where are full software numbers? I'm hearing word of 100K for Mario Strikers and 90K for RE4?

IMO, if you have 10 million consoles, you should be pushing a lot more software....right?

I mean, it's not doom and gloom, but that certainly doesn't sit well with me. Of course, this is still the beginning of the Wii's life cycle, and the casuals obviously don't buy much more than minigames, but still. Wow @ Wii Play pushing almost 300K. 5 months after release.

its not 10 million in the US. in the US they are still behind the 360 by more than 2 million. chargers was only on sale for 1 week and RE4 is a port of an old GC game and is lookijng to do very well..
BenjaminBirdie said:
Unfortunately for Sony (and not just the PS3) a major sports title sold more on the 360 than the PS2. With about, what, 1/10th the userbase? So they'll have no problem putting out their own games, but publishers (and there are an assload of them) need to make their money somewhere. And Sony has to show them that they can make money on their platform. But even if they do, they'll just (at this point) get included at the table and get the same kind of "just as good" ports as they've been getting all year, but for the next five years, displaying no evidence to gamers why they should spend that much more for their console. After all, multiplatform games have yet to show a significant advantage.

But as you said, you think Sony could give a shit about video games and the Playstation brand. If that's really their mindset, then I suppose they could end up fine from their perspective. Realistically though, I can't imagine that this is the case.

Ummm, did you ever think that maybe the Ps2 fanbse were busy buying Guitar Hero 80's. :D

And the PS2 version of NCAA still managed to chart. Madden will tell the tale though. :p

I'd rather listen to someone who cites history than someone who cites... what exactly? Faith?

Jsut so you know, history is bullshit. You know something called Wii? That phenomenon just happened out pof the left field. Don't predict what happens in this generation if you want to go by history.

About the only people who aren't calling a weak third place for Sony this gen are the diehard Sony faithfuls.. and god bless 'em. Without them there probably wouldn't be a Sony console next gen.

:lol :lol :lol

Weak 3rd place? Is there such thing? Are you trying to say that the Ps3 will do worst than the Gc?

It's already been confirmed by GameStop that 360 sales have doubled in August. And starting Madden Week, every week or two a massive 360 title is dropping, pretty much until the end of the year.

For some reason, I don't believe that. Numbers tell the tale. So now we play the waiting game.

Unfortunately, the 360 is not standing still. We'll see this July -> August pattern probably repeat every time Sony drops the price. They just barely catch up to the 360 for a month and then next month 360 drops the price again. It could very well happen again and again over the next five years, widening the gap between the two.

When Ps3 gets cheaper, a couple of other things come into play, for one, brand recognition. Say what you want but companies don't simply build up a strong brand name for no reason.
tha_con said:
Anyone care to think it's not really a matter of people wanting a PS3, rather, them wanting to spend $500 to get a PS3?

I know a LOT of people who want one.

I don't know a lot of people who want one at $500.

The buzz is most certainly still there, and people 'want' them, but until it drops in price, it won't be shattering records. Still, as has been pointed out, isn't it selling better than the PS1 and PS2?

That's not much to go buy, but I certainly wouldn't start proclaiming doom and gloom.

Sony could still break 100M this generation, and honestly, they could probably care less about 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Selling consoles and making money is what's important, and if PS3 makes Blu-ray a success, then sony could give a shit about VG's and the Playstation brand.

Maybe they should put that in commercials.

PlayStation 3: We could give a shit about videogames and the PlayStation brand.
FightyF said:
Isn't this where Sony wants to be? Virtually neck and neck with the 360 in NA, and outselling it everywhere else?

I think the biggest and most glaring stat is the fact that the Wii is outselling everything, including the PS2, handily.
Not really. 360 has about a 6 million unit lead on PS3 worldwide. If Sony wants a real chance to be 2nd this gen, they have to start REALLY outselling 360 on a month to month basis. As it is, I think Ps3 slightly outsold 360 worldwide for the month of July, the first time it has done that since PS3's European launch in March. And July was the month Ps3 had a price drop. That is the best month PS3 is going to have for a long time IMO in comparison to the 360.

In August, I expect 360 to go back to outselling PS3 worldwide. The price drop in the US has seemed to really increase sales and it is dropping prices across the board in Europe next week. Couple that with the launch of Bioshock and Madden 08, and I expect 360 sales to be QUITE good in August.

And the sales will just continue to steamroll from there, as Halo 3 comes out in September.

360 is in GOOD shape. Sure, 170k per month isn't a good number but July was the last month it was at its original launch price (its 21st month at that price point). I expect at least 225k 360s sold next month in the US.

