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NPD Sales Results for March 2015 [Up1: Nintendo numbers, PS4 placing]

The Order is a legit ultrabomb and rightfully so. I hope Sony cries and cannot sleep about every single fucking dollar they spent marketing that garbage of a game. All those money could have and should have been spent elsewhere on better games that are also platform exclusive.

What is it with Sony funding bombs like Playstation Battle Royale and The Order?!? Don't they have proper quality / IP management?

And RAD should stick to indie/ handheld games. It is their niche IMO.

Breath...Just breath, man!
My problem with RAD is not that The Order is one of the worst big exclusives, it's their vision of what a 'game' should be: we were constantly told by Weesuriya that the game would be a filmic experience and how the story is of more importance than any other aspect of the game.

With him at the helm, this vision ain't changing. Gameplay seems to be an afterthought as they chase their design philosophy. Bloodborne showed us all, as if we didn't know already, that great gameplay is the core of any great game.


The Order is a legit ultrabomb and rightfully so. I hope Sony cries and cannot sleep about every single fucking dollar they spent marketing that garbage of a game. All those money could have and should have been spent elsewhere on better games that are also platform exclusive.

What is it with Sony funding bombs like Playstation Battle Royale and The Order?!? Don't they have proper quality / IP management?

And RAD should stick to indie/ handheld games. It is their niche IMO.

You act as if there was absolutely nothing redeemable about the game. Yea it was a disappointment but there was immense promise and it's obvious to anyone who played what it could have been. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that it was an amazing game but it certainly wasn't as irredeemable as the zeitgeist seems to shout from the rooftops. As I previously said their engine deserves some props and additional attention. I certainly hope it doesn't go to waste.

As far as Sony's IP management goes, honestly I'd rather they continue to take risks on new IPs like the Order, Puppeteer, Journey, The Last of Us, Tearaway, Bloodborne, Rime, No Man's Sky, Little Big Planet etc than get another Killzone, God of War or Uncharted game. Yea it's a risk and you'll inevitably have flops but you'll also have incredible successes and while you personally might not enjoy all the fruits of their policy plenty of people do. But then again the market seems to largely disagree with me on that given the success of CoD, BF, and what not. So, to each their own I guess.
You act as if there was absolutely nothing redeemable about the game. Yea it was a disappointment but there was immense promise and it's obvious to anyone who played what it could have been. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that it was an amazing game but it certainly wasn't as irredeemable as the zeitgeist seems to shout from the rooftops. As I previously said their engine deserves some props and additional attention. I certainly hope it doesn't go to waste.

As far as Sony's IP management goes, honestly I'd rather they continue to take risks on new IPs like the Order, Puppeteer, Journey, The Last of Us, Tearaway, Bloodborne, Rime, No Man's Sky, Little Big Planet etc than get another Killzone, God of War or Uncharted games. Yea it's a risk and you'll inevitably have flops but you'll also have incredible successes and while you personally might not enjoy all the fruits of their policy plenty of people do. But then again the market seems to largely disagree with me on that given the success of CoD, BF, and what not. So, to each their own I guess.

The Order is a legit ultrabomb and rightfully so. I hope Sony cries and cannot sleep about every single fucking dollar they spent marketing that garbage of a game. All those money could have and should have been spent elsewhere on better games that are also platform exclusive.

What is it with Sony funding bombs like Playstation Battle Royale and The Order?!? Don't they have proper quality / IP management?

And RAD should stick to indie/ handheld games. It is their niche IMO.

Your post shows what a toxic environment gaming is at the moment, it really is a fan base full of obnoxious brats, it is no wonder that companies concentrate on churning out big budget sequels to safe IPs.

I'm sure Sony know more about the background to what went on with the development and I hope they do back a sequel (I may have to invest in a salt mine if they do). For all know what came out was the result of them setting the scope of the project based on what was done at the delay and that it was limited compared to what they'd been working on.

That said I wouldn't be too upset if they didn't as I really enjoyed the game they did make, but would be a shame to not see that world explored some more.

It's not as though Killzone, Resistance, Heavenly Sword, Heavy Rain and Beyond didn't go through similar hyperbolic bullshit too. I really liked four of those. Maybe I'm getting too old for this stuff now.
The Order is a legit ultrabomb and rightfully so. I hope Sony cries and cannot sleep about every single fucking dollar they spent marketing that garbage of a game. All those money could have and should have been spent elsewhere on better games that are also platform exclusive.

What is it with Sony funding bombs like Playstation Battle Royale and The Order?!? Don't they have proper quality / IP management?

And RAD should stick to indie/ handheld games. It is their niche IMO.

I disagree. The first Uncharted wasn't perfect either, but I liked that a lot too. I love this game actually. I hate the stealth sections (though partly because I didn't quite understand how they worked at first), and the QTEs and werewolf interactions are a bit stupid, but the presentation, story, characters and dialogue are actually really good, and the shooting feels nice too, though a bit more work needs to be done on the weapon balancing.

