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NPD Sales Results for October 2007

titiklabingapat said:
NPD not counting Wii Sports whwn it is arguably largely responsible for the Wii's success should more than make up for the Wii Play "skew", imo. Just look at Japan, Wii Sports consistently outsells Wii Play.

Yeah, that's a reasonable argument. I buy it.

Changing subjects, I'm interested to see Galaxy's sales. Perrin seemed real happy with them in IGN's NPD article.


I think this argument that the ps3 and 360 userbases are mostly the same people is very sound reasoning.

If you can afford a ps3, you can also afford a 360, and most gamers with cash to spare are gonna want microsofts system because of the software available. They won't be content to wait through sony's software drought when there are so many great games on the other console.

The only person I know with a PS3 also has a 360, a Wii, and every last gen console, including dreamcast.


jj984jj said:
So how many big selling multi-platform games are coming out on next-gen consoles this month?

Rock Band
Call of Duty 4
Assassin's Creed
Need for Speed ProStreet
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2008
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men?
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga?

And Uncharted, Super Mario Galaxy, and Mass Effect are coming out as well. November will be HUGE, we need another video. We'll probably be missing a lot of numbers. :(

Hopefully the Nov. software prediction thread will allow for more than 10 titles.

I was already a bit doubtful about Uncharted's potential sales, and Ratchet's performance only strengthened my doubts. It's too bad since it really seems like Uncharted may be the definite GOTY for the PS3.
legend166 said:
Dear Activision,

As you can see, there is obviously a market on the Wii for Guitar Hero. Likely, this market has never owned the first two. Please port 1 and 2 in a combined packaged to the Wii.

I would buy that and I have those games already. :/


TheRipDizz said:
Some impressive Microsoft PR. Sorry if already posted....did quick scan, but didn't see anything.

For the month of October, Xbox 360 led in total revenue with $354 million compared to $246 million for Wii and $116 million for PS3.

Xbox 360 software revenue at retail surpassed that of Wii and PS3 combined.

For the month of October according to NPD, Xbox 360 software represented 54 percent of total software sales (at $162 million dollars) for this generation, compared to 30 percent for Wii and 16 percent for PS3.

Xbox 360 was home to seven out of the top 10 rated games through the end of October according to Metacritic.

Of all 3rd party U.S. software revenue in October, Xbox 360 generated more than double that of the PS3 and Wii. Xbox 360 weighs in at 57 percent with $130 million, compared to Wii with 28 percent and PS3 at 15 percent.

PS3 and Wii combined had one third party title in the top ten console title list for the month, while Xbox 360 weighed in with 2. Since November, third party partners have seen their titles hit the top ten 29 times for Xbox 360, compared to 2 for PS3 and 2 for Wii.

In last week's earnings announcement from Electronic Arts, Xbox 360 represented 50 percent ($218 million) of their total revenue during the third quarter. In fact, EA titles on Xbox 360 outperformed those same titles on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, PSP, Wii and DS combined.

The thing about that is though, the 360 currently accounts for about 50% of hardware sales in the US. So those software sales percentage breakdowns aren't all that unexpected.
Wow no ratchet in top ten really, nice numbers for wii and 360 will be fun to see the numbers next month after sonys pr release the other day. I really didnt think ninty could do a ds on the home console market but they have well done.


Random LTDs if they haven't already been posted...



TheRipDizz said:
Some impressive Microsoft PR. Sorry if already posted....did quick scan, but didn't see anything.

For the month of October, Xbox 360 led in total revenue with $354 million compared to $246 million for Wii and $116 million for PS3.

Xbox 360 software revenue at retail surpassed that of Wii and PS3 combined.

For the month of October according to NPD, Xbox 360 software represented 54 percent of total software sales (at $162 million dollars) for this generation, compared to 30 percent for Wii and 16 percent for PS3.

Xbox 360 was home to seven out of the top 10 rated games through the end of October according to Metacritic.

