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NPD Sales Results for March 2015 [Up1: Nintendo numbers, PS4 placing]


How's Bloodborne's performance compared to the other Souls games?



As bad as I feel for RAD, I'm kind of glad that this will make a strong message, especially with the contrasting Bloodborne sales. We like good gameplay first and foremost.


As bad as I feel for RAD, I'm kind of glad that this will make a strong message, especially with the contrasting Bloodborne sales. We like good gameplay first and foremost.

Hopefully RAD's next project will have gameplay as their number one priority and it's not like they're a stranger to such a concept. They built their foundation on it. No idea what they were thinking with The Order.
Hopefully RAD's next project will have gameplay as their number one priority and it's not like they're a stranger to such a concept. They built their foundation on it. No idea what they were thinking with The Order.

I maintain The Order had some solid TPS elements at its base - just not enough variety. Those elements were overshadowed by the hand-holding and relatively short, slightly better than average, story. I feel like they could build upon their base and have a successful game assuming they include a MP component.


I maintain The Order had some solid TPS elements at its base - just not enough variety. Those elements were overshadowed by the hand-holding and relatively short, slightly better than average, story.

I thought the gunplay was solid and Galahad was a strong, likeable main character, but everything else was weak. The multiple lycan battles were horrendous and the QTE stealth sections were frustrating.

The ending got me excited for a much improved sequel however, so hopefully they get their chance. I mean, if Sony abandoned every new IP after one failure then they'd be a God of War/Gran Turismo factory.


The Order could still be close to a million WW. Would that still be a bomb?

Since it is ~250k US, I would not think it would be more than 600k world wide.

I for sure would love a sequel, as long as it focused on the story/length and some multiplayer.
that's one brutal ending for the dark knight, i would like a sequel for the order even if it doesnt make business sense

i quite liked the game though i regret it costed me 60$


I just don't see the market hitting those numbers outside of unforeseeable circumstance.
Your PS4 estimate numbers seem reasonable, albeit on the bullish side, but I don't see the WiiU hitting global LTDs of 15 million as it's already moving into its decline period and is likely going to be wound down next year.

I really don't see any way the Xbox One is going to hit 50 million global LTD based on the sales of just one major territory and one sub-territory, outside of insanely aggressive price dumping, and even then if thats what they do end up doing to gain marketshare at the cost of revenue, I don't see them maintaining that beyond the launch of a successor. A successor they would be rushing to market in 2018 to stop Sony first mover advantage.

Basically, I see this gen having a smaller install base than Gen V did, of around 100 million consoles at something like a 65 : 25 : 10 split

Oh wow.

So since I started pushing the 150m number (for end of 2019) at the back end of last year pretty much every GAF member said that I would be wrong and that my forecast was too low and that 150m was easily achievable and would be exceeded.

And then you come out of nowhere and tell me the forecast I made is too high and that it should be lower.

Whilst I don't disagree that the actual install base could be lower, I think your 100m estimate is too low and that you really underestimate both the PS4 and Xbox One. Especially the One as what you're effectively saying is that the Xbox One will have 50% of its sales in 14 months.
Oh wow.

So since I started pushing the 150m number (for end of 2019) at the back end of last year pretty much every GAF member said that I would be wrong and that my forecast was too low and that 150m was easily achievable and would be exceeded.

And then you come out of nowhere and tell me the forecast I made is too high and that it should be lower.

Whilst I don't disagree that the actual install base could be lower, I think your 100m estimate is too low and that you really underestimate both the PS4 and Xbox One. Especially the One as what you're effectively saying is that the Xbox One will have 50% of its sales in 14 months.

Yeah no way ps4 only does 65 mill, thats insane. 100 mill easy. X1 will be close to 20 end of 2015 yet he says 25 mill lifetime? Heck no.


It reviewedd well but it sold like shit, like nearly every Wii U game that's not part of Nintendo's main franchises.

It sold better in the same time period than the PS3 version of Bayo 1. That's alright when you see the userbase size.

Mory Dunz

Since we're doing this...

I'd say 80 mill for ps4. I know it's ahead in everything so far, I just don't see this gen being as long or sales staying at this rate I guess.

For xbox...40 I suppose. 25 seems pretty low considering what it's sold so far. Sticking with the 2:1

For Wii U, 14. Isn't it already at 9.something million? A couple more Christmases and it might be able to get there.
You haven't debunked anything though. That's all speculation and John knows this stuff from the inside.
I explained why his helpful and informative insider insight wasn't relevant here, and therefore only served to distract from what the publishers consider to be the primary concern; the difference in market share. His insight and analysis would be sound in a split market, but that's not what we have here.

