shit, sorry for DP
guys, currently this is my oc settings
but if I go +290 on core it will only crash, and I know I can push it more, but I dont how. can anyone help me with that?
Actually you don't know if you can push it more. Once you start crashing, the only other thing you can do is start adding voltage. But there's no guarantee that adding voltage will actually help, as these cards do not scale all that well with it.
To do that, go into your MSI AB settings and unlock voltage control (it's in the general settings). You'll probably have to restart AB.
Then move the voltage slider all the way to the max and see if you can go any higher on the core without crashing. Just keep in mind that adding more voltage will also add more heat.
core voltage all the way up to max? isn't that too much? I'll try that if you say so,,
and I just should let memory clock slider be as it is?
Rather than just using AB to up voltage, I'd flash with a custom BIOS to do that and increase power limit to 137%. You'll need to figure out the best BIOS to use based on suggestions from other users with your card. If you need help finding the resources, let me know.
+290 core is crazy, by the way. No matter the card, you will absolutely not be stable anywhere near that. I don't even think I've seen +200 stable.
Memory is where you can do things like +290 (and higher).
Which 980Ti do you have?
Ok, I see... but I dont know anything about custom BIOS, im just gonna stick with default BIOS.
Im using a Msi referance card, but I just recently installed the hybrid kit from evga on it. I haven't seen it go over 50C yet.
Im using a Msi referance card.
I was a little hesitant to use a custom bios at first too. It's not very difficult, but the benefits are.... minor at best. At least on air cooling. For now, stick with stock and see how high you can go.
I always max out the power target first, and then increase voltage. The maximum voltage allowed in Afterburner is completely safe.
I thought it was the other way around? I am pretty sure TPU's GPU-z says that lower ASIC leads to higher clocks under LN2/water etc.
Well, 1550+ on boost, stable, in demanding games, is not just a "really good overclock", it is an incredibly rare overclock. The owners' threads show this to be true. A Ti that pulls that off will need a custom BIOS and water or hybrid cooling and still I can't imagine it'd get more than a few FPS over the SLI if the 980s are reference and stock clocks.
Anyway, obviously go for what performs better but I'm surprised you're not going to try and open this card up and test it with some extra voltage and clocks (or did you?)
So I was weak and bought a Gigabyte G1 and love it coming from a 780ti Classy. So quiet and just stomps all over games I hate OC guru though, Precision X was so much better. Can I ditch it for anything else? Sometimes it opens with no values for anything and I have to mess with each individual entry to 'wake' them. Most annoying and I fear for overclocking because of it.
Also having to manually start the program is a pain.
Use the OC Guru 2 software to change your led colours then close the program. Stick with MSI Afterburner for setting up overclocking profiles + monitoring.
And if your after a custom bios try here
Are there any recent benchmarks of the 980 TI running Witcher 3 with hairworks on? I was wondering what it looks like after a couple game patches + driver update.
I don't have numbers to give you but I run a 980 Ti with hairworks on (though at the MSAA x4 setting as I don't feel x8 gives much improvement) and it runs very smoothly. I do have a G-Sync display though so any framerate fluctuation is harder to notice.
Are there any recent benchmarks of the 980 TI running Witcher 3 with hairworks on? I was wondering what it looks like after a couple game patches + driver update.
1440P or 1080P?
Kinda disappointed they are not going for a built in water cooling route. The benefits from doing a custom PCB are marginal on air.
I don't have numbers to give you but I run a 980 Ti with hairworks on (though at the MSAA x4 setting as I don't feel x8 gives much improvement) and it runs very smoothly. I do have a G-Sync display though so any framerate fluctuation is harder to notice.
In case anyone is wondering, an overclocked 980 ti (1500/8000Mhz) can play pCARS at 4K at 60fps at Le Mans, with a 56 car grid, weather and full TOD cycle with max settings except... AA (FXAA medium), reflections (high) and grass (medium). Lowest I saw was 41FPS. Average was around 63FPS. Honestly, amazing.