This is RAD's first 'big console' effort, and it's pretty amazing already. They could totally do a sequel where they fix some of the issues of the previous game, and make that really good. I actually hope the lack of sales won't stop a sequel from happening, because imho that would be a shame.

The Order is one of the few games this gen that has created a world that I like being in, walking around in and looking at. Unity is the only other game I have that with, but even though that is open world, I still prefer The Order for some reason. Less is More, sometimes.


Dont get me wrong. I have mario kart super mario, and smash. But im really in the mood for an epic adventure. I am mainly a nintendo only console gamer. Im afraid mt launch 360 will explode any day.
I guess If im not gonna buy a ps4 I deserve what I get. HELP ME GAF. IS ANYONE ELSE HERE DEPRESSED BEcause nintendo wont take thier money?
As far as Sony's IP management goes, honestly I'd rather they continue to take risks on new IPs like Puppeteer, Journey, The Last of Us, Tearaway, Bloodborne, Rime, No Man's Sky, Little Big Planet etc.

It's not as though Killzone, Resistance, Heavenly Sword, Heavy Rain and Beyond didn't go through similar hyperbolic bullshit too. I really liked four of those. Maybe I'm getting too old for this stuff now.

I disagree. The first Uncharted wasn't perfect either, but I liked that a lot too.

None of those games you guys mentioned above was on the level of The Order. That is my point exactly. It was a wrong horse to bet on. I hope Sony learned they lesson. And really putting Uncharted 1 in there? Come on man.


The Order is a legit ultrabomb and rightfully so. I hope Sony cries and cannot sleep about every single fucking dollar they spent marketing that garbage of a game. All those money could have and should have been spent elsewhere on better games that are also platform exclusive.

What is it with Sony funding bombs like Playstation Battle Royale and The Order?!? Don't they have proper quality / IP management?

And RAD should stick to indie/ handheld games. It is their niche IMO.
Oh c'mon the games industry is risk adverse enough as it is. There's no way to know early on if a game is coming together or not for something complex like The Order.

The pitch sounds good, the concept art looks good so the publisher invests. You won't know if game is really coming together or not until way into development when you either have to take a huge write off if you cancel or you push ahead.

If we want innovations and original games then we need the kind of environment that will deliver them and that same kind of system will on occasion deliver games that fail to achieve.

You can't have a system that promotes new IPs and games that magically avoids failure too.

Innovation and new IP requires risk of failure.

I for one would far rather risk a game like The Order to also get a game like Demon's Souls or risk Playstation All Stars to get LBP.

People really need to stop assuming its super easy to pick winners and know well in advance what to back and what to cancel. It's just no that easy with commercial software particularly if you're talking big projects and titles.


The Order is a legit ultrabomb and rightfully so. I hope Sony cries and cannot sleep about every single fucking dollar they spent marketing that garbage of a game. All those money could have and should have been spent elsewhere on better games that are also platform exclusive.

What is it with Sony funding bombs like Playstation Battle Royale and The Order?!? Don't they have proper quality / IP management?

And RAD should stick to indie/ handheld games. It is their niche IMO.

Nothing wrong with investing in something new. Never know what will catch on. Making safe games constantly would be boring. Sometimes you get The Order and sometimes you get Terraway.


The Order is one of the few games this gen that has created a world that I like being in, walking around in and looking at.

I felt this way about Ryse. The media and forum treatment of that game feels similar to what happened to The Order.
Critique the games, sure, but sometimes those critiques seem to grow like snowballs rolling down the cold slopes of negativity.
I don't get the hate vs the order here. Also the quotes that it bombed. Was it really a financial desaster? I guess it made some money (inportant), created some buzz (very important) and showed the power of the system (ultra important). mission accomplished.
It's basically a showcase and research project. Graphically top notch and with troubles in the gaming department. It will not become GOTY for sure, but some enjoyed it and that's sad but okay. Did I expect more from it as a game? Definitely.
But I am quite sure there will be The Order II.
Always keep in mind that other games became much better, or "bloomed" in the second iteration, like uncharted for example.
Indeed. Listen to him!


None of those games you guys mentioned above was on the level of The Order. That is my point exactly. It was a wrong horse to bet on. I hope Sony learned they lesson. And really putting Uncharted 1 in there? Come on man.

"On the level of The Order" what does that even mean exactly?

If you're talking about budget you have to take into account that the vast majority of development time was spent on developing their engine which will hopefully bear fruit in future games and reduce further development time/cost. Even then, if you think exponentially more money was invested in the development of The Order than Uncharted 1, The Last of Us or Little Big Planet then you are almost certainly wrong.

If you're talking about failure to sell I think, as depressing as it might be, Battle Royale, Puppeteer and Tearaway all performed even worse at the same point in their lifetime.

I'm really not seeing how The Order is some special snowflake deserving of derision or malediction here. While certainly disappointing it's by no means an egregious outlier in any respect.


The Order is a legit ultrabomb and rightfully so. I hope Sony cries and cannot sleep about every single fucking dollar they spent marketing that garbage of a game. All those money could have and should have been spent elsewhere on better games that are also platform exclusive.

