You guys are going kind of over board here. the xbone in no way failing or in need of saving at this time.

You guys are going kind of over board here. the xbone in no way failing or in need of saving at this time.
Who gives a shit about Xbone Vs PS4? The real question on everyone's mind is how much the Wii U sold.
If that was the case, then why is Titan Fall not allowed to come to PS4?i thought they just basically paid for it to be made since no one else would
I have a X1 and still went this route
It's over, period. Microsoft lost their last ace, and that's the end of their Xbox One hopes and dreams.
It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for Xbox One. Microsoft has nothing left, nothing they can reveal tomorrow would fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for any one, hardcore or casual, to substantively invest in a Xbox One. Except if they want to play Titanfall. Which will also come to PS4 at some point.
Sony took the last reason away that anyone would NEED to own a Xbox One over a PS4 (except TV SPORTS KINECT LOL GAMING), and the cavalcade of tiny titles that will be nice but won't stir up any sales is not going to salvage the bloated, overdesigned behemoth that was Xbox One.
There may be some hardcore gamer's that stick around. Some did it for Gamecube. But the last bell tolled. Maybe next decade.
The age of Microsoft is done.
Who gives a shit about Xbone Vs PS4? The real question on everyone's mind is how much the Wii U sold.
311,000 units. My god, that's all it could muster with Titanfall gun there.
They hyped it to high heavens, but only people who seemed to care enough to fork out money were existing Xbox One owners.
It does showcase just how little E3 awards, hype, enthusiast gaming media means. The game barely exists in the conciseness of most normal people out there. Yet in our little gaming world its the biggest game release since GTA5, its certainly been billed that way.
I disagree. 5 million consoles in 6 months is not bad at all. The PS4 is just selling extremely well.
I think the DRM debacle angered people more than we thought. They certainly didn't respond to a price drop and a game bundle like we expected. It is like they are numb to Microsoft right now.
Isn't the X1 like considerably ahead of the 360 at the same point?. I swear the amazing success of PS4 is clouding peoples minds when it comes to X1 sales.
I hope we get the Kinect jettison. I have literally have dozens of posts saved up for crow-serving from the people who insulted me for even considering the Kinect might be dropped from the package as a viable future XBO strategy![]()
You guys are going kind of over board here. the xbone in no way failing or in need of saving at this time.
Wonder if they're shitting themselves right now for not actually putting TF on PS4
This topic is incredibly fun but I have to point something out being a GAF watcher for many years.
PlayStation family and Xbox family. It's funny that both companies have used the same exact spin.
Looks like I didn't make this for nothing.
311k isn't even a 100k increase to february which was a 4 week month
so February:
258k/4 = 64.5k per week.
and March:
311k/5 = 62.2k per week.
IT'S A DECREASE IN SALES PER WEEK???!!?!?! TITANFALL anti-systemseller confirmed???
I wonder how much TitanFall sales were just due to bundle.
Were there price cuts in the US?
Why do you assume I care?** JOKE POST ** ** JOKE POST **
Kevin Dent, Arthur Gies, SpeedyBlueDude, TimDog,
Your boys took one hell of a beating!
You know it's bad news for Microsoft when Arthur Gies is talking about the post office on his a Twitter feed.
yeah seriously. that would be insane if true. truly nuclear