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Nvidia announces the GTX 980 Ti | $650 £550 €605

It fits! (barely)

The thing is an absolute beast and weighs a ton. Carefully seating it into my ITX board was a bit like this.

This has me a bit worried. I was originally planning to have NCIXUS build a custom PC for me (probably with a 980ti G1) if the card is so heavy I'm wondering if it's okay to ship like that. Thought?
This has me a bit worried. I was originally planning to have NCIXUS build a custom PC for me (probably with a 980ti G1) if the card is so heavy I'm wondering if it's okay to ship like that. Thought?

If I was shipping a PC I would certainly want to put the anti-static variant of these in the case to fill the void:

got my 980sc+ acx+

Running Valley on it now. Temps are maxing out 75c

Graphics without any OC:
Core = 1493
Mem = 3505

Also there was no batman voucher in the box. Where do I get that?

There was something for 50% of evga PSU and mouse. Are either any good?


Neo Member
I wish Guru 3D compared all the 980 Ti's noise at load when overclocked to max. 1-2 FPS isn't as important as 1-2 dB for me.


MSI is quietest here, but it's the lowest clocked, so presumably it'd ramp up more than the others when OC'd.

Can't find if they have a review of EVGA's ACX 2.0+ 980ti but from personal experience, this card is super quiet. I've slightly altered the fan profile so that it's fanless up to 40C and fans will only ever get up to 65%


Anyone here with an Oculus Rift DK2?

I just got a 980 ti (pretty much to use with the Oculus...) and pretty much nothing but the demo scene with the desk works for me, at least in direct mode. Pretty much anything using Unity (like the Tuscany demo) and UE4 crash right away.

Is this expected or is there some magic combination of drivers and Oculus runtime that i have to use? I've tried 0.600 and 0.601 for the runtime, and I've tried a bunch of drivers for the 980 ti. The driver Oculus recommends is incompatible with the 980 ti (it didn't exist when it came out)...


I'm getting a funky ass 60fps in gtav. It's locked, but it doesn't look smooth at all.

I've read elsewhere some people think it's a driver or game issue...so gta if off the cards for now then...
I'm getting a funky ass 60fps in gtav. It's locked, but it doesn't look smooth at all.

I've read elsewhere some people think it's a driver or game issue...so gta if off the cards for now then...

It's something to do with online. I had the exact same experience. It hitches every few seconds. It was introduced in a semi-recent patch. Look at the last page of the GTA V performance thread.


Create a file named "commandline.txt" in the GTA V root folder and paste "-scOfflineOnly" into it without the quotation marks. It should force the game to start in offline mode.

Here's your solution if you aren't playing online.
Installed my g1's this morning. Sexy new cards are sexy.

Planning on an Xb280hk for 4k gsync, but I'm worried my rog swift will feel us less afterwards


Some of the asics people have been posting suggest otherwise. A lot in the 60%s.

Is that ASIC thing really indicative of anything? Or more of a snake oil thing? I looked and mine is 73.2% - but it seems weird to be able to get any type of meaningful quality indicator so easily.
Is that ASIC thing really indicative of anything? Or more of a snake oil thing? I looked and mine is 73.2% - but it seems weird to be able to get any type of meaningful quality indicator so easily.

I have an ASIC quality of 79.6%, which you'd think meant it was rock solid at crazy high speeds. But I can't get mine to go above 1500 mhz stable, which a lot of folks have been able to do with much lower ASIC quality.

That said, I think I'm power limited. EVGA only lets you boost the power to 110%, whereas the Gigabyte allows 130% out of the box. And that does help with OC stability.
I have an ASIC quality of 79.6%, which you'd think meant it was rock solid at crazy high speeds. But I can't get mine to go above 1500 mhz stable, which a lot of folks have been able to do with much lower ASIC quality.

That said, I think I'm power limited. EVGA only lets you boost the power to 110%, whereas the Gigabyte allows 130% out of the box. And that does help with OC stability.
Where do you find the asic quality? Is it on a sticker on the card or something.


Junior Member
Is that ASIC thing really indicative of anything? Or more of a snake oil thing? I looked and mine is 73.2% - but it seems weird to be able to get any type of meaningful quality indicator so easily.