What is it with Sony funding bombs like Playstation Battle Royale and The Order?!? Don't they have proper quality / IP management?

And RAD should stick to indie/ handheld games. It is their niche IMO.

This is a sad post! Really.

There's a first time for everything. Sometimes it succeds, sometimes don't. I hope for another sequel. The Order can be great franchise.


My problem with RAD is not that The Order is one of the worst big exclusives, it's their vision of what a 'game' should be: we were constantly told by Weesuriya that the game would be a filmic experience and how the story is of more importance than any other aspect of the game.

With him at the helm, this vision ain't changing. Gameplay seems to be an afterthought as they chase their design philosophy. Bloodborne showed us all, as if we didn't know already, that great gameplay is the core of any great game.

Unless you personally know him I don't think you can go so far as to say The Order is a statement of what games should be, but certainly what a game can be, which are two different things.

He believed there was space for his type of game. Unfortunately for him that space is probably not big enough.

Endo Punk

Promise this, developer ambition that etc etc. The cold hard facts show this game is awful critically and commercially. Every rational person can see that, why the hell should Sony sink money on it again? If Sony were to ever leave console gaming it would be because they have wasted too much money on funding games like The Order.

Sony have been at it for 20 years they need better quality control, this game looked suspect from the moment first gameplay was shown and the subsequent interviews afterwards. Put that 20 year experience to work Sony and fund better games like Bloodborne and Journey.

How anyone can make this game out to be some misunderstood gem is beyond me, and it doesn't get a free pass because it's not buggy like Driveclub or Unity. Sure it's clean but also a shit experience, and you know what they say about that? I'd rather take poor framerate from time to time for quality titles like Bloodborne over safe and boring games like The Order.

Realistically this game will be another footnote for Sony like Heavenly Sword, Haze, Lair for paths not to go down.

Endo Punk

Could you (or someone else) please give me a proof for that? I cannot find it in this threat here.
When wouldf this game be a commercial flop? Less than 1 Million sold? 2 Millions?

Sony have yet to comment on TO over a month after its release when they are really trigger happy bringing up sales for games and the system. Not to mention how poorly it's doing looking at NPD and UK sales figures.

Looking at the 5 year dev time and engine from scratch you better believe it needs a minimum of 1.5 million to break even and it hasn't even reached a million while rapidly dropping in price. Sony were quick to say BB accomplished a million under 2 weeks so they would have said something on TO if it did the same.
Promise this, developer ambition that etc etc. The cold hard facts show this game is awful critically and commercially. Every rational person can see that, why the hell should Sony sink money on it again? If Sony were to ever leave console gaming it would be because they have wasted too much money on funding games like The Order.

Sony have been at it for 20 years they need better quality control, this game looked suspect from the moment first gameplay was shown and the subsequent interviews afterwards. Put that 20 year experience to work Sony and fund better games like Bloodborne and Journey.

How anyone can make this game out to be some misunderstood gem is beyond me, and it doesn't get a free pass because it's not buggy like Driveclub or Unity. Sure it's clean but also a shit experience, and you know what they say about that? I'd rather take poor framerate from time to time for quality titles like Bloodborne over safe and boring games like The Order.

Realistically this game will be another footnote for Sony like Heavenly Sword, Haze, Lair for paths not to go down.

I tend to agree. It's not a terrible game, but I just knew it wouldn't be received well in the early stages of it being revealed to the public, as there was too much talk about 'filmic' and sight of the QTE.

Side note: Lol at your tag man, that is...brutal :)
Promise this, developer ambition that etc etc. The cold hard facts show this game is awful critically and commercially. Every rational person can see that, why the hell should Sony sink money on it again? If Sony were to ever leave console gaming it would be because they have wasted too much money on funding games like The Order.

Sony have been at it for 20 years they need better quality control, this game looked suspect from the moment first gameplay was shown and the subsequent interviews afterwards. Put that 20 year experience to work Sony and fund better games like Bloodborne and Journey.

How anyone can make this game out to be some misunderstood gem is beyond me, and it doesn't get a free pass because it's not buggy like Driveclub or Unity. Sure it's clean but also a shit experience, and you know what they say about that? I'd rather take poor framerate from time to time for quality titles like Bloodborne over safe and boring games like The Order.

Realistically this game will be another footnote for Sony like Heavenly Sword, Haze, Lair for paths not to go down.

Thank you. My thoughts exactly without the anger @ Sony for being blind. That 20 years of experience part hurts the most.
Sony have yet to comment on TO over a month after its release when they are really trigger happy bringing up sales for games and the system. Not to mention how poorly it's doing looking at NPD and UK sales figures.

Looking at the 5 year dev time and engine from scratch you better believe it needs a minimum of 1.5 million to break even and it hasn't even reached a million while rapidly dropping in price. Sony were quick to say BB accomplished a million under 2 weeks so they would have said something on TO if it did the same.
Okay. Fine with me. Thank you for the reply.
We don't want to start with "virtual" value like people who bought a system for that game, mindshare for the playstation brand, ammunition in the fight for the "big exclusives battle", attractive bundle material or worth of the investment for having developed a nice engine for future projects.