The 360 DOES have a very good installed base already. That is the BIGGEST difference between it and PS3 at this point. And 360 software sales are amazing, and that is what it is all about in the end, right? Software sales?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
FortunateSon said:
Weak 3rd place? Is there such thing? Are you trying to say that the Ps3 will do worst than the Gc?
ummmmmmmmmmm...... it's almost level with GCN right now... just barely ahead of it... is that really what the Sony fan is resorting to now? "Hey, at least it's not doing as bad as the Gamecube."
So it seems unlikely that Nintendo sent more (proportionally) Wiis to the US in July, at least judging by software releases. So perhaps is the disproportionate increase of Wii sales (compared to the other consoles) a sign that perhaps NPD's multiplier for Wii was incorrect before? Sonycowboy has said that this month was the first in which NPD had hard data for all of the big internet stores (amazon, bestbuy.com, etc), and I wonder if that accounts for some of the increase for Wii?


mabuza said:
can someone please answer me this
why is it the ps3 is outselling the 360 worlwide right now
the 360 selling less than 10000 in japan right now(one of the big three) and yet this thread is full of xbots predicting doom and gloom for sony when its their console which outside of north america( where its selling kinda decent) is actually flopping harder than than the
it kinda boggles the freaking mind

Software sales and attach rates. Kinda hard to argue with that.


FortunateSon said:
Weak 3rd place? Is there such thing? Are you trying to say that the Ps3 will do worst than the Gc?

Currently, the PS3 is doing worse than the Gamecube in both hardware and software sold, so...
tha_con said:
Sony could still break 100M this generation, and honestly, they could probably care less about 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.

No. I think it's way past time we got some more realistic expectations.

Selling consoles and making money is what's important, and if PS3 makes Blu-ray a success, then sony could give a shit about VG's and the Playstation brand.

This has become increasingly clear over the course of the year. Dropping the price of your $600 hardware and bundling movies instead of games to spur sales should be an obvious hint.

Xbox360 doubling its numbers in August? Uh, no. If I'm not wrong, when Gears came out, 360 hardware barely got a bump in hardware sales. So, you think with Madden and a $50 price drop (which by all means isn't a significant drop. Nothing big at all) will push big numbers for the 360?

Gamestop, who also reported the PS3 sales doubling, reports that the 360 sales (almost) doubled after the price drop. If 360 sales increase 80%, they'll be over 300k, which will be more than enough to outsell the PS2 and PSP, and it looks like August will be the lowest Month for the remainder of the year.


FortunateSon said:
When Ps3 gets cheaper, a couple of other things come into play, for one, brand recognition. Say what you want but companies don't simply build up a strong brand name for no reason.

People can develop a negative view of a brand as well if they do not like what they see.


I would bang a hot farmer!
borghe said:
ummmmmmmmmmm...... it's almost level with GCN right now... just barely ahead of it... is that really what the Sony fan is resorting to now? "Hey, at least it's not doing as bad as the Gamecube."
Not in the US, the PS3 is 380K behind the GCN.
FortunateSon said:
When Ps3 gets cheaper, a couple of other things come into play, for one, brand recognition. Say what you want but companies don't simply build up a strong brand name for no reason.

Yes, it will sell better than it is selling now. But, and you really seem to be avoiding this fact, 360's price advantage will DILUTE any advantage brand recognition offers Sony by having a larger library and a lower price. Let's say in 2009 Sony can finally offer up a $279 SKU. What price will the 360 be at? What games will be available for it? How much will Halo 3 cost then? How much will MS have paid 2K for Irrational (or just a BioShock II exclusive)?

MS had the advantage from PS3 launch day and Sony had to have spent this year mercilessly hammering away at them, the way Nintendo has elegantly and effortlessly done. They did not. It almost seems inevitable that they will be in third place, worldwide, for the rest of this gen.
justjohn said:
like japan?

I have my doubts that Japan matters for the HD consoles. Wii seems like it's going to steal all the focus, and in the end japanese Devs when developing for the PS3 will have to take into account the rest of the world.

I think past are the days when japanese devs could think about making a game just for the japanese on the PS3.


DayShallCome said:
So it seems unlikely that Nintendo sent more (proportionally) Wiis to the US in July, at least judging by software releases. So perhaps is the disproportionate increase of Wii sales (compared to the other consoles) a sign that perhaps NPD's multiplier for Wii was incorrect before? Sonycowboy has said that this month was the first in which NPD had hard data for all of the big internet stores (amazon, bestbuy.com, etc), and I wonder if that accounts for some of the increase for Wii?

Nintendo in all honesty had to have boosted production theres just no other way to explain it. Japan Hardware sale is up again this week as well by almost 9,000 units for the Wii. Europe is saying they are moving 90,000 Wii a week in the summertime period right now. thats 360,000 a month.

Nintendo is pushing out roughly 1.2 million console sales a month in the slowest sales periods of the year


Worships the porcelain goddess
Culex said:
Currently, the PS3 is doing worse than the Gamecube in both hardware and software sold, so...

Is this true?

IF so...damn. Not a lot you can say after realizing that.

How's it tracking compared to the Saturn? :D
Merovingian said:
I have my doubts that Japan matters for the HD consoles. Wii seems like it's going to steal all the focus, and in the end japanese Devs when developing for the PS3 will have to take into account the rest of the world.

I think past are the days when japanese devs could think about making a game just for the japanese on the PS3.