I have an ASIC quality of 79.6%, which you'd think meant it was rock solid at crazy high speeds. But I can't get mine to go above 1500 mhz stable, which a lot of folks have been able to do with much lower ASIC quality.

That said, I think I'm power limited. EVGA only lets you boost the power to 110%, whereas the Gigabyte allows 130% out of the box. And that does help with OC stability.

Yes, it's real real. It doesn't really have anything to do with max OC potential though, but rather the amount of voltage you need to achieve that potential. High asic means you can get to your cards max OC without having to add a lot of voltage. So, on air cooling, high asic is good. A lower asic score can actually be good for water cooling, because you can keep the card so cool you can add a ton of voltage - to achieve the cards maximum OC.

The silicon lottery is still in play as far as OC potential. You could get a card with really high asic quality, but the most it can do stable is +100 core, you just wouldn't need any extra voltage to get there.

Alternatively you could get a card with sub 50% asic quality with a max OC potential of +600 core, but you're just gonna need a lot of extra voltage to get there, meaning extra heat, so best to water cool.


I got an email from Amazon about 30 minutes ago saying my EVGA Hybrid has shipped, should be here on the 8th. I pre-ordered it shortly after it showed up on Amazon so anyone else who did so may be getting notified soon hopefully.

Excited to replace my reference 780, just wasn't maxing out games (W3 & GTAV) nor could I make full use of the 144hz VG248QE in a few games. Will probably upgrade to gsync 1440p later this year.
With Arkham Knight being turd gonna delay my 980ti purchase.

Are we looking at good odd's Metal Gear V The Phantom Pain will be packed in with Nvidia cards soon?


Got my email from Amazon. EVGA Classified and Hybrid will be in my possession on the 8th. Comparisons and benchmarks shortly after.


It's something to do with online. I had the exact same experience. It hitches every few seconds. It was introduced in a semi-recent patch. Look at the last page of the GTA V performance thread.


Here's your solution if you aren't playing online.

Thanks for the suggestion, I tried it but maybe it's not the same issue as for me.

Mine just looks janky as fuck - especially noticeable when you're in first person, running and looking around a lot. It looks like 30fps but says 60fps. Not smooth at all.

Like it's a v-sync or buffering thing or something :S

---Fixed by switching to direct mouse input instead of raw :S


I have an ASIC quality of 79.6%, which you'd think meant it was rock solid at crazy high speeds. But I can't get mine to go above 1500 mhz stable, which a lot of folks have been able to do with much lower ASIC quality.

That said, I think I'm power limited. EVGA only lets you boost the power to 110%, whereas the Gigabyte allows 130% out of the box. And that does help with OC stability.

1500? lol. That's really high. I have two ACX 2.0 EVGAs. One is 70.6, the other is 76.6. Both can hit around 1400 stable. That's pretty good.

From what I can tell most 980Tis can hit around 1400 regardless of the ASIC.
I have an ASIC quality of 79.6%, which you'd think meant it was rock solid at crazy high speeds. But I can't get mine to go above 1500 mhz stable, which a lot of folks have been able to do with much lower ASIC quality.

That said, I think I'm power limited. EVGA only lets you boost the power to 110%, whereas the Gigabyte allows 130% out of the box. And that does help with OC stability.

Did you boost volts on MSI Afterburner? I'm wanting to increase my power to try to hit 1500mhz but am a bit worried messing with that as I've nevee done it on a GPU.

So the EVGA wont let you OC the voltz by more than 110% also is that safe?


With Arkham Knight being turd gonna delay my 980ti purchase.

Are we looking at good odd's Metal Gear V The Phantom Pain will be packed in with Nvidia cards soon?

Hmm I dont see it happening, assuming they release new cards in the fall it will probably be some ubisoft stuff again, r6, ac, etc. although the batman thing is kind of a unique situation so who knows, I cant think of any big releases in the next little while and I imagine they wanted to let batman play out all summer originally.
Did you boost volts on MSI Afterburner? I'm wanting to increase my power to try to hit 1500mhz but am a bit worried messing with that as I've nevee done it on a GPU.