Of all 3rd party U.S. software revenue in October, Xbox 360 generated more than double that of the PS3 and Wii. Xbox 360 weighs in at 57 percent with $130 million, compared to Wii with 28 percent and PS3 at 15 percent.

PS3 and Wii combined had one third party title in the top ten console title list for the month, while Xbox 360 weighed in with 2. Since November, third party partners have seen their titles hit the top ten 29 times for Xbox 360, compared to 2 for PS3 and 2 for Wii.

In last week's earnings announcement from Electronic Arts, Xbox 360 represented 50 percent ($218 million) of their total revenue during the third quarter. In fact, EA titles on Xbox 360 outperformed those same titles on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, PSP, Wii and DS combined.

lol revenue means nothing


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
Sean said:
I'm surprised so many 360 owners bought the GH3 guitar bundle. I figured most people would just buy the game only and use their GH2 Xplorer controller.
Given GHII for 360 was released just few months ago, chances are these buyers were mostly first time GH buyers (maybe many of them new 360 owners). I know I'm not getting GHIII for my kid anytime soon.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Krowley said:
I think this argument that the ps3 and 360 userbases are mostly the same people is very sound reasoning.

If you can afford a ps3, you can also afford a 360, and most gamers with cash to spare are gonna want microsofts system because of the software available. They won't be content to wait through sony's software drought when there are so many great games on the other console.

The only person I know with a PS3 also has a 360, a Wii, and every last gen console, including dreamcast.

GAF says no. Just look at how many people on this forum alone who own only PS3s.

Seriously, if you're not a multi-console owner this holiday, you are missing some pretty prime shit as a gamer.


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
damisa said:
If Ps3/360 somehow sell the same in nov/dec 2007 and starting next year sales looked like this:

nonholiday months

Nov. months

Dec. months

It would take PS3 until april 2011 to pass 360.
In US.
chespace said:
GAF says no. Just look at how many people on this forum alone who own only PS3s.

Seriously, if you're not a multi-console owner this holiday, you are missing some pretty prime shit as a gamer.

Equating GAF to the real world isn't exactly ideal.
DeaconKnowledge said:
You'd be wrong; see the prediction thread.

I have never once said that Halo 3 wasn't going to push consoles, but that the statement "most people who want Halo 3 already own a 360" was very apt. These sales do nothing but prove my point.

Could we see a gigantic boost in November? Most assuredly. But the way Halo was pitched as a phenomenon around here I would have expected it to push more hardware along with software.

I'm not talking about your 'hindsight is 20/20' predictions you made after MS' PR boasts and the official Septermber NPD...I'm talking about your insistence that Halo wouldn't push the 360 above 300k for any non-holiday months.

Making better predicitons after you were grossly wrong just means you'd gained some sense, not that you weren't wrong to begin with.

You way undercut the 360's potential sales for August and September and you know it.


How soon we all forget that the 360 sold 170k in July, 198k in a 5 week June. Monthly sales are way up year over year compared to 2006, and that can't all be attributed to the price drop. Halo 3 has only sold a little more than 1/2 of what it's probably going to sell lifetime (US)- it's going to be selling consoles for a long, long time.


I bought a Wii for Wii sports, but I'm selling it after thanksgiving because that's all I'll probably ever play on it unless they come up with some other games that interest me. The 360 is doing good considering the pricepoint, and the PS3 just has to small of a userbase for it's software to do damage each month.

The 360 is still the software king by far, not so shocking is that Ace Combat 6 and Virtua Fighter 5 didn't seem to fair so well. I was actually shocked AC6 pulled 90k plus (granted that isn't really good), I've only got one guy on my friends list who even has it.

I think it's safe to say Halo 3 has moved plenty of 360's, just compare last years September/October NPD to this years and you'll see plenty of units moved. Not only that but 360 sales were slowing in June/July until software monsters started to hit in August.


spwolf said:
with 360 software selling that great and on the other hand wii 3rd party (and some 1st party) not selling all that great, it is really hard to conclude that Wii will be getting the most exclusives.