Endo Punk

I love PS so I'm not pleased with the outcome of the game. I love Victorian setting and werewolves which this game promised me from day 1 with a trailer and fantastic artwork showing a lot of npc's onscreen, and what we got was far from that. The thought of giving them another chance annoys me because they didn't deliver anything of note with TO. I hate the idea of waiting another 2-3 years so they have the potential to realise their vision again. It's not worth it and Sony should put that money towards more new IP's and bringing back franchises like Ape Escape and such. Best of luck to RAD but they need to reassess their core principles.


Promise this, developer ambition that etc etc. The cold hard facts show this game is awful critically and commercially. Every rational person can see that, why the hell should Sony sink money on it again? If Sony were to ever leave console gaming it would be because they have wasted too much money on funding games like The Order.

Sony have been at it for 20 years they need better quality control, this game looked suspect from the moment first gameplay was shown and the subsequent interviews afterwards. Put that 20 year experience to work Sony and fund better games like Bloodborne and Journey.

How anyone can make this game out to be some misunderstood gem is beyond me, and it doesn't get a free pass because it's not buggy like Driveclub or Unity. Sure it's clean but also a shit experience, and you know what they say about that? I'd rather take poor framerate from time to time for quality titles like Bloodborne over safe and boring games like The Order.

Realistically this game will be another footnote for Sony like Heavenly Sword, Haze, Lair for paths not to go down.

Thank you. My thoughts exactly without the anger @ Sony for being blind. That 20 years of experience part hurts the most.

While I think The Order was pretty weak/average game and have noted as much I again believe you are both being pretty naive in your view of how easy it is to pick winners and avoid titles like The Order entirely.

Again I don't think it's possible as per my earlier post. You talk about once gameplay was shown; do you realise how much has to be invested and committed on a concept before you can tell this and how by that stage you're pretty much all in already?

A similar (although arguably not quite a weak as The Order) title is Alan Wake. Remedy had a great concept they couldn't deliver, they took 5 years and sank a ton of their (and then MS) money into it and the final game was a derivative TPS with one gimmick built on a polished and I thought terrific engine.

If we want new IP and innovation then the only system that works will also deliver titles of various quality and success from Bloodborne (universally praised) to Alan Wake (solid reviews and staunch fanbase that's probably small) to The Order (mixed to bad reviews and small fanbase who see promise in it).

You can't take the risk out of innovation and new IP. It's not possible and I don't see any reason to even see this as somehow being Sony's role (or MS in terms of Alan Wake or EA for TitanFall). They are funding pitched concepts and by the time they can see what they're getting it's almost certainly too late to easily cut costs or avoid issues. The responsibility for The Order's design and ethos rests primarily with RAD, just as Alan Wake rests with Remedy and TitanFall with Respawn.

You're both ascribing way too much responsibility to Sony in the case of The Order so far as I can see and assuming they could have somehow "fixed" things or know right away in the pitch the final game wasn't going to pan out.

Long term software development, particularly games with complex mechanics and a ton of content, simply doesn't work that way.

It's like films. There's a quote that goes, roughly, "nobody sets out to make a bad film. Sometimes it just turns out that way". It's the same for games. And just as with a film until you've got very far into production (and sunk costs) you're not really going to know how the final product is shaping up.
I spoke to these guys about their goals for the game and what they were trying to do in the early stages of development.
Are you in the media or something?

Seeing so many call for the IP to be abandoned or for the studio to shut down just breaks my heart. They are a very talented, passionate group of people whose inexperience with AAA development led to what is likely an unfinished product. Even still as unfinished as it might have been it was technically solid in a period where gaming has been defined by glitchy, buggy products and as such I believe it should at least be commended for that despite its other shortcomings. I sincerely hope gamers and Sony give them a chance to learn form those mistakes and see what they are able to make of it off the back of that development experience. At the very least, their engine/tech is incredible and it deserves to be given the chance to shine. But hey that's just my opinion on the matter.
Well said. /bow

The Order is a legit ultrabomb and rightfully so. I hope Sony cries and cannot sleep about every single fucking dollar they spent marketing that garbage of a game. All those money could have and should have been spent elsewhere on better games that are also platform exclusive.

What is it with Sony funding bombs like Playstation Battle Royale and The Order?!? Don't they have proper quality / IP management?

And RAD should stick to indie/ handheld games. It is their niche IMO.
When you've published as many games as Sony have, you're bound to have a few stinkers. Sony's software output is outstanding, rivaled only by Nintendo's. They know exactly what they're doing, and I hope they carry on in precisely the same fashion for decades to come.


What is it with Sony funding bombs like Playstation Battle Royale and The Order?!? Don't they have proper quality / IP management?

Every major player in every industry (film, books, games, etc) fund far more 'bombs' than they do hits... it's just how it goes. It's not like it was a technical trainwreck or something.