Haha, what? Why would I make a game for a certain console if I felt that nobody wanted that console? Are you getting the Wii U and Xbox One mixed up?
They've been outsold roughly 2:1, and the only reason they're even that close is because of the remarkable gains they made during the holiday. Gains which, in your estimation, were driven primarily by uninformed buyers chasing a bargain, and now that purchases are mostly being made by those who know better, PS4 has resumed its commanding sales lead, even in the Bone's strongest market. I don't think it's a mischaracterization to say that the PS4 is clearly the People's Choice.

XBox fans may feel that getting doubled up by the competitor you're specifically targeting is, "Doing pretty good," but according to our insiders, the publishers disagree.

No. That doesn't mean "PS4 haz no gamez". The situation is similar to if (say) Halo 5 got delayed. The would be a big blow to the Xbox One's lineup but that wouldn't mean the system has "no gamez" (as there would still be Forza 6, Tomb Raider, etc.). In that situation, it would be smart for MS to get a deal to help fill in that delay.
As a platform holder, it's smart to get every marketing deal you can lay your hands on, because from your perspective, it doesn't cost you anything, and it improves the strength of your overall brand. One assumes Sony were planning to advertise the PS4 anyway. The only difference is that with a marketing deal, instead of simply saying, "Buy a PS4," the ads will now say, "Buy a PS4 because Blops."

You are stating this as if it's a fact when we don't even know that yet.
I'm discussing the information provided to us. Are you saying we need to table this discussion until the deal is made official? John has no agenda, but LeeRoy and Kyoufu do?


Silly "point" considering the COD series is old now, on a decline, and is known for being a game on various platforms (especially Xbox). It obviously wasn't as old back during the release of previous Halos.
Halo is also old, on a decline, and known for being on multiple platforms especially XBox. Your point?

Yeah, you're definitely in a console war. Huge stretch that you interpreted his post that way (and "platform nobody wants"? haha, really?).
Who's the warrior? The guy saying, "See? I tried to tell you guys market share matters," or the guy trying to make people think it's still all about the bribes?

What the hell is going on. All John Harker did was say that it's all about the Benjamins.

And it is. It's just not always easy to understand. 100 dollars exchanging hands is easy to understand, but there are knock-on effects and all those things to consider.
Except that's not what he said. He said it's simply a matter of who puts together the most extravagant marketing package, directly contradicting what our insiders said (and in direct response to those thinking it was all about the bribes, no less). As I said in my initial post on the subject, it likely is all about the Benjamins, and the fact is that they're collecting twice as many from Sony's box as they are from Microsoft's. No marketing deal is gonna offset double-revenue. So it's about following your market, and not biting the hand that feeds you. Yes, it's all about money, but it's not specifically about the advertising money that John is pointing us to.

None of that is Fear, Uncertainty, & Doubt and interpreting him as spreading "ps4 has no gaemz" narrative is silly.
Having a huge game every two months that gets people to pre-order and walk into GameStop because of it is a good association. So when one game of that caliber (like Uncharted) gets pushed to next year then it's good to have something else take its marketing place. (Like Battlefront.)

Sounds like Sony would've ended up with the Battlefront deal even if UC didn't get bumped. In fact, sounds like that deal was sealed back in October, long before the UC delay was announced. Sure, UC slipping out of the holiday window sucks for them, but there's no indication that Sony are now scrambling to fill holes. That's just more FUD. On the contrary, I would say that announcing the UC delay so early indicates Sony aren't particularly worried about their holiday lineup, or they likely would've spent this year scrambling to get the game finished rather than simply delay it.


I wonder how a MH4HD on wiiu would have done compared to the wiiu version?
The damage is two fold, by wiiu owners not having a triple A game for the 1st quater. Crap I would have even taken a xenoblade HD, just to have something to play. Im not port begging im just suffering.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
It sold better in the same time period than the PS3 version of Bayo 1. That's alright when you see the userbase size.

To clarify, this is happening only in US. This is the territory where the game is "recovering" a bit from the debut's month. Japan sales sucked beyond belief and, for Europe...I won't hold my breath believing it sold that much (we just know it sold 35,000 in France, though, nothing else...the stars will be aligned, cats and dogs will live together and The Last Guardian will be shown at an E3 when we'll know concrete European numbers, so...).