How do you get it to 1500mhz? my card ain't stable if I go above 1488mhz
How do you get it to 1500mhz? my card ain't stable if I go above 1488mhz
Anyone else getting TDR crashes in Witcher 3? I'm OC'd to 1450MHz core, and even bringing the OC back to 1400 I'm still seeing this shit. Its only in Witcher 3 too. Grrr going back to stock clocks for one game is super annoying.
If resetting to stock clocks actually works, that unfortunately means the overclock wasn't actually stable. Witcher 3 more than most games, will expose an unstable overclock.
Its interesting because I've tested stability on Heaven, Burntest, furmark, 3dmark, etc. for hourrrssssss and never failed a test even at 1450MHz. Witcher 3? Lucky to play at 1400Mhz for an hour. Other games? No problems to speak of.
In case anyone is wondering, an overclocked 980 ti (1500/8000Mhz) can play pCARS at 4K at 60fps at Le Mans, with a 56 car grid, weather and full TOD cycle with max settings except... AA (FXAA medium), reflections (high) and grass (medium). Lowest I saw was 41FPS. Average was around 63FPS. Honestly, amazing.
I'm not doing 4k but I'm downsampling from 2048x1152 to 1080p with SMAA ultra as my only AA setting (everything else max) and it's 60fps in pretty much all scenarios apart from the race intro and sometimes the start grid dependant on the weather.
I freaking love this card, it's an absolute monster.
I don't have numbers to give you but I run a 980 Ti with hairworks on (though at the MSAA x4 setting as I don't feel x8 gives much improvement) and it runs very smoothly. I do have a G-Sync display though so any framerate fluctuation is harder to notice.
I'm running the game at 2560x1440p with everything on Ultra except for Shadows/Foliage Distance at High, Hairworks at MSAA x4 and Hairworks set to Low. My Min framerate is about 57fps but usually averages around 70-80 depending on where I am. My monitor is the acer XB270HU so G-Sync enabled.
Same here. Hairworks is smooth @ 1440p
I bought the EVGA 980ti Classified in hopes of overclocking, but I have been really disappointed. Anything more than a ~40MHz core overclock results in crashes in Witcher 3.
Welcome to the party, seems Witcher 3 simply does not enjoy any type of OC'ing
Welcome to the party, seems Witcher 3 simply does not enjoy any type of OC'ing
Well, I have had one crash at 1500Mhz so I can't claim perfect stability (GTAV). Although I think that crash was due to high temps (IDK). My card seems to like 1500/8000Mhz (+96/496 boost/memory) with +30mV. I have an EVGA Classified so my power target can go to 141% on the second bios, so that is never an issue. My card then boosts to 1515Mhz at 1.212V and then downclocks to 1501Mhz when the voltage dips to 1.2V. I can hit 1535 in 3DMark and stupid high numbers (1560Mhz) in Valley... but those are not representative (and likely not stable after 30 minutes).
Every card is different so you can't expect the same results with the same settings. The difference between 1488 and 1501 in game is not noticeable.
For some reason The Witcher 3 is completely stable on my +135 core overclock (MSI Gaming 6G), but 3DMark crashes every time at that clockspeed.
What's your Firestrike score? out of curiosity
980 ti hybrid! Look into itCurrently looking to pick up a 980 Ti or two. It'll be my first time doing SLI. Currently juggling/reading up on brands (mainly MSI, Gigabyte, EVGA and ASUS) and so far I'm leaning toward the MSI card.
Just for reference I currently have a Dell U3415W (3440x1440) and EVGA 780.
My 650w power supply may be holding me back as I can't hit 16000 on fire strike with it OC'd and a 3770k at 4.5. I've got just the basic EVGA ACX 2.0 version
Its interesting because I've tested stability on Heaven, Burntest, furmark, 3dmark, etc. for hourrrssssss and never failed a test even at 1450MHz. Witcher 3? Lucky to play at 1400Mhz for an hour. Other games? No problems to speak of.
Granted, I can play at stock speeds no problem, its just kind of ridiculous to me that this one game just refuses to fucking let me OC.