The Order is a legit ultrabomb and rightfully so. I hope Sony cries and cannot sleep about every single fucking dollar they spent marketing that garbage of a game. All those money could have and should have been spent elsewhere on better games that are also platform exclusive.

What is it with Sony funding bombs like Playstation Battle Royale and The Order?!? Don't they have proper quality / IP management?

And RAD should stick to indie/ handheld games. It is their niche IMO.

Seriously embarassing post.


You act as if there was absolutely nothing redeemable about the game. Yea it was a disappointment but there was immense promise and it's obvious to anyone who played what it could have been. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that it was an amazing game but it certainly wasn't as irredeemable as the zeitgeist seems to shout from the rooftops. As I previously said their engine deserves some props and additional attention. I certainly hope it doesn't go to waste.

As far as Sony's IP management goes, honestly I'd rather they continue to take risks on new IPs like the Order, Puppeteer, Journey, The Last of Us, Tearaway, Bloodborne, Rime, No Man's Sky, Little Big Planet etc than get another Killzone, God of War or Uncharted game. Yea it's a risk and you'll inevitably have flops but you'll also have incredible successes and while you personally might not enjoy all the fruits of their policy plenty of people do. But then again the market seems to largely disagree with me on that given the success of CoD, BF, and what not. So, to each their own I guess.

Got damn Rex is on Fire today +1 for that truthbomb


Promise this, developer ambition that etc etc. The cold hard facts show this game is awful critically and commercially. Every rational person can see that, why the hell should Sony sink money on it again? If Sony were to ever leave console gaming it would be because they have wasted too much money on funding games like The Order.

Sony have been at it for 20 years they need better quality control, this game looked suspect from the moment first gameplay was shown and the subsequent interviews afterwards. Put that 20 year experience to work Sony and fund better games like Bloodborne and Journey.

How anyone can make this game out to be some misunderstood gem is beyond me, and it doesn't get a free pass because it's not buggy like Driveclub or Unity. Sure it's clean but also a shit experience, and you know what they say about that? I'd rather take poor framerate from time to time for quality titles like Bloodborne over safe and boring games like The Order.

Realistically this game will be another footnote for Sony like Heavenly Sword, Haze, Lair for paths not to go down.

I tend to agree. It's not a terrible game, but I just knew it wouldn't be received well in the early stages of it being revealed to the public, as there was too much talk about 'filmic' and sight of the QTE.

Side note: Lol at your tag man, that is...brutal :)

Thank you. My thoughts exactly without the anger @ Sony for being blind. That 20 years of experience part hurts the most.

Oh ok I see so Sony should just stop funding any games you don't like. Otherwise they'll go out of business because they inevitably funded an unprofitable project. Cause that makes perfect sense right? Only games you want should be made despite potential profitability in games outside your preference those markets just don't deserve attention. Do you guys even realize how ridiculous that is?

What you all refuse to understand is that the funding was also responsible for what is almost unanimously agreed to be the most gorgeous game engines ever created. It will pay dividends for them.

If you want Sony to support new IP you have to accept that some will fall short of expectations. It's the nature of the business.

The idea that your assumptions of quality somehow validate your claims is just insane. News Flash: some people like different games than you do. SHOCKING! I know right? But it's true I promise. While you might not like the idea of narrative driven "cinematic" third person shooters some do. Sony's job is to assess the market for those games and valuable its investment in such a way that minimizes potential loss which is precisely what they did. If you have issues with their choices of new IP don't buy them. It's as simple as that. But to act like they have no right to exist simply because you don't like them is the tantamount to a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum because the cereal on the shelf isn't riddled with sugar.

If the game is unprofitable and if Sony doesn't see a market for future entries then they won't make any more. While I hope that's not the case personally that's perfectly fine and understandable. But this offense that the game had the audacity to exist as if it's some affront to humanity needs to cease being a thing.

I don't want to live in a world where the only games we have are either the latest sequel in some yearly franchise or some market tested safe bet IP. That sounds like a market crash waiting to happen.


Watching the narrative creation and reception to the order, and to a lesser extent Driveclub and final fantasy xiii, has been interesting and bizarre.

I'm hoping the negative reception and sales of Order 1886 and the sends a message to SCE that the general gaming audience does not want pretty looking single player 6 hour interactive movie with barely any replay value. Sorry for those who do want it, but the sales speaks volumes.

I think the sales and critical success of Bloodborne should make it obvious.

As bad as I feel for RAD, I'm kind of glad that this will make a strong message, especially with the contrasting Bloodborne sales. We like good gameplay first and foremost.

Who is 'we'? Retail AAA console game buying masses? Game critics? Forum types? And what constitutes good gameplay? People play games for eight reasons; challenging gameplay a la BB is but one, and it is far from the most lucrative reason.

Sony wanted another franchise like Uncharted or The Last of Us, a filmic tps ride and that is what The Order is. IMO, sales were poor because those who buy packaged games at places like GameStop prefers games with lots of content because $60 is a lot of money to them. So, we have top sellers like GTA, COD, FIFA, etc.--games that can be played for 100 hours plus and are safe bets because they are sequels. That is what disc buying gamers want and it is why big budget retail games are so boring and predictable.

