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NPD Sales Results for October 2015 [Up1: Xbox #1]

Rebel Leader

I'm not surprised at xbox being at the top for the month. A mainline halo game was released.

I am surprised thaty yoshi is on there and above uncharted


Those numbers sucks no wonder it was so silent.

Glad to see Uncharted bombing. Going into 3rd holiday period with a half assed remaster is a disgrace.
It has no multiplayer and more importantly that is all they have. In year 3, a remaster.

Huhuh preseason and the two or so other games don't count because reasons.

PS4 after the first Price drop <300K
XB1 after the first Price drop 1.23M

Lool this thread keeps on giving.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Shiet, if xbox is at 300k ps4 is in trouble? Am I wrong?

Pre-October Halo 5 bundles show in this NPD for MS. All the pre-orders for Battlefront and COD bundles show in November for Sony. So one had pent up sales helping it and the other has pent up sales hurting it for October.

Amazon has two unreleased and two released PS4 bundles in the hourly top 20 right now. Just some perspective.


US Hardware in October 2008

Rank | Platform | Units Sold | Last Month | Lifetime to Date
01 Nintendo Wii 803,000
02 Nintendo DS 491,000
03 Xbox 360 371,000
04 Playstation Portable 193,000
05 Playstation 3 190,000

Is the front loaded generation theory becoming true?
The fucking Wii man, what a monster it was.


Yup. Next year may be different. But this year was bomba.

Granted, I have too many games already so I'm good with Fallout and Just Cause 3 for the rest of the year.

How was this year bomba? PS4 outsold the comp all yea and is even leading in software sales on multiplat games this month. The most likely lead in software sales and they've partnered with the biggest 3rd party games to release this november.

PS4 has been profitable and early next year is looking great for them.


Yay for Yoshi. Oof for console sales. I didn't think they'd start dropping badly until mid-2016. Hopefully the holidays are bigger than expected.


If current gen consoles saw a 12% increase while the Bone saw an 81% increase, I am very curious to see what the other two consoles did.

or they're talking about revenue of the Xbox one platform generally - including software sales somehow? I don't know how the units shifted can possibly be up 81% if overall console sales are only up 3%


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
I stated many times before this generation started that the large gap in time between generations would make this generation top-loaded and mask the fact that console gaming is actually dying a slow death brought on by the mobile overlords.

VR needs to hit soon and hard.


1) Uncharted was bundled with the console and released day and date with a price cut; bundles aren't counted in software sales.
2) there's like a million high profile bundles coming through November
3) even with price cuts, people have plenty of rational reasons to delay a purchase later into the holiday season

Good lord, this thread is insane.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Isn't it expected to see diminishing returns on console hardware sales during high-profile game releases the further you are into a generation? The market should be more saturated than a year ago.


I'm kind of surprised anyone buys consoles in October in the US with Black Friday / Holiday deals right around the corner.


Can't freak out until we see this month's numbers. Especially after the precedent set last year, people are becoming increasingly conditioned to wait for Black Friday to make big purchases. Console HW will be up over Nov. 2014


Uncharted bombed
PS4 bombed
Assured bombed

Just goes to show Assured + Xbox One is the best combo as shown by Phil Spencer last year. Sony does not how to do bundles, time to give up the 3rd party dealz!


We can't trust any info this month unless it came straight from NPD. Don't you see? This is the Patriots' plot to control information. The NeoGAF Simulation plan!

John Wick

Look at them shit Uncharted sales, in some ways it's such a shame more people could not experience the most overrated gaming franchise out there. Really do wish we were not getting UC4 AND rather TLOU2 but hey ho, Hennig had to leave and Straley was shackled with this piece of shit franchise once again.

Sony need to stop running their franchises into the ground, there is a happy medium between Valve releasing a game once every decade and Ubisoft shitting out a game annually.

Have you heard of bundles and digital?


Curious, I wonder if people knowing how much Sony and MS fought last BF (and the surrounding Nov/Dec) decided to put off console purchases this year til around the same time.

ps3ud0 8)


or they're talking about revenue of the Xbox one platform generally - including software sales somehow? I don't know how the units shifted can possibly be up 81% if overall console sales are only up 3%

It includes X360 and PS3 which are heavily down


I think Sony doesn't look at this like a dick-waving contest and knew their line up for FW 2015 was weak, and expected to lose some ground on market share during MS's strongest months.

They still have to be disappointed to market reaction after a price drop. No excuses. It wasn't long ago that the competition couldn't catch a break. SCEA's marketing just sucks all around. The price drop rollout had 0 fireworks. One of the lamest, most low key price drop rollouts. If it were for their marketing department, they would be doing much worse barring the concerted effort at launch.
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