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NYT: Refugees and immigrants being detained at US airports right now.

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Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Fixed. Alas.


I have never felt so ashamed of my country. I wish I could feel some optimism that enough people would care about this. But I don't.


Dont forget that the opposition party cant vote for their ideals/prevention of all this if the candidate at the top of the ticket is not the candidate they idealize. In that case they either dont show up or vote third party, both acquiescing a Trump victory. And before people shout "then the Dems should have had a better candidate," fuck that noise as lots of republicans didnt like Trump as their candidate BUT they still voted him in to prevent a democrat victory as they care that the party that aligns with their views as a whole is in office. On the left, we cant see the forest for the trees and rather not engage in the process if we dont have a candidate we are madly in love with and that is disappointing and how we end up with this fucking terrifying world we are in now.

I don't necessarily disagree but that is an answer to a slightly different question.
White house staffers are also saying that these aren't the only countries that are going to be hung out to dry for inbound refugees, existing Green card holders and foreign aid workers...


Don't worry, though... if you're in or from a country Donald Trump has foreign business dealings with, you're probably in the clear.


AKA Banning all you brown people unless you give/make Trump a lot of money.


Bannon's strategy is fucking idiotic
All Bannon wants is to watch the world burn.
And he has access to every single key to make that happen.

What's happened over the past 9 days... this is Bannon pulling the limbs and wings off of insects and watching them crawl around in suffering while he smiles in amusement.

For all intents and purposes, this IS a game to him. A very sick, dehumanizing game. And it's a game he will continue to play with people's lives until he's stopped.
I have never felt so ashamed of my country. I wish I could feel some optimism that enough people would care about this. But I don't.

Maybe try to insight some opposition yourself, gather your friends who agree and plan a local protest or at least inform lots of people to call their government representatives.

How come saudi arabia isnt banned? Its like the most extreme muslim country

Because they are a close ally. A clear symbol of the hypocrisy this administration has shown.
His party controls all three branches of government, the opposition party is spineless and useless, the media is craven and profit driven.

The media has done a sensational job pointing out literally every galling thing Trump has done since the primary season.

Trump's campaign has latched onto the conservative suggestion of media bias and turned it into a full scale media war. His followers flat out don't care about hard-hitting stories from the Times, Post, WSJ, Guardian, BBC, CNN, because they have alternative sources for news and facts. The right wing propaganda rags will be given preferential access: breitbart will become the Game Informer/Entertainment Weekly of the political press.


I am so sorry for all of you having to go through this bullshit. I am ashamed of my country right now and am trying to do everything I can to positively contribute but it doesn't seem like many around me are interested or care at all. It fucking sucks


You don't need to be empathetic towards me.
We need a new gif of bugs bunny sawing of the entirety of the USA from the rest of North America, not just Florida.

Such an embarrassing country to live next to or be associated with.

Hopefully the refugees can come to Canada where we would welcome them.


And as was already pointed out, Pence and Ryan shared that sentiment last year too, but have now rolled over for Trump. Cheney's statement is just as meaningless until he says and does something now.

I was just trying to add a small bit of ironic laughter in the the middle of a horrible situation. I agree, without action now, they are just empty words.

I worry for for my friends wife and child who are separated by ocean. The have been work hard legally to unite. This is terrible.
I'm very angry! But I've been very angry for 4 years now and everything is just keep getting worse. I think humanity has lost its ability to sympathize. We are turning into sociopathic society and Trump is just a reflection of that.

What's worse is that I realized how shitty people are when Russia invaded Ukraine and nobody really did anything aside of shitty sanctions. Today Trump will "talk" to Putin an Russia will have more influence on the world than the US... And even those shitty sanctions will be removed...
Burn in hell Trump and any if you reading this that support it

Oh and fuck you too Stein supporters and people who stayed home on principle. I'm sure these children are proud of you. I don't ever want to fucking here someone talk about voting 3rd party on morality
I don't necessarily disagree but that is an answer to a slightly different question.

Is it though? A vote for Trump is a vote for Trump. So too is abstaining from voting for Clinton either by not voting or voting for 3rd party candidates which will never EVER win the election (GOP and DNC have seen to that by making it arbitrarily difficult to get on ballots or even to debates). All those folks together allowed us to get into this place.


They were afraid Obama would impose martial law and take away their guns because some yahoo on the internet told them so.

I was afraid Trump would target countries with a travel ban because it was his stated policy that he would do so.

Both sides.


White house staffers are also saying that these aren't the only countries that are going to be hung out to dry for inbound refugees, existing Green card holders and foreign aid workers...


Don't worry, though... if you're in or from a country Donald Trump has foreign business dealings with, you're probably in the clear.

Comically evil and transparent.


I am getting kinda tired of going into these threads to say "fuck America, it's a disgusting country now" but.....

Fuck America it's a disgusting country now.


We are turning into a fascist state and it's only been a week. The worst part is that his base, the majority who has voted for him, don't care and are happy this is happening. This is just... Fuck, we're really fucked.

Fox Mulder

They were afraid Obama would impose martial law and take away their guns because some yahoo on the internet told them so.

I was afraid Trump would target countries with a travel ban because it was his stated policy that he would do so.

Both sides.

Those people will always be there. We have to get our side engaged enough to vote. We're being ran by a fringe enabled by complacency.


How are they getting away with banning people who already hold green cards? Shouldn't they be exempt since having sla green card means you have already completed the immigration process? A post above says that "immigration" is banned from the seven listed counties, not anybody with a passport.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
They were afraid Obama would impose martial law and take away their guns because some yahoo on the internet told them so.

I was afraid Trump would target countries with a travel ban because it was his stated policy that he would do so.

Both sides.

Republicans for 30 years have been gaslighting Americans in advance by telling them over and over that Democrats are fascist dictators who will take away all liberty, their guns, their country, and turn it into a 3rd world hellhole.

Because that's what Republicans were planning on doing (except for the guns part) and they knew that once they finally had the power to execute The Plan, mindfucked Americans wouldn't believe anyone who tried to jab a finger at the GOP and scream about the obvious truth in front of everyone's faces.

After all, they all know it's the Democrats who are the fascists, Republicans are here to protect us from their tyranny.

How are they getting away with banning people who already hold green cards? Shouldn't they be exempt since having sla green card means you have already completed the immigration process? A post above says that "immigration" is banned from the seven listed counties, not anybody with a passport.

Because they don't care about the details, Trump/Bannon just want to make big plays. A lot of this shit may not even be within the established rules, but you can bet by the time anyone can begin fighting over that, a lot of people will have been screwed over.
I don't necessarily disagree but that is an answer to a slightly different question.

He's not wrong though. Traditional conservatives saw any republican candidate as a means to get their congressional agenda through. That's happening right now.

Trump's executive orders are just collateral damage most of the party is willing to accept to get lower taxes, privatized Healthcare, less abortions, less regulation on business, and limited rights for lgbt. You know, the Republican MO. They won't say shit to Trump as long as he's not vetoing their laws, no matter who gets trampled.

Democrats voting "with their hearts" for Jill Stein checked their brains at the door.

How are they getting away with banning people who already hold green cards? Shouldn't they be exempt since having sla green card means you have already completed the immigration process? A post above says that "immigration" is banned from the seven listed counties, not anybody with a passport.

Blah blah blah I'm the president.
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