Absolutely. They're doing "okay" but "okay" isn't going to be enough to justify the long term development of hi-def titles for the console.
FortunateSon said:
For some reason, I don't believe that. Numbers tell the tale. So now we play the waiting game.
Numbers tell the tale but given the numbers we have so far, everything is completely unpredictable?

FortunateSon said:
When Ps3 gets cheaper, a couple of other things come into play, for one, brand recognition. Say what you want but companies don't simply build up a strong brand name for no reason.

You're right. Image how much the 600$ PS3 would be selling if it was Sony's first entrance into the market.


Wow, so sonycowboy said to stop bringing psforums stuff in here because it was just stupid, then Mr. ps3forums, complete with all of the stupidity of the forums himself, FortunateSon waltzes in. This is classic.

The Playstation brand has lost a lot of it's power in less than a year. Honestly Playstation doesn't seem to be linked with video games any more. I don't think Wii or 360 is yet, but there's no automatic brand associated with gaming.


Culex said:
Currently, the PS3 is doing worse than the Gamecube in both hardware and software sold, so...
Yup. What say you now FortunateSon?

Short of Nintendo falling into the ocean, and Microsoft going bankrupt, the PS3 is in the worst possible position anyone on planet earth, our solar system, and our Galaxy could have imagined it in as of right now, and unless both of those things happen, it isnt going anywhere.

If it doesnt start picking up, and soon, games will start to disapear from release list's at an alarming rate.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Fuzzy said:
Not in the US, the PS3 is 380K behind the GCN.
ok, THAT fucking wraps up that conversation then.. for all the shit GCN took on the chin regarding sales in the US, that instantly puts the PS3 in troubled waters... Sony fans don't get to laugh about GCN sales for 5 years and then say "PS3 isn't doing too bad" when its sales are worse...



Merovingian said:
I have my doubts that Japan matters for the HD consoles. Wii seems like it's going to steal all the focus, and in the end japanese Devs when developing for the PS3 will have to take into account the rest of the world.

I think past are the days when japanese devs could think about making a game just for the japanese on the PS3.
:lol what i'm trying to say here is that 360 sales in japan and most of europe is attrocious.
in fact its dead in japan. nothing can save it. in europe with the exception of the uk its not looking too good. so my main problem with this thread is the constant doom and gloom surrounding the ps3 whilst on the other hand some people in this thread are somehow conviniently trying to pretend these regions dont exist and the 360 is a sucess when its far from it.
i'm not trying to spin sony's numbers, they're not good, what baffles me is somehow the 360 is being left off the hook when in reality its actually worse than the ps3.
yeah it has a bigger install base than the ps3, well its been been out for almost a year and a half earlier than the ps3


Hmmm SDF makes a good point:
The Sony Family showed very strong July sales with a total of 595,000 pieces of hardware sold. In comparison only 170,000 Xbox 360s were sold and the Sony platform even managed to outsell the much hyped Nintendo Wii which only reached a total of 425,000 sold. Here is the complete breakdown of U.S. game sales in July:

PlayStation Platforms 595k
Wii 425 k
Nintendo DS 405 k
Xbox 360 170k
Game Boy Advance 87k

Looks like the gaming world still belongs to Sony.


:lol :lol :lol
moku said:
Yup. What say you now FortunateSon?

Short of Nintendo falling into the ocean, and Microsoft going bankrupt, the PS3 is in the worst possible position anyone on planet earth, our solar system, and our Galaxy could have imagined it in as of right now, and unless both of those things happen, it isnt going anywhere.

If it doesnt start picking up, and soon, games will start to disapear from release list's at an alarming rate.

Sony's problem is, ironically enough, all of the things that are its potential strength to gamers. Their best games are high cost, high profile titles that take a lot of care to develop. Unfortunately, those kinds of games cost the most money. Sony has a year to show publishers that it is worth the investment. They're not off to the most promising start and if they spend the rest of the gen merely getting comporable multiplatform offerings, they will be staring at the fuzzy end of the lollipop, not MS.


Why do people think Madden is all of sudden a 360 system sell? Its on 10 different freaking consoles no one going to run out and buy a 360 for madden.


borghe said:
ok, THAT fucking wraps up that conversation then.. for all the shit GCN took on the chin regarding sales in the US, that instantly puts the PS3 in troubled waters... Sony fans don't get to laugh about GCN sales for 5 years and then say "PS3 isn't doing too bad" when its sales are worse...

I agree. Last year, had anyone said that things were going to be this bad for the PS3, they would have been shot out of the ban cannon into the fucking sun.

Now its okay to "har har" the gamecube when the PS3 is behind it?


I would bang a hot farmer!
borghe said:
ok, THAT fucking wraps up that conversation then.. for all the shit GCN took on the chin regarding sales in the US, that instantly puts the PS3 in troubled waters... Sony fans don't get to laugh about GCN sales for 5 years and then say "PS3 isn't doing too bad" when its sales are worse...

To be fair, the GCN had a pretty good launch. If you compare the GCN's first 7 months of 2002 to the PS3's first 7 months of 2007 then the PS3 is up ~140K.
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