Yes and no. It is a deeply flawed product, most assuredly, but not one that deserved the universal trashing it got. It became an unfortunate symbolic receptacle for the grievances that media outlets and critics have been ruminating about modern game design philosophy. Again, I am not saying that it was worthy of accolades at arrival, far from it. It is just that it was ganged up on in a way I have rarely seen... as if the reviewer wanted to make a firm statement through it. The technical prowess that was delivered by the developer aggravated the problem in lieu of mitigating it. Had The Order been less shiny and gorgeous, it would have received less spanking I think.

Aggro gamer Zeitgeist was definately against the order.

Your post shows what a toxic environment gaming is at the moment, it really is a fan base full of obnoxious brats, it is no wonder that companies concentrate on churning out big budget sequels to safe IPs....

It's not as though Killzone, Resistance, Heavenly Sword, Heavy Rain and Beyond didn't go through similar hyperbolic bullshit too. I really liked four of those. Maybe I'm getting too old for this stuff now.

Obnoxios brats sums it up: highly vocal, hyper aggressive, self centered, and suffering from the Dunning-Kruger biases of the deficient--deficient is not the exact word I'm looking for, but it'll have to do.

At least with the order, the target is a game and not a person like David Cage or Anita.


Are you in the media or something?

No not in the media but I did attend a couple SIGGRAPH presentations that their studio did. Truly mind blowing tech on display. They were very friendly and talked at length to anyone willing to listen about their aspirations and goals as a studio and for their IP.

While I think The Order was pretty weak/average game and have noted as much I again believe you are both being pretty naive in your view of how easy it is to pick winners and avoid titles like The Order entirely.

Again I don't think it's possible as per my earlier post. You talk about once gameplay was shown; do you realise how much has to be invested and committed on a concept before you can tell this and how by that stage you're pretty much all in already?

A similar (although arguably not quite a weak as The Order) title is Alan Wake. Remedy had a great concept they couldn't deliver, they took 5 years and sank a ton of their (and then MS) money into it and the final game was a derivative TPS with one gimmick built on a polished and I thought terrific engine.

If we want new IP and innovation then the only system that works will also deliver titles of various quality and success from Bloodborne (universally praised) to Alan Wake (solid reviews and staunch fanbase that's probably small) to The Order (mixed to bad reviews and small fanbase who see promise in it).

You can't take the risk out of innovation and new IP. It's not possible and I don't see any reason to even see this as somehow being Sony's role (or MS in terms of Alan Wake or EA for TitanFall). They are funding pitched concepts and by the time they can see what they're getting it's almost certainly too late to easily cut costs or avoid issues. The responsibility for The Order's design and ethos rests primarily with RAD, just as Alan Wake rests with Remedy and TitanFall with Respawn.

You're both ascribing way too much responsibility to Sony in the case of The Order so far as I can see and assuming they could have somehow "fixed" things or know right away in the pitch the final game wasn't going to pan out.

Long term software development, particularly games with complex mechanics and a ton of content, simply doesn't work that way.

It's like films. There's a quote that goes, roughly, "nobody sets out to make a bad film. Sometimes it just turns out that way". It's the same for games. And just as with a film until you've got very far into production (and sunk costs) you're not really going to know how the final product is shaping up.

Fantastic post thank you for saying what I was trying to say with more clarity and less snark.


The Order is a legit ultrabomb and rightfully so. I hope Sony cries and cannot sleep about every single fucking dollar they spent marketing that garbage of a game. All those money could have and should have been spent elsewhere on better games that are also platform exclusive.

What is it with Sony funding bombs like Playstation Battle Royale and The Order?!? Don't they have proper quality / IP management?

And RAD should stick to indie/ handheld games. It is their niche IMO.

You don't like PS All Stars Battle Royale? Might be on you, because it's an amazing game in my humble opinion. ^.^

RAD sticking to indie / handheld game? You want an studio with 100 employees to make indie games?

Not going to judge The Order 1886, because I haven't played it, but it doesn't look that interesting to me indeed.
I can only imagine what state Stigs game must have been in for Sony to straight up cancel that considering they went all out with the Order 1886. Sony Santa Monica got the chance to make a new IP and they fucked up big time, here's hoping Respawn keep Stigs in check, I don't understand hoe things fucked up so badly. Can't tell you how much I was looking forward to that. :(

With the Order I find it really hard to blame Sony, before this game RAD created some amazing games on PSP. The gameplay was top notch and from the outside it seemed like a sure bet that they would be able to make a console game of quality. But nope, they got a new IP and completely messed up what makes a game a game, can't believe the same RAD behind the GOW games on PSP made the Order. There is nothing about the order which inspires confidence for a sequel, the game was not budget constrainted from the looks of it, all design decisions. As another member said in a different thread, RAD made the film they wanted. When they quoted ND as inspiration that sounded good, seems like RAD completely missed the mark following ND though as ND games actually have compelling gameplay.