So the EVGA wont let you OC the voltz by more than 110% also is that safe?

There's a power limit and then there's voltage. EVGA lets you boost the power to 110% (which is probably normal) and the voltage by 87 mV. In my testing, increasing the voltage does nothing to make it stable in the situations where I'm crashing.
There's a power limit and then there's voltage. EVGA lets you boost the power to 110% (which is probably normal) and the voltage by 87 mV. In my testing, increasing the voltage does nothing to make it stable in the situations where I'm crashing.

Thanks, are you using MSI afterburner or something else?
There's a power limit and then there's voltage. EVGA lets you boost the power to 110% (which is probably normal) and the voltage by 87 mV. In my testing, increasing the voltage does nothing to make it stable in the situations where I'm crashing.

You're not actually getting anywhere near +87 mV on the stock BIOS. You need a modded BIOS with all limits removed to get the core village that high.


Yeah, at 4K this 980TI can keep Witcher 3 locked at 30 FPS with hairworks enabled. That's impressive. I wonder how close I can get to 60 with 2 of them....

I tried 4k with my EVGA SC's before I got my G-Sync monitor. My fps was between 52-62 fps with most settings on Ultra except Foliage Distance, and I may have had Hairworks ON too.

Does anyone her have the evga 850w gs psu ? I didnmt get the g2 version but is it any good for 1 980ti or even two in sli ?

850W is a lot of watts. It ought to be fine even for SLI.

Yep a few pages ago I posted that my 2 year-old 850w Seasonic psu is coping no problems at all with my 2 EVGA SC 980 Ti's and i7 2600K @ 4.5ghz through long sessions of The Witcher 3. I even did a fair few benchmarks with both cards overclocked as far as they'd go, and with my cpu @ 4.7 on air with 1.38v, and everything still ran perfectly.

980ti can hit over 300w on gaming load, so 600 not counting if the proc is oc'd. And at that pint you are running your psu near capacity which is not good for psu longevity. I switched for a 1300w psu because of 980ti sli + oc'd i5

As above, 1300w is like bringing a bazooka to a knife fight for 2-card sli. The official recommendation for sli 980 Ti's is an 850w PSU. Some of the aftermarket versions like the Gigabyte G1 I think have a recommendation of 900w for sli.

got my 980sc+ acx+

Running Valley on it now. Temps are maxing out 75c

Graphics without any OC:
Core = 1493
Mem = 3505

Also there was no batman voucher in the box. Where do I get that?

There was something for 50% of evga PSU and mouse. Are either any good?

You need to create an account/log-in to the EVGA website, register your videocard, upload a copy of your invoice then request a code from this page - http://www.evga.com/articles/00938/Batman-Arkham-Knight/

It only took them a few hours to approve my last code.


I got everything cranked to the max on my SLI setup on Witcher 3 @ 4k. It's quite playable. That's with a 1400 core oc on both cards. I'll check the FPS later.
Thanks, it for sure helped but it seems my card has hit its limit. I can't get to 1500mhz. 1450mhz seems the max I can get and remain stable.

Still an incredible OC though, considering this is just air cooled.

Even on air, I still have a ton of room to play with as far as heat is concerned. But I can't utilize that as I'm getting driver crashes instead.

EDIT: SO close....

Seems to hover around 1480 most of the time when playing games.
Even on air, I still have a ton of room to play with as far as heat is concerned. But I can't utilize that as I'm getting driver crashes instead.

Yeah I'm in the same boat. Heat temps aren't my problem at all. IDK what is honestly, if I try to go past 1450mhz I driver crash every time no matter what

Oh well, still incredible card and I'm so happy with my performance in games at 1440p.
Oh man, I'm not certain if it's just my 6G or all of the MSI 6G's, but mine OC's like an absolute beast.


Could also have to do with the 82.2% asic quality.


Boosting voltage doesn't seem to do anything on one of my cards, it tops out ~1400 regardless.
i have the same problem with my EVGA SC acx 2.0, if i go over 1410 the driver crashes right away, could this be a faulty card or just bad luck on the silicon cause i have seen people here saying they get higher OCs than me with a reference card
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