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NYT: Obama returns to public life next week

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Naw I'm good. I won't waste my time tryna make several points. You argue and debate to make a point to the opposition and at the very least come together and compromise. No way that is happening on this forum.


I shouldn't meddle and it's not any of my business, but what exactly was the point of you taking the time and going thru this Gaffer's post history and then "exposing" him/her on this thread? Do you know how weird and outlandish that shit is? It's like you're tryna make him/her a target for some of the outrages and bait eating left leaning folks on here.

What exactly was the point of that? I find it incredible that you actually did that. As long as he/she is civil and not disrespectful that Gaffer is allowed to post his/her opinions. Some of you on the left disgust me and I am ashamed to be grouped in with ya'll although we are on the same side when it comes to many issues.

There is an ongoing war and free speech is the victim and it's the left and those who love their safe spaces and PC culture that are going to kill it.

well it's not your business but that's a really hot take you've got there, fascinating that i disgust you & you're ashamed to be in whatever group you think that nonsense represents (cause i'm not in it), but let's take a look at your posts bruh

Having said all that this forum leans left and dangerously so. If you're a conservative or even have conservative leaning views you might as well just not say a darn thing. Outrage culture and PC culture can be pretty rampant on here like in many places on the internets. Colin Moriarty's tweet comes to mind and just the hatefulness folks spewed towards him. Tbh even before that, the PS I Love You XoXo thread was toxic as shit.

Damn Kendrick Lamar

Fìn John Talabot

another eternity Purity Ring

Happens to me far too often OP so I hear you. I get outta work, come home, do some chores, take my dogs for a walk. Prep a meal, shower and sit down and I just can't get into it. I just knock out.

Sports games on the other hand are perfect. Been playing lots of MLB The Show 2017 and catching up on the Steve Austin show and it's been great.

in conclusion of my in-depth study i'd like to say that i hope the marlins do well, purity ring is kinda ehh and pls feel free to take your "Outrage & PC culture' mess to someone trying to hear it, thanks & have a good summer


Naw I'm good. I won't waste my time tryna make several points. You argue and debate to make a point to the opposition and at the very least come together and compromise. No way that is happening on this forum.

if you need a safe space there's other forums out there man


God, I wish he'd just stay away like Hillary and Bush. Well, more like Bush than Hillary but you get the idea. Look into painting or something, Barry. Your existence just holds back the Democratic party like Hillary.

I don't want to vote for Trump. But if that's what it takes to get rid of Obama then so be it. It worked great for Hillary so it should work for Obama.



God, I wish he'd just stay away like Hillary and Bush. Well, more like Bush than Hillary but you get the idea. Look into painting or something, Barry. Your existence just holds back the Democratic party like Hillary.

I don't want to vote for Trump. But if that's what it takes to get rid of Obama then so be it. It worked great for Hillary so it should work for Obama.

That's a reach.


Speeches you say? Obama about to get paid.

I wonder if Bams will say anything about the condition of the Dem party was/is in at the end of his presidency.
Naw I'm good. I won't waste my time tryna make several points. You argue and debate to make a point to the opposition and at the very least come together and compromise. No way that is happening on this forum.

The other side is even more disgustingly compromised by the rich than the Democrats are. There is no compromise with them that will help the American people. They are the enemy of me, my family, my friends, and my children. One of my life goals is to live to see the modern GOP destroyed. They are a cancer on this country and the planet.


Naw I'm good. I won't waste my time tryna make several points. You argue and debate to make a point to the opposition and at the very least come together and compromise. No way that is happening on this forum.

What a chicken shit response. If you have points to make then make them but prepare to defend them when people call them out. Sounds like the only person wanting a safe space is you.


Any chance he could get back into the Senate?

Sure, why not? John Quincy Adams did it. But there are 2 reliable democratic senators occupying those seats in IL.

VA tho..

I don't think Michelle would allow it either way, and I don't think the Democratic party would be all that enthusiastic either. Besides, as Marco Rubio will tell you -- being a Senator sucks


Obama's not going to get fiery or criticize Trump directly at all so you all should be ready for that.

Big question though is will Trump extend that same courtesy? Probably not. We should take bets on how long until the first tweet related to the speech.

God, I wish he'd just stay away like Hillary and Bush. Well, more like Bush than Hillary but you get the idea. Look into painting or something, Barry. Your existence just holds back the Democratic party like Hillary.

I don't want to vote for Trump. But if that's what it takes to get rid of Obama then so be it. It worked great for Hillary so it should work for Obama.

Is this a serious post? Do you have any clue what you're talking about here? You want probably the most favorable and known guy in the entire party to go disappear? If you would vote Trump to get Obama to disappear you are both privileged and have no idea how any of this works at all.


So when will he announce that he´s running for the French Presidency, as the french constitution actually allows for Foreigners to become President?