Although people are expressive here in giving their opionions about tjhe Order, It's really hard not to agree that it was a bad game. There is just no redeming quality beside nice visuals (they even failed with creating an enticing story). Can't say I am looking forward to their next game.

Endo Punk

It's not that Sony shouldn't experiment and of course you can never tell if a game ends up bad or not but TO is a product made to deliver experiences people have already enjoyed. It's safe in its approach and despite what some say it shows zero ambition in its execution. Like I said before RAD skipped looking at its peers and what the cinematic genre has accomplisheded and did absolutely nothing of note with it. Sony/RAD messed up, fair enough but to say it deserves another shot is just not looking at the big picture. This game was a money sink to demand another one from the toxic IP is just asking for Sony to waste funding that can be better used.


You don't like PS All Stars Battle Royale? Might be on you, because it's an amazing game in my humble opinion. ^.^

RAD sticking to indie / handheld game? You want an studio with 100 employees to make indie games?

You might be in the minority for PSASBR. It was really not well received, by critics and gamers alike...
You can perfectly make handheld games with 100 people, but I doubt Sony (or anyone else) would pay them to make a Vita game that big, and can't see ever working on 3DS.

They'll probably do another game for sure, but can't see them staying at 100 people on long development, huge budget, AAA games. A Morpheus game maybe? Or some downloadable exclusive? They really have some choice, and Sony probably won't give up on them right now. They just lost some creative and financial freedom for sure...

Edit: What Endo Punk said too.


I can only imagine why state Stigs game must have been in for Sony to straight up cancel that considering they went all out with the Order 1886. Sony Santa Monica got the chance to make a new IP and they fucked up big time, here's hoping Respawn keep Stigs in check, I don't understand hoe things fucked up so badly. Can't tell you how much I was looking forward to that. :(

With the Order I find it really hard to blame Sony, before this game RAD created some amazing games on PSP. The gameplay was top notch and from the outside it seemed like a sure bet that they would be able to make a console game of quality. But nope, they got a new IP and completely messed up what makes a game a game, can't believe the same RAD behind the GOW games on PSP made the Order.

My sentiment is the same, I Would've loved to see what they were working on before he left it saddens me that we never got to see it but only heard of it threw the grapevine


You might be in the minority for PSASBR. It was really not well received, by critics and gamers alike...
You can perfectly make handheld games with 100 people, but I doubt Sony (or anyone else) would pay them to make a Vita game that big, and can't see ever working on 3DS.

They'll probably do another game for sure, but can't see them staying at 100 people on long development, huge budget, AAA games. A Morpheus game maybe? Or some downloadable exclusive? They really have some choice, and Sony probably won't give up on them right now. They just lost some creative and financial freedom for sure...

Edit: What Endo Punk said too.

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale was pretty well received though? 75% metacritic and 7.5 user review average. "Generally favourable reviews"

4.5/5 on Amazon user reviews for the PS Vita version and 4/5 for the PS3 version.

Of course some people probably already judged the game before touching it, because it doesn't have Spyro or Crash, or because they think it's a bad Smash Bros. clone.

But the actual reception, among the people who played the game and not a bunch of fanboys arguing over scores, seems very good to me?

Anyway, it's a great brawler with really good combat and I really like the game on PS Vita. I can definitely recommend it if you're looking for a brawler on PS Vita. Technically, the PS Vita version is amazing too. Good visuals and solid 60 fps.

I think you'd have to be quite picky to not enjoy a game like this.
No not in the media but I did attend a couple SIGGRAPH presentations that their studio did. Truly mind blowing tech on display. They were very friendly and talked at length to anyone willing to listen about their aspirations and goals as a studio and for their IP.
Ah, right on. I doubt I'll ever play TO because I don't really care about guns, but it's cool that they're so approachable and passionate, and it does sound like a pretty cool setting. Of course, if there really is as little gameplay as people claim, perhaps my disinterest in guns won't be too big of an issue. lol

You don't happen to have any links to their tech presentations, do you?


The Order IP could easily be considered dead now by Sony.
I doubt it, it was not that bad received in Europe where it managed to score pretty high positions in charts. And it's pretty obvious that Order is supposed to be a part of series. like Uncharted, and not a standalone game.
They could scrap it, but from my point of view it is not tactically wise, better reduce price, widen recognition of game (it's actually not that bad, it has great setting, reasonable story, likable characters, some good encounters etc) and then work for a sequel that will fix obvious flaws (like length, number of actual action etc). You already have half of the sequel in place (characters, setting, engine, some of weapons etc), so you can actually spend more on fixing the wrong parts.
And if low initial sales were something to always stop production of sequel - we would never see Uncharted2.

I'm hoping the negative reception and sales of Order 1886 and the sends a message to SCE that the general gaming audience does not want pretty looking single player 6 hour interactive movie with barely any replay value.
You should remember that "Critically Acclaimed" Uncharted is in the same genre.
Actually Order is pretty similar to 1st Uncharted except the fact that Uncharted was a "new" cinematic-style experience and Order was bound to compete against U2/U3 quality. First Uncharted was also very short game (8 hours) with almost zero replayability and some obvious flaws. It was Uncharted2 that actually became a defining factor in this genre.