Was banned for 2 weeks and now just looking at the NPD thread and nothings changed. PS4 is king, Xbox One is runner up again and Wii U is barely beating alive. I expect a nice E3 or Black Friday price cuts for Xbox One and PS4's now. Looking forward to the summer :)

Mory Dunz

I wonder how a MH4HD on wiiu would have done compared to the wiiu version?
The damage is two fold, by wiiu owners not having a triple A game for the 1st quater. Crap I would have even taken a xenoblade HD, just to have something to play. Im not port begging im just suffering.

Kirby am cry


You guys got the number wrong.

389, not 398.

I was going to post about it hehe.

The 2 leaks we got was >389k, and <390k, which puts it effectively at 389k and some units.

Still a great result for a single platform over 12 days imo, and within 2.5% of Battlefield Hardline results.
Hi. Been a while.

Why are you guys still talking about The Order and Bayo 2? It's time to move on. Let it go.

Jesus! It means The order sold 15K at best in this month NPD = more than 92% drop.

This got to be some kinda a record.

92% is up there. Final Fantasy XIII also had a 92% decline. Couple others in that range as well. But that is indeed the high range of the declines versus launch month.

However, your sales estimate is not correct. The decline of this title is less than 90%.


92% is up there. Final Fantasy XIII also had a 92% decline. Couple others in that range as well. But that is indeed the high range of the declines versus launch month.

However, your sales estimate is not correct. The decline of this title is less than 90%.

It was closer to 80%


Edit: ^^^^ From the data I got 80-84 looks to be the range.

It's up there. Final Fantasy XIII also had a 92% decline. Couple others in that range as well. But that is indeed the high range of the declines versus launch month.
Interesting. Are all the others you know of released in December?
Interesting. Are all the others you know of released in December?

No. I actually did this look at some point in the past but couldn't find the post. It was a hodgepdoge, a lot of games people have forgotten about that didn't do well in their launch month only to do really not well in month 2.

I remember the answers being boring outside of the one I mentioned.


Hi. Been a while.

Why are you guys still talking about The Order and Bayo 2? It's time to move on. Let it go.

92% is up there. Final Fantasy XIII also had a 92% decline. Couple others in that range as well. But that is indeed the high range of the declines versus launch month.

However, your sales estimate is not correct. The decline of this title is less than 90%.

Yeah that comment was before cream updated The Order numbers.


Media Create Maven
I felt like this was the best thread to ask. I'm doing a study for school, and I was wondering if anyone knew a reliable site for finding the top selling games in Japan and the US for the past few years.

Look at japanltdrank for japan. Neogaf member Road did a nice rollup of Famitsu weekly sales there (other trackers are Media Create & Dengeki).

US... I'll let someone else answer that =),

It reviewedd well but it sold like shit, like nearly every Wii U game that's not part of Nintendo's main franchises.

It didn't sell well, but "like shit" is actually quite an overstatement for the US imo, especially for Wii U lol. Iirc, it at least start selling like the PS3 SKU, which was on a much larger install base. At least last Jan, it was still selling like 10K that month. If I'm not mistaken, by cream's #s, it has at least sold another 10K.

Compare W101's debut of 20K, or Batman Arkham Origin's 11K (which was above Wii Party U that month lol), and it's at least a LOT better than that. Not good, but it's ok considering the type of game it is, and that it was on the Wii U.


To clarify, this is happening only in US. This is the territory where the game is "recovering" a bit from the debut's month. Japan sales sucked beyond belief and, for Europe...I won't hold my breath believing it sold that much (we just know it sold 35,000 in France, though, nothing else...the stars will be aligned, cats and dogs will live together and The Last Guardian will be shown at an E3 when we'll know concrete European numbers, so...).

Of course! Always talking about US numbers in a US thread :)

The Order is a hit in Europe? Because that's the only way to sell 1 million, except in bundles of course.

I don't think it sold really well outside UK.


Hopefully RAD's next project will have gameplay as their number one priority and it's not like they're a stranger to such a concept. They built their foundation on it. No idea what they were thinking with The Order.

I wonder if they were trying to get in a kind of sony gears of war clone in? I was a little confused by the "best gameplay since 2006" comments considering people are still hyped for gears coming next year.... is gears expected to be miles better in terms of gameplay??

I personally don't have much stake in it as 3rd person shooters aren't really my thing, but just interested if gears will have the same criticism or if it will be miles better.
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