Man, that would piss Trump off good. Obama getting to live in an actual Palace, with an actual "golden Room" and a fancy, royally styled Interior. I bet that would get to him more than anything else anybody could do to him.


not really, save us Barry :(


So he's done partying it up with his billionaire friends? Cool.

He was president of the US. Who cares that he has rich friends honestly. He spent 8 years in one of the most stressful jobs there is and he did it as the first Black man and with a shit congress trying to fuck him over every move.

What do you want from the man? Can he not vacation for a while?


After all the crap he had to put up with, I wouldn't blame him if he wanted to live low key for the rest of his life. There's some cash to make from public speaking, but his job is done and he can be as chill as he wants to be. There is no longer any burden or responsibility to carry.


I would bang a hot farmer!
He should come out and say he would've done everything Trump has done just to make Trump supporters' heads explode.


Obama as a change agent is laughable - he's Tony Blair Mk. II, big change rhetoric but ultimately pushed a centre-right agenda that saw economic inequality grow massively during his tenure. He'll be swanning on yachts with his celeb mates and collecting paychecks for speeches from big banks.
After all the crap he had to put up with, I wouldn't blame him if he wanted to live low key for the rest of his life. There's some cash to make from public speaking, but his job is done and he can be as chill as he wants to be. There is no longer any burden or responsibility to carry.

That's all I'm saying. I hear you bro.


Obama as a change agent is laughable - he's Tony Blair Mk. II, big change rhetoric but ultimately pushed a centre-right agenda that saw economic inequality grow massively during his tenure. He'll be swanning on yachts with his celeb mates and collecting paychecks for speeches from big banks.

What far-reaching domestic policy was he supposed to enact with Congress in the iron grip of the fuckboy brigade?

He barely got the half-assed ACA through his own party during the short period they actually had control of the situation.

I do agree that he was a technocrat rather than someone who'd just say or do whatever to placate the mob, but I consider that a plus.


God, I wish he'd just stay away like Hillary and Bush. Well, more like Bush than Hillary but you get the idea. Look into painting or something, Barry. Your existence just holds back the Democratic party like Hillary.

I don't want to vote for Trump. But if that's what it takes to get rid of Obama then so be it. It worked great for Hillary so it should work for Obama.


So when will he announce that he´s running for the French Presidency, as the french constitution actually allows for Foreigners to become President?

Man, that would piss Trump off good. Obama getting to live in an actual Palace, with an actual "golden Room" and a fancy, royally styled Interior. I bet that would get to him more than anything else anybody could do to him.


not really, save us Barry :(

Nah. Obama will be happy with Macron in the elysee palace.
God, I wish he'd just stay away like Hillary and Bush. Well, more like Bush than Hillary but you get the idea. Look into painting or something, Barry. Your existence just holds back the Democratic party like Hillary.

I don't want to vote for Trump. But if that's what it takes to get rid of Obama then so be it. It worked great for Hillary so it should work for Obama.
Fuck outta here

Obama DOES need to stop with the appeasing attitude, but otherwise he is absolutely a good figure for the party. We need more than just Bernie, Warren and Franken at this point.
Speeches you say? Obama about to get paid.

I wonder if Bams will say anything about the condition of the Dem party was/is in at the end of his presidency.
That stuff is for the memoirs. The best we'll get from him in the next 5-10 years will probably glimpses.
I've been lurking this site since 2012 and this might honestly be the worst post I've seen here in those past 5 years.

It's not great, that's for sure.

But I think the worst post I ever saw was in a thread about Angelina Jolie getting a Mastectomy a few years ago and someone argued that she was only doing it as a publicity stunt.

I think that was the first and only time I ever blocked someone's posts on NeoGAF.
I shouldn't meddle and it's not any of my business, but what exactly was the point of you taking the time and going thru this Gaffer's post history and then "exposing" him/her on this thread? Do you know how weird and outlandish that shit is? It's like you're tryna make him/her a target for some of the outraged and bait eating left leaning folks on here.

What exactly was the point of that? I find it incredible that you actually did that. As long as he/she is civil and not disrespectful that Gaffer is allowed to post his/her opinions. Some of you on the left disgust me and I am ashamed to be grouped in with ya'll although we are on the same side when it comes to many issues.

There is an ongoing war and free speech is the victim and it's the left and those who love their safe spaces and PC culture that are going to kill it.

I dont mind people calling out cunts.

I would love to respect everyone's opinions, but what if their opinions are racist, or absolutely false?


Naw I'm good. I won't waste my time tryna make several points. You argue and debate to make a point to the opposition and at the very least come together and compromise. No way that is happening on this forum.

If this forum is so terrible why keep posting? I see this sentiment almost everyday, usually from someone with a terrible opinion that been called out on it. Maybe the forum is just bad for terrible opinions?
God, I wish he'd just stay away like Hillary and Bush. Well, more like Bush than Hillary but you get the idea. Look into painting or something, Barry. Your existence just holds back the Democratic party like Hillary.