Obviously PC/360/PS3 will reign supreme. Leave exclusives to first party. Wii will prob. snatch up quite a few JP developed games though.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Jamesfrom818 said:
Equating GAF to the real world isn't exactly ideal.

And the real world you're talking about is basically folks on GAF saying "the people I know who own a PS3 all own a 360... etc." Not ideal indeed.
Stopsign said:
TSA, stick to reviewing Zelda, your sales analysis are terrible.

Um...PH did not sell as well in the US as it did in Japan through the same time frame. That's a fact. My issue I raise is I want to know what spin Nintendo puts on it - they seem to not care a game sells well in the west (Twilight Princess), but care rather if a game sells well in Japan (Phantom Hourglass).

Phantom Hourglass was one of the most successful Zelda titles in Japan ever.
It's going to go down as an average, below average Zelda title here in terms of sales.

Twilight Princess Wii sold 2x as many copies during week 1 as Phantom Hourglass did in the US. Even the GCN version outsold PH in week 1 here in the US. Phantom Hourglass worldwide sales won't come close to Twilight Princess'.

Because of these facts, my evaluation is that Phantom Hourglass, despite all Nintendo's marketing, failed as a "casual" title because its sales still reflect a niche demographic. In fact, Nintendo probably drove a lot of fans away again wtih Phantom Hourglass, as a lot of people were pretty torn on the controls. So, I want to hear from NCL why Phantom Hourglass isn't living up to expectations here. [Don't insert meme here].

Guess maybe a PH post-mortem is in order for GDC maybe...hopefully.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
dammitmattt said:
From what I understand, engine - yes, songs - no.

At the time, I heard engine and songs. So far, the songs announced for Rock Band that were in the Harmonix GH games are...

Ballroom Blitz (on the game disc and was in Rocks the '80s)
Synchronicity II (DLC and was on Rocks the '80s)
War Pigs (DLC and was in GH2)


tahrikmili said:
I will do my part and buy PGR4 along with Mass Effect next month. You bastards better do it as well.. Or else..

I guess PGR4 bombed hard, looks like Forza is the new king on the 360.


Junior Member
TSA said:
Um...PH did not sell as well in the US as it did in Japan through the same time frame. That's a fact. My issue I raise is I want to know what spin Nintendo puts on it - they seem to not care a game sells well in the west (Twilight Princess), but care rather if a game sells well in Japan (Phantom Hourglass).

Phantom Hourglass was one of the most successful Zelda titles in Japan ever.
It's going to go down as an average, below average Zelda title here in terms of sales.

Twilight Princess Wii sold 2x as many copies during week 1 as Phantom Hourglass did in the US. Even the GCN version outsold PH in week 1 here in the US. Phantom Hourglass worldwide sales won't come close to Twilight Princess'.

Because of these facts, my evaluation is that Phantom Hourglass, despite all Nintendo's marketing, failed as a "casual" title because its sales still reflect a niche demographic. In fact, Nintendo probably drove a lot of fans away again wtih Phantom Hourglass, as a lot of people were pretty torn on the controls. So, I want to hear from NCL why Phantom Hourglass isn't living up to expectations here. [Don't insert meme here].

Guess maybe a PH post-mortem is in order for GDC maybe...hopefully.

Did you ever stop to think that, you know, Twilight Princess is very western marketed while Phantom Hourglass is Japanese marketed? This isn't rocket science.
I think it's clear we're seeing a lot of titles get squeezed by this greater-than-usual holiday avalanche of AAA+ titles. I'm sure PGR4 would have done much better in a less competetive environment, ditto R&C, etc. But there's just too much good stuff out there right now and only so many consumer dollars/hours.