On the other hand - Uncharted1 sold mere 117k copies in it's first NPD month. But "film-like" experienced are liked by mass-market (unlike hardcore crowd that are usual auditory of forums) so they tend to have rather long lifetime, especially at lower price points.


Even if The Order didn't succeed critically, the technology developed and experience gained by creating it certainly won't go to waste. One step leads to the next. Maybe an improved sequel in the future? I am glad Sony takes risks and thereby ensures diverse libraries for its systems instead of churning out "safe" annual sequels.
It is funny because in my opinion Ready at Dawn thought of giving the market what the market has been claiming for years: a cinematic experience with little gameplay and freedom over choices and everything else. Last generation, cinematic games were nothing but praised. Perhaps, The Order came a bit too late.


Although people are expressive here in giving their opionions about tjhe Order, It's really hard not to agree that it was a bad game. There is just no redeming quality beside nice visuals (they even failed with creating an enticing story). Can't say I am looking forward to their next game.

Funny, I feel the same way about GTAV.


I can only imagine what state Stigs game must have been in for Sony to straight up cancel that considering they went all out with the Order 1886. Sony Santa Monica got the chance to make a new IP and they fucked up big time, here's hoping Respawn keep Stigs in check, I don't understand hoe things fucked up so badly. Can't tell you how much I was looking forward to that. :(

With the Order I find it really hard to blame Sony, before this game RAD created some amazing games on PSP. The gameplay was top notch and from the outside it seemed like a sure bet that they would be able to make a console game of quality. But nope, they got a new IP and completely messed up what makes a game a game, can't believe the same RAD behind the GOW games on PSP made the Order. There is nothing about the order which inspires confidence for a sequel, the game was not budget constrainted from the looks of it, all design decisions. As another member said in a different thread, RAD made the film they wanted. When they quoted ND as inspiration that sounded good, seems like RAD completely missed the mark following ND though as ND games actually have compelling gameplay.

These are really different situations. Stigs game consistently missed milestones in development due to constant reboots and after Sony had invested an ungodly amount of money Stig had very little to show for the investment when the time came to check in because he had retooled the game so many times it just burnt through all the funding. This is what insiders have stated happened here.

The Order is more of a situation of unrealistic ambition that resulted in a muddled confused final product. Going from what their intentions were with the game and whatever received on release its clear something got in the way of production. Whether it was time, management, or funding caps we will probably never know for sure. But it seems obvious that their inexperience in AAA development led to unrealistic goals and as a result they were forced to salvage a game from what they managed to complete and polish it as much as possible. We know that they recorded a much more dialogue than was used in the game. That right there should tell you a significant amount of content was left on the cutting room floor for whatever reason.

The situations are sufficiently different as to not be analogous.

Endo Punk

I will never get the comparison to the first Uncharted and don't understand why people are pushing this narrative. Go back and play the game, it's still fun popcorn ride with a better story than The Order and more variety. The comparisons that do make sense are HS, Haze and Lair which were not well received by critics and gamers or showed amazing tech in HS case but were unambitious and expensive to make their money back.
I will never get the comparison to the first Uncharted and don't understand why people are pushing this narrative. Go back and play the game, it's still fun popcorn ride with a better story than The Order and more variety. The comparisons that do make sense are HS, Haze and Lair which were not well received by critics and gamers or showed amazing tech in HS case but were unambitious and expensive to make their money back.

Most appropriate example is HS.
- Promising World
- Great Tech
- Mechanics that had a Good Foundation
- Ultimately mediocre and by the numbers


Ah, right on. I doubt I'll ever play TO because I don't really care about guns, but it's cool that they're so approachable and passionate, and it does sound like a pretty cool setting. Of course, if there really is as little gameplay as people claim, perhaps my disinterest in guns won't be too big of an issue. lol

You don't happen to have any links to their tech presentations, do you?

Sure I do.
as far as I'm aware this is the only one that was posted online in its totality. You can find everything under "Crafting a Next-Gen Material Pipeline for The Order: 1886." Seriously impressive stuff.

If you can pick up the game for cheap or rent it I'd recommend it. It's worth at least one play through for the sound and graphic design on their own IMO. Especially now that the photomode patch is out. It even allows you to keep filters and image tweaks active during gameplay. If you don't like shooters it probably wont be your favorite game but you'll get a kick out of the presentation for sure.


Go back and play the game, it's still fun popcorn ride with a better story than The Order and more variety
Better story is a subjective term. Order story and setting are great, and at least Order do not have some completely misplaced stuff like zombies in submarine in the middle of jungles. What Uncharted did differently was to include some humor (setting dictates) and add some simple platforming instead of plain storytelling parts in Order.
But still - Uncharted was very short. Very linear. And there were no point to play it again. Enemies was also not the most bright bunch. 80% of complaints to Order can be mirrored to first Uncharted.

And actually U1 sales was very poor initially. Pretty much the same situation as with Order.
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