I don't want to vote for Trump. But if that's what it takes to get rid of Obama then so be it. It worked great for Hillary so it should work for Obama.
Tell me more about what the 44th president did during office to inspire such a reaction from you... I'm curious.

Also, do you still think Hillary would've been worse than the president you ended up voting for?


Is this a serious post? Do you have any clue what you're talking about here? You want probably the most favorable and known guy in the entire party to go disappear? If you would vote Trump to get Obama to disappear you are both privileged and have no idea how any of this works at all.
It's because of both his popularity and his amazing talent that I want him out and gone from politics. The man, unfortunately, has the power, influence and talent to anchor the country politically. And right now we need to move left more so than right.

Obama is like Obamacare. Just barely good enough to keep the American people from demanding actual progress/change. And I believe we can do better. It was my hope that the Dems would learn a lesson or two from what happened. With Perez taking the DNC and Obama coming back, it doesn't seem like that will be the case.

And yes, like that other post made clear: I do agree with some of Trump's policies. I still couldn't bring myself to vote for him this time around though. But if the Dems require another 4 years to change, I will force myself to do it.


This guy will have to be very careful about what he says. Speaking a message of unity would be wise, without asking people to rally behind Trump. Something like 'divided nation, beset by hatred holding us back, those who give up freedom for security deserve neither, opportunity to be the country of the future, benefit all Americans, this way is not the way' or some such.


God, I wish he'd just stay away like Hillary and Bush. Well, more like Bush than Hillary but you get the idea. Look into painting or something, Barry. Your existence just holds back the Democratic party like Hillary.

I don't want to vote for Trump. But if that's what it takes to get rid of Obama then so be it. It worked great for Hillary so it should work for Obama.

I feel like we'd better off if you took your own advice.


What are you talking about? Trump had to cancel a Campaign rally here because he was scared of how many protesters were waiting for him. Also, the women's march in downtown Chicago was half a million people. Also also, Illinois went to Hillary. Also also also, Obama was an Illinois Senator and lived here for many years. We love the guy and despise Trump. If there are any alt-right assholes around here they're commuting from the Wisconsin border.

I mean the reason he's in Chicago is because he taught there before becoming a senator...

The hell is GAF talking about?

Search for Uchicago thread titles, it'll probably come up. If I recall I was told that I was alt-right for saying that Chicago wasn't.

purity ring is kinda ehh

You went too far.

I had never thought of that, but it's actually a great idea. Too bad it could never be passed, it'd be the death of the GOP.



But it's reported he's staying away from directly calling out President Trump, I actually feel this plays into Trump quite a bit, gives him an adversary and the media will eat up the storyline right out of the palm of his hands

Both of you are wrong as hell. Storming out of the gate and going at Trumps neck publicly, directly with no discretion whatsoever is exactly what Trump would need to re-unify the people he got to vote for him in the first place in an Us vs Him campaign moving into 2018 and beyond. It would be non stop shitty news 'coverage' going back and forth about what Obama said to Trump and what Trump said to Obama. It would dominate press cycles currently filled with Trumps policy and legislative failures and intelligence investigations.

Trump would absolutely love it. And I don't believe even for a second that you two think otherwise. Obama said when he returns he plans to go hard on Gerrymandering which is absolutely perfect. Its the current democratic parties responsibility to work on 2018 and 2020. Obama absolutely does NOT need to start verbal back and forths with that orange fool. That would play directly into Trumps hand.

Trumps approval ratings are falling falling falling ever since he got into office. All we need to do is continue course while the R districts/elections continue to tighten in our favor moving into 2018.


So, uh, he have some idea to inspire others to actually vote next year?

He's too busy giving Macron advice for Sunday's election, wait your turn

Also it is going to be glorious to see him stand next to Merkel again, he's not even President and I'll bet he'll draw massive crowds.

Trump probably gonna yell at him on twitter for that
God, I wish he'd just stay away like Hillary and Bush. Well, more like Bush than Hillary but you get the idea. Look into painting or something, Barry. Your existence just holds back the Democratic party like Hillary.

I don't want to vote for Trump. But if that's what it takes to get rid of Obama then so be it. It worked great for Hillary so it should work for Obama.

Having a black person as leader of the free world sure as fucking hell broke a lot of American minds.

For the safety and security of millions upon millions, let's hope you just don't decide to vote at all, or someone, anyone else but trump.


Watch as crowds will throw themselves to him and worship his feet.

I'm serious.

I find it funny that the ex-president is far more popular at home than the current one, and abroad, I'd bet Obama could draw a larger crowd in Germany than Trump got for his inauguration :^)
But if the Dems require another 4 years to change, I will force myself to do it.

As a brown skinned man with minority children who will have to endure this administration's crap if 4 more years gets tacked ...



(I'll be taking my ban now)
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