I nearly picked up Assassin's Creed today but I thought, fuck it, when am I going to have time to play it between Mario, COD4, Mass Effect and Rock Band?


Oblivion said:
And yet here you are in a SALES thread arguing about SALES.

I understand those that don't like it, but why do so many (mostly Sony fans) say that they hate sales age only to appear time and time again in sales threads?

Nothing wrong with discussing sales, but when it brings in the "Sucks for PS3 owners lawl", that's when things take a turn for the worse and the thread goes into nonsense mode and becomes not worth discussing. It sucks for people to not owning more than one machine that they miss out on great games. Only reason I really come in is I like to check out if my fav games are selling and such since the data's there. If I couldn't get that data, I wouldn't be confused if I should be happy of my hardware purchase(s).


chespace said:
GAF says no. Just look at how many people on this forum alone who own only PS3s.

Seriously, if you're not a multi-console owner this holiday, you are missing some pretty prime shit as a gamer.

I haven't actually kept up with that, but you may be right.

It just seems logical to me that the ps3 owners are the most "hardcore" of the bunch since the price of entry is so high, or has been until recently, and you would expect more multiconsole owners in that group than any other. In my own (obviously anecdotal) experience it's been the case, but the GAF demographics may contradict that.


Felium Defensor
Holy Fucking Shishkabobs.
Those Wii & DS #s keep getting better and better.
I wish Ratchet would've sold more though :/


chespace said:
Seriously, if you're not a multi-console owner this holiday, you are missing some pretty prime shit as a gamer.

No kidding. I've picked up something like 9 games since the beginning of October, not counting XBLA/PSN, and I've still got 3 more left to buy next week.


Krowley said:
I haven't actually kept up with that, but you may be right.

It just seems logical to me that the ps3 owners are the most "hardcore" of the bunch since the price of entry is so high, or has been until recently, and you would expect more multiconsole owners in that group than any other. In my own (obviously anecdotal) experience it's been the case, but the GAF demographics may contradict that.

No one wants to admit they own a ps3.


I am part of the problem. I didn't buy R&C for my PS3... I have a wii and a 360 though so I have to much shit to play! Gimmie a fuckin' break. :lol
chespace said:
And the real world you're talking about is basically folks on GAF saying "the people I know who own a PS3 all own a 360... etc." Not ideal indeed.

I may have misread your comment but I still think extrapolating data from gaffers and gaffers' circle of friends and then applying it to the rest of the market isn't exactly sound.
TAJ said:
At the time, I heard engine and songs. So far, the songs announced for Rock Band that were in the Harmonix GH games are...

Ballroom Blitz (on the game disc and was in Rocks the '80s)
Synchronicity II (DLC and was on Rocks the '80s)
War Pigs (DLC and was in GH2)

They most likely have to re-license the songs for Rock Band and just licensing the songs most likely doesn't give them any kind of exclusivity.


Jamesfrom818 said:
I may have misread your comment but I still think extrapolating data from gaffers and gaffers' circle of friends and then applying it to the rest of the market isn't exactly sound.

I think he was agreeing with you.


:lol at all the unexpected bombs.
We live in a crazy different market.

Oh, GO DS and WII.
I'll be jumping on the 360 bandwagon next week friday for mass effect.


AniHawk said:
Orange Box didn't have any commercials did it? Awesome sales.

Orange Box did have some commercials.
It had the funky box from Portal
"What is inside the Orange Box?"

And then telling you the games and stuff.
Ash Sparrow said:
What did Virtua Fighters do on 360?

We don't know, but I would be shocked if it moved more than 35k. It came out at the wrong time with absolutely no hype.

Taurus said:

Super Mario Galaxy will be in next month's NPD... That's gonna be murderous! :lol


But nowhere near as murderous as Halo 3, despite the fact that it was twice as long to sell. I can't believe that Halo 3 has outsold Pokemon Diamond/Pearl in the US. Absolutely amazing.
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